Aktive GUI bei langem Prozess

    Ich habe eine GUI mit mehreren Buttons. Bei einem bestimmten Button ist das eine lange Funktion, ohne While Schleifen, bei den anderen Buttons sind das While Schleifen, die sich ca. jede Sekunde 10 mal wiederholen. Bisher habe ich immer folgendes genommen, um meine GUI aktiv zu halten, dass man also die Knöpfe und so auch anklicken kann:


    $nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
    Switch $nMsg


    Das konnte ich natürlich prima in die While Schleifen der Buttons miteinfügen. Aber bei der Funktion wo das alles ein laanger Ablauf ist, der so ca. 1 Minute dauert, da kann ich das nicht einbauen. Wie mache ich das, dass die Buttons auch da anklickbar sind?
    Hab schonmal was von GUISetOnEvent oder GUICtrlSetOnEvent gehört, aber beides klappt bei mir nicht -.-

    Hallo, ich hab ein Tool gemacht, dass ein bestimmtes Programm startet. Also einfach durch Run. Aber in diesem Programm sieht man, wenn man es normal startet, an bestimmten Stellen nur ???, weil es in chinesischer Schrift ist. Dabei ist es egal, ob das chinesische Sprachpakt istalliert ist oder nicht. Aber dagegen kann man mit dem Microsoft AppLocale Programm wirken. Durch eine spezielle Verknüpfung wird das programm nicht wie gewöhnlich, sondern irgendwie über dieses AppLocale gestartet. In der Verknüpfung sieht das "Ziel" ungefähr so aus:

    C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\AppLoc.exe "C:\Programme\Programm.exe" "/L0804"

    Das "C:\Programme\Programm.exe" ist die Datei, die über AppLocale gestartet wird, und "/L0804" ist glaube ich die Sprache, die im Programm umgewandelt wird.

    Wie kann ich AutoIt jetzt sagen, dass er genau diese Datei (Programm.exe) so starten soll, wie in der Verknüpfung?

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von NoName (17. Februar 2008 um 12:08)

  • [autoit]

    Run( 'C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\AppLoc.exe "C:\Programme\Programm.exe" "/L0804"' )

  • Wusste nicht, dass das so einfach ist^^

    Weiteres Problem:
    Ich habe eine GUI mit mehreren Buttons. Bei einem bestimmten Button ist das eine lange Funktion, ohne While Schleifen, bei den anderen Buttons sind das While Schleifen, die sich ca. jede Sekunde 10 mal wiederholen. Bisher habe ich immer folgendes genommen, um meine GUI aktiv zu halten, dass man also die Knöpfe und so auch anklicken kann:


    $nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
    Switch $nMsg


    Das konnte ich natürlich prima in die While Schleifen der Buttons miteinfügen. Aber bei der Funktion wo das alles ein laanger Ablauf ist, der so ca. 1 Minute dauert, da kann ich das nicht einbauen. Wie mache ich das, dass die Buttons auch da anklickbar sind?
    Hab schonmal was von GUISetOnEvent oder GUICtrlSetOnEvent gehört, aber beides klappt bei mir nicht -.-

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von NoName (17. Februar 2008 um 12:08)

  • Du musst auch auf Opt("GUISetOnEventMode",1) stellen. Dann erst kannst du diese Funktionen verwenden. GUIGetMSG geht dann NICHT mehr!

  • Opt("GUISetOnEventMode",1)

    Bei Opt("GUISetOnEventMode",1) kam bei mir ein Fehler wegen Unknow nochwas^^
    Also Hilfe geguckt und rausgefunden, dass es so heißen muss.
    Klappt auch jetzt. Trotzdem danke ;)

    Nur bleibt mein Problem bestehen. Wärend die eine Funktion mit den zig Abläufen weitergeht, funktionieren die Knöpfe nicht mehr. Wie geht das, brauch ihr evt Code?

  • Moin NoName,

    ohne Quellcode pauschal nicht zu beantworten.
    Stell deinen Quellcode hier rein und dir werde geholfen ;).
    Theoretisch bist du nicht auf dem Holzweg :P.

  • Mein Trick ist, das eine laufende Funktion in möglichst kleine Schritte unterteilt wird, und immer wieder in die While-Wend Schleife des GUI zurückkehrt.
    Prinzip: Starten, Start merken, Teil der Funktion ausführen, zurück zur GUI-Schleife und neu prüfen, solange "gemerkter Start" Funktion weiterführen.
    Das ganze geht auch bei Run, nur muss man dann selber die PID überwachen, ob der Prozess noch läuft.

