MsgBox - Maus

  • Hallo ihr!
    Ich habe mal wieder eine Frage!
    Kann man einen Script so programmieren, dass sie die maus nur in
    einem bestimmten raum (feld),nähmlich einer msgBox, bewegen kann ?

    Danke im Vorraus!

    Jaja, Moo does the Cow!

  • Ja danke!
    Aber wie soll ich das in meinen script einbinden ?


    $antwort = msgbox(4,"Frage?","xD?")
    if $antwort = 6 then MouseClick("left", 1)
    if $antwort = 7 then send("{Tab} {del} {TAB} {DEL}")


    Jaja, Moo does the Cow!

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Lenny (8. August 2007 um 17:32)

  • Okay das mach ich ... !

    jetzt habe ich nur noch eine frage:"Was ist ein GUI ?"

    könntest du vllt ein beispiel für so eine "Box" machen ?
    also gleiche prinzip wie bei dem game von vorhin ?

    Daaaaanke im vorraus

    Jaja, Moo does the Cow!

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Lenny (8. August 2007 um 17:33)

  • Mann könnte es vllt auch so machen das die Box immer im vordergrund steht und mann nur bei der Box antworten kann und sonst nix drücken kann ... ^^ geht das ?
    sorry wegen doppel post!

    Jaja, Moo does the Cow!

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Lenny (8. August 2007 um 17:52)

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    hier da hat schon mal jemand ne MsgBox nachgebaut:

    Spoiler anzeigen
    [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Include Version:1.01 (15 August 2006)
    ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ; AutoIt Version:
    ; Language: English
    ; Description: Alternative to MsgBox() with extended functionality.
    ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Global $ghMBEX = 0, $giMBEX_Secs = 0, $gaMBEX_SecLines[6][2], $gsMBEX_Text, $giMBEX_PrevOnEventMode
    Global $ghMBEX_Button1, $ghMBEX_Button2, $ghMBEX_Button3, $ghMBEX_Button, $giMBEX_ButtonFlag
    Global $gsMBEX_ButtonText, $gsMBEX_CallBack, $giMBEX_RtnVal, $gaMBEX_BT[4], $gbMBEX_ButtonHasCD
    Global $giMBEX_TmrStart, $giMBEX_TmrEnd
    #include <GUIDefaultConstants.au3>
    #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
    #include <ButtonConstants.au3>

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    _MsgBoxEx(64, 'Hello', 'Was willst du?', 0, "", -1, -1, 0)
    ; Function Name: _MsgBoxEx() and _MsgBoxExCreate()
    ; Description: Extensions to the inbuilt MsgBox() Function.
    ; Adds a drop in replacement or Event driven Mode
    ; Adds CountDown of Timeout to Default Buttons and|or Text.
    ; Adds Bolding of up to 5 text lines
    ; Author(s): Foxnolds <foxnolds at ewise dot com>

