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Contains information about the control callback field

Global Const $tagNMDATETIMEFORMATQUERY = $tagNMHDR & ";ptr Format;struct ;long SizeX;long SizeY; endstruct"


$tagNMHDR Contains information about a notification message
Format Pointer to a null terminated string that defines the control callback field.
The string comprises one or more "X" characters.
SizeX Must be filled with the maximum width of the text that will be displayed in the callback field
SizeY Must be filled with the maximum height of the text that will be displayed in the callback field


It contains a string (taken from the control's format string) that defines a callback field.
The structure receives the maximum allowable size of the text that will be displayed in the callback field.
This structure is used with the $DTN_FORMATQUERY notification message.