Dieses Skript ermöglicht es die QRCode UDF (QRCode UDF) in der Konsole zu nutzen.
Es ermöglicht das Ausgeben eines QRCode in die Konsole oder als Bilddatei.
Dabei kann auch ein Bild angegeben werden, dass automatisch in die Mitte des QRCodes gezeichnet wird.
Die Größe wird dabei automatisch an das "error correction level" angepasst.
Die aktuellste Version ist 1.1
================================ QRCode generator - cli ================================
The QRCode generator cli provides a command line interface to generate qrcodes.
It allows the user to print the qrcode to the console (if no destination path
is provided) or to output the qrcode as an image. It also allows the addition
of another image to be drawn ontop of the qrcode in the middle, with the size
automatically adjusted accordingly to the error correction level (ECL).
qrcodegenerator-cli [OPTION]... [INPUT TEXT] [OPTION]... [DESTINATION] [OPTION]...
Generate a qrcode for the given input text.
The qrcode is printed to the console, or if a DESTINATION is provided, the output is
saved as an image to that DESTINATION.
The INPUT TEXT is optional, but then it must be replaced with the flag -t/--text.
The DESTINATION can be replaced with the flag -d/--out.
-b, --background
provide the desired value for the background.
Image output: color as ARGB (Default "0xFFFFFFFF").
Console output: the desired character/string (Default " ").
-c, --color
provide the desired value for the foreground.
Image output: color as ARGB (Default "0xFF000000").
Console output: the desired character/string (Default "#").
-d, --delimeter
provide a character/string to seperate multiple lines.
This sequence is then replaced in the input text by \n (@LF)
This can be changed to \r\n (@CRLF) with the flsg -r.
-e, --ecl
provide the error correction level (ECL) (Default "4").
Possible values:
Low (up to ~7% loss): 1
Medium (up to ~15% loss): 2
Quartile (up to ~25% loss): 3
High (up to ~30% loss): 4
-h, --help, help, /?, ?
Show this help
-i, --icon
provide the path to an image. That image will then be drawn at the qrcode.
It will be scaled to not be larger then the allowed ECL (see argument
above). Image size in relation to the qrcode and with those ECLs:
low 5%, medium 13%, quartile 23%, high 28%.
Note: The icon will not be upscaled, if it is smaller.
Note: You can change -s/--size to make the qrcode larger => more imagespace.
-l, --linebreak
provide the desired character/string to insert after every qrcode line
(Default "\r\n" or "@CRLF"). This only works with console output.
-m, --margin
configure a border around the qrcode (Default "[0,0,0,0]").
Defined as integer values: [<Top>,<Right>,<Bottom>,<Left>]
With image output, it defines the border in pixels.
With console output, it defines the border above/below with "\r\n" (@CRLF) and
to the left/right with spaces (" ").
Toggle from \n (@LF) to \r\n (@CRLF), when using the --delimeter command.
-s, --size
provide the desired size for the output.
Image output: Pixel per rectangle
Console output: Character/String per rectangle
NOTE (Image output): Increasing the size changes the output width/height. This
also influences the size of a possible icon (-i/--icon).
-t, --text
provides an alternative to define the input text. This allows the user to be
sure, the text is not misinterpreted as another argument.
-o, --out
provides an alternative to define the destination. This allows the user to be
sure the destination is not misinterpreted as another argument.
If an error occurres, the program prints an error and exits with an error code.
Exit codes:
1 - Missing arguments; at least the input text is required
2 - Parameter --ecl provided, but value is missing or not one of [1,2,3,4]
3 - Parameter --color provided, but value is missing
4 - Parameter --background provided, but value is missing
5 - Parameter --linebreak provided, but value is missing
6 - Parameter --icon provided, but value is missing or path does not exist
7 - Parameter --size provided, but value is missing or not an allowed value
8 - Parameter --margin provided, but value is missing or not an allowed value
9 - Parameter --out provided, but value is missing
10 - Parameter --delimeter provided, but value is missing
11 - Unknown parameter found
12 - QRCode generation failed.
13 - QRCode generation failed because of the input text being to large.
Maybe try a lower error correction level (ECL).
14 - QRCode image file could not be saved. There may be a problem with the path.
15 - Icon image file could not be loaded as an image
16 - Drawing (image)/showing (console) the qrcode failed
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