    Ich habe das bisher wie folgt gelöst (Beispiel mittels eines Aufwärtszählers, wo das GUI per "Schließen" geschlossen werden kann) :

    Spoiler anzeigen

    #include <GUIConstants.au3>

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    $start = GUICtrlCreateButton("Start",20,20,40)
    $label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("",20,60,100)
    GUISetState (@SW_SHOW)
    $gestartet = False
    $durchlauf = 1

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    While 1
    $msg = GUIGetMsg()

    Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE

    Case $msg = $start Or $gestartet = True
    $gestartet = True
    $durchlauf += 1
    If $durchlauf >= 1000 Then
    $durchlauf = 1
    $gestartet = False

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Func _zaehle_vorwaerts($zaehler)


    Zur Nutzung dieses Forum's, ist ein Übersetzer für folgende Begriffe unerlässlich:

    "On-Bort, weier, verscheiden, schädliges, Butten steyling, näckstet, Parr, Porblem, scripe, Kompletenz, harken, manuel zu extramieren, geckukt, würglich, excell, acces oder Compilevorgeng"

  • Micha_he: Klingt schonmal nicht schlecht, aber für mich unnütz, weil des öfteren eine längere Sleep Zeit da ist, und währenddessen wäre die GUI also nicht anklickbar.



    Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1)
    GUICtrlSetOnEvent($button1, "funktion")


    Func funktion()


    Habe es jetzt mal einfach dargestellt ohne die GUI selbst.
    Während dieser 10 Sekunden Sleep-Time soll die GUI weiter benutzbar sein...

  • Während Sleep geht gar nichts. Du kannst aber machen:


    $timer = TimerInit()
    Until TimerDiff($timer) >= 10000

  • Hm, ok, das ist schade. Habe jetzt aber vielleicht eine andere Art der Lösung gefunden. Sagt euch CoRoutine etwas?
    Achtung, der Code is über 900 Zeilen lang ^^

    Spoiler anzeigen

    ; File: Coroutine.au3
    ; Description: UDF Library used for coroutine multithreading
    ; Version: 1.0.4
    ; Date: 7/19/06
    ; Author: Ben Brightwell
    ; Credit: ChrisL for the base idea of deploying files as child scripts. Topic
    ; can be found here:
    ; http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=22048

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]


    7/19/06 (1.0.4) - Fixed bug where using the substring "func" anywhere in a
    line of code caused it to be truncated. Now the only
    limitation is that the substrings "func" and "endfunc"
    cannot be found at the beginning of a line of code.

    4/25/06 (1.0.3) - Fixed bug with using variables that contained the word
    - Fixed bug with StringLower()-ing every line of code
    in coroutine script, now case is untouched
    - Fixed the way _CoInclude() works so that included code
    is placed at the top of the file instead of the bottom
    - Fixed a bug with passing a simple string to the script
    an extra dimension indicator was present

    4/15/06 (1.0.2) - Truncated version number (Builds are irrelevant)
    - Added support for expressions in the return statement
    of a coroutine

    3/23/06 ( - Modified _CoCreate() to handle a function with no
    - Added "Core Function List" and "Miscellaneous Function
    - Added this Changelog
    - Changed _CoAddHelper() to _CoInclude()
    - Fixed a bug in _CoInclude() where the last line of code
    was not being read into the script file

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Core Function List:

    Create a coroutine script which can be instanced by _CoStart()

    Include helper/wrapper functions to compliment the main body created by

    Create an instance of a threaded function as created by _CoCreate()

    NOTE: Only to be used in coroutine scripts
    Pauses the coroutine and yields a value to the main script, returns
    any value passed by the corresponding call to _CoResume()

    Returns the status of a coroutine

    Sends a variable into a child script

    Unpauses a coroutine, optionally sends a value back to the yielded

    Retrieves a variable returned by a coroutine

    Closes a coroutine

    Closes all running coroutines, and deletes their respective temporary script

    Changes the working directory for storing the temporary script files.
    NOTE: Default is @TempDir

    Miscellaneous Function List:
    NOTE: These functions are meant to be called internally by Coroutine.au3

    Packs a variable into a string for transmission between scripts.

    Unpacks a packed variable-string into its original structure, whether it be
    a string or array.

    Generates a random unused filename for use with _CoCreate()

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Local $avCoThreads[1][2] ;[n] == iCoThreadID [n][0] == sFilePath [n][1] == iNumParams
    $avCoThreads[0][0] = 0 ;Number of Multi-threaded Functions
    Local $avPIDs[1][2] ;[n][0] == iPID [n][1] == iCoThreadID
    $avPIDs[0][0] = 0 ;Number of iPID's created
    Local $sWorkingDir = @TempDir

