;-- TIME_STAMP 2016-04-30 10:02:36 v 0.1 #Include #Include #Include #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Debug_Mode=n ;Const $SMTO_NORMAL = 0x0000 ;Const $SMTO_BLOCK = 0x0001 ;Const $SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG = 0x0002 ;Const $PROCESS_VM_OPERATION = 0x8 ;Const $PROCESS_VM_READ = 0x10 ;Const $PROCESS_VM_WRITE = 0x20 ;Const $PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS = 0xFFFF ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: GetClassNameNNforWindow ; Description:: Returns a dictionary that contains all classes and their ; total count for a given window ; Parameter(s): $WindowName = Name of the .NET Window Form ; $WindowText = Text of the Window to read ( Optional ) ; Return Value(s): Dictionary ( key = CLASS; value = Total Count ) ; Author(s): Zach Fisher ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func GetClassNameNNforWindow( $windowTitle, $WindowText = "" ) Local $dctClassNameNN = ObjCreate( "Scripting.Dictionary" ) Local $aClassList = StringSplit( WinGetClassList( $windowTitle, $WindowText ), @LF ) for $i = 1 to $aClassList[0] - 1 if ( $dctClassNameNN.Exists( $aClassList[$i] )) then $dctClassNameNN( $aClassList[$i] ) = $dctClassNameNN( $aClassList[$i] ) + 1 else $dctClassNameNN.Add( $aClassList[$i], 1 ) endif next return $dctClassNameNN EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: NET_DumpAllControlNames ; Description:: Dumps all .NET instances that have control names to Console ; Parameter(s): $WindowName = Name of the .NET Window Form ; $WindowText = Text of the Window to read ( Optional ) ; Return Value(s): None ; Author(s): Zach Fisher ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func NET_DumpAllControlNames( $WindowName, $WindowText ) Local $retVal = 0 Local $bufSize = 1024 Local $processID = WinGetProcess( $WindowName, $WindowText ); if $processID = -1 then return SetError( 1, 1 ) Local $winHWnd = WinGetHandle( $WindowName, $WindowText ) if @error = 1 then return SetError( 1, 2 ) Local $tCtrlName = DllStructCreate( "wchar var1[" & $bufSize & "]" ) Local $pCtrlName = DllStructGetPtr( $tCtrlName ) ; Setup Inter-Process stuff Local $getName = _WinAPI_RegisterWindowMessage( "WM_GETCONTROLNAME" ) Local $dwResult = _WinAPI_GetWindowThreadProcessId( $winHWnd, $processID ) Local $hProcess = _WinAPI_OpenProcess( _ BitOR( $PROCESS_VM_OPERATION, $PROCESS_VM_READ, $PROCESS_VM_WRITE ), _ False, $processID, False ) Local $otherMem = _MemVirtualAllocEx( $hProcess, 0, $bufSize, $MEM_COMMIT, $PAGE_READWRITE ) ; Obtain all descendent classes in specified window Local $dctClassNameNN = ObjCreate( "Scripting.Dictionary" ) $dctClassNameNN = GetClassNameNNforWindow( $WindowName, $WindowText ) ; Iterate through all descendent classes in specified window Local $retVal, $keys = $dctClassNameNN.Keys for $i = 0 to UBound( $keys ) - 1 $className = $keys[$i] $classCount = $dctClassNameNN( $className ) For $j = 1 to $classCount $description = $className & $j $controlHwnd = ControlGetHandle( $WindowName, $WindowText, $description ) $result = DllCall( "User32", "lresult", "SendMessage", _ "hwnd", $controlHwnd, "uint", $getName, "wparam", $bufSize, "lparam", $otherMem ) Local $numRead = 0 $bResult = _WinAPI_ReadProcessMemory( $hProcess, $otherMem, $pCtrlName, $bufSize, $numRead ) if ( $bResult ) then Local $tempName = DllStructGetData( $tCtrlName, "var1" ) if ( $tempName <> "" ) then ConsoleWrite( StringFormat( "%-40s \t %-40s \n", $description, $tempName )) endif endif Next ; $j Next ; $i ; clean up $bResult = _WinAPI_CloseHandle( $hProcess ) $bResult = _MemVirtualFreeEx( $hProcess, $otherMem, $bufSize, $MEM_RELEASE ) $tCtrlName = 0 EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: NET_ControlGetHandleByName ; Description: Provides a mechanism to obtain the persistent ID ( handle ) ; to a .NET control using the name given at compile/run time ; Parameter(s): $WindowName = Name of the .NET Window Form ; $WindowText = Text of the Window to read ; $ControlName = Name of the control to search for ; Return Value(s): Success - Handle to the control ; Failure - 0; @error = 1 ; Author(s): Zach Fisher ( ported from Bill Rogers