;-- TIME_STAMP 2022-12-29 14:15:44 v 0.1 ;=================================================================================================== ; Function Name .: _DefineDosDevice($_sTargetPath='', $_sDeviceName='', $_iActionFlag=0) ; Description ...: Creates or removes a Virtual Drive or lists existing drives. The Drive will be romved automatically on shutdown. ; Parameter(s) ..: $_sTargetPath Path to link the driveletter to ; Create: with "" link to @MyDocumentsDir (default) ; $_sDeviceName Driveletter of the Drive to create / delete, ; Create: with "" the first free drive letter - starts with "E:" - is used (default) ; Delete: pass "" - the path connected with the driveletter will be found automatically. ; $_iActionFlag 0 = Creation (default) ; 1 = Deletion of the Drive ; 2 = Return an array of dos drives, if available; [0][0]=counter, [['drive','path']] ; Return Value(s): Success Driveletter of the created/deleted virtual Drive or array with found dos drives ; Failure 0 @error=1 wrong action flag ; @error=2 wrong drive letter @extended: 1=no free drive letter available; 2=drive letter already exists ; @error=3 no valid path to link to ; @error=4 action failed ; @error=5 no valid drive to delete ; Author(s) : BugFix (autoit@bug-fix.info) ; Note : The function corrects incorrect entries for drive and path specifications. ; Thus "c:\folder1\folder2\" and "f" are evaluated as correct entries. ; Requires : AutoIt stable min. ;=================================================================================================== Func _DefineDosDevice($_sTargetPath='', $_sDeviceName='', $_iActionFlag=0) If $_iActionFlag < 0 Or $_iActionFlag > 2 Then Return SetError(1,0,0) $_sTargetPath = $_sTargetPath = '' ? @MyDocumentsDir : StringRegExpReplace($_sTargetPath, '\\$', '') $_sDeviceName = $_sDeviceName <> '' ? (StringRegExpReplace(StringLower($_sDeviceName), ':*$', '') & ':') : '' Local $aDrives, $ret Switch $_iActionFlag Case 0 ; create new dos device If $_sDeviceName = '' Then ; get next free drive letter $aDrives = DriveGetDrive("ALL") Local $mDrives[] For $i = 1 To UBound($aDrives) -1 $mDrives[StringLeft($aDrives[$i],1)] = 1 Next For $j = 101 To 122 If Not MapExists($mDrives, Chr($j)) Then $_sDeviceName = Chr($j) & ':' ExitLoop EndIf Next If $_sDeviceName = '' Then Return SetError(2,1,0) Else ; check if passed drive letter exists If FileExists($_sDeviceName) Then Return SetError(2,2,0) EndIf If Not FileExists($_sTargetPath) Then Return SetError(3,0,0) $ret = DllCall('kernel32.dll', 'long', 'DefineDosDeviceA', _ 'long', 0x0, 'str', $_sDeviceName, 'str', $_sTargetPath) Return SetError(($ret[0]=0?4:0), 0, ($ret[0]<>0?$_sDeviceName:0)) Case 1 ; determine the path associated with the drive to be deleted $ret = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "long", "QueryDosDeviceA", "str", $_sDeviceName, "str", "", "long", 260) If $ret[0] = 0 Then Return SetError(4,0,0) Else $_sTargetPath = StringRegExpReplace($ret[2], '(\W*)([a-zA-Z].*)', '$2') If Not FileExists($_sTargetPath) Then Return SetError(5,0,0) $ret = DllCall('kernel32.dll', 'long', 'DefineDosDeviceA', _ 'long', 0x2, 'str', $_sDeviceName, 'str', $_sTargetPath) Return SetError(($ret[0]=0?4:0), 0, ($ret[0]<>0?$_sDeviceName:0)) EndIf Case 2 ; array of existing dos devices, [0][0]=counter, [['drive','path']] $aDrives = DriveGetDrive('FIXED') Local $aOut[27][2] = [[0]] For $i = 1 To UBound($aDrives) - 1 $ret = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "long", "QueryDosDeviceA", "str", $aDrives[$i], "str", "", "long", 260) Local $path = StringRegExpReplace($ret[2], '(\W*)([a-zA-Z].*)', '$2') If StringRegExp($path, '[a-zA-Z]:.*') Then $aOut[0][0] += 1 $aOut[$aOut[0][0]][0] = $aDrives[$i] $aOut[$aOut[0][0]][1] = $path EndIf Next ReDim $aOut[$aOut[0][0]+1][2] Return $aOut EndSwitch EndFunc