_IsPressed / BlockInput

  • Moin ich hab zwei Fragen

    1. _IsPressed schaut ja ob eine getaste gedrückt wird, aber wie kann ich das machen das man die Taste dannach los lassen muss damit es wieder verwendet werden kann. Zurzeit ist es so das es den Befehl dauerhaft sendet wennn die Taste gedrückt ist.


    2. BlockInput geht bei Windows 7 nicht man kann noch alle Tasten und die Maus benutzen gibt es da eine Alternative oder kann man diesen Fehler irgendwie beheben?

    Hoffe ihr könnt mir weiter helfen

    MFG Raicoon

  • Zum Blockinput.
    Versuch mal das BlockInputEx UDF

    Spoiler anzeigen

    #include <WindowsConstants.au3>
    #include <WinAPI.au3>

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    #Region ======================== BlockInputEx UDF Info ========================
    ; Extended (advanced) function to block mouse & keyboard inputs.
    ; This UDF supports few features that built-in BlockInput() function does not.
    ; Here is a quick "features list":
    ;* Block seperately mouse or keyboard input.
    ;* Block specific keyboard/mouse keys/clicks.
    ; [+] Not only hex keys are supported, string keys (such as {ENTER}) is also valid.
    ;* Block all keyboard/mouse keys *except* specific keys/events.
    ;* Block keys by CLASS Name (see UDF documentation).
    ;* Block inputs only for specific window.
    ; AutoIt Version:
    ; Author: G.Sandler (a.k.a MrCreatoR). Initial idea and hooks example by rasim.
    ; History version:
    ; [v1.3 - 24.09.2009, 23:00]
    ; + Added _BlockInputEx Example (Pass Lock)
    ; * Fixed few examples.
    ; * Fixed spell mistakes in the UDF.
    ; [v1.2 - 16.01.2009, 21:00]
    ; + Added key strings support.
    ; Now users can set simple hotkey strings for Exclude/Include parameters + Group chars, i.e: "[Group]|{UP}|{DOWN}"
    ; (See UDF documentation)
    ; + Added mouse events blocking support to the $sExclude/$sInclude parameters.
    ; + Added example for mouse events blocking.
    ; [v1.1 - 16.01.2009]
    ; + Added CLASSes support (see UDF documentation), thanks to FireFox for the idea and the keys lists.
    ; + Added example for CLASS usage.
    ; * Changed behaviour of $iBlockMode parameter as following:
    ; 1 - Block All
    ; <= 0 - UnBlock all
    ; 2 - Block only mouse
    ; 3 - Block only keyboard.
    ; * Fixed hard-crash that related to incorrect BlockInput releasing process (only callbacks was released, not the window hooks).
    ; [v1.0 - 15.01.2009]
    ; First release.
    #EndRegion ======================== BlockInputEx UDF Info ========================

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Global $ah_MouseKeyboard_WinHooks[7]

