Bluetooth-Maus koppeln per DllCall (bthprops.cpl)

  • Hallo Leute,

    durch meine Behinderung habe ich einen Elektrorollstuhl mit integrierter Bluetooth-Maus, die ich mit dem Joystick bediene. Wenn ich mich in der Arbeit mit dem dortigen PC verbinde, geht natürlich die Authentifizierung mit dem heimischen Computer verloren. Nachdem ich jetzt schon ewig probiere meine Bluetooth-Maus per DllCall zu koppeln, biete ich jetzt mal 20 Euro (Paypal, Banküberweisung, Amazon-Wunsch) für ein funktionierendes AutoIt-Skript. Ich nutze den nativen Bluetooth-Stack von Windows 7. Ich habe schon meinen (teilweisen) Code hier gepostet. Wie lange würdet ihr dafür programmieren?

    Benötige Funktionen:

    • Maus koppeln (pairing)
    • Maus sauber trennen (genügt BluetoothRemoveDevice?)

    Die Bluetooth-Adresse der Maus ist bekannt.

    Link zur Dokumentation von Microsoft

    Edit: Ich ziehe meine Programmieranfrage erst mal zurück!

    7 Mal editiert, zuletzt von btcode (10. April 2013 um 15:55)

  • Ich habe die hier mal eine Exe kompeliert dir man mit den Parametern starten kann.

    Spoiler anzeigen

    BTHCxn.exe [-n<RemoteName> | -a<RemoteAddress>]

    Switches applicable for Client mode:
    -n<RemoteName> Specifies name of remote BlueTooth-Device.

    -a<RemoteAddress> Specifies address of remote BlueTooth-Device.
    The address is in form XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
    where XX is a hexidecimal byte

    One of the above two switches is required for client.

    Switches applicable for both Client and Server mode:
    -c<ConnectionCycles> Specifies number of connection cycles.
    Default value for this parameter is 1. Specify 0 to
    run infinite number of connection cycles.

    Command Line Examples:
    "BTHCxn.exe -c0"
    Runs the BTHCxn server for infinite connection cycles.
    The application reports minimal information onto the cmd window.

    "BTHCxn.exe -nServerDevice -c50"
    Runs the BTHCxn client connecting to remote device (having name
    "ServerDevice" for 50 connection cycles.
    The application reports minimal information onto the cmd window.

    reicht dir das?

    Spoiler anzeigen

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <initguid.h>
    #include <winsock2.h>
    #include <ws2bth.h>
    #include <strsafe.h>
    #include <intsafe.h>

    // {B62C4E8D-62CC-404b-BBBF-BF3E3BBB1374}
    DEFINE_GUID(g_guidServiceClass, 0xb62c4e8d, 0x62cc, 0x404b, 0xbb, 0xbf, 0xbf, 0x3e, 0x3b, 0xbb, 0x13, 0x74);

    #define CXN_TEST_DATA_STRING (L"~!@#$%^&*()-_=+?<>1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")

    #define CXN_BDADDR_STR_LEN 17 // 6 two-digit hex values plus 5 colons
    #define CXN_SUCCESS 0
    #define CXN_ERROR 1

    wchar_t g_szRemoteName[BTH_MAX_NAME_SIZE + 1] = {0}; // 1 extra for trailing NULL character
    wchar_t g_szRemoteAddr[CXN_BDADDR_STR_LEN + 1] = {0}; // 1 extra for trailing NULL character
    int g_ulMaxCxnCycles = 1;

    ULONG NameToBthAddr(_In_ const LPWSTR pszRemoteName, _Out_ PSOCKADDR_BTH pRemoteBthAddr);
    ULONG RunClientMode(_In_ SOCKADDR_BTH ululRemoteBthAddr, _In_ int iMaxCxnCycles = 1);
    ULONG RunServerMode(_In_ int iMaxCxnCycles = 1);
    void ShowCmdLineHelp(void);
    ULONG ParseCmdLine(_In_ int argc, _In_reads_(argc) wchar_t * argv[]);

    int _cdecl wmain(_In_ int argc, _In_reads_(argc)wchar_t *argv[])
    ULONG ulRetCode = CXN_SUCCESS;
    WSADATA WSAData = {0};
    SOCKADDR_BTH RemoteBthAddr = {0};