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Function Name: _CoCreate()
    ; Description: Create a child script for use with _CoStart()
    ; Parameter(s): $sFuncRawText - A delimited string containing the lines of
    ; the threaded function. Default delimiter is "|". Example:
    ; "Func MyFunc($test1)|Return $test1|EndFunc"
    ; $sDelimiter - A string containing the delimiter used in
    ; $sFuncRawText (Default = "|")
    ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns the CoThreadID associated with the
    ; created thread.
    ; On Failure - 0 and @error set to:
    ; 1 - Invalid delimiter or delimiter not found
    ; 2 - File could not be created, check working
    ; directory access permissions
    ; 3 - Function parameters not formatted
    ; correctly. Try eliminating white space:
    ; Ex: Func MyFunc($test1,$test2,$test3)
    ; 4 - Return line not formatted correctly.
    ; Author(s): Ben Brightwell
    Func _CoCreate($sFuncRawText, $sDelimiter = "|")
    Local $asFuncLines = StringSplit($sFuncRawText, $sDelimiter)
    Local $bUnpackStrToVarUsed = 1 ; Determines if source for _UnpackStrToVar() is required in child script
    Local $bPackVarToStrUsed = 0 ; Determines if source for _PackVarToStr() is required in child script
    Local $bCoYieldUsed = 0 ; Determines if source for _CoYield() is required in child script
    Local $hFile = "" ; For writing to the child script file
    Local $asParams = "" ; Array of parameters pulled from the line: "Func MyFunction($test1, $test2, $test3)" in $sFuncRawText
    Local $asReturnLine = "" ; Line parsed from $sFuncRawText to contain the value that is passed as "Return $value"
    If IsArray($asFuncLines) Then
    ReDim $avCoThreads[$avCoThreads[0][0] + 2][2]
    $avCoThreads[0][0] += 1
    $avCoThreads[$avCoThreads[0][0]][0] = _RandomFileName()
    $hFile = FileOpen($avCoThreads[$avCoThreads[0][0]][0], 2)
    If $hFile == -1 Then
    SetError(2) ; File could not be created, check working directory access permissions
    Return 0 ; failure
    $asParams = StringRegExp($asFuncLines[1] & " ", "(\$.*?)(?:[ ,\\)])", 3)
    If IsArray($asParams) Then
    $avCoThreads[$avCoThreads[0][0]][1] = UBound($asParams)
    If IsArray($asParams) Then
    FileWriteLine($hFile, 'Local $sParamsInStr = "" ; Used to pass in parameters')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, 'Local $iNumChrsToRead = 0 ; Used for parameter strings longer than 64Kb')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, 'Local $sReturnStr = ""')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, 'While ConsoleRead(0,true) == 0')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Sleep(10)')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, 'WEnd')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, '$sParamsInStr = ConsoleRead()')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, '$iNumChrsToRead = StringRegExp($sParamsInStr, "(\d*?)(\#)(?:\$\[)", 1)')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, '$sParamsInStr = StringTrimLeft($sParamsInStr, $iNumChrsToRead[1])')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, 'While StringLen($sParamsInStr) < $iNumChrsToRead[0]')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $sParamsInStr &= ConsoleRead()')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, 'WEnd')
    For $i = 0 To UBound($asParams) - 1
    FileWriteLine($hFile, $asParams[$i] & " = _UnpackStrToVar($sParamsInStr)")
    ElseIf Not StringInStr($asFuncLines[1], "$") Then
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ';No function parameters')
    SetError(3) ; Function parameters not formatted correctly
    Return 0 ; failure
    For $i = 1 To $asFuncLines[0] - 1
    If StringInStr($asFuncLines[$i], "return ") And Not StringInStr($asFuncLines[$i], ";") And Not StringInStr($asFuncLines[$i], "=") Then
    $asReturnLine = StringRegExp($asFuncLines[$i], "(?i:return[:space:]*)(.*)", 1)
    If IsArray($asReturnLine) Then
    FileWriteLine($hFile, '$sExpStr = ' &$asReturnLine[0])
    FileWriteLine($hFile, '$sExpStr = _PackVarToStr($sExpStr)')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, 'ConsoleWrite("return" & StringLen($sExpStr) & $sExpStr)')
    $bPackVarToStrUsed = 1
    SetError(4) ; Return line not formatted correctly
    Return 0 ; failure
    ElseIf StringInStr($asFuncLines[$i], "func") == 1 Or StringInStr($asFuncLines[$i], "endfunc") == 1 Then
    FileWriteLine($hFile, $asFuncLines[$i])
    If StringInStr($asFuncLines[$i], "_coyield") Then
    $bCoYieldUsed = 1
    If $bCoYieldUsed == 1 Then
    FileWriteLine($hFile, 'Func _CoYield($bPeek, $sVarName = "")')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' If $bPeek == 1 Then')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' If ConsoleRead(0,true) <> 0 Then')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $vResumeVar = ConsoleRead()')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $vResumeVar = _UnpackStrToVar($vResumeVar)')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' SetExtended(1)')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Return $vResumeVar')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Else')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' SetExtended(0)')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Return ""')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' EndIf')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Else')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Local $vVarNameEval = "" ; If $sVarName equates to a declared variable, a copy of it is stored here')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Local $vResumeVar = "" ; When _CoResume() is called to unpause script, a variable can be passed')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' If StringLeft($sVarName, 1) == "$" Then StringReplace($sVarName, "$", "")')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' If IsDeclared($sVarName) Then')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $vVarNameEval = Eval($sVarName)')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $vVarNameEval = _PackVarToStr($vVarNameEval)')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' ConsoleWrite("yield" & StrLen($vVarNameEval) & $vVarNameEval)')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Else')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $vVarName = _PackVarToStr($vVarName)')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' ConsoleWrite("yield" & StrLen($vVarName) & $vVarName')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' EndIf')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' While ConsoleRead(0,true) == 0')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Sleep(10)')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' WEnd')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $vResumeVar = ConsoleRead()')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $vResumeVar = _UnpackStrToVar($vResumeVar)')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Return $vResumeVar')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' EndIf')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, 'EndFunc')
    If $bUnpackStrToVarUsed == 1 Then
    FileWriteLine($hFile, 'Func _UnpackStrToVar(ByRef $sVarStr)')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Local $aiNumDims = StringRegExp($sVarStr, ''(?:\$\[)(\d*)(?:\]\$)(\#)'', 1)')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Local $aiDimSizes[1] ; To contain the size of each dimension as passed through $sVarStr')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Local $aiDimSize = "" ; To contain the size of current dimension and string position for stripping')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Local $avRetArr[1] ; To be redimensioned and have $sVarStr parsed and stored into as an array')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Local $avElementStr = "" ; To contain each element as a string as it is parsed from $sVarStr')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' If IsArray($aiNumDims) Then')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $sVarStr = StringTrimLeft($sVarStr, $aiNumDims[1])')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' If $aiNumDims[0] > 0 Then')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' ReDim $aiDimSizes[$aiNumDims[0]]')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' For $iCounter1 = 0 To $aiNumDims[0] - 1')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $aiDimSize = StringRegExp($sVarStr, ''(?:\$\[)(\d*)(?:\]\$)(\#)'', 1)')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $aiDimSizes[$iCounter1] = $aiDimSize[0]')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $sVarStr = StringTrimLeft($sVarStr, $aiDimSize[1])')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Next')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' EndIf')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Select')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Case $aiNumDims[0] == 0')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' If StringInStr($sVarStr, "$[") Then')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $avElementStr = StringRegExp($sVarStr, ''(.*?)(\#)(?:\$\[)'', 1)')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $sVarStr = StringTrimLeft($sVarStr, $avElementStr[1])')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' If $avElementStr[0] <> "<nil>" Then')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Return $avElementStr[0]')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Else')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Return ""')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' EndIf')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Else')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' If $sVarStr == "<nil>" Then')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Return ""')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Else')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Return $sVarStr')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' EndIf')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' EndIf')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Case $aiNumDims[0] == 1')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' ReDim $avRetArr[$aiDimSizes[0]]')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' For $iCounter1 = 0 To $aiDimSizes[0] - 1')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $avRetArr[$iCounter1] = _UnpackStrToVar($sVarStr) ; In case element holds another array (Recursive)')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Next')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Case $aiNumDims[0] == 2')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' ReDim $avRetArr[$aiDimSizes[0]][$aiDimSizes[1]]')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' For $iCounter1 = 0 To $aiDimSizes[0] - 1')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' For $iCounter2 = 0 To $aiDimSizes[1] - 1')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $avRetArr[$iCounter1][$iCounter2] = _UnpackStrToVar($sVarStr) ; In case element holds another array (Recursive)')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Next')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Next')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Case $aiNumDims[0] == 3')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' ReDim $avRetArr[$aiDimSizes[0]][$aiDimSizes[1]][$aiDimSizes[2]]')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' For $iCounter1 = 0 To $aiDimSizes[0] - 1')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' For $iCounter2 = 0 To $aiDimSizes[1] - 1')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' For $iCounter3 = 0 To $aiDimSizes[2] - 1')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $avRetArr[$iCounter1][$iCounter2][$iCounter3] = _UnpackStrToVar($sVarStr) ; In case element holds another array (Recursive)')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Next')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Next')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Next')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Case $aiNumDims[0] == 4')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' ReDim $avRetArr[$aiDimSizes[0]][$aiDimSizes[1]][$aiDimSizes[2]][$aiDimSizes[3]]')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' For $iCounter1 = 0 To $aiDimSizes[0] - 1')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' For $iCounter2 = 0 To $aiDimSizes[1] - 1')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' For $iCounter3 = 0 To $aiDimSizes[2] - 1')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' For $iCounter4 = 0 To $aiDimSizes[3] - 1')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $avRetArr[$iCounter1][$iCounter2][$iCounter3][$iCounter4] = _UnpackStrToVar($sVarStr) ; In case element holds another array (Recursive)')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Next')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Next')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Next')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Next')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' EndSelect')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Return $avRetArr')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' EndIf')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, 'EndFunc ;==>_UnpackStrToVar')
    If $bPackVarToStrUsed == 1 Then
    FileWriteLine($hFile, 'Func _PackVarToStr(ByRef $vPackVar)')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Local $iNumDims = UBound($vPackVar, 0) ; Number of dimensions of $vPackVar')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Local $sVarStr = "$[" & $iNumDims & "]$" ; Return string of packed variable')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Local $iCounter1 = "" ; Nested Counter')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Local $iCounter2 = "" ; Nested Counter')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Local $iCounter3 = "" ; Nested Counter')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Local $iCounter4 = "" ; Nested Counter')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' For $i = 1 To $iNumDims')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $sVarStr &= "$[" & UBound($vPackVar, $i) & "]$"')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Next')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Select')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Case $iNumDims == 0')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' If $vPackVar == "" Then')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $sVarStr &= "<nil>"')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Else')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $sVarStr &= $vPackVar')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' EndIf')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Case $iNumDims == 1')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' For $iCounter1 = 0 To UBound($vPackVar, 1) - 1')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' If $vPackVar[$iCounter1] == "" And UBound($vPackVar[$iCounter1], 0) == 0 Then')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $sVarStr &= "$[0]$<nil>"')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Else')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $sVarStr &= _PackVarToStr($vPackVar[$iCounter1])')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' EndIf')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Next')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Case $iNumDims == 2')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' For $iCounter1 = 0 To UBound($vPackVar, 1) - 1')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' For $iCounter2 = 0 To UBound($vPackVar, 2) - 1')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' If $vPackVar[$iCounter1][$iCounter2] == "" And UBound($vPackVar[$iCounter1][$iCounter2], 0) == 0 Then')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $sVarStr &= "$[0]$<nil>"')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Else')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $sVarStr &= _PackVarToStr($vPackVar[$iCounter1][$iCounter2])')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' EndIf')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Next')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Next')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Case $iNumDims == 3')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' For $iCounter1 = 0 To UBound($vPackVar, 1) - 1')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' For $iCounter2 = 0 To UBound($vPackVar, 2) - 1')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' For $iCounter3 = 0 To UBound($vPackVar, 3) - 1')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' If $vPackVar[$iCounter1][$iCounter2][$iCounter3] == "" And UBound($vPackVar[$iCounter1][$iCounter2][$iCounter3], 0) == 0 Then')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $sVarStr &= "$[0]$<nil>"')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Else')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $sVarStr &= _PackVarToStr($vPackVar[$iCounter1][$iCounter2][$iCounter3])')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' EndIf')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Next')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Next')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Next')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Case $iNumDims == 4')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' For $iCounter1 = 0 To UBound($vPackVar, 1) - 1')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' For $iCounter2 = 0 To UBound($vPackVar, 2) - 1')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' For $iCounter3 = 0 To UBound($vPackVar, 3) - 1')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' For $iCounter4 = 0 To UBound($vPackVar, 4) - 1')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' If $vPackVar[$iCounter1][$iCounter2][$iCounter3][$iCounter4] == "" And UBound($vPackVar[$iCounter1][$iCounter2][$iCounter3][$iCounter4], 0) == 0 Then')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $sVarStr &= "$[0]$<nil>"')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Else')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $sVarStr &= _PackVarToStr($vPackVar[$iCounter1][$iCounter2][$iCounter3][$iCounter4])')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' EndIf')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Next')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Next')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Next')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Next')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' EndSelect')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Return $sVarStr')
    FileWriteLine($hFile, 'EndFunc ;==>_PackVarToStr')
    Return $avCoThreads[0][0]
    SetError(1) ; Invalid delimiter or delimiter not found
    Return 0 ; failure
    EndFunc ;==>_CoCreate

