FYI: Es gibt ne neue SciTE-Version 14.11.2013

  • Hallo Zusammen,

    Jos hat ne neue SciTE-Version rausgebracht. Die History-Seite ist noch nicht aktualisiert, aber man kann die neue SciTE-Version seit vorgestern runterladen:

    "Installer containing SciTE and all configuration files plus utilities.Update History. Definition files included: AutoIt v3.3.8.1 and BETA v3.3.9.22"

    Aus der SciTE-Help:

    *** Merged the updates of SciTE v 3.3.6 by Neil Hodgson with our own version of SciTE. (Jos)
    - Added check to avoid double shelling of the script via shortcuts of the tools menu items.
    - Added Properties option to set the default encoding of new files:
    - Fixed issue in AU3 lexer to show the last correctly when the previous line is a commentline, commentblock, Special and Directives.
    *** Updated AutoIt3Wrapper v2.1.3.0 (Jos)
    - Fixed issue where a tempfile was left behind when files was checked by au3check and UTF encoded.
    - Added support for the #PRAGMA statement to avoid any conflicts. Warnings are now displayed in the Console output.
    - Added SciTE version to the displayed info in the Console Output.
    - Added #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Remove (wraithdu)
    - Added File compression for Resource Files (wraithdu)
    #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_File_Add=%in%, 10, UNCOMPRESSED
    #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_File_Add=%in%, -10, COMPRESSED
    - Updated option to change the TempDir in the INI file. Default changed to @UserProfileDir. (wraithdu)
    - Fixed adding /Beta to the Obfuscator line when using the /Beta on the commandline of Autoit3wrapper.
    - Fixed to ensure UPX is ran when needed.
    - Fixed: Allow | in run_before and Run_After directives.
    *** Updated Tidy v2.4.0.0 (Jos)
    - Added support for 3.3.9.x changes.
    - Changed default EOF setting to add the CRLF. (End_With_NewLine=1)
    - Fixed removal of spaces for new Var/Func notation
    - Fixed crash caused by Function table load.
    *** Updated SciTEConfig v1.6.11.0
    - Updates for Abbrev manager and User Calltip Manager (Melba23)
    *** Updated Obfuscator.exe v1.0.31.0 (Jos)
    - Fixed ensure #pragma statements are not stripped.
    - Fixed Regression internal code cleanup done before. The Obfuscation was broken
    - Fixed #include logic for #Include not first checking the Directory where the file containing the include is located.
    - Added check for max 4100 character record len without causing a crash.
    *** Added support for personal LUA functions. Look at "PersonalTools.lua" in the LUA subdir for details.
    *** Updated SciTEJump to the latest version v2.13.103.227 (guinness)

    happy computing