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
    ; Name...........: _BlockInputEx
    ; Description ...: Disable/enable the mouse and/or keyboard. Supporting blocking (by include/exclude) of seperate keys.
    ; Syntax.........: _BlockInputEx( [iBlockMode [, sExclude [, sInclude [, hWindows]]]] )
    ; Parameters ....: $iBlockMode - Set the block mode.
    ; 1 - Block All
    ; <= 0 - UnBlock all
    ; 2 - Block only mouse
    ; 3 - Block only keyboard.
    ; $sExclude - Keys hex/string-list (| delimited) to *exclude* when blocking.
    ; [*] All keys will be blocked, except the keys in $sExclude list.
    ; [!] This list supports keys CLASSes,
    ; key strings as supported in HotKeySet() function,
    ; and seperate mouse events classes, see "Remarks" for more details.
    ; $sInclude - Keys hex/string-list (| delimited) to *include* when blocking.
    ; [*] Only these keys will be blocked, the $sExclude ignored in this case.
    ; [!] This list supports keys CLASSes,
    ; key strings as supported in HotKeySet() function,
    ; and seperate mouse events classes, see "Remarks" for more details.
    ; $hWindows - Window handles list (| delimited) to limit the blocking process (Only for keyboard blocking).
    ; Return values .: Success - 1.
    ; Failure - 0 and set @error to 1. This can happend only when passing wrong parameters.
    ; Author ........: G.Sandler (a.k.a MrCreatoR), Rasim -> Initial idea and hooks example.
    ; Thanks to FireFox for other block methods, it gave me a starting point for adding the "keys classes" support.
    ; Modified.......: 16.01.2009, 21:03
    ; Remarks .......: * This UDF includes OnAutoItExit function to release the callback/hooks resources.
    ; * $sExclude and $sInclude parameters supporting keys/mouse classes as hex or as string,
    ; [!] The hex keys list can be found in _IsPressed documentation section.
    ; Here is a full list of supported classess/events:
    ; ======= KeyBoard =======
    ; [:FUNC:]
    ; [:ALPHA:]
    ; [:NUMBER:]
    ; [:ARROWS:]
    ; [:SPECIAL:]
    ; [GROUP_abcd] -> Use raw chars/key strings inside squere brackets.
    ; {KEY} -> Standard keys support ({F1}, {ENTER} etc.).
    ; ========= Mouse =========
    ; {MMOVE} -> Mouse move event
    ; {MPDOWN} -> Mouse Primary Down event
    ; {MPUP} -> Mouse Primary Up event
    ; {MSDOWN} -> Mouse Secondary Down event
    ; {MSUP} -> Mouse Secondary Up event
    ; {MWDOWN} -> Mouse WHEEL Button Down event
    ; {MWUP} -> Mouse WHEEL Button Up event
    ; {MWSCROLL} -> Mouse WHEEL Scroll event
    ; {MSPDOWN} -> Mouse Special Button Down event
    ; {MSPUP} -> Mouse Special Button Up event
    ; * See also built-in BlockInput() documentation.
    ; Related .......: BlockInput()?
    ; Link ..........; http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?s=&showtopic=87735
    ; Example .......; Yes
    ; ===============================================================================================================================
    Func _BlockInputEx($iBlockMode = -1, $sExclude = "", $sInclude = "", $hWindows = "")
    If $iBlockMode < -1 Or $iBlockMode > 3 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ;Only -1 to 3 modes are supported.

    If $iBlockMode <= 0 Then Return _BlockInput_UnhookWinHooks_Proc()

    Local $pStub_KeyProc = 0, $pStub_MouseProc = 0, $hHook_Keyboard = 0, $hHook_Mouse = 0
    Local $hHook_Module = _WinAPI_GetModuleHandle(0)

    For $i = 0 To 3
    If $ah_MouseKeyboard_WinHooks[$i] > 0 Then

    If $iBlockMode = 1 Or $iBlockMode = 2 Then
    $pStub_MouseProc = DllCallbackRegister("_MouseHook_Proc", "int", "int;ptr;ptr")
    $hHook_Mouse = _WinAPI_SetWindowsHookEx($WH_MOUSE_LL, DllCallbackGetPtr($pStub_MouseProc), $hHook_Module, 0)

    If $iBlockMode = 1 Or $iBlockMode = 3 Then
    $pStub_KeyProc = DllCallbackRegister("_KeyBoardHook_Proc", "int", "int;ptr;ptr")
    $hHook_Keyboard = _WinAPI_SetWindowsHookEx($WH_KEYBOARD_LL, DllCallbackGetPtr($pStub_KeyProc), $hHook_Module, 0)

    $ah_MouseKeyboard_WinHooks[0] = $pStub_KeyProc
    $ah_MouseKeyboard_WinHooks[1] = $pStub_MouseProc
    $ah_MouseKeyboard_WinHooks[2] = $hHook_Keyboard
    $ah_MouseKeyboard_WinHooks[3] = $hHook_Mouse
    $ah_MouseKeyboard_WinHooks[4] = "|" & _Parse_vmCodesList_CLASSes(_Parse_vkCodesList_CLASSes($sInclude)) & "|"
    $ah_MouseKeyboard_WinHooks[5] = "|" & _Parse_vmCodesList_CLASSes(_Parse_vkCodesList_CLASSes($sExclude)) & "|"
    $ah_MouseKeyboard_WinHooks[6] = "|" & $hWindows & "|"