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Function Name: _CoYield()
    ; Description: Yield a value to the main script and pause the
    ; coroutine, only usable by the coroutine
    ; Parameter(s): $sVarName - String containing the name of the variable
    ; to pass to the main script. If string does not contain
    ; the name of a declared variable, it is passed as a
    ; literal string.
    ; Return Value(s): The variable passed by the corresponding call to _CoResume()
    ; Author(s): Ben Brightwell
    ;~ Func _CoYield($bPeek, $sVarName = "")
    ;~ If $bPeek == 1 Then
    ;~ If ConsoleRead(0,true) <> 0 Then
    ;~ $vResumeVar = ConsoleRead()
    ;~ $vResumeVar = _UnpackStrToVar($vResumeVar)
    ;~ SetExtended(1)
    ;~ Return $vResumeVar
    ;~ Else
    ;~ SetExtended(0)
    ;~ Return ""
    ;~ EndIf
    ;~ Else
    ;~ Local $vVarNameEval = "" ; If $sVarName equates to a declared variable, a copy of it is stored here
    ;~ Local $vResumeVar = "" ; When _CoResume() is called to unpause script, a variable can be passed
    ;~ If StringLeft($sVarName, 1) == "$" Then StringReplace($sVarName, "$", "")
    ;~ If IsDeclared($sVarName) Then
    ;~ $vVarNameEval = Eval($sVarName)
    ;~ $vVarNameEval = _PackVarToStr($vVarNameEval)
    ;~ ConsoleWrite("yield" & StrLen($vVarNameEval) & $vVarNameEval)
    ;~ Else
    ;~ $vVarName = _PackVarToStr($vVarName)
    ;~ ConsoleWrite("yield" & StrLen($vVarName) & $vVarName
    ;~ EndIf
    ;~ While ConsoleRead(0,true) == 0
    ;~ Sleep(50)
    ;~ WEnd
    ;~ $vResumeVar = ConsoleRead()
    ;~ $vResumeVar = _UnpackStrToVar($vResumeVar)
    ;~ Return $vResumeVar
    ;~ EndIf
    ;~ EndFunc