    // Parse the command line
    ulRetCode = ParseCmdLine(argc, argv);
    if ( CXN_ERROR == ulRetCode ) {
    // Command line syntax error. Display cmd line help
    } else if ( CXN_SUCCESS != ulRetCode) {
    wprintf(L"-FATAL- | Error in parsing command line\n");

    // Ask for Winsock version 2.2.
    if ( CXN_SUCCESS == ulRetCode) {
    ulRetCode = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &WSAData);
    if (CXN_SUCCESS != ulRetCode) {
    wprintf(L"-FATAL- | Unable to initialize Winsock version 2.2\n");

    if ( CXN_SUCCESS == ulRetCode) {

    // Note, this app "prefers" the name if provided, but it is app-specific
    // Other applications may provide more generic treatment.
    if ( L'\0' != g_szRemoteName[0] ) {
    // Get address from the name of the remote device and run the application
    // in client mode
    ulRetCode = NameToBthAddr(g_szRemoteName, &RemoteBthAddr);
    if ( CXN_SUCCESS != ulRetCode ) {
    wprintf(L"-FATAL- | Unable to get address of the remote radio having name %s\n", g_szRemoteName);

    if ( CXN_SUCCESS == ulRetCode) {
    ulRetCode = RunClientMode(RemoteBthAddr, g_ulMaxCxnCycles);

    } else if ( L'\0' != g_szRemoteAddr[0] ) {

    // Get address from formated address-string of the remote device and
    // run the application in client mode
    int iAddrLen = sizeof(RemoteBthAddr);
    ulRetCode = WSAStringToAddressW(g_szRemoteAddr,
    if ( CXN_SUCCESS != ulRetCode ) {
    wprintf(L"-FATAL- | Unable to get address of the remote radio having formated address-string %s\n", g_szRemoteAddr);

    if ( CXN_SUCCESS == ulRetCode ) {
    ulRetCode = RunClientMode(RemoteBthAddr, g_ulMaxCxnCycles);

    } else {
    // No remote name/address specified. Run the application in server mode
    ulRetCode = RunServerMode(g_ulMaxCxnCycles);


    // NameToBthAddr converts a bluetooth device name to a bluetooth address,
    // if required by performing inquiry with remote name requests.
    // This function demonstrates device inquiry, with optional LUP flags.
    ULONG NameToBthAddr(_In_ const LPWSTR pszRemoteName, _Out_ PSOCKADDR_BTH pRemoteBtAddr)
    INT iResult = CXN_SUCCESS;
    BOOL bContinueLookup = FALSE, bRemoteDeviceFound = FALSE;
    ULONG ulFlags = 0, ulPQSSize = sizeof(WSAQUERYSET);
    HANDLE hLookup = NULL;

    ZeroMemory(pRemoteBtAddr, sizeof(*pRemoteBtAddr));

    pWSAQuerySet = (PWSAQUERYSET) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),
    if ( NULL == pWSAQuerySet ) {
    iResult = STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
    wprintf(L"!ERROR! | Unable to allocate memory for WSAQUERYSET\n");

    // Search for the device with the correct name
    if ( CXN_SUCCESS == iResult) {

    for ( INT iRetryCount = 0;
    !bRemoteDeviceFound && (iRetryCount < CXN_MAX_INQUIRY_RETRY);
    iRetryCount++ ) {
    // WSALookupService is used for both service search and device inquiry
    // LUP_CONTAINERS is the flag which signals that we're doing a device inquiry.
    ulFlags = LUP_CONTAINERS;

    // Friendly device name (if available) will be returned in lpszServiceInstanceName
    ulFlags |= LUP_RETURN_NAME;

    // BTH_ADDR will be returned in lpcsaBuffer member of WSAQUERYSET
    ulFlags |= LUP_RETURN_ADDR;

    if ( 0 == iRetryCount ) {
    wprintf(L"*INFO* | Inquiring device from cache...\n");
    } else {
    // Flush the device cache for all inquiries, except for the first inquiry
    // By setting LUP_FLUSHCACHE flag, we're asking the lookup service to do
    // a fresh lookup instead of pulling the information from device cache.
    ulFlags |= LUP_FLUSHCACHE;

