Email Versand mit _INetSmtpMailAuth()

  • Hallo an die AutoIt Profis,

    ich bekomme es einfach nicht hin mit der Funktion _INetSmtpMailAuth() aus einem Script mails zu versenden (Z.Zt. helfe ich mir mit blat - das klappt).
    Ich habe schon mehrere Stunden hier im Forum nachgelesen, bringe es aber nicht hin.

    Spoiler anzeigen

    #include <INet.au3>

    $re = InputBox('Mail send', 'Was willst du senden?')
    $s_SmtpServer = ""
    $s_FromName = "CDE"
    $s_FromAddress = ""
    $s_ToAddress = ""
    $s_Subject = "My Test UDF"
    $s_UName = ""
    $s_PWD = "yyyy"

    Dim $as_Body[2]
    $as_Body[0] = $re
    $as_Body[1] = "Danke CDE"

    $Response = _INetSmtpMailAuth($s_SmtpServer, $s_FromName, $s_FromAddress, $s_ToAddress, $s_UName, $s_PWD, $s_Subject, $as_Body)
    $err = @error
    If $err Then ConsoleWrite($err & @CRLF)
    If $Response = 1 Then
    MsgBox(0, "Success!", "Mail sent")
    MsgBox(0, "Error!", "Mail failed with error code " & $err)

    ; Function Name: _INetSmtpMailAuth()
    ; Description: Sends an email using SMTP over TCP IP.
    ; Parameter(s): $s_SmtpServer - SMTP server to be used for sending email
    ; $s_FromName - Name of sender
    ; $s_FromAddress - eMail address of sender
    ; $s_ToAddress - Address that email is to be sent to
    ; $s_Username - Username for Authentication (bernd670)
    ; $s_Passwd - Password for Authentication (bernd670)
    ; $s_Subject - Subject of eMail
    ; $as_Body - Single dimension array containing the body of eMail as strings
    ; $s_helo - Helo identifier (default @COMPUTERNAME) sometime needed by smtp server
    ; $s_first - send before Helo identifier (default @CRLF) sometime needed by smtp server
    ; $b_trace - trace on a splash window (default 0 = no trace)
    ; Requirement(s): None
    ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 1
    ; On Failure - 0 and sets
    ; @ERROR = 1 - Invalid Parameters
    ; @ERROR = 2 - Unable to start TCP
    ; @ERROR = 3 - Unable to resolve IP
    ; @ERROR = 4 - Unable to create socket
    ; @ERROR = 5x - Cannot open SMTP session
    ; @ERROR = 50x - Cannot send body
    ; @ERROR = 5000 - Cannot close SMTP session
    ; Authors: Original function to send email via TCP - Asimzameer
    ; Conversion to UDF - Walkabout
    ; Correction Helo, timeout, trace - Jpm
    ; Correction send before Helo - Jpm
    ; Include Authentication - bernd670
    Func _INetSmtpMailAuth($s_SmtpServer, $s_FromName, $s_FromAddress, $s_ToAddress, $s_Username, $s_Passwd, $s_Subject = "", $as_Body = "", $s_helo = "", $s_first = "-1", $b_trace = 0)

    Local $v_Socket
    Local $s_IPAddress
    Local $i_Count
    Local $s_Send[9]
    Local $s_ReplyCode[9];Return code from SMTP server indicating success

    If $s_SmtpServer = "" Or $s_FromAddress = "" Or $s_ToAddress = "" Or $s_Username = "" Or $s_Passwd = "" Or $s_FromName = "" Or StringLen($s_FromName) > 256 Then
    Return 0
    If $s_helo = "" Then $s_helo = @ComputerName
    If TCPStartup() = 0 Then
    Return 0
    StringRegExp($s_SmtpServer, "(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)")
    If @extended Then
    $s_IPAddress = $s_SmtpServer
    $s_IPAddress = TCPNameToIP($s_SmtpServer)
    If $s_IPAddress = "" Then
    Return 0
    $v_Socket = TCPConnect($s_IPAddress, 25)
    If $v_Socket = -1 Then
    Return (0)