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Function Name: _CoInclude()
    ; Description: Include a UDF(s) in the coroutine script.
    ; NOTE: #include <something.au3> will work in _CoCreate()
    ; but keep in mind that the "something.au3" file must
    ; exist on the computer that is running the script.
    ; Parameter(s): $iCoThreadID - The thread to add the include to
    ; $sFuncRawText - The function text, delimited by $sDelimiter
    ; $sDelimiter - Used to delimit $sFuncRawText (Default "|")
    ; Return Value(s): Success - 1
    ; Failure - 0 and @error set to:
    ; 1 - Invalid iCoThreadID
    ; 2 - Invalid delimiter or delimiter not found
    ; 3 - Code formatted incorrectly. Namely mis-
    ; matched number of "Func ..." and "EndFunc"
    ; lines.
    ; 4 - Script file could not be opened.
    ; Author(s): Ben Brightwell
    Func _CoInclude($iCoThreadID, $sFuncRawText, $sDelimiter = "|")
    Local $asFuncLines = "" ; Array holding the lines of code stripped from $sFuncRawText
    Local $sFormattedCode = "" ; String to write to the script file
    Local $iNumFuncs = 0 ; Number of lines that contain "Func ...". Used for minimal codechecking
    Local $iNumEndFuncs = 0 ; Number of lines that contain "EndFunc". Used for minimal codechecking
    Local $iFileCheck = 0 ; Used to check if file was written to correctly.
    Local $sPrevContents = "" ; Used to store contents of original coroutine script.
    Local $hFile = "" ; Handle for source file
    If $iCoThreadID <= $avCoThreads[0][0] Then
    $asFuncLines = StringSplit($sFuncRawText, $sDelimiter)
    If IsArray($asFuncLines) Then
    $sFormattedCode &= ';============' & @CRLF
    $sFormattedCode &= ';Include Code' & @CRLF
    $sFormattedCode &= ';============' & @CRLF
    For $i = 1 To $asFuncLines[0]
    If StringInStr($asFuncLines[$i], "endfunc") Then
    $iNumEndFuncs += 1
    ElseIf StringInStr($asFuncLines[$i], "func") Then
    $iNumFuncs += 1
    If $iNumFuncs == $iNumEndFuncs Then
    For $i = 1 To $asFuncLines[0]
    $sFormattedCode &= $asFuncLines[$i] & @CRLF
    SetError(3) ; Code formatted incorrectly
    Return 0 ; failure
    SetError(2) ; Delimiter not found in $sFuncRawText
    Return 0 ; failure
    $sPrevContents = FileRead($avCoThreads[$iCoThreadID][0])
    $hFile = FileOpen($avCoThreads[$iCoThreadID][0], 2)
    If FileWrite($hFile, $sFormattedCode) == 0 Then
    SetError(4) ; File could not be written to
    Return 0 ; failure
    $hFile = FileOpen($avCoThreads[$iCoThreadID][0], 1)
    FileWrite($hFile, $sPrevContents)
    SetError(1) ; Invalid iCoThreadID
    Return 0 ;