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; +++ This is to emulate a Modal MsgBox($iFlag, $sTitle, $sText [, $iTimeout]) +++
    ; _MsgBoxEx($iFlag, $sTitle, $sText [, $iTimeout [, $sReturnCallBack [, $iLeft [, $iTop [, $hParent]]]]])
    ; +++ This is the call to use if you have your own EventLoop where you call _MBEX_TickTock() +++
    ; _MsgBoxExCreate($iFlag, $sTitle, $sText [, $iTimeout [, $sReturnCallBack [, $iLeft [, $iTop [, $hParent]]]]])
    ; __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    ; $iFlag The flag indicates the type of message box and the possible button combinations. See remarks.
    ; $sTitle The title of the message box.
    ; $sText The text of the message box. "<b>" and/or "</b>" will Bold Text of whole Line only.
    ; Upto 5 lines may have <##> text replaced with the current second countdown value.
    ; $iTimeout [optional] Timeout in seconds. After the timeout has elapsed the message box will be closed.
    ; Default value of 0 will disable timeout.
    ; $sReturnCallBack [optional] The name of a function you provide that takes a single argument, the ReturnCode.
    ; Default value is Null String "" which is replaced with internal handler when
    ; _MsgBoxEx() funcion called.
    ; If using _MsgBoxExCreate(),
    ; you MUST register your own ReturnCallBack function here...
    ; And in your Event Loop, you need to call _MBEX_TickTock() to update timers.
    ; $iLeft [optional] X Position of Dialog, default of -1 centers dialog horizontally.
    ; $iTop [optional] Y Position of Dialog, default of -1 centers dialog vertically.
    ; $hParent [optional] Handle to a Parent Window, defaults to 0.
    ; __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    ; Note, as this is Modeless, this version does not support multiple instances which can be invoked.
    ; The code uses the Dialog handle of non-zero to test if another is running already.
    ; Failure: Returns -1 if the message box timed out.
    ; Button Pressed Return Value sent to $gsMBEX_CallBack function you provide
    ; OK 1
    ; CANCEL 2
    ; ABORT 3
    ; RETRY 4
    ; IGNORE 5
    ; YES 6
    ; NO 7
    ; TRY AGAIN ** 10
    ; CONTINUE ** 11
    ; LOCK PC 12 - You have to do the locking...
    ; CLOSE 13 - New Return code
    ; _____________________________________________________________________
    ; The flag parameter can be a combination of the following values:
    ; decimal flag Button-related Result hexadecimal flag
    ; 0 OK button 0x0
    ; 1 OK and Cancel 0x1
    ; 2 Abort, Retry, and Ignore 0x2
    ; 3 Yes, No, and Cancel 0x3
    ; 4 Yes and No 0x4
    ; 5 Retry and Cancel 0x5
    ; 6 ** Cancel, Try Again, Continue 0x6
    ; 7 ++ +++ See Note7 +++ 0x7
    ; 8 ++ Lock PC, Cancel 0x8
    ; +++ Note7 +++ User sets the Global Array Variables Before Calling this Function
    ; $gaMBEX_BT[0] = 1, 2 or 3
    ; $gaMBEX_BT[1] = "Left Button"
    ; $gaMBEX_BT[2] = "Right Button"
    ; $gaMBEX_BT[3] = "Middle Button"
    ; _____________________________________________________________________
    ; decimal flag Icon-related Result hexadecimal flag
    ; 0 (No icon) 0x0
    ; 16 Stop-sign icon 0x10
    ; 32 Question-mark icon 0x20
    ; 48 Exclamation-point icon 0x30
    ; 64 Information-sign icon consisting of an 'i' in a circle 0x40
    ; _____________________________________________________________________
    ; decimal flag Default-related Result hexadecimal flag
    ; 0 First button is default button 0x0
    ; 256 Second button is default button 0x100
    ; 512 Third button is default button 0x200
    ; 1024 +++ Default Button has CountDown text 0x400
    ; _____________________________________________________________________
    ; decimal flag Modality-related Result hexadecimal flag
    ; 0 Application 0x0
    ; 4096 ++ System modal (dialog has an icon) 0x1000
    ; 8192 -- Task modal - Not supported 0x2000
    ; _____________________________________________________________________
    ; decimal flag Miscellaneous-related Result hexadecimal flag
    ; 0 (nothing else special) 0x0
    ; 262144 MsgBox has top-most attribute set 0x40000
    ; 524288 -- title and text are right-justified 0x80000
    ; ** was Only valid on Windows 2000/XP and above.
    ; ________________________________________________________________
    ; +++ This is to emulate a Modal MsgBox($iFlag, $sTitle, $sText [, $iTimeout]) +++
    ; _MsgBoxEx($iFlag, $sTitle, $sText [, $iTimeout [, $sReturnCallBack [, $iLeft [, $iTop [, $hParent]]]]])
    ; Function Entry for backwards compatability for MsgBox() is really a
    ; Local EventLoop to service this _MsgBoxEx UDF.
    ; Usually you would use your own EventLoop but this will do if none other.
    Func _MsgBoxEx($piFlag, $psTitle, $psText, $piTimeout = 0, $psReturnCallBack = "", $piLeft = -1, $piTop = -1, $phParent = 0)
    _MsgBoxExCreate($piFlag, $psTitle, $psText, $piTimeout, $psReturnCallBack, $piLeft, $piTop, $phParent)
    ; Local Event Loop for Timer CountDown Tick
    While $giMBEX_RtnVal == 0
    Sleep(250) ; Allow events to happen...
    _MBEX_TickTock(True) ; Do CountDown display as required
    ; Restore Previous OnEventMode
    Opt("GUIOnEventMode", $giMBEX_PrevOnEventMode) ; 0=disabled, 1=OnEvent mode enabled
    Return $giMBEX_RtnVal

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; +++ This is the call to use if you have your own EventLoop where you call _MBEX_TickTock() +++
    ; _MsgBoxExCreate($iFlag, $sTitle, $sText [, $iTimeout [, $sReturnCallBack [, $iLeft [, $iTop [, $hParent]]]]])
    Func _MsgBoxExCreate($piFlag, $psTitle, $psText, $piTimeout = 0, $psReturnCallBack = "", $piLeft = -1, $piTop = -1, $phParent = 0)
    Local $liPrevCoordMode, $laText, $li, $liMaxStrLen = 0, $liTextWidth, $lsValue, $liStyle, $liStyleEx, $lbTabs
    Local $liIconOffset, $liIconIndex, $liXpos, $lbBold, $liButtonWidth, $liBoldVOffset = 0, $liHeight, $lbButton1Centered
    Local $liNumOfButtons, $lsButton1Text, $lsButton2Text, $lsButton3Text, $liDefButtonNum, $liLeftGrow, $liRightGrow

