Function Reference


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Sets the information for a tool

#include <GuiToolTip.au3>
_GUIToolTip_SetToolInfo ( $hWnd, $sText [, $iID = 0 [, $iLeft = 0 [, $iTop = 0 [, $iRight = 0 [, $iBottom = 0 [, $iFlags = Default [, $iParam = 0]]]]]]] )


$hWnd Handle of the window that contains the tool, or 0
$sText Text for the ToolTip control
$iID [optional] Identifier of the tool, or Window handle of the control the tool is assigned to
$iLeft [optional] X coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle
$iTop [optional] Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle
$iRight [optional] X coordinate of the lower right corner of the rectangle
$iBottom [optional] Y coordinate of the lower right corner of the rectangle
$iFlags [optional] Flags that control the ToolTip display:
    $TTF_IDISHWND - Indicates that $iID is a window or control handle, instead of the ID of the tool [default]
    $TTF_CENTERTIP - Centers the tooltip below the control specified by $iID
    $TTF_RTLREADING - Indicates that text will be displayed in the opposite direction (right to left)
    $TTF_SUBCLASS - Indicates that the control should subclass the tool's window [default]
    $TTF_TRACK    - Positions the tooltip window next to the tool to which it corresponds
    $TTF_ABSOLUTE - Positions the window at the same coordinates provided by TTM_TRACKPOSITION. (see Remarks)
    $TTF_TRANSPARENT- Causes the control to forward mouse messages to the parent window
    $TTF_PARSELINKS - Indicates that links in the control text should be displayed as links
$iParam [optional] Application-defined value that is associated with the tool

Return Value



Some internal properties of a tool are established when the tool is created, and are not recomputed when a $TTM_SETTOOLINFO message is sent.
If you simply assign values to a TOOLINFO structure and pass it to the ToolTip control with a $TTM_SETTOOLINFO message, these properties may be lost.
Instead your application should first request the tool's current TOOLINFO structure by sending a $TTM_GETTOOLINFO message.
Then, modify the members of this structure as needed and pass it back to the ToolTip control with $TTM_SETTOOLINFO.
When calling $TTM_SETTOOLINFO, the string pointed to by the Text member of the TOOLINFO structure must not exceed 80 characters in length.