    $s_Send[0] = "EHLO " & $s_helo & @CRLF
    ;~ If StringLeft($s_helo,5) <> "EHLO " Then $s_Send[0] = "EHLO " & $s_helo & @CRLF
    $s_ReplyCode[0] = "250"

    $s_Send[1] = "AUTH LOGIN" & @CRLF
    $s_ReplyCode[1] = "334"
    $s_Send[2] = _Base64Encoding($s_Username) & @CRLF
    $s_ReplyCode[2] = "334"
    $s_Send[3] = _Base64Encoding($s_Passwd) & @CRLF
    $s_ReplyCode[3] = "235"
    $s_Send[4] = "MAIL FROM: <" & $s_FromAddress & ">" & @CRLF
    $s_ReplyCode[4] = "250"
    $s_Send[5] = "RCPT TO: <" & $s_ToAddress & ">" & @CRLF
    $s_ReplyCode[5] = "250"
    $s_Send[6] = "DATA" & @CRLF
    $s_ReplyCode[6] = "354"

    $s_Send[7] = "From: " & $s_FromName & " <" & $s_FromAddress & ">" & @CRLF & _
    "To: " & "<" & $s_ToAddress & ">" & @CRLF & _
    "Subject: " & $s_Subject & @CRLF & _
    "Mime-Version: 1.0" & @CRLF & _
    "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII" & @CRLF & _
    $s_ReplyCode[7] = ""

    $s_Send[8] = @CRLF & "." & @CRLF
    $s_ReplyCode[8] = "250"

    ; open stmp session
    If _SmtpSend($v_Socket, $s_Send[0], $s_ReplyCode[0], $b_trace, "220", $s_first) Then
    Return 0

    ; send header
    For $i_Count = 0 To UBound($s_Send) - 2
    If _SmtpSend($v_Socket, $s_Send[$i_Count], $s_ReplyCode[$i_Count], $b_trace) Then
    SetError(50 + $i_Count)
    Return 0

    ; send body records (a record can be multiline : take care of a subline beginning with a dot should be ..)
    For $i_Count = 0 To UBound($as_Body) - 1
    ; correct line beginning with a dot
    If StringLeft($as_Body[$i_Count], 1) = "." Then $as_Body[$i_Count] = "." & $as_Body[$i_Count]

    If _SmtpSend($v_Socket, $as_Body[$i_Count] & @CRLF, "", $b_trace) Then
    SetError(500 + $i_Count)
    Return 0

    ; close the smtp session
    $i_Count = UBound($s_Send) - 1
    If _SmtpSend($v_Socket, $s_Send[$i_Count], $s_ReplyCode[$i_Count], $b_trace) Then
    Return 0

    Return 1
    EndFunc ;==>_INetSmtpMailAuth

    ; Function Name: _Base64Encoding()
    ; Description: Kodiert eine Zeichenfolge mit dem Base64-Verfahren
    ; (
    ; Parameter(s): $String - Zeichenfolge die kodiert werden soll
    ; Requirement(s): None
    ; Return Value(s): Kodierte Zeichenfolge
    ; Authors: bernd670
    Func _Base64Encoding($String)

    $strUmsetzung = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"
    $strRetValue = ""

    For $i = 1 To StringLen($String) Step 3
    $strTok = StringMid($String, $i, 3)
    Switch StringLen($strTok)
    Case 3
    $iTokVal = (Asc(StringMid($strTok, 1, 1)) * 256 + _
    Asc(StringMid($strTok, 2, 1))) * 256 + _
    Asc(StringMid($strTok, 3, 1))
    $strTokCryt = StringMid($strUmsetzung, (BitAND($iTokVal, 63)) + 1, 1)
    $iTokVal = BitShift($iTokVal, 6)
    $strTokCryt = StringMid($strUmsetzung, (BitAND($iTokVal, 63)) + 1, 1) & $strTokCryt
    $iTokVal = BitShift($iTokVal, 6)
    $strTokCryt = StringMid($strUmsetzung, (BitAND($iTokVal, 63)) + 1, 1) & $strTokCryt
    $iTokVal = BitShift($iTokVal, 6)
    $strTokCryt = StringMid($strUmsetzung, (BitAND($iTokVal, 63)) + 1, 1) & $strTokCryt
    $strRetValue &= $strTokCryt