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Local Const $lciCharWidth = 5, $lciBtnCharWidth = 7, $lciButtonWidth = 70, $lciBoldWidth = 7
    Local Const $lciCharHeight = 15, $lciLineHeight = 12, $lciButtonHeight = 25, $lciBoldHeight = 16

    If $ghMBEX Then Return 0 ; Already displayed!

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    If $psReturnCallBack == "" Then $psReturnCallBack = "_MBEX_DefaultReturnCallBack" ; No CallBack provided - Mandatory!
    $gsMBEX_CallBack = $psReturnCallBack

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    $liPrevCoordMode = Opt("GUICoordMode", 1) ; 1 = absolute coordinates (default) still relative to the dialog box.
    ; 0 = relative position to the start of the last control (upper left corner).
    ; 2 = cell positionining relative to current cell.
    ; A -1 for left or top parameter don't increment the start.
    ; So next line is -1,offset; next cell is offset,-1; current cell is -1,-1.
    $giMBEX_PrevOnEventMode = Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) ; 0=disabled, 1=OnEvent mode enabled

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    $gaMBEX_SecLines[0][0] = 0 ; Initialse Counter of Lines needing SECONDS update <##> to Zero
    $gaMBEX_SecLines[0][1] = ""

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    $giMBEX_Secs = $piTimeout
    $gsMBEX_Text = " (<##> secs)"
    $laText = StringSplit($psText, @LF, 1)
    $liMaxStrLen = 0
    For $li = 1 To $laText[0]
    $lbBold = False
    $lbTabs = False
    $liTextWidth = StringLen($laText[$li])
    If StringInStr($laText[$li], "<b>", 0, 1) > 0 OR StringInStr($laText[$li], "</b>", 0, 1) > 0 Then $lbBold = True
    If StringInStr($laText[$li], @TAB, 0, 1) > 0 Then
    ; Expand TAB characters.. to 4-Char boundary
    $lbTabs = True
    Local $liLen = 0, $c = ""
    For $liIconOffset = 1 to $liTextWidth
    $c = StringMid($laText[$li], $liIconOffset, 1)
    If $c == @TAB Then
    If Mod($liLen, 4) == 0 Then
    $liLen += 4
    $liLen += Mod($liLen, 4)
    $liLen += 1
    $liTextWidth = $liLen
    If $lbBold Then
    $liTextWidth = $liTextWidth * $lciBoldWidth
    $liBoldVOffset = $liBoldVOffset + $lciBoldHeight - $lciLineHeight
    ElseIf $lbTabs Then
    $liTextWidth = $liTextWidth * $lciBoldWidth
    $liTextWidth = $liTextWidth * $lciCharWidth
    If $liTextWidth > $liMaxStrLen Then $liMaxStrLen = $liTextWidth
    $liTextWidth = 250
    If $liMaxStrLen > $liTextWidth Then $liTextWidth = $liMaxStrLen

