autoIt install of a MSI with no reboot

  • [autoit]

    AutoItSetOption("TrayIconHide", 1)
    RunWait("msiexec.exe /i ISScript8.msi /qb")
    Run("msiexec.exe /i Setup.msi /qb /norestart")
    ControlClick("TMPGEnc Authoring Works 4","",3002)


    Mein lieber Herr Chip, auch so funktioniert es nicht! :whistling:

  • Removing install checks from a MSI file:
    Download and install the ORCA tool. This tool is a microsoft tool that allows you to edit the MSI file. Once Orca opens it will display a long list of categories. Select "CustomActions". Subcategories will now be displayed. You can delete an item by right clicking and selecting delete row.
    Save the MSI file and try the install again by double clicking the MSI file. :thumbup: