; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; AutoIt Version: 3.1.0 ; Author: Mike Ratzlaff ; ; Script Function: ; Base64 Experiments ; ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; $Alpha64 will be a constant array containing the 64 digits of the base64 alphabet Global Const $Alpha64 = Alpha64() ;Returns an array containing the base64 alphabet Func Alpha64() Local $aTemp, $i $aTemp = StringSplit('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/','') For $i = 1 To $aTemp[0] $aTemp[$i-1] = $aTemp[$i] Next ReDim $aTemp[UBound($aTemp) - 1] Return $aTemp EndFunc ;Takes a char (base64 encoded) and returns a numeric value (base64 decoded) in @extended. ;Returns 1 for success and 0 for failure Func Alpha64ReverseChar($char) If $char = '=' Then SetExtended(-1) Return 1 EndIf For $i = 0 To UBound($Alpha64, 1) - 1 If $char == $Alpha64[$i] Then SetExtended($i) Return 1 EndIf Next Return 0 EndFunc ;Given 3 binary values, this will return a 4-character base64 encoded string Func Base64EncBin($i1, $i2=-1, $i3=-1) Local $iTemp, $sOut = '' Select Case $i2 < 0 $sOut = $sOut + $Alpha64[BitShift($i1,2)] $sOut = $sOut + $Alpha64[BitShift(BitAND($i1,3),-4)] $sOut = $sOut + '==' $sOut = $Alpha64[BitShift($i1,2)] & $Alpha64[BitShift(BitAND($i1,3),-4)] & '==' Case $i3 < 0 $sOut = $Alpha64[BitShift($i1,2)] & $Alpha64[BitShift(BitAND($i1,3),-4) + BitShift($i2,4)] & $Alpha64[BitShift(BitAND($i2,15),-2)] & '=' Case Else $sOut = $Alpha64[BitShift($i1,2)] & $Alpha64[BitShift(BitAND($i1,3),-4) + BitShift($i2,4)] & $Alpha64[BitShift(BitAND($i2,15),-2) + BitShift($i3,6)] & $Alpha64[BitAND($i3,63)] EndSelect Return $sOut EndFunc ;Reads in a binary file, writes a base64 encoded version of that file ;It is slow because it reads 1 character at a time from the file ;Output file maximum line length is Func Base64EncFile($sInFile, $sOutFile) Local $hInFile, $hOutFile, $c1, $c2, $c3, $i=0, $iFileLen, $done=0 $iFileLen = FileGetSize($sInFile) $hInFile = FileOpen($sInFile, 0) If @error Then SetError(1) Return 'There was a problem opening the input file' Else $hOutFile = FileOpen($sOutFile, 2) If @error Then SetError(1) Return 'There was a problem opening the output file' EndIf ProgressOn('Base64EncFile','Encoding...','',-1,-1,16) While Not $Done $c1 = FileRead($hInFile, 1) If Not @error Then $c2 = FileRead($hInFile, 1) If @error Then $sOut = Base64EncBin(asc($c1)) $done = 1 Else $c3 = FileRead($hInFile, 1) If @error Then $sOut = Base64EncBin(asc($c1),asc($c2)) $done = 1 Else $sOut = Base64EncBin(asc($c1),asc($c2),asc($c3)) EndIf EndIf Else $sOut = '' $done = 1 EndIf FileWrite($hOutFile, $sOut) $i = $i + 1 If Mod($i, 19) = 0 Then FileWrite($hOutFile, @CRLF) ProgressSet($i * 300 / $iFileLen) WEnd ProgressOff() FileClose($hOutFile) EndIf FileClose($hInFile) Return '' EndFunc ;Takes a simple string as input, returns a base64 encoded version of that string Func Base64EncStr($sInput) Local $sl = stringlen($sInput), $i, $d, $sOut = '' For $i = 1 to $sl Step 3 $d=$sl-$i Select Case $d=0 $sOut = $sOut & Base64EncBin(asc(stringmid($sInput, $i, 1))) Case $d=1 $sOut = $sOut & Base64EncBin(asc(stringmid($sInput, $i, 1)), asc(stringmid($sInput, $i + 1, 1))) Case Else $sOut = $sOut & Base64EncBin(asc(stringmid($sInput, $i, 1)), asc(stringmid($sInput, $i + 1, 1)), asc(stringmid($sInput, $i + 2, 1))) EndSelect If Mod(stringlen($sOut),76)=0 Then $sOut = $sOut & @CRLF Next Return $sOut EndFunc ;Given a base64 encoded file, writes a binary file ;This routine does not work properly, since AutoIt cannot write a binary zero to a file Func Base64DecFile($sInFile, $sOutFile) Local $hInFile, $hOutFile, $c, $ai[4], $i=0, $eof=0, $perfect = 1, $fs = FileGetSize($sInFile), $fp $hInFile = FileOpen($sInFile, 0) If @error Then SetError(1) Return 'There was a problem opening the input file' Else $hOutFile = FileOpen($sOutFile, 2) If @error Then SetError(2) Return 'There was a problem opening the output file' Else ProgressOn('Base64DecFile','Decoding...','',-1,-1,16) ;read the input file While Not $eof ;read 4 characters $i=0 While $i < 4 $c = FileRead($hInFile, 1) While Not @error And Not Alpha64ReverseChar($c) $perfect = 0 $c = FileRead($hInFile, 1) WEnd If @error Then $ai[$i] = -1 $eof = 1 Else $ai[$i] = @extended EndIf $i = $i + 1 WEnd $fp = $fp + 4 ;decode and write 4 characters Select Case $ai[0]=-1 ;File ended on a perfect octet Case $ai[1]=-1 ;This should never happen $perfect = 0 Case $ai[2]=-1 ;Only the first 2 bytes to be considered FileWrite($hOutFile, chr(BitShift($ai[0],-2) + BitShift($ai[1],4))) Case $ai[3]=-1 ;Only the first 3 bytes to be considered FileWrite($hOutFile, chr(BitShift($ai[0],-2) + BitShift($ai[1],4))) FileWrite($hOutFile, chr(BitAND(BitShift($ai[1],-4) + BitShift($ai[2],2), 255))) Case Else ;All 4 bytes to be considered FileWrite($hOutFile, chr(BitShift($ai[0],-2) + BitShift($ai[1],4))) FileWrite($hOutFile, chr(BitAND(BitShift($ai[1],-4) + BitShift($ai[2],2), 255))) FileWrite($hOutFile, chr(BitAND(BitShift($ai[2],-6) + $ai[3], 255))) EndSelect ProgressSet($fp * 100 / $fs) WEnd ProgressOff() FileClose($hOutFile) EndIf EndIf FileClose($hInFile) EndFunc ;$sFileName = InputBox('Base64 Encode','Enter a filename to encode','D:\Data\scripte\POP3\_pop3\_pop3\statistiken_28092016_034502_53.zip') ;$sFileName = "decode" ;$iTime=TimerInit() ;$RetVal = Base64EncFile($sFileName, $sFileName & '.base64') ;$RetVal = Base64DecFile($sFileName & '.base64', $sFileName & '.original') ;MsgBox(0,'Finished','Time=' & Round(timerdiff($iTime)/1000,3) & ' seconds' & @CRLF & 'Error=' & @error & @CRLF & 'Return=' & $RetVal)