    ; Set up Button info
    $lbButton1Centered = False
    Case BitAND($piFlag, 8) == 8 ; Lock PC, Cancel
    $liNumOfButtons = 2
    $lsButton1Text = "Lock PC"
    $lsButton2Text = "Cancel"
    $lsButton3Text = ""
    $giMBEX_ButtonFlag = 8
    Case BitAND($piFlag, 7) == 7 ; User Defined
    ; User sets the Global Variables Before Calling this Function
    $liNumOfButtons = $gaMBEX_BT[0] ; 1, 2 or 3
    $lsButton1Text = $gaMBEX_BT[1] ; "Left Button"
    $lsButton2Text = $gaMBEX_BT[2] ; "Right Button"
    $lsButton3Text = $gaMBEX_BT[3] ; "Middle Button"
    $giMBEX_ButtonFlag = 7
    If $liNumOfButtons == 1 Then $lbButton1Centered = True
    Case BitAND($piFlag, 6) == 6 ; Cancel, Try Again, Continue
    $liNumOfButtons = 3
    $lsButton1Text = "Cancel"
    $lsButton2Text = "Continue"
    $lsButton3Text = "Try Again"
    $giMBEX_ButtonFlag = 6
    Case BitAND($piFlag, 5) == 5 ; Retry and Cancel
    $liNumOfButtons = 2
    $lsButton1Text = "Retry"
    $lsButton2Text = "Cancel"
    $lsButton3Text = ""
    $giMBEX_ButtonFlag = 5
    Case BitAND($piFlag, 4) == 4 ; Yes and No
    $liNumOfButtons = 2
    $lsButton1Text = "Yes"
    $lsButton2Text = "No"
    $lsButton3Text = ""
    $giMBEX_ButtonFlag = 4
    Case BitAND($piFlag, 3) == 3 ; Yes, No, and Cancel
    $liNumOfButtons = 3
    $lsButton1Text = "Yes"
    $lsButton2Text = "Cancel"
    $lsButton3Text = "No"
    $giMBEX_ButtonFlag = 3
    Case BitAND($piFlag, 2) == 2 ; Abort, Retry, and Ignore
    $liNumOfButtons = 3
    $lsButton1Text = "Abort"
    $lsButton2Text = "Ignore"
    $lsButton3Text = "Retry"
    $giMBEX_ButtonFlag = 2
    Case BitAND($piFlag, 1) == 1 ; OK and Cancel
    $liNumOfButtons = 2
    $lsButton1Text = "OK"
    $lsButton2Text = "Cancel"
    $lsButton3Text = ""
    $giMBEX_ButtonFlag = 1
    Case Else ; OK button
    $liNumOfButtons = 1
    $lsButton1Text = "OK"
    $lsButton2Text = ""
    $lsButton3Text = ""
    $lbButton1Centered = True
    $giMBEX_ButtonFlag = 0

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Select default Button to Count Down
    $liDefButtonNum = 1 ; First button is default button
    $gsMBEX_ButtonText = $lsButton1Text
    If BitAND($piFlag, 256) == 256 Then
    ; Second button is default button
    If $liNumOfButtons == 2 Then
    $liDefButtonNum = 2 ; Second of 2
    $gsMBEX_ButtonText = $lsButton2Text
    ElseIf $liNumOfButtons == 3 Then
    $liDefButtonNum = 3 ; The Middle button
    $gsMBEX_ButtonText = $lsButton3Text
    $liDefButtonNum = 1 ; First button is default button
    $gsMBEX_ButtonText = $lsButton1Text
    ElseIf BitAND($piFlag, 512) == 512 Then
    ; Third button is default button
    If $liNumOfButtons == 3 Then
    $liDefButtonNum = 2 ; Button 2 is always the RHS one.
    $gsMBEX_ButtonText = $lsButton2Text
    ElseIf $liNumOfButtons == 2 Then
    $liDefButtonNum = 2 ; Button 2 is always the RHS one.
    $gsMBEX_ButtonText = $lsButton2Text
    ElseIf $liNumOfButtons == 1 Then
    $liDefButtonNum = 1 ; Button 1 is the only one.
    $gsMBEX_ButtonText = $lsButton1Text

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Look for CoutDown text on Default Button request
    $gbMBEX_ButtonHasCD = False
    If BitAND($piFlag, 1024) == 1024 Then $gbMBEX_ButtonHasCD = True

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Look for Icon Index
    $liIconOffset = 10
    $liIconIndex = 0
    If BitAND($piFlag, 48) == 48 Then
    $liIconIndex = 1 ; 48x48 WinXP Icon - 48 - Exclamation
    $liIconOffset = 60
    ElseIf BitAND($piFlag, 16) == 16 Then
    $liIconIndex = 3 ; 48x48 WinXP Icon - 16 - Stop Sign
    $liIconOffset = 60
    ElseIf BitAND($piFlag, 32) == 32 Then
    $liIconIndex = 2 ; 48x48 WinXP Icon - 32 - Ques Mark
    $liIconOffset = 60
    ElseIf BitAND($piFlag, 64) == 64 Then
    $liIconIndex = 4 ; 48x48 WinXP Icon - 64 - Information
    $liIconOffset = 60

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Test for enough room for 3 standard Buttons
    If $liNumOfButtons == 3 And $gbMBEX_ButtonHasCD AND ($liTextWidth + $liIconOffset) < 290 Then
    $liTextWidth = 290 - $liIconOffset
    ; redo width calculation incase User Defined Button text is large?
    If $giMBEX_ButtonFlag == 7 Then
    $liMaxStrLen = StringLen($lsButton1Text) + StringLen($gsMBEX_Text) + 2
    If $liNumOfButtons > 1 Then $liMaxStrLen += StringLen($lsButton2Text) + 2
    If $liNumOfButtons > 2 Then $liMaxStrLen += StringLen($lsButton3Text) + 2
    $liMaxStrLen = ($liMaxStrLen * $lciBtnCharWidth) - $liIconOffset ; buttons can use Icon horizontal space
    If $liMaxStrLen > $liTextWidth Then $liTextWidth = $liMaxStrLen