    // Pause for some time before all the inquiries after the first inquiry
    // Remote Name requests will arrive after device inquiry has
    // completed. Without a window to receive IN_RANGE notifications,
    // we don't have a direct mechanism to determine when remote
    // name requests have completed.
    wprintf(L"*INFO* | Unable to find device. Waiting for %d seconds before re-inquiry...\n", CXN_DELAY_NEXT_INQUIRY);
    Sleep(CXN_DELAY_NEXT_INQUIRY * 1000);

    wprintf(L"*INFO* | Inquiring device ...\n");

    // Start the lookup service
    iResult = CXN_SUCCESS;
    hLookup = 0;
    bContinueLookup = FALSE;
    ZeroMemory(pWSAQuerySet, ulPQSSize);
    pWSAQuerySet->dwNameSpace = NS_BTH;
    pWSAQuerySet->dwSize = sizeof(WSAQUERYSET);
    iResult = WSALookupServiceBegin(pWSAQuerySet, ulFlags, &hLookup);

    // Even if we have an error, we want to continue until we
    // reach the CXN_MAX_INQUIRY_RETRY
    if ( (NO_ERROR == iResult) && (NULL != hLookup) ) {
    bContinueLookup = TRUE;
    } else if ( 0 < iRetryCount ) {
    wprintf(L"=CRITICAL= | WSALookupServiceBegin() failed with error code %d, WSAGetLastError = %d\n", iResult, WSAGetLastError());

    while ( bContinueLookup ) {
    // Get information about next bluetooth device
    // Note you may pass the same WSAQUERYSET from LookupBegin
    // as long as you don't need to modify any of the pointer
    // members of the structure, etc.
    // ZeroMemory(pWSAQuerySet, ulPQSSize);
    // pWSAQuerySet->dwNameSpace = NS_BTH;
    // pWSAQuerySet->dwSize = sizeof(WSAQUERYSET);
    if ( NO_ERROR == WSALookupServiceNext(hLookup,
    pWSAQuerySet) ) {

    // Compare the name to see if this is the device we are looking for.
    if ( ( pWSAQuerySet->lpszServiceInstanceName != NULL ) &&
    ( CXN_SUCCESS == _wcsicmp(pWSAQuerySet->lpszServiceInstanceName, pszRemoteName) ) ) {
    // Found a remote bluetooth device with matching name.
    // Get the address of the device and exit the lookup.
    (PSOCKADDR_BTH) pWSAQuerySet->lpcsaBuffer->RemoteAddr.lpSockaddr,
    bRemoteDeviceFound = TRUE;
    bContinueLookup = FALSE;
    } else {
    iResult = WSAGetLastError();
    if ( WSA_E_NO_MORE == iResult ) { //No more data
    // No more devices found. Exit the lookup.
    bContinueLookup = FALSE;
    } else if ( WSAEFAULT == iResult ) {
    // The buffer for QUERYSET was insufficient.
    // In such case 3rd parameter "ulPQSSize" of function "WSALookupServiceNext()" receives
    // the required size. So we can use this parameter to reallocate memory for QUERYSET.
    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pWSAQuerySet);
    pWSAQuerySet = (PWSAQUERYSET) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),
    if ( NULL == pWSAQuerySet ) {
    wprintf(L"!ERROR! | Unable to allocate memory for WSAQERYSET\n");
    iResult = STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
    bContinueLookup = FALSE;
    } else {
    wprintf(L"=CRITICAL= | WSALookupServiceNext() failed with error code %d\n", iResult);
    bContinueLookup = FALSE;

    // End the lookup service

    if ( STATUS_NO_MEMORY == iResult ) {

    if ( NULL != pWSAQuerySet ) {
    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pWSAQuerySet);
    pWSAQuerySet = NULL;

    if ( bRemoteDeviceFound ) {
    iResult = CXN_SUCCESS;
    } else {
    iResult = CXN_ERROR;

    return iResult;

