News of the World - Downloader

  • Dieses kleine Script lädt euch die letzte Ausgabe der NotW herunter, die wegen eines Abhörskandals geschlossen wurde.

    Spoiler anzeigen

    #cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    AutoIt Version:
    Author: [email=''][/email]

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Script Function:
    laedt die letzte news of the world von der offiziellen seite herunter
    ~ Standardausgabe (finalissue)
    ~ Schottische Ausgabe (scotfinal)
    ~ Herasnehmbares "Souvenier" (FINAL)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    #ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    _get ("finalissue", 68)
    _get ("FINAL", 47)
    _get ("scotfinal", 73)
    MsgBox (64, "Fertig!", "Download abgeschlossen!")
    Func _get ($zid, $cnt)
    $i = 1
    If DirGetSize (@scriptdir & "\News of the World") Then DirCreate (@scriptdir & "\News of the World")
    If DirGetSize (@scriptdir & "\News of the World\" & $zid) Then DirCreate (@scriptdir & "\News of the World\" & $zid)
    ;~ If DirGetSize (@scriptdir & "\News of the World\" & $zid & "\small") Then DirCreate (@scriptdir & "\News of the World\" & $zid & "\small")
    ;~ If DirGetSize (@scriptdir & "\News of the World\" & $zid & "\medium") Then DirCreate (@scriptdir & "\News of the World\" & $zid & "\medium")
    If DirGetSize (@scriptdir & "\News of the World\" & $zid & "\large") Then DirCreate (@scriptdir & "\News of the World\" & $zid & "\large")
    ;~ InetGet ("" & $zid & "/small/" & $i & ".jpg", @scriptdir & "\News of the World\" & $zid & "\small\" & $i & ".jpg")
    ;~ InetGet ("" & $zid & "/medium/" & $i & ".jpg", @scriptdir & "\News of the World\" & $zid & "\medium\" & $i & ".jpg")
    InetGet ("" & $zid & "/large/" & $i & ".jpg", @scriptdir & "\News of the World\" & $zid & "\large\" & $i & ".jpg")
    $i += 1
    Until $i = $cnt+1


    Grüße Tobias