FF.au3 Beta (Programm und Dokumentation)

  • Update auf V0.4.1.1b:

    Änderungen seit V0.4.0.6:

    - New: _FFPrefGet(ByRef $Socket, $sName)
    - New: _FFPrefSet(ByRef $Socket, $sName, $vValue)
    - New: _FFPrefReset(ByRef $Socket, $sName)
    - Added: _FFClick can now click on elements by class-name
    - Added: _FFWriteHTML(ByRef $Socket[, $sHTML = ""[, $sMode = "body"]]) now can write the entire doc, too
    - Changed: _FFQuit now returns immediately if $Socket = -1
    - Changed: _FFFormCheckBox(ByRef $Socket, $vBox[, $bChecked = True[, $iBoxNameIndex = 0[, $sBoxMode = "index"[, $vForm = 0[, $sFormMode = "index"]]]]])
    complete new

    - New: _FFWindowClose(ByRef $Socket[, $sSearch = ""[, $sSearchMode = "title"]])
    - New: _FFWindowSelect(ByRef $Socket[, $sSearch = ""[, $sSearchMode = "title"]])
    - New: _FFWindowOpen(ByRef $Socket[, $sURL = "about:blank"])
    - New: _FFWriteHTML(ByRef $Socket[, $sHTML = ""])
    - New: _FFClickXY(ByRef $Socket[, $iX = 0[, $iY = 0[, $bLoadWait = true]]])
    - Changed: _FFReadHTML(ByRef $Socket[, $sMode = "body"[, $iFilter = 0]])
    - Changed: Renamed _FFGetObject to _FFGetObjectInfo (because the result is no "object")
    - Fixed: _FFTabExists

    - Changed: _FFGetObject added "." as shortcut for window.content.document e.g. _FFGetObject($Socket,".forms[0]")
    - Fixed: _FFGetObject

    Viel Spaß damit!

  • Kurzfristig eine neue Version, wegen ein paar Fehlern V0.4.1.2b:

    - Added: _FFAction($Socket, "zoom", $iFactor)
    - Added: _FFAction($Socket, "scrollX", $iPixel)
    - Added: _FFAction($Socket, "scrollY", $iPixel)
    - Changed: Removed the $iDelay parameter from _FFSearch
    - Fixed: _FFAction($Socket,"blank")
    - Fixed: _FFOpenURL when using in frames

    und ein paar neue Aktionen für _FFAction sind auch dabei.

    Viel Spaß damit.

  • Mit dem letzten Update erfolgreich _FFFormCheckBox lahmgelegt :whistling: V0.4.1.3

    - Added: _FFFormGetElementsLength: Now selects forms by id, too.
    - Changed: _FFGetLength, can now return the length of all elements
    - Changed: _FFGetLinks, now with a random delimiter for the attributes to avoid conflicts
    - Changed: FF_AutoItScript.SearchTab() to search with RegExp
    -> Changed: _FFTabExists: Now you can use RegExp (case sensitiv)
    -> _FFTabClose: Now you can use RegExp in $sMode "label" (case sensitiv)
    -> _FFTabDuplicate: Now you can use RegExp in $sMode "label" (case sensitiv)
    -> _FFTabSetSelected: Now you can use RegExp in $sMode "label" (case sensitiv)
    - Changed: "scrollX" and "scrollY" to "scrollXY" => _FFAction($Socket, "scrollXY", iPixelX, iPixelY)
    - Changed: _FFAction: Replaced $iDelay with a second option-parameter.
    - Optimized: _FFClickImage
    - Fixed: _FFGetLength: $sMode now case insensitiv
    - Fixed: _FFFormCheckBox: Error in xpath
    - Removed: FF_AutoItScript.SetTarget()

    Viel Spaß damit!


  • Update V0.4.1.4:

    - New: _FFXPath: $iReturnType 10 = CONTAINS / $sAttribute = substring
    - New: Added error const $_FF_ERROR_InvalidExpression = 11
    - Changed: Added better error handling to _FFXPath
    - Changed: _FFFormOptionSelect complete new
    - Changed: Added better error handling to _FFSearch
    - Changed: Added added parameter for _FFAction / about e.g. _FFAction($Socket,"about","mozilla")
    - Changed: Added _FFLoadWait to _FFAction: back, forward, home, reload
    - Chagend: Added _FFLoadWait to _FFTabExists, because sometimes a "loading" tab was not found.
    - Changed: _FFClick now returns after a sleep from 25ms
    - Changed: _FFXPath added keyword Default to the $sAttribute-parameter
    - Fixed: __FFRecv booleand conversion for _FFXPath
    - Fixed: _FFXPath removed using StringFormat to avoid errors with '%'
    - Fixed: _FFXPath handling of non word chars in $sAttribute
    - Fixed: _FFXPath, now the return value is without leading and trailing withespaces to avoid comparsion errors.
    - Fixed: _FFFormGetElementsLength


  • Wie schon in diesem Thema angedroht, sind nun in allen Funktionen die "ByRef $Socket" Parameter rausgeflogen.