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Get Topmost flag
    $liStyleEx = -1
    If BitAND($piFlag, 262144) == 262144 Then $liStyleEx = $WS_EX_TOPMOST
    $liStyle = BitOr($WS_CAPTION, $WS_POPUP)
    If BitAND($piFlag, 4096) == 4096 Then $liStyle = BitOr($WS_CAPTION, $WS_POPUP, $WS_MINIMIZEBOX, $WS_SYSMENU) ; System Modal has Icon..
    If BitAND($piFlag, 524288) == 524288 Then $liStyle = BitOr($liStyle, $SS_RIGHT)
    If $phParent == 0 Then
    $ghMBEX = GuiCreate($psTitle, $liTextWidth + $liIconOffset + 10, 55 + ($laText[0] * $lciLineHeight) + $liBoldVOffset, $piLeft, $piTop, $liStyle, $liStyleEx)
    $ghMBEX = GuiCreate($psTitle, $liTextWidth + $liIconOffset + 10, 55 + ($laText[0] * $lciLineHeight) + $liBoldVOffset, $piLeft, $piTop, $liStyle, $liStyleEx, $phParent)
    If @Compiled Then GUISetIcon(@AutoItExe, 0)
    GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "_MBEX_SpecialEvents")
    GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_MINIMIZE, "_MBEX_SpecialEvents")
    GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_RESTORE, "_MBEX_SpecialEvents")

    If $liIconIndex > 0 Then GUICtrlCreateIcon("user32.dll", $liIconIndex, 10, 10)

    $liBoldVOffset = 0
    For $li = 1 To $laText[0]
    $lbBold = False
    $lsValue = StringStripCR($laText[$li])
    If StringInStr($lsValue, "<b>", 0, 1) > 0 Then
    $lbBold = True
    $lsValue = StringReplace($lsValue, "<b>", "", 0, 0)
    If StringInStr($lsValue, "</b>", 0, 1) > 0 Then
    $lbBold = True
    $lsValue = StringReplace($lsValue, "</b>", "", 0, 0)
    $liHeight = $lciCharHeight
    If $lbBold Then $liHeight = $lciBoldHeight
    $liStyle = -1
    If BitAND($piFlag, 524288) == 524288 Then $liStyle = BitOr($liStyle, $SS_RIGHT)
    If StringInStr($lsValue, "<##>", 0, 1) > 0 And $gaMBEX_SecLines[0][0] < 5 Then
    ; Update Counter of Lines needing SECONDS update <##>
    $gaMBEX_SecLines[0][0] = $gaMBEX_SecLines[0][0] + 1
    $gaMBEX_SecLines[$gaMBEX_SecLines[0][0]][1] = $lsValue
    $lsValue = StringReplace($lsValue, "<##>", $giMBEX_Secs, 0, 0)
    $gaMBEX_SecLines[$gaMBEX_SecLines[0][0]][0] = GUICtrlCreateLabel($lsValue, $liIconOffset, ((($li-1) * $lciLineHeight) + 10 + $liBoldVOffset), $liTextWidth, $liHeight, $liStyle)
    GUICtrlCreateLabel($lsValue, $liIconOffset, ((($li-1) * $lciLineHeight) + 10 + $liBoldVOffset), $liTextWidth, $liHeight, $liStyle)
    If $lbBold Then
    GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 11, 800)
    $liBoldVOffset = $liBoldVOffset + $lciBoldHeight - $lciLineHeight

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Set Button1 Text
    $lsValue = $lsButton1Text
    If $giMBEX_Secs > 0 AND $liDefButtonNum == 1 AND $gbMBEX_ButtonHasCD Then
    $lsValue = StringReplace($gsMBEX_ButtonText & $gsMBEX_Text, "<##>", $giMBEX_Secs, 0, 0)
    ; Get Button Width
    $liButtonWidth = StringLen($lsValue) * $lciBtnCharWidth
    If $liButtonWidth < $lciButtonWidth Then $liButtonWidth = $lciButtonWidth
    $liLeftGrow = $liButtonWidth - $lciButtonWidth

    ; Set Button1 Position
    If $lbButton1Centered Then
    $liXpos = Int(($liTextWidth + $liIconOffset + 10) / 2) - Int($liButtonWidth / 2) ; Centered
    $liXpos = 10 ; $liIconOffset

