Function Reference


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Perform any of a set of simple actions on the Browser

#include <IE.au3>
_IEAction ( ByRef $oObject, $sAction )


$oObject Object variable of an InternetExplorer.Application
$sAction Action selection (see remarks)

Return Value

Success: 1.
Failure: 0 and sets the @error flag to non-zero.
@error: 2 ($_IEStatus_COMError) - COM Error in Object reference
3 ($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType) - Invalid Data Type
4 ($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType) - Invalid Object Type
5 ($_IEStatus_InvalidValue) - Invalid Value
@extended: Contains invalid parameter number


Action Description
"back" Navigates backward one item in the history list.
"blur" Causes the element to lose focus, but does not set focus on the next element in the tab order.
"click" Simulates a click on the specified element.
"copy" Copies the current selection to the clipboard.
"cut" Copies the current selection to the clipboard and then deletes it.
"delete" Deletes the current selection.
"disable" Disables the specified element.
"enable" Enables the specified element.
"focus" Causes the element to receive focus.
"forward" Navigates forward one item in the history list.
"home" Navigates to the current home or start page.
"invisible" Sets an object state to hidden.
"paste" Overwrites the contents of the clipboard on the current selection.
"print" Opens the print dialog box so the user can print the current page.
"printdefault" Print directly to default printer (no dialog)
"quit" Closes the object.
"refresh" Refreshes the current document.
"saveas" Opens a dialog box to save the current Web page to a file.
"scrollintoview" scrolls the document such that the specified element is visible.
"search" Navigates to the current search page.
"selectall" Selects the entire document.
"stop" Cancels any pending navigation or download operation and stops any dynamic page elements, such as background sounds and animations.
"unselect" Clears the current selection.
"visible" Sets an object state to visible.


_IELoadWait, _IEPropertySet


Example 1

; Open a browser with the "form" example, get a reference
; to the submit button by name and "click" it. This technique
; of submitting forms is useful because many forms rely on JavaScript
; code and "onClick" events on their submit button making _IEFormSubmit()
; not perform as expected

#include <IE.au3>

Local $oIE = _IE_Example("form")
Local $oSubmit = _IEGetObjByName($oIE, "submitExample")
_IEAction($oSubmit, "click")

Example 2

; Same as Example 1, except instead of using click, give the element focus
; and then use ControlSend to send Enter.  Use this technique when the
; browser-side scripting associated with a click action prevents control
; from being automatically returned to your code.

#include <IE.au3>

Local $oIE = _IE_Example("form")
Local $oSubmit = _IEGetObjByName($oIE, "submitExample")
Local $hWnd = _IEPropertyGet($oIE, "hwnd")
_IEAction($oSubmit, "focus")
ControlSend($hWnd, "", "[CLASS:Internet Explorer_Server; INSTANCE:1]", "{Enter}")

; Wait for Alert window, then click on OK
WinWait("", "ExampleFormSubmitted")

ControlClick("", "ExampleFormSubmitted", "[CLASS:Button; TEXT:OK; Instance:1;]")
