Function Reference


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Calculates the required size of the window rectangle, based on the desired size of the client rectangle

#include <WinAPISysWin.au3>
_WinAPI_AdjustWindowRectEx ( ByRef $tRECT, $iStyle [, $iExStyle = 0 [, $bMenu = False]] )


$tRECT $tagRECT structure that contains the coordinates of the desired client area. This structure must be created before function call.
$iStyle The window style of the window whose required size is to be calculated. Note that you cannot specify the $WS_OVERLAPPED style.
$iExStyle [optional] The extended window style of the window whose required size is to be calculated.
$bMenu [optional] Specifies whether the window has a menu, valid values:
True - The window has a menu.
False - The window does not has a menu (Default).

Return Value

Success: True.
Failure: False, call _WinAPI_GetLastError() to get extended error information.

See Also

Search AdjustWindowRectEx in MSDN Library.