    Case 2
    $iTokVal = (Asc(StringMid($strTok, 1, 1)) * 256 + _
    Asc(StringMid($strTok, 2, 1))) * 256
    $iTokVal = BitShift($iTokVal, 6)
    $strTokCryt = StringMid($strUmsetzung, (BitAND($iTokVal, 63)) + 1, 1)
    $iTokVal = BitShift($iTokVal, 6)
    $strTokCryt = StringMid($strUmsetzung, (BitAND($iTokVal, 63)) + 1, 1) & $strTokCryt
    $iTokVal = BitShift($iTokVal, 6)
    $strTokCryt = StringMid($strUmsetzung, (BitAND($iTokVal, 63)) + 1, 1) & $strTokCryt
    $strRetValue &= $strTokCryt & "="

    Case 1
    $iTokVal = Asc(StringMid($strTok, 1, 1)) * 65536
    $iTokVal = BitShift($iTokVal, 12)
    $strTokCryt = StringMid($strUmsetzung, (BitAND($iTokVal, 63)) + 1, 1)
    $iTokVal = BitShift($iTokVal, 6)
    $strTokCryt = StringMid($strUmsetzung, (BitAND($iTokVal, 63)) + 1, 1) & $strTokCryt
    $strRetValue &= $strTokCryt & "=="


    Return $strRetValue
    EndFunc ;==>_Base64Encoding

    Dieser Fehler taucht auf - was ich nachvollziehen kann, denn nirgends ist diese Funktion 'beschrieben'.
    ERROR: _SmtpSend(): undefined function.
    If _SmtpSend ($v_Socket, $s_Send[0], $s_ReplyCode[0], $b_trace, "220", $s_first)

    Was muss ich tun ?????

    Danke schon einmal im voraus

    Chris :?:

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von ugt100 (23. Januar 2010 um 12:31)

  • Also mit folgendem Script gibt es bei mir keine Probleme.

    Spoiler anzeigen

    #cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    AutoIt Version:
    Author: myName

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Script Function:
    Template AutoIt script.

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    #ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Script Start - Add your code below here
    ; Include
    ; Variables
    $SmtpServer = "MailServer" ; address for the smtp-server to use - REQUIRED
    $FromName = "Name" ; name from who the email was sent
    $FromAddress = "" ; address from where the mail should come
    $ToAddress = "" ; destination address of the email - REQUIRED
    $Subject = "Userinfo" ; subject from the email - can be anything you want it to be
    $Body = "" ; the messagebody from the mail - can be left blank but then you get a blank mail
    $AttachFiles = "" ; the file you want to attach- leave blank if not needed
    $CcAddress = "" ; address for cc - leave blank if not needed
    $BccAddress = "" ; address for bcc - leave blank if not needed
    $Importance = "Normal" ; Send message priority: "High", "Normal", "Low"
    $Username = "******" ; username for the account used from where the mail gets sent - REQUIRED
    $Password = "********" ; password for the account used from where the mail gets sent - REQUIRED
    $IPPort = 25 ; port used for sending the mail
    $ssl = 0 ; enables/disables secure socket layer sending - put to 1 if using httpS
    ;~ $IPPort=465 ; GMAIL port used for sending the mail
    ;~ $ssl=1 ; GMAILenables/disables secure socket layer sending - put to 1 if using httpS