on: ; http://www.pcreview.co.uk/forums/thread-1225106.php ) ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func NET_ControlGetHandleByName( $WindowName, $WindowText, $ControlName ) #region C++ EXAMPLE ;~ /* ;~ given an hWnd, this code attempts to send a message to the window to get the ;~ instance name of the control bound to the window ;~ Steps: ;~ 1. Get the Value of the WM_GETCONTROLNAME message (RegisterWindowMessage) ;~ 2. Get the Process Info for this window (GetWindowThreadProcessId) ;~ 3. Open the process and get a process handle (OpenProcess) ;~ 4. Allocate memory within the target process (VirtualAllocEx) ;~ 5. Send the target window a WM_GETCONTROLNAME message and a pointer to the ;~ memory (SendMessageTimeout) ;~ 6. Read the response from the allocated memory (ReadProcessMemory) ;~ 7. Close process handle, release memory ;~ */ ;~ //we enter this code with hwnd set to a specific window handle ;~ //error checking omitted for brevity ;~ const int bufsize = 1024; ;~ wchar_t CtlName[bufsize]; ;~ DWORD ProcessId; ;~ SIZE_T NumRead; ;~ unsigned int GetName = RegisterWindowMessage(L"WM_GETCONTROLNAME"); ;~ DWORD dwResult = GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &ProcessId); ;~ HANDLE hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS,false,ProcessId); ;~ LPVOID OtherMem = VirtualAllocEx(hProcess, 0, bufsize, MEM_COMMIT,PAGE_READWRITE); ;~ LPARAM lpOtherMem = reinterpret_cast(OtherMem); ;~ unsigned int SendFlags = SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG|SMTO_BLOCK; ;~ LRESULT lResult = SendMessageTimeout(hwnd, GetName, bufsize, lpOtherMem, SendFlags, 5000, &NumRead); ;~ //if lResult == 0 then failure or timeout, if GetLastError reports 0, then it is a timeout ;~ //if successful NumRead contains the number of characters, if NumRead == 0 then the name is empty ;~ BOOL bResult = ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, OtherMem, CtlName, bufsize, ;~ &NumRead); ;~ //CtlName now contains the instance name of the control, or is empty if there is no name ;~ //clean up ;~ bResult = CloseHandle(hProcess); ;~ bResult = VirtualFreeEx(hProcess,OtherMem,1024,MEM_RELEASE); #EndRegion Local $retVal = 0 Local $bufSize = 1024 Local $processID = WinGetProcess( $WindowName, $WindowText ); if $processID = -1 then return SetError( 1, 1 ) Local $winHWnd = WinGetHandle( $WindowName, $WindowText ) if @error = 1 then return SetError( 1, 2 ) Local $tCtrlName = DllStructCreate( "wchar var1[" & $bufSize & "]" ) Local $pCtrlName = DllStructGetPtr( $tCtrlName ) ; Setup Inter-Process stuff Local $getName = _WinAPI_RegisterWindowMessage( "WM_GETCONTROLNAME" ) ; Step 1 Local $dwResult = _WinAPI_GetWindowThreadProcessId( $winHWnd, $processID ) ; Step 2 Local $hProcess = _WinAPI_OpenProcess( _ BitOR( $PROCESS_VM_OPERATION, $PROCESS_VM_READ, $PROCESS_VM_WRITE ), _ False, $processID, False ) ; Step 3 Local $otherMem = _MemVirtualAllocEx( $hProcess, 0, $bufSize, $MEM_COMMIT, $PAGE_READWRITE ); Step 4 ; Obtain all descendent classes in specified window Local $dctClassNameNN = ObjCreate( "Scripting.Dictionary" ) $dctClassNameNN = GetClassNameNNforWindow( $WindowName, $WindowText ) ; Iterate through all descendent classes in specified window Local $retVal, $keys = $dctClassNameNN.Keys for $i = 0 to UBound( $keys ) - 1 $className = $keys[$i] $classCount = $dctClassNameNN( $className ) For $j = 1 to $classCount $description = $className & $j $controlHwnd = ControlGetHandle( $WindowName, $WindowText, $description ) ; Step 5 $result = DllCall( "User32", "lresult", "SendMessage", _ "hwnd", $controlHwnd, "uint", $getName, "wparam", $bufSize, "lparam", $otherMem ) ; Step 6 Local $numRead = 0 $bResult = _WinAPI_ReadProcessMemory( $hProcess, $otherMem, $pCtrlName, $bufSize, $numRead ) if ( $bResult ) then Local $tempName = DllStructGetData( $tCtrlName, "var1" ) if ( $tempName = $ControlName ) then $retVal = $controlHwnd ExitLoop( 2 ) endif endif Next ; $j Next ; $i ; Step 7 - clean up $bResult = _WinAPI_CloseHandle( $hProcess ) $bResult = _MemVirtualFreeEx( $hProcess, $otherMem, $bufSize, $MEM_RELEASE ) $tCtrlName = 0 if ( $retVal = 0 ) Then SetError( 1, 0 ) Return $retVal EndFunc