-- TIME_STAMP 2018-08-29 23:05:10 --[[ This script publicates two functions - InetSearch.Engine() You can search for the selected/touched text in SciTE and can select a search engine of your choice. - InetSearch.Site() You can search for the selected/touched text in SciTE with a defined search engine and can select a search site of your choice. Copy this script in your Lua scripts folder. Call this file in the Lua startup: dofile("Full\\Path\\InetSearch.lua") Add in "SciTEUser.properties" the following properties with search engines and search sites of your choice: #~ Inet Search Settings #~ List of engines. "display-name,search-url" (if not set: google.com will used) #~ If only one entry exists, the selection box will not shown. Inet.Search.Engines= \ Google,https://www.google.de/search?q=| \ MetaGer,https://metager.de/meta/meta.ger3?focus=web&eingabe=| \ Bing,https://www.bing.com/search?q=| \ Ask,https://de.ask.com/web?q=| \ Yandex,https://www.yandex.com/search/?text= #~ Engine for site based search #~ Use display name from engines list (if not set: google.com will used) Inet.Search.SearchOnSite.Engine=Google #~ List of sites for site based search. "display-name,site-url" #~ If not set, it searches without a special site. #~ If only one entry exists, the selection box will not shown. Inet.Search.SearchOnSite.Sites= \ AutoIt DE,autoit.de| \ AutoIt EN,autoitscript.com| \ MSDN,msdn.microsoft.com #~ By default, words will detected without dots. (0) #~ You can allow dots, to detect object variables with properties or methods too. Inet.Search.Allow.Punctuation=1 #~ Search commands #~ Search word from cursor with engine selection command.name.9.*=Search with engine selection command.9.*=dostring InetSearch.Engine() command.mode.9.*=subsystem:lua,savebefore:no command.shortcut.9.*=Ctrl+Shift+F8 #~ Search word from cursor with search site selection command.name.5.*=Search with site selection command.5.*=dostring InetSearch.Site() command.mode.5.*=subsystem:lua,savebefore:no command.shortcut.5.*=Ctrl+Shift+F9 --]] InetSearch = {} InetSearch.Handler = EventClass:new(Common) do ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local engineFallback = "Google,https://www.google.com/search?q=" -- default search engine: "display-name,search-url" local search_type = nil local engine_url = nil local search_item = nil local search_site = nil local tableSelection = nil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Load library protected local require_protected = function(_lib) local loaded_lib if pcall(function() loaded_lib = require(_lib) end) then return loaded_lib else return nil end end --> require_protected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local shell = require_protected("shell") -- loads the shell library if exists ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Starts the search local RunSearch = function(_item, _url, _site) local sSite = '' if _site ~= nil then sSite = "%20site:".._site end local sCmd = _url.._item..sSite if shell then shell.exec(sCmd) else os.execute('start "" "'..sCmd..'"') end end --> RunSearch ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Show the user list local ShowSelectionList = function() -- create the selection list (display names from engines or sites) local sep, list = '_', tableSelection[1][1] for i = 2, #tableSelection do list = list..sep..tableSelection[i][1] end local sep_tmp = editor.AutoCSeparator editor.AutoCSeparator = string.byte(sep) editor:UserListShow(16, list) editor.AutoCSeparator = sep_tmp end --> ShowSelectionList ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Select the user list function InetSearch.Handler:OnUserListSelection(_tp, _sel) if _tp == 16 then local url for i = 1, #tableSelection do if tableSelection[i][1] == _sel then url = tableSelection[i][2] break end end if search_type == 'site' then search_site = url else search_site = nil engine_url = url end RunSearch(search_item, engine_url, search_site) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- List of search engines from properties local GetEngines = function() local sEngines = props['Inet.Search.Engines'] -- without settings, the default search engine will used if sEngines == '' then sEngines = engineFallback end local tEngines = {} for entry in sEngines:gmatch('([^|]+)|-') do for name, url in entry:gmatch('([^,]+),(.+)') do table.insert(tEngines, {name, url}) end end return tEngines end --> GetEngines ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------- List of search sites from properties local GetSearchSites = function() local sSites = props['Inet.Search.SearchOnSite.Sites'] if sSites == '' then return nil end local tSites = {} for entry in sSites:gmatch('([^|]+)|-') do for name, url in entry:gmatch('([^,]+),(.+)') do table.insert(tSites, {name, url}) end end return tSites end --> GetSearchSites ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get search item local GetSearchItem = function() local sSelect = editor:GetSelText() if sSelect ~= '' then return sSelect end local allowDots = false if props['Inet.Search.Allow.Punctuation'] == '1' then allowDots = true end local caret = editor.CurrentPos local iLine = editor:LineFromPosition(caret) local iZero = editor:PositionFromLine(iLine) editor:LineEnd() local iLineEnd = editor.CurrentPos editor.CurrentPos = caret editor:SetSelection(caret,caret) local iStart = editor:WordStartPosition(caret) if allowDots then while iStart > iZero and editor:textrange(iStart -1, iStart) == '.' do iStart = editor:WordStartPosition(iStart -1) end end local iEnd = editor:WordEndPosition(caret) if allowDots then while iEnd < iLineEnd and editor:textrange(iEnd, iEnd +1) == '.' do iEnd = editor:WordEndPosition(iEnd +1) end end sSelect = editor:textrange(iStart, iEnd):gsub('^([^%w]+)', ''):gsub('([^%w]+)$', '') return sSelect end --> GetSearchItem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------- Search with engine selection local SearchEngineBased = function() search_type = 'engine' search_item = GetSearchItem() if search_item == '' then return nil end tableSelection = GetEngines() -- only one entry: selection box will not shown if #tableSelection == 1 then RunSearch(search_item, tableSelection[1][2], nil) else ShowSelectionList() end end --> SearchEngineBased ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- Search with search site selection local SearchSiteBased = function() search_type = 'site' search_item = GetSearchItem() if search_item == '' then return nil end -- get the default engine for site based searching for _, url in engineFallback:gmatch('([^,]+),(.+)') do engine_url = url end -- if is set, use search engine from properties local sEngine = props['Inet.Search.SearchOnSite.Engine'] if sEngine ~= '' then local tEngines = GetEngines() for i = 1, #tEngines do if tEngines[i][1] == sEngine then engine_url = tEngines[i][2] break end end end tableSelection = GetSearchSites() -- if none entries for search sites, use simple search if tableSelection == nil then RunSearch(search_item, engine_url, nil) else -- only one entry: selection box will not shown if #tableSelection == 1 then RunSearch(search_item, engine_url, tableSelection[1][2]) else ShowSelectionList() end end end --> SearchSiteBased ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Publicate functions InetSearch.Engine = SearchEngineBased InetSearch.Site = SearchSiteBased ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------