    // RunClientMode runs the application in client mode. It opens a socket, connects it to a
    // remote socket, transfer some data over the connection and closes the connection.
    ULONG RunClientMode(_In_ SOCKADDR_BTH RemoteAddr, _In_ int iMaxCxnCycles)
    ULONG ulRetCode = CXN_SUCCESS;
    int iCxnCount = 0;
    wchar_t *pszData = NULL;
    SOCKADDR_BTH SockAddrBthServer = RemoteAddr;
    HRESULT res;

    pszData = (wchar_t *) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),
    if ( NULL == pszData ) {
    ulRetCode = STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
    wprintf(L"=CRITICAL= | HeapAlloc failed | out of memory, gle = [%d] \n", GetLastError());

    if ( CXN_SUCCESS == ulRetCode ) {
    // Setting address family to AF_BTH indicates winsock2 to use Bluetooth sockets
    // Port should be set to 0 if ServiceClassId is spesified.
    SockAddrBthServer.addressFamily = AF_BTH;
    SockAddrBthServer.serviceClassId = g_guidServiceClass;
    SockAddrBthServer.port = 0;

    // Create a static data-string, which will be transferred to the remote
    // Bluetooth device
    if ( FAILED(res) ) {
    wprintf(L"=CRITICAL= | Creating a static data string failed\n");
    ulRetCode = CXN_ERROR;


    if ( CXN_SUCCESS == ulRetCode ) {

    pszData[(CXN_TRANSFER_DATA_LENGTH/sizeof(wchar_t)) - 1] = 0;

    // Run the connection/data-transfer for user specified number of cycles
    for ( iCxnCount = 0;
    (0 == ulRetCode) && (iCxnCount < iMaxCxnCycles || iMaxCxnCycles == 0);
    iCxnCount++ ) {


    // Open a bluetooth socket using RFCOMM protocol
    LocalSocket = socket(AF_BTH, SOCK_STREAM, BTHPROTO_RFCOMM);
    if ( INVALID_SOCKET == LocalSocket ) {
    wprintf(L"=CRITICAL= | socket() call failed. WSAGetLastError = [%d]\n", WSAGetLastError());
    ulRetCode = CXN_ERROR;

    // Connect the socket (pSocket) to a given remote socket represented by address (pServerAddr)
    if ( SOCKET_ERROR == connect(LocalSocket,
    (struct sockaddr *) &SockAddrBthServer,
    sizeof(SOCKADDR_BTH)) ) {
    wprintf(L"=CRITICAL= | connect() call failed. WSAGetLastError=[%d]\n", WSAGetLastError());
    ulRetCode = CXN_ERROR;

    // send() call indicates winsock2 to send the given data
    // of a specified length over a given connection.
    wprintf(L"*INFO* | Sending following data string:\n%s\n", pszData);
    if ( SOCKET_ERROR == send(LocalSocket,
    (char *)pszData,
    0) ) {
    wprintf(L"=CRITICAL= | send() call failed w/socket = [0x%I64X], szData = [%p], dataLen = [%I64u]. WSAGetLastError=[%d]\n", (ULONG64)LocalSocket, pszData, (ULONG64)CXN_TRANSFER_DATA_LENGTH, WSAGetLastError());
    ulRetCode = CXN_ERROR;

    // Close the socket
    if ( SOCKET_ERROR == closesocket(LocalSocket) ) {
    wprintf(L"=CRITICAL= | closesocket() call failed w/socket = [0x%I64X]. WSAGetLastError=[%d]\n", (ULONG64)LocalSocket, WSAGetLastError());
    ulRetCode = CXN_ERROR;

    LocalSocket = INVALID_SOCKET;


    if ( INVALID_SOCKET != LocalSocket ) {
    LocalSocket = INVALID_SOCKET;

    if ( NULL != pszData ) {
    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pszData);
    pszData = NULL;


    // RunServerMode runs the application in server mode. It opens a socket, connects it to a
    // remote socket, transfer some data over the connection and closes the connection.