    Return 1

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ;KeyBoard hook processing function
    Func _KeyBoardHook_Proc($nCode, $wParam, $lParam)
    If $nCode < 0 Then Return _WinAPI_CallNextHookEx($ah_MouseKeyboard_WinHooks[4], $nCode, $wParam, $lParam)

    Local $KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT = DllStructCreate("dword vkCode;dword scanCode;dword flags;dword time;ptr dwExtraInfo", $lParam)
    Local $vkCode = "0x" & Hex(DllStructGetData($KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT, "vkCode"), 2)

    Local $sInclude = $ah_MouseKeyboard_WinHooks[4]
    Local $sExclude = $ah_MouseKeyboard_WinHooks[5]
    Local $hWnds = $ah_MouseKeyboard_WinHooks[6]

    If $sInclude <> "||" Then ;Include proc
    If StringInStr($sInclude, "|" & $vkCode & "|") And _
    ($hWnds = "||" Or StringInStr($hWnds, "|" & WinGetHandle("[ACTIVE]") & "|")) Then Return 1 ;Block processing!
    Else ;Exclude proc
    If Not StringInStr($sExclude, "|" & $vkCode & "|") And _
    ($hWnds = "||" Or StringInStr($hWnds, "|" & WinGetHandle("[ACTIVE]") & "|")) Then Return 1 ;Block processing!

    _WinAPI_CallNextHookEx($ah_MouseKeyboard_WinHooks[2], $nCode, $wParam, $lParam) ;Continue processing

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ;Mouse hook processing function
    Func _MouseHook_Proc($nCode, $wParam, $lParam)
    If $nCode < 0 Then Return _WinAPI_CallNextHookEx($ah_MouseKeyboard_WinHooks[3], $nCode, $wParam, $lParam) ;Continue processing

    Local $iMouse_Event = BitAND($wParam, 0xFFFF)
    ;Add mouse exclude/include actions support...

    Local $sInclude = $ah_MouseKeyboard_WinHooks[4]
    Local $sExclude = $ah_MouseKeyboard_WinHooks[5]
    Local $hWnds = $ah_MouseKeyboard_WinHooks[6]

    If $sInclude <> "||" Then ;Include proc
    If StringInStr($sInclude, "|" & $iMouse_Event & "|") And _
    ($hWnds = "||" Or StringInStr($hWnds, "|" & WinGetHandle("[ACTIVE]") & "|")) Then Return 1 ;Block processing!
    Else ;Exclude proc
    If Not StringInStr($sExclude, "|" & $iMouse_Event & "|") And _
    ($hWnds = "||" Or StringInStr($hWnds, "|" & WinGetHandle("[ACTIVE]") & "|")) Then Return 1 ;Block processing!

    Return _WinAPI_CallNextHookEx($ah_MouseKeyboard_WinHooks[3], $nCode, $wParam, $lParam) ;Continue processing

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ;Releases callbacks and Unhook Windows hooks
    Func _BlockInput_UnhookWinHooks_Proc()
    ;Release KeyBoard callback function
    If $ah_MouseKeyboard_WinHooks[0] > 0 Then
    $ah_MouseKeyboard_WinHooks[0] = 0

    ;Release Mouse callback function
    If $ah_MouseKeyboard_WinHooks[1] > 0 Then
    $ah_MouseKeyboard_WinHooks[1] = 0

    ;Release KeyBoard Window hook
    If IsPtr($ah_MouseKeyboard_WinHooks[2]) Then
    $ah_MouseKeyboard_WinHooks[2] = 0

    ;Release Mouse Window hook
    If IsPtr($ah_MouseKeyboard_WinHooks[3]) Then
    $ah_MouseKeyboard_WinHooks[3] = 0

    Return 1

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Func _Parse_vkCodesList_CLASSes($sList)
    $sList = StringRegExpReplace($sList, "(?i)\{(Ctrl|Shift|Alt)\}", "{L$1}|{R$1}") ;Fix for Ctrl/Shift/Alt keys (add L/R to them)

    Local $a_vkCode_List = StringSplit($sList, "|")
    Local $sRet_Keys = ""

