Function Reference


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Returns the name of the weekday, based on the specified day

#include <Date.au3>
_DateDayOfWeek ( $iDayNum [, $iFormat = 0] )


$iDayNum Day number
    1 = Sunday
    2 = Monday
    3 = Tuesday
    4 = Wednesday
    5 = Thursday
    6 = Friday
    7 = Saturday
$iFormat [optional] Format:
$DMW_LOCALE_USER (0) - Long name of the weekday (Default)
$DMW_SHORTNAME (1) - Short name of the weekday e.g. Mon
$DMW_LOCALE_LONGNAME (2) - Long name of the weekday in the user's default language
$DMW_LOCALE_SHORTNAME (3) - Short name of the weekday in the user's default language

Return Value

Success: Weekday name
Failure: An empty string and sets @error to non-zero
@error: 1 - Invalid weekday number.


The function returns weekday names in English or the user's default language.


_DateDaysInMonth, _DateToDayOfWeek, _DateToDayOfWeekISO


#include <Date.au3>
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>

; Retrieve the long name
Local $sLongDayName = _DateDayOfWeek(@WDAY)

; Retrieve the abbreviated name
Local $sShortDayName = _DateDayOfWeek(@WDAY, $DMW_SHORTNAME)

MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Day of Week", "Today is: " & $sLongDayName & " (" & $sShortDayName & ")")