

Creates and displays a configurable dialog box that accepts credentials information from a user

#include <WinAPIDlg.au3>
_WinAPI_ShellUserAuthenticationDlgEx ( $sCaption, $sMessage, $sUser, $sPassword [, $iFlags = 0 [, $iAuthError = 0 [, $bSave = False [, $iPackage = 0 [, $hParent = 0]]]]] )


$sCaption The title for the dialog box.
$sMessage A brief message to display in the dialog box.
$sUser The user name to populate the credential fields in the dialog box. For domain users, the string must
be in the following format:

$sPassword The initial password.
$iFlags [optional] The flags that specifies behavior for this function. It can be a combination of the following values.
$iAuthError [optional] The system error code that is displayed in the dialog box.
$bSave [optional] Specifies whether the "Save" check box is selected in the dialog box (it makes sense only if the
$CREDUIWIN_CHECKBOX flag is used), valid values:
True - Selected.
False - Deselected (Default).
$iPackage [optional] The authentication package for which the credentials are serialized.
$hParent [optional] The dialog box is modal with respect to the parent window. If this parameter is 0 (Default), the desktop
is the parent window of the dialog box.


Success: The array containing the following information:
[0] - The user name, including domain name (if necessary).
[1] - The password.
[2] - The state of the "Save" check box.
[3] - The authentication package.
Failure: Sets the @error flag to non-zero. If the function is cancelled by the user, @extended flag will
contain the ERROR_CANCELLED (1223) system error code. Any other value indicates that the function
failed to load.


This function requires Windows Vista or later.

Siehe auch

Suche nach CredUIPromptForWindowsCredentials in der MSDN Bibliothek.


#include <APIDlgConstants.au3>
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
#include <WinAPIDlg.au3>
#include <WinAPIShPath.au3>
#include <WinAPISys.au3>

If Number(_WinAPI_GetVersion()) < 6.0 Then
    MsgBox(($MB_ICONERROR + $MB_SYSTEMMODAL), 'Error', 'Require Windows Vista or later.')

Local $aData = _WinAPI_ShellUserAuthenticationDlgEx('Authentication', 'To continue, type a login and password, and then click OK.', '', '', BitOR($CREDUIWIN_ENUMERATE_CURRENT_USER, $CREDUIWIN_CHECKBOX))
If @error Then Exit

Local $aUser = _WinAPI_ParseUserName($aData[0])
If @error Then

ConsoleWrite('Domain:   ' & $aUser[0] & @CRLF)
ConsoleWrite('User:     ' & $aUser[1] & @CRLF)
ConsoleWrite('Password: ' & $aData[1] & @CRLF)
ConsoleWrite('Save:     ' & $aData[2] & @CRLF)
ConsoleWrite('Package:  ' & $aData[3] & @CRLF)