    For $i = 1 To $a_vkCode_List[0]
    Switch $a_vkCode_List[$i]
    Case "[:FUNC:]"
    $a_vkCode_List[$i] = "0x70|0x71|0x72|0x73|0x74|0x75|0x76|0x77|0x78|0x79|0x7A|0x7B|0x7C|" & _
    Case "[:ALPHA:]"
    $a_vkCode_List[$i] = "0x41|0x42|0x43|0x44|0x45|0x46|0x47|0x48|0x49|0x4A|0x4B|0x4C|0x4D|" & _
    Case "[:NUMBER:]"
    $a_vkCode_List[$i] = "0x30|0x31|0x32|0x33|0x34|0x35|0x36|0x37|0x38|0x39|0x60|0x61|0x62|" & _
    Case "[:ARROWS:]"
    $a_vkCode_List[$i] = "0x25|0x26|0x27|0x28"
    Case "[:SPECIAL:]"
    $a_vkCode_List[$i] = "0x08|0x09|0x0C|0x0D|0x10|0x11|0x12|0x13|0x14|0x1B|0x20|0x21|0x22|" & _
    "0x23|0x24|0x29|0x2A|0x2B|0x2C|0x2D|0x2E|0x5B|0x5C|0x6A|0x6B|0x6C|" & _
    "0x6D|0x6E|0x6F|0x90|0x91|0xA0|0xA1|0xA2|0xA3|0xA4|0xA5|0xBA|0xBB|" & _
    Case Else
    $a_vkCode_List[$i] = _KeyStr_To_vkCode($a_vkCode_List[$i])

    $sRet_Keys &= $a_vkCode_List[$i] & "|"

    Return StringRegExpReplace($sRet_Keys, "\|+$", "")

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Func _Parse_vmCodesList_CLASSes($sList)
    Local Const $MOUSE_MOVE_EVENT = 512
    Local Const $MOUSE_PRIMARYDOWN_EVENT = 513
    Local Const $MOUSE_PRIMARYUP_EVENT = 514
    Local Const $MOUSE_SECONDARYUP_EVENT = 517
    Local Const $MOUSE_WHEELDOWN_EVENT = 519
    Local Const $MOUSE_WHEELUP_EVENT = 520
    Local Const $MOUSE_WHEELSCROLL_EVENT = 522

    Local $a_vmCode_List = StringSplit($sList, "|")
    Local $sRet_Keys = ""

    For $i = 1 To $a_vmCode_List[0]
    Switch $a_vmCode_List[$i]
    Case "{MMOVE}"
    $a_vmCode_List[$i] = $MOUSE_MOVE_EVENT
    Case "{MPDOWN}"
    $a_vmCode_List[$i] = $MOUSE_PRIMARYDOWN_EVENT
    Case "{MPUP}"
    $a_vmCode_List[$i] = $MOUSE_PRIMARYUP_EVENT
    Case "{MSDOWN}"
    $a_vmCode_List[$i] = $MOUSE_SECONDARYDOWN_EVENT
    Case "{MSUP}"
    $a_vmCode_List[$i] = $MOUSE_SECONDARYUP_EVENT
    Case "{MWDOWN}"
    $a_vmCode_List[$i] = $MOUSE_WHEELDOWN_EVENT
    Case "{MWUP}"
    $a_vmCode_List[$i] = $MOUSE_WHEELUP_EVENT
    Case "{MWSCROLL}"
    $a_vmCode_List[$i] = $MOUSE_WHEELSCROLL_EVENT
    Case "{MSPDOWN}"
    Case "{MSPUP}"

    $sRet_Keys &= $a_vmCode_List[$i] & "|"

    Return StringRegExpReplace($sRet_Keys, "\|+$", "")