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Function Name: _CoStart()
    ; Description: Create a coroutine from a thread created by _CoCreate()
    ; Parameter(s): $iCoThreadID - as returned by _CoCreate()
    ; $sParamStr - the string you would call a normal function
    ; with. Example: MyFunc($test1, $test2)
    ; $sParamStr = "$test1, $test2"
    ; Return Value(s): On Success - the PID of the created coroutine
    ; On Failure - -1 and sets @error to:
    ; 1 - Invalid iCoThreadID
    ; 2 - Parameter string formatted incorrectly
    ; Author(s): Ben Brightwell
    Func _CoStart($iCoThreadID, $sParamStr = "")
    Local $sPackedParamStr = "" ; If arrays exist in $sParamStr, then they need to be packed into a string
    Local $asParams = "" ; Holds individual parameters parsed from $sParamStr
    Local $sStrippedParam = "" ; Holds a parameter stripped of "$" and ","
    Local $vParamEval = "" ; If $sStrippedParam is a valid variable, a temporary one is evaluated to this container
    Local $sParamLiteral = "" ; If a non-variable is passed, it is interpreted as a literal
    If $iCoThreadID <= $avCoThreads[0][0] And $iCoThreadID <> 0 Then
    ReDim $avPIDs[$avPIDs[0][0] + 2][2]
    $avPIDs[0][0] += 1
    If $sParamStr <> "" Then
    If StringRight($sParamStr, 1) <> "," Then
    $sParamStr &= "," ; Makes $sParamStr easier to parse with StringRegExp
    $asParams = StringRegExp($sParamStr, '(".*?".*?,|[^ ]*?[ ]?,)*', 3)
    If Not IsArray($asParams) Then
    SetError(2) ; Parameter string not formatted correctly
    Return -1 ; failure
    For $i = 0 To UBound($asParams) - 1
    If StringInStr($asParams[$i], "$") Then
    $sStrippedParam = StringReplace(StringReplace($asParams[$i], "$", ""), ",", "")
    If IsDeclared($sStrippedParam) Then
    $vParamEval = Eval($sStrippedParam)
    $sPackedParamStr &= _PackVarToStr($vParamEval)
    $sParamLiteral = StringTrimRight($asParams[$i], 1)
    $sPackedParamStr &= _PackVarToStr($sParamLiteral)
    $sParamLiteral = StringTrimRight($asParams[$i], 1)
    $sPackedParamStr &= _PackVarToStr($sParamLiteral)
    $avPIDs[$avPIDs[0][0]][0] = Run(@AutoItExe & ' /AutoIt3ExecuteScript "' & $avCoThreads[$iCoThreadID][0] & '"', "", "", 7)
    If StringLen($sPackedParamStr) > 0 Then
    StdinWrite($avPIDs[$avPIDs[0][0]][0], StringLen($sPackedParamStr) & $sPackedParamStr)
    $avPIDs[$avPIDs[0][0]][1] = $iCoThreadID
    Return $avPIDs[$avPIDs[0][0]][0]
    SetError(1) ;Invalid iCoThreadID
    Return -1 ; failure
    EndFunc ;==>_CoStart

