

Synthesizes a keystroke

#include <WinAPISys.au3>
_WinAPI_Keybd_Event ( $vKey, $iFlags [, $iScanCode = 0 [, $iExtraInfo = 0]] )


$vKey The virtual-key code ($VK_*). The code must be a value in the range 1 to 254.

0x01 - Left mouse button
0x02 - Right mouse button
0x03 - Control-break processing
0x04 - Middle mouse button (three-button mouse)
0x05 - X1 mouse button
0x06 - X2 mouse button

0x08 - BACKSPACE key
0x09 - TAB key

0x0C - CLEAR key
0x0D - ENTER key

0x10 - SHIFT key
0x11 - CTRL key
0x12 - ALT key
0x13 - PAUSE key
0x14 - CAPS LOCK key

0x1B - ESC key

0x20 - SPACEBAR key
0x21 - PAGE UP key
0x22 - PAGE DOWN key
0x23 - END key
0x24 - HOME key
0x25 - LEFT ARROW key
0x26 - UP ARROW key
0x27 - RIGHT ARROW key
0x28 - DOWN ARROW key
0x29 - SELECT key
0x2A - PRINT key
0x2B - EXECUTE key
0x2D - INS key
0x2E - DEL key
0x2F - HELP key
0x30 - 0x39 - (0 - 9) key

0x41 - 0x5A - (A - Z) key
0x5B - Left Windows key
0x5C - Right Windows key
0x5D - Applications key

0x5F - Computer Sleep key
0x60 - 0x69 - Numeric keypad (0 - 9) key
0x6A - Multiply key
0x6B - Add key
0x6C - Separator key
0x6D - Subtract key
0x6E - Decimal key
0x6F - Divide key
0x70 - 0x87 - (F1 - F24) key

0x90 - NUM LOCK key
0x91 - SCROLL LOCK key

0xA0 - Left SHIFT key
0xA1 - Right SHIFT key
0xA2 - Left CONTROL key
0xA3 - Right CONTROL key
0xA4 - Left MENU key
0xA5 - Right MENU key
0xA6 - Browser Back key
0xA7 - Browser Forward key
0xA8 - Browser Refresh key
0xA9 - Browser Stop key
0xAA - Browser Search key
0xAB - Browser Favorites key
0xAC - Browser Start and Home key
0xAD - Volume Mute key
0xAE - Volume Down key
0xAF - Volume Up key
0xB0 - Next Track key
0xB1 - Previous Track key
0xB2 - Stop Media key
0xB3 - Play/Pause Media key
0xB4 - Start Mail key
0xB5 - Select Media key
0xB6 - Start Application 1 key
0xB7 - Start Application 2 key

0xBA - ';:' key
0xBB - '+' key
0xBC - ',' key
0xBD - '-' key
0xBE - '.' key
0xBF - '/?' key
0xC0 - '`~' key

0xDB - '[{' key
0xDC - '\|' key
0xDD - ']}' key
0xDE - 'single-quote/double-quote' key

0xE2 - Either the angle bracket key or the backslash key on the RT 102-key keyboard

0xE7 - Used to pass Unicode characters as if they were keystrokes

0xF6 - Attn key
0xF7 - CrSel key
0xF8 - ExSel key
0xF9 - Erase EOF key
0xFA - Play key
0xFB - Zoom key

0xFD - PA1 key
0xFE - Clear key
$iFlags This parameter can be one or more of the following values.
$iScanCode [optional] The hardware scan code for the key. Default is 0.
$iExtraInfo [optional] The additional value associated with the key stroke. Default is 0.





Siehe auch

Suche nach keybd_event in der MSDN Bibliothek.