    #define CXN_INSTANCE_STRING L"Sample Bluetooth Server"

    ULONG RunServerMode(_In_ int iMaxCxnCycles)
    ULONG ulRetCode = CXN_SUCCESS;
    int iAddrLen = sizeof(SOCKADDR_BTH);
    int iCxnCount = 0;
    UINT iLengthReceived = 0;
    UINT uiTotalLengthReceived;
    size_t cbInstanceNameSize = 0;
    char * pszDataBuffer = NULL;
    char * pszDataBufferIndex = NULL;
    wchar_t * pszInstanceName = NULL;
    wchar_t szThisComputerName[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1];
    DWORD dwLenComputerName = MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1;
    WSAQUERYSET wsaQuerySet = {0};
    SOCKADDR_BTH SockAddrBthLocal = {0};
    HRESULT res;

    // This fixed-size allocation can be on the stack assuming the
    // total doesn't cause a stack overflow (depends on your compiler settings)
    // However, they are shown here as dynamic to allow for easier expansion
    lpCSAddrInfo = (LPCSADDR_INFO) HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(),
    sizeof(CSADDR_INFO) );
    if ( NULL == lpCSAddrInfo ) {
    wprintf(L"!ERROR! | Unable to allocate memory for CSADDR_INFO\n");
    ulRetCode = CXN_ERROR;

    if ( CXN_SUCCESS == ulRetCode ) {

    if ( !GetComputerName(szThisComputerName, &dwLenComputerName) ) {
    wprintf(L"=CRITICAL= | GetComputerName() call failed. WSAGetLastError=[%d]\n", WSAGetLastError());
    ulRetCode = CXN_ERROR;

    // Open a bluetooth socket using RFCOMM protocol
    if ( CXN_SUCCESS == ulRetCode ) {
    LocalSocket = socket(AF_BTH, SOCK_STREAM, BTHPROTO_RFCOMM);
    if ( INVALID_SOCKET == LocalSocket ) {
    wprintf(L"=CRITICAL= | socket() call failed. WSAGetLastError = [%d]\n", WSAGetLastError());
    ulRetCode = CXN_ERROR;

    if ( CXN_SUCCESS == ulRetCode ) {

    // Setting address family to AF_BTH indicates winsock2 to use Bluetooth port
    SockAddrBthLocal.addressFamily = AF_BTH;
    SockAddrBthLocal.port = BT_PORT_ANY;

    // bind() associates a local address and port combination
    // with the socket just created. This is most useful when
    // the application is a server that has a well-known port
    // that clients know about in advance.
    if ( SOCKET_ERROR == bind(LocalSocket,
    (struct sockaddr *) &SockAddrBthLocal,
    sizeof(SOCKADDR_BTH) ) ) {
    wprintf(L"=CRITICAL= | bind() call failed w/socket = [0x%I64X]. WSAGetLastError=[%d]\n", (ULONG64)LocalSocket, WSAGetLastError());
    ulRetCode = CXN_ERROR;

    if ( CXN_SUCCESS == ulRetCode ) {

    ulRetCode = getsockname(LocalSocket,
    (struct sockaddr *)&SockAddrBthLocal,
    if ( SOCKET_ERROR == ulRetCode ) {
    wprintf(L"=CRITICAL= | getsockname() call failed w/socket = [0x%I64X]. WSAGetLastError=[%d]\n", (ULONG64)LocalSocket, WSAGetLastError());
    ulRetCode = CXN_ERROR;

    if ( CXN_SUCCESS == ulRetCode ) {
    lpCSAddrInfo[0].LocalAddr.iSockaddrLength = sizeof( SOCKADDR_BTH );
    lpCSAddrInfo[0].LocalAddr.lpSockaddr = (LPSOCKADDR)&SockAddrBthLocal;
    lpCSAddrInfo[0].RemoteAddr.iSockaddrLength = sizeof( SOCKADDR_BTH );
    lpCSAddrInfo[0].RemoteAddr.lpSockaddr = (LPSOCKADDR)&SockAddrBthLocal;
    lpCSAddrInfo[0].iSocketType = SOCK_STREAM;
    lpCSAddrInfo[0].iProtocol = BTHPROTO_RFCOMM;

    // If we got an address, go ahead and advertise it.
    ZeroMemory(&wsaQuerySet, sizeof(WSAQUERYSET));
    wsaQuerySet.dwSize = sizeof(WSAQUERYSET);
    wsaQuerySet.lpServiceClassId = (LPGUID) &g_guidServiceClass;