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Set Defult Button action
    If $liDefButtonNum == 1 Then
    $liStyle = $BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON
    $liStyle = -1
    $ghMBEX_Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton($lsValue, $liXpos, ($laText[0] * $lciLineHeight) + 25 + $liBoldVOffset, $liButtonWidth, $lciButtonHeight, $liStyle)
    GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_MBEX_Button1_Pressed")
    If $liDefButtonNum == 1 Then $ghMBEX_Button = $ghMBEX_Button1

    If $liNumOfButtons > 1 Then
    ; Set Button2 Text
    $lsValue = $lsButton2Text
    If $giMBEX_Secs > 0 AND $liDefButtonNum == 2 AND $gbMBEX_ButtonHasCD Then
    $lsValue = StringReplace($gsMBEX_ButtonText & $gsMBEX_Text, "<##>", $giMBEX_Secs, 0, 0)
    ; Get Button Width
    $liButtonWidth = StringLen($lsValue) * $lciBtnCharWidth
    If $liButtonWidth < $lciButtonWidth Then $liButtonWidth = $lciButtonWidth
    $liRightGrow = $liButtonWidth - $lciButtonWidth
    ; Set Defult Button action
    If $liDefButtonNum == 2 Then
    $liStyle = $BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON
    $liStyle = -1
    $ghMBEX_Button2 = GUICtrlCreateButton($lsValue, $liTextWidth + $liIconOffset - $liButtonWidth, ($laText[0] * $lciLineHeight) + 25 + $liBoldVOffset, $liButtonWidth, $lciButtonHeight, $liStyle)
    GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_MBEX_Button2_Pressed")
    If $liDefButtonNum == 2 Then $ghMBEX_Button = $ghMBEX_Button2

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    If $liNumOfButtons > 2 Then
    ; Set Button3 Text
    $lsValue = $lsButton3Text
    If $giMBEX_Secs > 0 AND $liDefButtonNum == 3 AND $gbMBEX_ButtonHasCD Then
    $lsValue = StringReplace($gsMBEX_ButtonText & $gsMBEX_Text, "<##>", $giMBEX_Secs, 0, 0)
    ; Get Button Width
    $liButtonWidth = StringLen($lsValue) * $lciBtnCharWidth
    If $liButtonWidth < $lciButtonWidth Then $liButtonWidth = $lciButtonWidth
    ; Set Defult Button action
    If $liDefButtonNum == 3 Then
    $liStyle = $BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON
    $liStyle = -1
    $liXpos = Int(($liTextWidth + $liIconOffset + 10) / 2) - Int($liButtonWidth / 2) + Int($liLeftGrow / 2) - Int($liRightGrow / 2) ; Centered
    $ghMBEX_Button3 = GUICtrlCreateButton($lsValue, $liXpos, ($laText[0] * $lciLineHeight) + 25 + $liBoldVOffset, $liButtonWidth, $lciButtonHeight, $liStyle)
    GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_MBEX_Button3_Pressed")
    If $liDefButtonNum == 3 Then $ghMBEX_Button = $ghMBEX_Button3

    ; GUI MESSAGE LOOP is performed by Main Dialog loop
    Opt("GUICoordMode", $liPrevCoordMode)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    $giMBEX_RtnVal = 0
    $giMBEX_TmrStart = TimerInit()
    $giMBEX_TmrEnd = ($giMBEX_Secs * 1000) ; Total Duration in millisecs

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    GUICtrlSetState($ghMBEX_Button, $GUI_FOCUS)

    return $ghMBEX
    EndFunc ;==>_MsgBoxEx

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Updates CountDown Text if second has changed.
    ; Returns CountDown Value in seconds
    Func _MBEX_TickTock($pbUseInternalTimer = True)
    Local $li, $lsValue, $liTmrDiff, $liCountDownSecs, $lbSecChanged
    ; ConsoleWrite(@LF & "in _MBEX_TickTock() - $ghMBEX=" & $ghMBEX)
    If Not $ghMBEX Then Return 0 ; incase users leave this call permanently in their own EventLoop