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Function Name: _CoStatus()
    ; Description: Determines the status of a PID returned by _CoStart()
    ; Parameter(s): $iPID - PID as returned by _CoStart()
    ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns the status of the coroutine
    ; Possible values: "yielded" - yielded a value, script paused
    ; "running" - running
    ; "returned" - coroutine dead, with a return value
    ; "dead" - coroutine dead with no return value
    ; On Failure - Returns empty string ("") and sets error to 1
    ; Author(s): Ben Brightwell
    Func _CoStatus($iPID)
    Local $bPIDFound = 0 ; Used to search for a PID created by _CoStart()
    For $i = 1 To $avPIDs[0][0]
    If $avPIDs[$i][0] == $iPID Then
    $bPIDFound = 1
    If $bPIDFound == 1 Then
    Case ProcessExists($iPID) <> 0
    If StdoutRead($iPID, 5, True) == "yield" Then
    Return "yielded"
    ElseIf StdoutRead($iPID, 6, True) == "return" Then
    Return "returned" ; Coroutine returned, but return string is longer than console buffer
    Return "running"
    Case ProcessExists($iPID) == 0
    If StdoutRead($iPID, 0, True) <> 0 Then
    Return "returned"
    Return "dead"
    SetError(1) ;$PID not created with _CoStart()
    Return ""
    EndFunc ;==>_CoStatus

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Function Name: _CoSend()
    ; Description: Sends a variable to the child script.
    ; Parameter(s): $iPID - PID as returned by _CoStart()
    ; Return Value(s): On Success - none
    ; On Failure - Returns empty string ("") and sets error to 1
    ; Author(s): Ben Brightwell
    Func _CoSend($iPID, $vInVar)
    If _CoStatus($iPID) <> "dead" And _CoStatus($iPID) <> "returned" And _CoStatus($iPID) <> "yielded" Then
    StdinWrite($iPID, _PackVarToStr($vInVar))
    Return ""

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Function Name: _CoResume()
    ; Description: Resumes a paused coroutine and returns the yielded variable
    ; Parameter(s): $iPID - PID as returned by _CoStart()
    ; Return Value(s): On Success - Resumes paused coroutine and returns variable
    ; yielded by _CoYield()
    ; On Failure - Returns empty string ("") and sets error to 1
    ; Author(s): Ben Brightwell
    Func _CoResume($iPID, $vInVar = "")
    Local $sReturnStr = "" ; Contains return string
    Local $iNumChrsToRead = 0 ; Number of chars to read
    Local $iTotalChrsRead = 0 ; Total chars currently read
    If _CoStatus($iPID) == "yielded" Then
    If StdoutRead($iPID, 0, True) > 5 Then
    $sReturnStr = StringTrimLeft(StdoutRead($iPID), 5)
    $iNumChrsToRead = StringRegExp($sReturnStr, "(\d*?)(\#)(?:\$\[)", 1)
    $sReturnStr = StringTrimLeft($sReturnStr, $iNumChrsToRead[1])
    While StringLen($sReturnStr) <= $iNumChrsToRead[0]
    $sReturnStr &= StdoutRead($iPID)
    StdinWrite($iPID, _PackVarToStr($vInVar))
    Return _UnpackStrToVar($sReturnStr)
    SetError(1) ;$PID is not yielded
    Return ""
    EndFunc ;==>_CoResume