    // Adding a byte to the size to account for the space in the
    // format string in the swprintf call. This will have to change if converted
    // to UNICODE
    res = StringCchLength(szThisComputerName, sizeof(szThisComputerName), &cbInstanceNameSize);
    if( FAILED(res) ) {
    wprintf(L"-FATAL- | ComputerName specified is too large\n");
    ulRetCode = CXN_ERROR;

    if ( CXN_SUCCESS == ulRetCode ) {
    cbInstanceNameSize += sizeof(CXN_INSTANCE_STRING) + 1;
    pszInstanceName = (LPWSTR)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),
    if ( NULL == pszInstanceName ) {
    wprintf(L"-FATAL- | HeapAlloc failed | out of memory | gle = [%d] \n", GetLastError());
    ulRetCode = CXN_ERROR;

    if ( CXN_SUCCESS == ulRetCode ) {
    StringCbPrintf(pszInstanceName, cbInstanceNameSize, L"%s %s", szThisComputerName, CXN_INSTANCE_STRING);
    wsaQuerySet.lpszServiceInstanceName = pszInstanceName;
    wsaQuerySet.lpszComment = L"Example Service instance registered in the directory service through RnR";
    wsaQuerySet.dwNameSpace = NS_BTH;
    wsaQuerySet.dwNumberOfCsAddrs = 1; // Must be 1.
    wsaQuerySet.lpcsaBuffer = lpCSAddrInfo; // Req'd.

    // As long as we use a blocking accept(), we will have a race
    // between advertising the service and actually being ready to
    // accept connections. If we use non-blocking accept, advertise
    // the service after accept has been called.
    if ( SOCKET_ERROR == WSASetService(&wsaQuerySet, RNRSERVICE_REGISTER, 0) ) {
    wprintf(L"=CRITICAL= | WSASetService() call failed. WSAGetLastError=[%d]\n", WSAGetLastError());
    ulRetCode = CXN_ERROR;

    // listen() call indicates winsock2 to listen on a given socket for any incoming connection.
    if ( CXN_SUCCESS == ulRetCode ) {
    if ( SOCKET_ERROR == listen(LocalSocket, CXN_DEFAULT_LISTEN_BACKLOG) ) {
    wprintf(L"=CRITICAL= | listen() call failed w/socket = [0x%I64X]. WSAGetLastError=[%d]\n", (ULONG64)LocalSocket, WSAGetLastError());
    ulRetCode = CXN_ERROR;

    if ( CXN_SUCCESS == ulRetCode ) {

    for ( iCxnCount = 0;
    (CXN_SUCCESS == ulRetCode) && ( (iCxnCount < iMaxCxnCycles) || (iMaxCxnCycles == 0) );
    iCxnCount++ ) {


    // accept() call indicates winsock2 to wait for any
    // incoming connection request from a remote socket.
    // If there are already some connection requests on the queue,
    // then accept() extracts the first request and creates a new socket and
    // returns the handle to this newly created socket. This newly created
    // socket represents the actual connection that connects the two sockets.
    ClientSocket = accept(LocalSocket, NULL, NULL);
    if ( INVALID_SOCKET == ClientSocket ) {
    wprintf(L"=CRITICAL= | accept() call failed. WSAGetLastError=[%d]\n", WSAGetLastError());
    ulRetCode = CXN_ERROR;
    break; // Break out of the for loop

    // Read data from the incoming stream
    BOOL bContinue = TRUE;
    pszDataBuffer = (char *)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),
    if ( NULL == pszDataBuffer ) {
    wprintf(L"-FATAL- | HeapAlloc failed | out of memory | gle = [%d] \n", GetLastError());
    ulRetCode = CXN_ERROR;
    pszDataBufferIndex = pszDataBuffer;
    uiTotalLengthReceived = 0;
    while ( bContinue && (uiTotalLengthReceived < CXN_TRANSFER_DATA_LENGTH) ) {
    // recv() call indicates winsock2 to receive data
    // of an expected length over a given connection.
    // recv() may not be able to get the entire length
    // of data at once. In such case the return value,
    // which specifies the number of bytes received,
    // can be used to calculate how much more data is
    // pending and accordingly recv() can be called again.
    iLengthReceived = recv(ClientSocket,
    (char *)pszDataBufferIndex,
    (CXN_TRANSFER_DATA_LENGTH - uiTotalLengthReceived),

    switch ( iLengthReceived ) {
    case 0: // socket connection has been closed gracefully
    bContinue = FALSE;

    case SOCKET_ERROR:
    wprintf(L"=CRITICAL= | recv() call failed. WSAGetLastError=[%d]\n", WSAGetLastError());
    bContinue = FALSE;
    ulRetCode = CXN_ERROR;