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Func _KeyStr_To_vkCode($sKeyStr)
    Local $sRet_Keys = "", $aDelim_Keys[1]
    Local $aKeys = StringSplit("{LMouse}|{RMouse}|{}|(MMouse}|{}|{}|{}|{BACKSPACE}|{TAB}|{}|{}|{}|{ENTER}|{}|{}|{SHIFT}|{CTRL}|{ALT}|{PAUSE}|{CAPSLOCK}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{ESC}|{}|{}|{}|{]|{SPACE}|{PGUP}|{PGDN}|{END}|{HOME}|{LEFT}|{UP}|{RIGHT}|{DOWN}|{SELECT}|{PRINTSCREEN}|{}|{PRINTSCREEN}|{INSERT}|{DEL}|{}|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|a|b|c|d|e|f|g|h|i|j|k|l|m|n|o|p|q|r|s|t|u|v|w|x|y|z|{LWIN}|{RWIN}|{APPSKEY}|{}|{SLEEP}|{numpad0}|{numpad1}|{numpad2}|{numpad3}|{numpad4}|{numpad5}|{numpad6}|{numpad7}|{numpad8}|{numpad9}|{NUMPADMULT}|{NUMPADADD}|{}|{NUMPADSUB}|{NUMPADDOT}|{NUMPADDIV}|{F1}|{F2}|{F3}|{F4}|{F5}|{F6}|{F7}|{F8}|{F9}|{F10}|{F11}|{F12}|{F13}|{F14}|{F15}|{F16}|{F17}|{F18}|{F19}|{F20}|{F21}|{F22}|{F23}|{F24}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{NUMLOCK}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{LSHIFT}|{RSHIFT}|{LCTRL}|{RCTRL}|{LALT}|{RALT}|{BROWSER_BACK}|{BROWSER_FORWARD}|{BROWSER_REFRESH}|{BROWSER_STOP}|{BROWSER_SEARCH}|{BROWSER_FAVORITES}|{BROWSER_HOME}|{VOLUME_MUTE}|{VOLUME_DOWN}|{VOLUME_UP}|{MEDIA_NEXT}|{MEDIA_PREV}|{MEDIA_STOP}|{MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE}|{LAUNCH_MAIL}|{LAUNCH_MEDIA}|{LAUNCH_APP1}|{LAUNCH_APP2}|{}|{}|;|{+}|,|{-}|.|/|`|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|[|\|]|'", "|")

    If StringRegExp($sKeyStr, "\A\[|\]\z") Then
    $sKeyStr = StringRegExpReplace($sKeyStr, "\A\[|\]\z", "")
    $sKeyStr = StringRegExpReplace($sKeyStr, "(.)", "\1|")
    $sKeyStr = StringRegExpReplace($sKeyStr, "\|+$", "")

    $aDelim_Keys = StringSplit($sKeyStr, "")

    For $i = 1 To $aKeys[0]
    If $aDelim_Keys[0] > 1 Then
    For $j = 1 To $aDelim_Keys[0]
    If $aKeys[$i] = $aDelim_Keys[$j] Then $sRet_Keys &= "0x" & Hex($i, 2) & "|"
    If $aKeys[$i] = $sKeyStr Then Return "0x" & Hex($i, 2)

    If $sRet_Keys = "" Then Return $sKeyStr
    Return StringRegExpReplace($sRet_Keys, "\|+$", "")

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ;Called when script exits to release resources.
    Func OnAutoItExit()


    Und wenn das nicht geht dann versuch mal mit #requireadmin.

  • Bin vielleicht etwas spät aber wegen der Blockinput funktion habe ich hier noch eine Lösung, wie man es zu laufen kriegt unter Windows 7 :)

    Zuerst muss man eine Datei BlockInput.exe mit AutoIt erstellen, die sollte etwa so aussehen:

    ; Lock Input
    #Include <WinAPI.au3>
    $dll = DllOpen("user32.dll")
    $result = DllCall($dll, "BOOL", "BlockInput", "BOOL", 1)
    If @error Then ConsoleWrite('error' & @error & @LF)
    ConsoleWrite($result[0] & ' ' & _WinAPI_GetLastError() & @LF)
    ;Hier die Aktion einfügen
    ;Keyboard und Maus wieder freigeben.
    $result = DllCall($dll, "BOOL", "BlockInput", "BOOL", 0)

    Diese Exe kann man dann über ein Zweites Autoit Script aufrufen, am besten mit dem Befehl RunasWait, da man es als Administrator ausführen muss.