Probleme mit einer Funktion, Fehlermeldung "Unknown function name"

  • Hi,
    ich möchte gerne einen Silent Installer erstellen, bei dem die alle Installationsfenster versteckt sind.
    Den Installer an sich habe ich erstellt, aber leider schaffe ich es nicht die Fenster zu verstecken.

    Ich bin noch relativ neu, aber wenn ich einmal eine funktionierende Funktion habe, komme ich auch klar.
    Hoffe mir kann einer helfen, die Funktion fehlerfrei hinzubekommen.

    Ich habe diesen Funktion gefunden: _shellExecuteHidden
    Die benötigte WinAPIEx UDF habe ich installiert und danach habe ich versucht die Beispiele abzuspielen, welche mit bei der Funktion waren.


    $hWinHiddenApp = _shellExecuteHidden( @ComSpec , "/c start notepad.exe" )
    ShellExecute( "taskmgr.exe" )
    MsgBox( 0 , '' , "...´ok look in your taskmanager now. There should be a new notepad.exe entry but no window is visible." )
    #Include <WinAPIEx.au3>


    ; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
    ; Name ..........: ShellExecuteHidden
    ; Description ...: runs a process on another winApi-desktop, so that none of its windows ever get visible, but can be automated by window messages and other technologies.
    ; The difference to shellExecute( ... , ... , @SW_HIDE ) is, that no just the first, but any windows from the created process will stay totaly isolated from user input and graphics
    ; Syntax ........: ShellExecuteHidden($filepath[, $parameters = "" [, $returnType = 1 [, $waitingOption = -1 ]]])
    ; Parameters ....: $filepath - the file to run
    ; $returnType = 0 >> returns window handle of toplevel window of the started process
    ; even if its window is "hidden" (would not be visible on normal desktop)
    ; = 1 >> returns window handle of toplevel window of the started process
    ; = 2 >> returns process id (PID) of the started process
    ; $waitingOption = -2 >> dont wait (not recommended for window handles, as they need some time to appear even if the program is loading fast)
    ; = -1 >> wait 1000 milliseconds for windows to "appear" but dont wait for processes to finish (compromise)
    ; = 0 >> wait for the process to finish or the window to appear
    ; = <x> >> wait <x> milliseconds for the process to finish or the window to appear (see "$returnType" )
    ; Return values .: windowHandle or ProcessID
    ; Author ........: Bluesmaster
    ; Modified ......: 2013 - 11 - 09
    ; Remarks .......:
    ; Related .......: ShellExecute, _WinAPI_CreateDesktop
    ; Link ..........:…8(v=vs.85).aspx
    ; Example .......: Yes
    ; ===============================================================================================================================
    Func _shellExecuteHidden( $filepath , $parameters = "" , $returnType = 1 , $waitingOption = -1 )


    ; 1 - Create Desktop
    ;Global Const $GENERIC_ALL = 0x10000000
    $hNewDesktop = _WinAPI_CreateDesktop( "ShellExecuteHidden_Desktop" , $GENERIC_ALL )


    ; 2 - Start Process
    $tProcess = DllStructCreate( $tagPROCESS_INFORMATION )
    $tStartup = DllStructCreate( $tagSTARTUPINFO )
    DllStructSetData( $tStartup , 'Size', DllStructGetSize( $tStartup) )
    DllStructSetData( $tStartup , 'Desktop', _WinAPI_CreateString( "ShellExecuteHidden_Desktop" ) )


    Local $pid
    If _WinAPI_CreateProcess( $filepath , $parameters , 0, 0, 0, 0x00000200 , 0, 0, DllStructGetPtr($tStartup), DllStructGetPtr($tProcess)) Then
    $pid = DllStructGetData( $tProcess , 'ProcessID' )
    Return -1


    ; 3 - Return Process
    if $returnType = 2 Then
    if $waitingOption > -1 Then ProcessWaitClose( $pid , $waitingOption )
    Return $pid


    ; 4 - Return WindowHandle
    if $waitingOption = -1 Then
    Sleep( 1000 )
    ElseIf $waitingOption > 0 Then
    Sleep( $waitingOption )


    While True ; keep searching for the window


    $aWindows = _WinAPI_EnumDesktopWindows( $hNewDesktop , $returnType ) ; $returnType = 0 >> means also list hidden windows


    if IsArray( $aWindows ) Then


    for $i = 1 to $aWindows[0][0]


    ;~ MsgBox( 0 , '' , $curPID & " " & $pid & " " & $hWnd & " " & $aWindows[$i][0] )


    $hWnd = $aWindows[$i][0]
    if $pid = WinGetProcess( $hWnd ) Then ; same process?


    do ; searching through parent windows ...
    $hLast = $hWnd ; cache it for not loosing it when desktop is reached
    $hWnd = _WinAPI_GetParent( $hLast )
    Until $hWnd = 0 ; ... until root/ desktop is reached
    $hWnd = $hLast


    Return $hWnd ; return the toplevel-window of the process








    if $waitingOption = 0 Then ; keep searching for the window until it appears ( in worst case endless )
    Sleep( 200 )
    Return -1






    Leider bekomme ich dann diesen Fehler:


    >"C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\SciTE\..\autoit3.exe"
    /ErrorStdOut "C:\Skripte\xx.au3"

    "C:\Skripte\xx.au3" (10) : ==> Unknown function name.:

    $hNewDesktop = _WinAPI_CreateDesktop( "ShellExecuteHidden_Desktop" , $GENERIC_ALL )

    $hNewDesktop = ^ ERROR

    >Exit code: 1 Time: 0.048

  • Verschiebe


    #include <WinAPISys.au3>


    zur Zeile 1.


    Auch am Arsch geht ein Weg vorbei...