    // Make sure we have enough room
    if ( iLengthReceived > (CXN_TRANSFER_DATA_LENGTH - uiTotalLengthReceived)) {
    wprintf(L"=CRITICAL= | received too much data\n");
    bContinue = FALSE;
    ulRetCode = CXN_ERROR;

    pszDataBufferIndex += iLengthReceived;
    uiTotalLengthReceived += iLengthReceived;

    if ( CXN_SUCCESS == ulRetCode ) {

    if ( CXN_TRANSFER_DATA_LENGTH != uiTotalLengthReceived ) {
    wprintf(L"+WARNING+ | Data transfer aborted mid-stream. Expected Length = [%I64u], Actual Length = [%d]\n", (ULONG64)CXN_TRANSFER_DATA_LENGTH, uiTotalLengthReceived);
    wprintf(L"*INFO* | Received following data string from remote device:\n%s\n", (wchar_t *)pszDataBuffer);

    // Close the connection
    if ( SOCKET_ERROR == closesocket(ClientSocket) ) {
    wprintf(L"=CRITICAL= | closesocket() call failed w/socket = [0x%I64X]. WSAGetLastError=[%d]\n", (ULONG64)LocalSocket, WSAGetLastError());
    ulRetCode = CXN_ERROR;
    } else {
    // Make the connection invalid regardless
    ClientSocket = INVALID_SOCKET;

    if ( INVALID_SOCKET != ClientSocket ) {
    ClientSocket = INVALID_SOCKET;

    if ( INVALID_SOCKET != LocalSocket ) {
    LocalSocket = INVALID_SOCKET;

    if ( NULL != lpCSAddrInfo ) {
    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, lpCSAddrInfo);
    lpCSAddrInfo = NULL;
    if ( NULL != pszInstanceName ) {
    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pszInstanceName);
    pszInstanceName = NULL;

    if ( NULL != pszDataBuffer ) {
    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pszDataBuffer);
    pszDataBuffer = NULL;


    // ShowCmdLineSyntaxHelp displays the command line usage
    void ShowCmdLineHelp(void)
    L"\n Bluetooth Connection Sample application for demonstrating connection and data transfer."
    L"\n BTHCxn.exe [-n<RemoteName> | -a<RemoteAddress>] "
    L"\n [-c<ConnectionCycles>]"
    L"\n Switches applicable for Client mode:"
    L"\n -n<RemoteName> Specifies name of remote BlueTooth-Device."
    L"\n -a<RemoteAddress> Specifies address of remote BlueTooth-Device."
    L"\n The address is in form XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX"
    L"\n where XX is a hexidecimal byte"
    L"\n One of the above two switches is required for client."
    L"\n Switches applicable for both Client and Server mode:"
    L"\n -c<ConnectionCycles> Specifies number of connection cycles."
    L"\n Default value for this parameter is 1. Specify 0 to "
    L"\n run infinite number of connection cycles."
    L"\n Command Line Examples:"
    L"\n \"BTHCxn.exe -c0\""
    L"\n Runs the BTHCxn server for infinite connection cycles."
    L"\n The application reports minimal information onto the cmd window."
    L"\n \"BTHCxn.exe -nServerDevice -c50\""
    L"\n Runs the BTHCxn client connecting to remote device (having name "
    L"\n \"ServerDevice\" for 50 connection cycles."
    L"\n The application reports minimal information onto the cmd window."