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    If $giMBEX_Secs > 0 Then
    If $pbUseInternalTimer Then
    $liTmrDiff = Int(TimerDiff($giMBEX_TmrStart)) ; Elapsed time in milliseconds
    ; $giMBEX_TmrEnd == Total Duration in millisecs
    $liCountDownSecs = Round(($giMBEX_TmrEnd - $liTmrDiff) / 1000, 0)
    If $liCountDownSecs < 0 Then $liCountDownSecs = 0
    ; Only update display on second value change..
    If $liCountDownSecs <> $giMBEX_Secs Then
    $giMBEX_Secs = $liCountDownSecs ; Decrament CountDown secs - $giMBEX_Secs -= 1
    $lbSecChanged = True
    $giMBEX_Secs -= 1
    $lbSecChanged = True
    If $lbSecChanged Then
    If $giMBEX_Secs < 0 Then $giMBEX_Secs = 0
    If $ghMBEX Then
    If $gbMBEX_ButtonHasCD Then
    $lsValue = StringReplace($gsMBEX_ButtonText & $gsMBEX_Text, "<##>", $giMBEX_Secs, 0, 0)
    GUICtrlSetData($ghMBEX_Button, $lsValue)
    If $gaMBEX_SecLines[0][0] > 0 Then
    For $li = 1 To $gaMBEX_SecLines[0][0]
    $lsValue = StringReplace($gaMBEX_SecLines[$li][1], "<##>", $giMBEX_Secs, 0, 0)
    GUICtrlSetData($gaMBEX_SecLines[$li][0], $lsValue)
    If $giMBEX_Secs <= 0 Then
    If $ghMBEX Then
    $ghMBEX = 0
    $giMBEX_Secs = 0 ; stop the clock!
    Call($gsMBEX_CallBack, -1) ; -1 == Timedout

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Return $giMBEX_Secs

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Func _MBEX_Button1_Pressed()
    Local $liRtnVal
    ; @GUI_CTRLID contains $ghMBEX_Button1 when called directly by GUICtrlSetOnEvent()
    ; and @GUI_WINHANDLE would equal $ghMBEX
    $giMBEX_Secs = 0 ; stop the clock!
    If $ghMBEX Then
    $ghMBEX = 0
    Switch $giMBEX_ButtonFlag
    Case 0 ; OK
    $liRtnVal = 1
    Case 1 ; OK
    $liRtnVal = 1
    Case 2 ; Abort
    $liRtnVal = 3
    Case 3 ; Yes
    $liRtnVal = 6
    Case 4 ; Yes
    $liRtnVal = 6
    Case 5 ; Retry
    $liRtnVal = 4
    Case 6 ; Cancel
    $liRtnVal = 2
    Case 7 ; UserDef
    $liRtnVal = 1 ; Button Number
    Case 8 ; Lock PC
    $liRtnVal = 12
    Case Else
    $liRtnVal = -1
    Call($gsMBEX_CallBack, $liRtnVal)
    EndFunc ;==>_MBEX_Button1_Pressed

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Func _MBEX_Button2_Pressed()
    Local $liRtnVal
    ; @GUI_CTRLID contains $ghMBEX_Button2 when called directly by GUICtrlSetOnEvent()
    ; and @GUI_WINHANDLE would equal $ghMBEX
    $giMBEX_Secs = 0 ; stop the clock!
    If $ghMBEX Then
    $ghMBEX = 0
    Switch $giMBEX_ButtonFlag
    Case 1 ; Cancel
    $liRtnVal = 2
    Case 2 ; Ignore
    $liRtnVal = 5
    Case 3 ; Cancel
    $liRtnVal = 2
    Case 4 ; No
    $liRtnVal = 7
    Case 5 ; Cancel
    $liRtnVal = 2
    Case 6 ; Continue
    $liRtnVal = 11
    Case 7 ; UserDef
    $liRtnVal = 2 ; Button Number
    Case 8 ; Cancel
    $liRtnVal = 2
    Case Else
    $liRtnVal = -1
    Call($gsMBEX_CallBack, $liRtnVal)
    EndFunc ;==>_MBEX_Button2_Pressed

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Func _MBEX_Button3_Pressed()
    Local $liRtnVal
    ; @GUI_CTRLID contains $ghMBEX_Button2 when called directly by GUICtrlSetOnEvent()
    ; and @GUI_WINHANDLE would equal $ghMBEX
    $giMBEX_Secs = 0 ; stop the clock!
    If $ghMBEX Then
    $ghMBEX = 0
    Switch $giMBEX_ButtonFlag
    Case 2 ; Retry
    $liRtnVal = 4
    Case 3 ; No
    $liRtnVal = 7
    Case 6 ; Try Again
    $liRtnVal = 10
    Case 7 ; UserDef
    $liRtnVal = 3 ; Button Number
    Case Else
    $liRtnVal = -1
    Call($gsMBEX_CallBack, $liRtnVal)
    EndFunc ;==>_MBEX_Button3_Pressed

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Func _MBEX_DefaultReturnCallBack($piReturnVal)
    $giMBEX_RtnVal = $piReturnVal ; Breaks Local Event Loop when not Zero