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Script
    Global $oMyRet[2]
    Global $oMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "MyErrFunc")
    $rc = _INetSmtpMailCom($SmtpServer, $FromName, $FromAddress, $ToAddress, $Subject, $Body, $AttachFiles, $CcAddress, $BccAddress, $Importance, $Username, $Password, $IPPort, $ssl)
    If @error Then
    MsgBox(0, "Error sending message", "Error code:" & @error & " Description:" & $rc)
    ; The UDF
    Func _INetSmtpMailCom($s_SmtpServer, $s_FromName, $s_FromAddress, $s_ToAddress, $s_Subject = "", $as_Body = "", $s_AttachFiles = "", $s_CcAddress = "", $s_BccAddress = "", $s_Importance="Normal", $s_Username = "", $s_Password = "", $IPPort = 25, $ssl = 0)
    Local $objEmail = ObjCreate("CDO.Message")
    $objEmail.From = '"' & $s_FromName & '" <' & $s_FromAddress & '>'
    $objEmail.To = $s_ToAddress
    Local $i_Error = 0
    Local $i_Error_desciption = ""
    If $s_CcAddress <> "" Then $objEmail.Cc = $s_CcAddress
    If $s_BccAddress <> "" Then $objEmail.Bcc = $s_BccAddress
    $objEmail.Subject = $s_Subject
    If StringInStr($as_Body, "<") And StringInStr($as_Body, ">") Then
    $objEmail.HTMLBody = $as_Body
    $objEmail.Textbody = $as_Body & @CRLF
    If $s_AttachFiles <> "" Then
    Local $S_Files2Attach = StringSplit($s_AttachFiles, ";")
    For $x = 1 To $S_Files2Attach[0]
    $S_Files2Attach[$x] = _PathFull($S_Files2Attach[$x])
    ConsoleWrite('@@ Debug(62) : $S_Files2Attach = ' & $S_Files2Attach & @LF & '>Error code: ' & @error & @LF) ;### Debug Console
    If FileExists($S_Files2Attach[$x]) Then
    $objEmail.AddAttachment ($S_Files2Attach[$x])
    ConsoleWrite('!> File not found to attach: ' & $S_Files2Attach[$x] & @LF)
    Return 0
    $objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = 2
    $objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = $s_SmtpServer
    If Number($IPPort) = 0 then $IPPort = 25
    $objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = $IPPort
    ;Authenticated SMTP
    If $s_Username <> "" Then
    $objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = 1
    $objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = $s_Username
    $objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = $s_Password
    If $ssl Then
    $objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = True
    ;Update settings
    ; Set Email Importance
    Switch $s_Importance
    Case "High"
    $objEmail.Fields.Item ("urn:schemas:mailheader:Importance") = "High"
    Case "Normal"
    $objEmail.Fields.Item ("urn:schemas:mailheader:Importance") = "Normal"
    Case "Low"
    $objEmail.Fields.Item ("urn:schemas:mailheader:Importance") = "Low"
    ; Sent the Message
    If @error Then
    Return $oMyRet[1]
    EndFunc ;==>_INetSmtpMailCom
    ; Com Error Handler
    Func MyErrFunc()
    $HexNumber = Hex($oMyError.number, 8)
    $oMyRet[0] = $HexNumber
    $oMyRet[1] = StringStripWS($oMyError.description, 3)
    ConsoleWrite("### COM Error ! Number: " & $HexNumber & " ScriptLine: " & $oMyError.scriptline & " Description:" & $oMyRet[1] & @LF)
    SetError(1); something to check for when this function returns
    EndFunc ;==>MyErrFunc


    Vorausgesetz, die Daten in Zeile 20 bis 33 sind richtig angegeben. Diese bekommst Du zumeist von Deinem Provider.

    Lieben Gruß,


    Geheime Information: ;)

  • Hallo ugt100,

    hatte gerade das selbe problem, wobei bei mir das script mit Autoit noch funktionierte.
    Also ein blick in die inet.au3 von Autoit und schon war klar das die funktion jetzt nicht mehr _SmtpSend sonder __SmtpSend heist.

    Also einfach 4 mal einen Unterstrich hinzufügen und fertig.
    Das script von Alina ist zwar auch nicht schlecht, benötigt aber internetzugang was in Firmen nicht immer gegeben ist und der Mailserver teilweise im LAN steht.

    mfg Devilman