    // ParseCmdLine parses the command line and sets the global variables accordingly.
    // It returns CXN_SUCCESS if successful and CXN_ERROR if it detected a mistake in the
    // command line parameter used.
    ULONG ParseCmdLine (_In_ int argc, _In_reads_(argc) wchar_t * argv[])
    size_t cbStrLen = 0;
    ULONG ulRetCode = CXN_SUCCESS;
    HRESULT res;

    for ( int i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) {
    wchar_t * pszToken = argv[i];
    if ( *pszToken == L'-' || *pszToken == L'/' ) {
    wchar_t token;

    // skip over the "-" or "/"

    // Get the command line option
    token = *pszToken;

    // Go one past the option the option-data

    // Get the option-data
    switch ( token ) {
    case L'n':
    cbStrLen = wcslen(pszToken);
    if ( ( 0 < cbStrLen ) && ( BTH_MAX_NAME_SIZE >= cbStrLen ) ) {
    res = StringCbCopy(g_szRemoteName, sizeof(g_szRemoteName), pszToken);
    if ( FAILED(res) ) {
    ulRetCode = CXN_ERROR;
    wprintf(L"!ERROR! | cmd line | Unable to parse -n<RemoteName>, length error (min 1 char, max %d chars)\n", BTH_MAX_NAME_SIZE);
    } else {
    ulRetCode = CXN_ERROR;
    wprintf(L"!ERROR! | cmd line | Unable to parse -n<RemoteName>, length error (min 1 char, max %d chars)\n", BTH_MAX_NAME_SIZE);

    case L'a':
    cbStrLen = wcslen(pszToken);
    if ( CXN_BDADDR_STR_LEN == cbStrLen ) {
    res = StringCbCopy(g_szRemoteAddr, sizeof(g_szRemoteAddr), pszToken);
    if ( FAILED(res) ) {
    ulRetCode = CXN_ERROR;
    wprintf(L"!ERROR! | cmd line | Unable to parse -a<RemoteAddress>, Remote bluetooth radio address string length expected %d | Found: %I64u)\n", CXN_BDADDR_STR_LEN, (ULONG64)cbStrLen);
    } else {
    ulRetCode = CXN_ERROR;
    wprintf(L"!ERROR! | cmd line | Unable to parse -a<RemoteAddress>, Remote bluetooth radio address string length expected %d | Found: %I64u)\n", CXN_BDADDR_STR_LEN, (ULONG64)cbStrLen);

    case L'c':
    if ( 0 < wcslen(pszToken) ) {
    swscanf_s(pszToken, L"%d", &g_ulMaxCxnCycles);
    if ( 0 > g_ulMaxCxnCycles ) {
    ulRetCode = CXN_ERROR;
    wprintf(L"!ERROR! | cmd line | Must provide +ve or 0 value with -c option\n");
    } else {
    ulRetCode = CXN_ERROR;
    wprintf(L"!ERROR! | cmd line | Must provide a value with -c option\n");

    case L'?':
    case L'h':
    case L'H':
    ulRetCode = CXN_ERROR;
    } else {
    ulRetCode = CXN_ERROR;
    wprintf(L"!ERROR! | cmd line | Bad option prefix, use '/' or '-' \n");


    P.s.: Testen kann ich es nicht habe kein Bluetoothdongle
    P.s.2: Es ist in einer Zip-Datei weil Exe-datein nicht hochladbar sind


  • Funktioniert leider nicht!

    bthcxn.exe -a00:80:25:14:89:4F
    =CRITICAL= | connect() call failed. WSAGetLastError=[10049]

    Vielleicht noch wichtig: Ich nutze Win7 x64.

    Edit: Sorry, ich glaube nicht, dass der Code von "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Samples\netds\winsock\bluetooth\bthcxn.cpp" für diesen Zweck vorgesehen ist. ;)

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von btcode (7. April 2013 um 12:16)

  • Und warum nicht?
    Er ist dazu da eine Verbind mit einem Bluetoothdevice herzustellen oder nicht?

    Ich weiß zwar nicht warum es nicht geht, aber wenn es gehen sollte einfach per shellexute ausführen.

    Also bei mir kommt immer:
    -FATAL- | Unable to get address of the remote radio having formated address-string 00:80:25:14:89:4F

  • Ich denke mal der Code erstellt doch eine serielle Schnittstelle zur Datenübertragung zwischen Client und Server.

    Spoiler anzeigen
    //      This example demonstrates how to use Winsock-2.2 APIs to connect
    //      between two remote bluetooth devices and transfer data between them.

    Du bekommst die Fehlermeldung, weil du kein Bluetooth hast.