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Func _MBEX_SpecialEvents()
    Local $liRtnVal
    $giMBEX_Secs = 0 ; stop the clock!
    If $ghMBEX Then
    $ghMBEX = 0
    Switch $giMBEX_ButtonFlag
    Case 1 ; Cancel
    $liRtnVal = 2
    Case 2 ; Ignore
    $liRtnVal = 5
    Case 3 ; Cancel
    $liRtnVal = 2
    Case 4 ; No
    $liRtnVal = 7
    Case 5 ; Cancel
    $liRtnVal = 2
    Case 6 ; Continue
    $liRtnVal = 11
    Case 7 ; UserDef
    $liRtnVal = 2 ; Button Number 2
    Case 8 ; Cancel
    $liRtnVal = 2
    Case Else
    $liRtnVal = -1
    Call($gsMBEX_CallBack, 13) ; Hard Code Close == 13
    EndFunc ;==>_MBEX_SpecialEvents


    So long,


    • Offizieller Beitrag


    hier habe die mal ein Bsp gebaut:


    #include <GUIConstants.au3>
    #include <Misc.au3>


    Global $status = 0


    $gui = GUICreate("My GUI")
    $mt_B = GUICtrlCreateButton('MouseTrap an', 10, 10, 100, 20)


    While 1
    $msg = GUIGetMsg()
    Switch $msg
    Case $mt_B
    $status = Not $status
    If $status Then
    GUICtrlSetData($mt_B, 'MouseTrap aus')
    $pos_A = WinGetPos($gui)
    _MouseTrap($pos_A[0], $pos_A[1], $pos_A[0] + $pos_A[2], $pos_A[1] + $pos_A[3])
    GUICtrlSetData($mt_B, 'MouseTrap an')


    So long,


  • Hallo
    Ja das ist schon mal sehr GUT! Vielen dank!
    Aber kann man es auch so machen das ein der Box eine frage steht und dort drunter ja oder nein ?

    also ca so ...:
    |Wohnst du in Deutschland?|
    | |
    | |
    | Ja Nein! |

    <~~ Hier kann die mausnicht heraus! ?
    Vielen Vielen danke im Vorraus!

    msfg lenny

    Jaja, Moo does the Cow!

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Lenny (9. August 2007 um 17:59)

  • Haaaalllllo !
    Was isn dat?
    Iist das ein programm ?
    Google: Koda ...
    kam nix bei heraus ... hmm OO
    naya erstmal vielen Dank!


    Edit1: Nee schon ok...! Koda(Formdesigner) unter "Tools"!

    Edit2: Ja ok! Jetzt Simmt alles vom Layout her ... und jetzt ?

    Ps: Danke schon mal!

    Jaja, Moo does the Cow!

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Lenny (9. August 2007 um 20:21)

  • Hallo !
    Welcher Code?
    Soll ich die gespeicherte Datei einfach mit dem Editor öffnen ?
    naja ich mach das mal!

    Spoiler anzeigen

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1251"?>
    <object type="TAForm" name="AForm1">
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    <property name="Caption" vt="String">Frage</property>
    <property name="Color" vt="Ident">clBtnFace</property>
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    <property name="Cursor" vt="Ident">crCross</property>
    <property name="Caption" vt="String">Bist du XYZ ?</property>
    <property name="Color" vt="Ident">clBtnFace</property>
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    <property name="TabOrder" vt="Int8">0</property>
    <property name="OnClick" vt="String">ALabel1Click</property>
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    <property name="Width" vt="Int16">249</property>
    <property name="Height" vt="Int8">97</property>
    <property name="Caption" vt="String">Nein!</property>
    <property name="Font.Charset" vt="Ident">DEFAULT_CHARSET</property>
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    <property name="Width" vt="Int16">249</property>
    <property name="Height" vt="Int8">97</property>
    <property name="Caption" vt="String">Ja!</property>
    <property name="Font.Charset" vt="Ident">DEFAULT_CHARSET</property>
    <property name="Font.Color" vt="Ident">clWindowText</property>
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    <property name="Caption" vt="String">Villeicht!</property>
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    Jaja, Moo does the Cow!

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Lenny (9. August 2007 um 21:04)

  • Hallo
    ...hmm. em
    also ich habe einfach auf "tools", "KODA"geklickt
    alles so hingemacht wie es aussehen sollte und dann gespeichert und dann auf exit geklickt! jetzt habe eine datei namens: AForm1.kxf
    Aber hier is nirgendswo ein Code!

    Oo oder wann sollte ich KODA öffnen bei dem Script den ich schon hatte?

    Ich habe jetzt einen neuen genommen ! ... ?


    Edit1: Aso hab ihn schon gefunden !!!

    Jaja, Moo does the Cow!

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Lenny (9. August 2007 um 21:40)