

Copies the color data for a rectangle of pixels in a DIB, JPEG, or PNG image to the specified destination rectangle, stretching or compressing the rows and columns by using the specified raster operation

#include <WinAPIGdi.au3>
_WinAPI_StretchDIBits ( $hDestDC, $iXDest, $iYDest, $iWidthDest, $iHeightDest, $iXSrc, $iYSrc, $iWidthSrc, $iHeightSrc, $tBITMAPINFO, $iUsage, $pBits, $iRop )


$hDestDC Handle to the destination device context.
$iXDest The x-coordinate, in logical units, of the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle.
$iYDest The y-coordinate, in logical units, of the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle.
$iWidthDest The width, in logical units, of the destination rectangle.
$iHeightDest The height, in logical units, of the destination rectangle.
$iXSrc The x-coordinate, in pixels, of the source rectangle in the image.
$iYSrc The y-coordinate, in pixels, of the source rectangle in the image.
$iWidthSrc The width, in pixels, of the source rectangle in the image.
$iHeightSrc The height, in pixels, of the source rectangle in the image.
$tBITMAPINFO $tagBITMAPINFO structure that contains information about the DIB.
$iUsage The type of colors used. (either logical palette indexes or literal RGB values).
The following values are defined:
$pBits A pointer to the image bits, which are stored as an array of bytes.
$iRop The raster-operation code that specifies how the source pixels, the destination device context's
current brush, and the destination pixels are to be combined to form the new image.
It must be 0 or one of the following values:


Success: the number of scan lines copied. Note that this value can be negative for mirrored content.
0 - Otherwise.
Failure: sets the @error flag to non-zero (GDI_ERROR).


_WinAPI_StretchDIBits() creates a mirror image of a bitmap if the signs of the $iWidthSrc and $iWidthDest parameters,
or if the $iHeightSrc and $iHeightDest parameters differ. If $iWidthSrc and $iWidthDest have different signs,
the function creates a mirror image of the bitmap along the x-axis. If $iHeightSrc and $iHeightDest have different
signs, the function creates a mirror image of the bitmap along the y-axis.

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Suche nach StretchDIBits in der MSDN Bibliothek.