    Wenn man also nur eine Verbindung zu FF herstellen möchte, braucht man sich um den Socket in Zukunft nicht mehr kümmern.

    Die Dokumentation ist auch komplett angepaßt, nur die Beispiele überarbeite ich gerade noch. Downloads usw. siehe ganz vorn.

    Viel Spaß damit!


  • Wieder was offizielles V0.5.1.0:

    Änderungen seit V0.4.1.4:

    - Changed: _FFSetGet => _FFCmd (_FFSetGet is still existing as wrapper)
    - Changed: Renamed the object FF_AutoItScript to FFau3

    - Added: _FFFormRadioButton returns now errors from _FFXPath
    - Added: _FFFormCheckBox returns now errors from _FFXPath
    - Added: _FFFormOptionSelect returns now errors from _FFXPath
    - Added: _FFConnect: Returns on TCP-errors WSAGetLastError, too
    - Added: _FFDisConnect: Returns on TCP-errors WSAGetLastError, too
    - Added: __FFSendJavaScripts:
    - now deletes the object FF_AutoItScript before creating the new one.
    - added parameter to trace the submission of the scripts
    - Fixed: Error in __FFCheckURL
    - Fixed: Error in _FFPrefReset if no user value was set.
    - Fixed: Error in _FFPrefSet error of value comparsion
    - Fixed: _FFLinksGetAll (errors in FF_AutoItScript.GetLinks and FF_AutoItScript.GetLinkInfo)
    - Optimized: _FFPref*

    - CHANGED: !!! Removed the $Socket parameter from all functions.
    _FFConnect / _FFStart sets now the global var $_FF_GLOBAL_SOCKET
    If you wanna use more then one connection you have to backup it before
    you are useing _FFConnect / _FFStart again.
    - CHANGED: _FFConnect / _FFStart now only returns 1 / 0
    - New: _FFClickLink: added $bLoadWait
    - New: Now URLs e.g. "google.com" are accepted, too.

    !!! Last version with $Socket parameter for all functions !!!
    please use FF.au3 >V0.5.0.0b

    - New: _FFXPath added and changed return-types:
    $iReturnType - Optional: (Default = 2) :
    | 0 = ANY_TYPE - not implemented
    | 1 = NUMBER_TYPE
    | 2 = STRING_TYPE
    | 3 = BOOLEAN_TYPE
    | 4 = UNORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE - not implemented
    | 5 = ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE - not implemented
    | 10 = COUNT (no a real return type, it just returns the number of matches)
    | 11 = CONTAINS (stringValue contains substring in $sAttribute)
    | 12 = STARTS-WITH (stringValue start-with string in $sAttribute)
    | 13 = SUBSTRING-AFTER (stringValue substring-after in $sAttribute)
    | 14 = SUBSTRING-BEFORE (stringValue substring-bevore in $sAttribute)
    - Fixed: Error in _FFRadioButton and changed _FFCheckBox
    - Fixed: Error in _FFOpenURL


  • Einige Korrekturen in V0.5.1.1:

    - New: _FFIsConnected() returns 1 if connected to FF, else 0
    - Added: _FFDispatchKeyEvent: shortcut for "content.document"
    - Added: _FFDispatchKeyEvent: error if $sElement not exists
    - Added: _FFClick: error if $sElement not exists
    - Added: _FFLinksGetAll: more error checks
    - Added: __FFWaitForRepl: TimeOut time to the $_FF_ERROR_Timeout error message
    - Added: FFau3.SearchTab: error handling
    - Changed: _FFTabExists: error handling
    - Fixed: FFau3.CloseWin / _FFWindowClose
    - Fixed: FFau3.SelectWin / _FFWindowSelect
    - Fixed: _FFAction: MozRepl exception if "hideall" was the first time used

    -Changed: Renamed _FFSetGet => _FFCmd (_FFSetGet still exists as wrapper)


  • Ein Updatechen V0.5.1.3:

    - New: _FFWindowGetHandle: returns the window-handle from the current FF window
    - Added: _FFXpath: FFau3.obj now contains the result node from mode 6 and 7




    - Added: _FFWindowOpen: @etxended = Window handle
    - Added: _FFWindowSelect: @etxended = Window handle
    - Added: _FFWindowOpen: activates the window now (optional)
    - Added: _FFWindowSelect: activates the window now (optional)


  • Eine neue Version zu Ostern (falls jemanden langweilig ist :D ) V0.5.3.0:

    - New: _FFImagesGetBySize: Returns an array with the indizes of all matching images.
    (_FFXPath only returns images witch haves the attributes width and heigth)
    - Added: _FFClick can now handle "objects" from _FFObjGet
    - Added: _FFImageClick: $bLoadWait
    - Changed: _FFFormGetElementsLength: now counts <input type='image' ..>, too (optional)
    - Renamed: _FFClickLink => _FFLinkClick !!! (incl. wrapper)
    - Renamed: _FFClickImage => _FFImageClick !!! (incl. wrapper)
    - Removed: _FFClickImageBySize !!!
    - Removed: Wrapper for _FFSetGet()
    - Optimized: All functions
    - Updated: All error messages.
    - Fixed: _FFFrameEnter: if frame-name was "top" or "parent"

    Und ein Update der Dokumentation (Achtung neue Adresse!)

    Frohe Ostern!


  • Update auf V0.5.3.2

    - New: _FFDialogWait($sText[, $sTitle = ""[, $sClose = "close"[, $iTimeOut = 10000]]])
    Waits for FireFox dialog messages (alert ...)
    - Fixed: _FFConnect now returns an error if you try to connect to a non browser window.
    - Fixed: _FFSetValueById and _FFSetValueByName can now set non-ascii, too (escaped as unicode now)
    - Fixed: _FFCmd / _FFClick: fixed problems with element-names in arguments e.g:
    _FFCmd(".ElementName.ElementName ....")

    Viel Spaß damit!

  • Nach einer etwas längern Sommerpause ... ist hier die V0.5.3.6b:

    - Changed: __FFIsURL: now accepts IPs and localhost addresses, too. (thanks to Elena for the suggestions)
    - Fixed: _FFLoadWait: Corrected the loading time returned from @EXTENDED

    - Added: _FFLoadWait: @EXTENDED returns the loading time in ms now.

    - Added: _FFAction: Loadwait now optional
    - Changed: _FFStart and option $bHide
    - Fixed: Error with _FFTabGetSelected and _FFTabSetSelected with datatypes on index-mode
    - Fixed: Error in _FFObj with (string)objects from _FFXpath
    - Fixed: Error in _FFWindowGetHandle
    - Fixed: Return value from _FFFrameEnter if mode="name"

    - Fixed: _FFLinksGetAll: sometimes errors with non ASCII-chars

    Viel Spaß damit!

  • V0.5.3.8b:

    - Added: _FFDispatchEvent($sElement, $sEventType = "change")
    $sElement = Element or Object from _FFXpath and _FFObj*
    $sEventType = change|select|focus|blur|resize
    - Added: _FFDispatchKeyEvent: Now you can use as $sElement objects from _FFXpath and _FFObj*, too
    - Added: Opt("TCPTimeOut", $_FF_CON_DELAY) to _FFConnect() / for connections over networks
    - Added: JavaScript: FFau3.fireEvent(oObj,sEventType)
    - Added: _FFTableWriteToArray: $iFilter-parameter
    - Changed: _FFObj: Now creates an attribute instead of throwing a message that it doesn't exists
    - Changed: _FFDispatchKeyEvent: Changed default event-type from keydown to keypress
    - Changed: _FFTableWriteToArray: Complete new, much faster then the old version
    - Changed: _FFFrameEnter now returns 1/0 and @extended = index of the entered frame
    - Fixed: Error in _FFWindowGetHandle (=> _FFWindowSelect, _FFStart ...) with non ASCII-titles
    - Fixed: Error in _FFFormSubmit
    - Fixed: Error by sending ' as value
    - Fixed: Error in _FFFrameEnter when selecting frame by id

    Dokumentation ist noch nicht angepaßt!!!

    Viel Spaß damit!

  • V0.5.3.9b:

    - Added: _FFImageMapClick($vArea[, $sModeArea = "index"[, $vMap = 0[, $sModeMap = "index"[, $bLoadWait = True]]]])
    - Added: _FFImageClick: the searchstring is now searched in the attributes of the link and the image
    - Added: _FFGetValue($sElement[, $sMode = "elements"[, $iIndex = 0[, $iFilter = 0]]])
    - Added: _FFSetValue($sValue, $sElement[, $sMode = "elements"[, $iIndex = 0]])
    - Added: Support for nested frames
    - Added: Global Var $_FF_FRAME - holds the current frame as string
    - Added: _FFImagesGetBySize: parameter $iPercent +/- tolerance in percent
    - Added: _FFLoadWaitTimeOut, to change the global-timeout for _FFLoadWait
    - Added: Global $_FF_LOADWAIT_TIMEOUT = 120000
    - Added: _FFRecord* : Some functions recording (only a test)
    - only for use between _FFConnect / _FFStart / _FFIsConnected and _FFDisConnect / _FFQuit
    - the recorded functions are not the same like in your original script!!!
    - Added: Global Var $_FF_RECORD - recording on/off
    - Added: Global Var $_FF_RECORDED_CMD - recorded script
    - Added: JavaScript: simulateEvent() / replaces simulateClick(), simulateKey(), fireEvent()
    - Changed: _FFGetValueById and _FFGetValueByName now only wrappers for _FFGetValue
    - Changed: _FFSetValueById and _FFSetValueByName now only wrappers for _FFSetValue
    - Changed: Rebuild all frame-functions
    - Changed: For recording: _FFLoadWait, _FFLinkClick, _FFXPath, _FFImageClick
    - Changed: Limited timeout for _FFLoadWait to min. 1000ms
    - Optimized: _FFTableWriteToArray - up to 100% faster
    - Optimized: _FFAction, _FFLinkClick, _FFFormReset, _FFGetObjectInfo, _FFCmd, _FFWindowGetHandle, _FFObjGet
    - Removed: _FFFrameGetSelected, __FFAddStatus, __FFRemoveStatus, __FFSetStatus, __FFGetStatus
    - Removed: JavaScript: searchImageLink(), SearchLink(), simulateClick(), simulateKey(), fireEvent()
    - Fixed: _FFImagesGetBySize: $sMode now case insensitive
    - Fixed: _FFDispatchKeyEvent: by using the leading point as shortcut in elements
    - Fixed: _FFAction("home")

    Viel Spaß damit!

  • V0.5.3.10b:

    - Added: _FFGetPosition($sElement = "")
    - Changed: _FFLoadWait: Removed parameter $iDelay !!!
    - Changed:__FFStartProcess: error-messages
    - Fixed: _FFFrameEnter: error using a non string-var with $sMode="name"
    - Fixed: _FFWindowGetHandle: error by resetting the title
    - Fixed: Errors with _FFObj and _FFObjGet

    - Added: _FFDisPatchEvent
    - Added: _FFImageMapClick
    - Added: _FFSetValue
    - Added: _FFGetPosition
    - Update: _FFFrameEnter
    - Update: _FFImageClick
    - Update: _FFImagesGetBySize

    Viel Spaß damit!

  • Um dem aktuellen Versions-Durcheinander etwas entgegenzuwirken, etwas früher veröffentlicht als geplant:

    Update V0.6.0.0b-5
    - Added: _FFWindowOpen: new parameter: $bLoadWait
    - Added: _FFAu3Option / $_FF_SEARCH_MODE = 0 ; 0 = Substring / 1 = Compare
    - Removed: _FFSetValueById, _FFSetValueByName ==> _FFSetValue
    - Removed: _FFGetValueById, _FFGetValueByName ==> _FFGetValue
    - Removed: _FFFormGetLength ==> _FFGetLength
    - Removed: _FFTabGetLength ==> _FFGetLength
    - Removed: _FFTableGetCell ==> _FFXpath
    - Removed: _FFDisPatchKeyEvent ==> _FFDisPatchEvent
    - Removed: _FFTabCloseAll ==> _FFTabClose
    - Removed: _FFFormGetElementsLength: now only returns the DOM-standard length
    - Removed: _FFRecord* functions and all additions for them in all functions
    - Changed: _FFAction("copy"): works now only on the current frame
    - Fixed: _FFFormGetElementsLength: Error Message
    - Fixed: _FFDispatchEvent: Shortcut for elements
    For compatibily for older scripts, please use this UDF:


  • Update V0.6.0.1b

    - Added: Option $_FF_SEARCH_MODE works now for:
    - Added: _FFClick: Parameter $bLoadWait
    - Added: _FFLoadWait: Parameter $bStop = stops pageloading after timeout
    - Added: _FFAu3Option: "LoadWaitStop"
    - Added: Global var $_FF_LOADWAIT_STOP
    - Updated: _FFXPath: some optimizations (shorter command strings to send)
    - Optimized: _FFFormOptionSelect
    - Optimized: _FFLoadWait
    - Fixed: _FFGetPosition: Removed error if "MozillaContentWindowClass" is not found
    - Fixed: _FFSearch: Error with non-ASCII-chars
    - Fixed: _FFLinkClick: Error with non-ASCII-chars
    - Fixed: _FFImageClick: Error with non-ASCII-chars
    - Fixed: _FFAction("alert", ...): Error with non-ASCII-chars


  • NE Frage wieso kommt bei den FF Funktionen nicht immer was machen schreiben muss also wenn man z. B. hin geschrieben hat Pixelsearch( kam dahinter immer sofort eine kleine Hilfe die einem gezeigt hat was danach Folgen muss. Schau Bild. Ist das hier nicht möglich?
     [Blockierte Grafik: http://image.to/out.php/i40348_fff.JPG]