Function Reference


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Manually set the value of the @extended macro.

SetExtended ( code [, return value] )


code The required value (integer) to set into the @extended macro.
return value [optional] (default 1) The value to be returned by the function.

Return Value

Returns the "return value".


When entering a user-written function @extended is set to 0. Unless SetExtended() is called, then @extended will remain 0 when the function ends. This means that in order for @extended to be set after a function returns, it must be explicitly set in the function. This also means you may need to backup the status of @extended in a variable if you are testing it in a While-WEnd loop.
The return value parameter is optional. It is provided as a way to use the Return SetError(...) syntax to define the value to be returned at the same time as setting @error (and possibly @extended). If a specific value is not set then the return value will set to 1 as SetError() is a successful function.

@extended is limited to values between -2147483648 to 2147483647.


SetError, Return


#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>

MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "Value of @extended is: " & @extended)