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Function Name: _CoGetReturn()
    ; Description: Returns the variable returned by a coroutine
    ; Parameter(s): $iPID - PID as returned by _CoStart()
    ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns variable returned by coroutine
    ; On Failure - Returns empty string ("") and sets error to 1
    ; Author(s): Ben Brightwell
    Func _CoGetReturn($iPID)
    Local $sReturnStr = "" ; Contains return string
    Local $iNumChrsToRead = 0 ; Number of chars to read
    Local $iTotalChrsRead = 0 ; Total chars currently read
    If _CoStatus($iPID) == "returned" Then
    $sReturnStr = StdoutRead($iPID)
    $iNumChrsToRead = StringRegExp($sReturnStr, "(\d*?)(\#)(?:\$\[)", 1)
    $sReturnStr = StringTrimLeft($sReturnStr, $iNumChrsToRead[1])
    While StringLen($sReturnStr) < $iNumChrsToRead[0]
    $sReturnStr &= StdoutRead($iPID)
    Return _UnpackStrToVar($sReturnStr)
    SetError(1) ; $PID not returned
    Return ""
    EndFunc ;==>_CoGetReturn

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Function Name: _CoKill()
    ; Description: Kills a running coroutine
    ; Parameter(s): $iPID - PID as returned by _CoStart()
    ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 1
    ; On Failure - Returns 0
    ; Author(s): Ben Brightwell
    Func _CoKill($iPID)
    If ProcessExists($iPID) <> 0 Then
    Return 1
    Return 0
    EndFunc ;==>_CoKill

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Function Name: _CoCleanup()
    ; Description: Kills all coroutines and deletes their respective temp files
    ; Parameter(s): none
    ; Return Value(s): none
    ; Author(s): Ben Brightwell
    Func _CoCleanup()
    For $i = 1 To $avPIDs[0][0]
    For $i = 1 To $avCoThreads[0][0]
    EndFunc ;==>_CoCleanup

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Function Name: _CoChangeWorkingDir()
    ; Description: Changes the directory to store coroutine temp files in
    ; NOTE: does not currently check for proper directory
    ; structure
    ; Parameter(s): $sDir = String representing the new working directory
    ; Return Value(s): none
    ; Author(s): Ben Brightwell
    Func _CoChangeWorkingDir($sDir)
    $workingDir = $sDir
    EndFunc ;==>_CoChangeWorkingDir

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Function Name: _UnpackStrToVar()
    ; Description: Turns a packed variable string back into a variable.
    ; Parameter(s): $sVarStr = A packed variable string as returned by _PackVarToStr()
    ; Return Value(s): Variable of type that was passed to _PackVarToStr()
    ; Author(s): Ben Brightwell
    Func _UnpackStrToVar(ByRef $sVarStr)
    Local $aiNumDims = StringRegExp($sVarStr, '(?:\$\[)(\d*)(?:\]\$)(\#)', 1)
    Local $aiDimSizes[1] ; To contain the size of each dimension as passed through $sVarStr
    Local $aiDimSize = "" ; To contain the size of current dimension and string position for stripping
    Local $avRetArr[1] ; To be redimensioned and have $sVarStr parsed and stored into as an array
    Local $avElementStr = "" ; To contain each element as a string as it is parsed from $sVarStr
    If IsArray($aiNumDims) Then
    $sVarStr = StringTrimLeft($sVarStr, $aiNumDims[1])
    If $aiNumDims[0] > 0 Then
    ReDim $aiDimSizes[$aiNumDims[0]]
    For $iCounter1 = 0 To $aiNumDims[0] - 1
    $aiDimSize = StringRegExp($sVarStr, '(?:\$\[)(\d*)(?:\]\$)(\#)', 1)
    $aiDimSizes[$iCounter1] = $aiDimSize[0]
    $sVarStr = StringTrimLeft($sVarStr, $aiDimSize[1])
    Case $aiNumDims[0] == 0
    If StringInStr($sVarStr, "$[") Then
    $avElementStr = StringRegExp($sVarStr, '(.*?)(\#)(?:\$\[)', 1)
    $sVarStr = StringTrimLeft($sVarStr, $avElementStr[1])
    If $avElementStr[0] <> "<nil>" Then
    Return $avElementStr[0]
    Return ""
    If $sVarStr == "<nil>" Then
    Return ""
    Return $sVarStr
    Case $aiNumDims[0] == 1
    ReDim $avRetArr[$aiDimSizes[0]]
    For $iCounter1 = 0 To $aiDimSizes[0] - 1
    $avRetArr[$iCounter1] = _UnpackStrToVar($sVarStr) ; In case element holds another array (Recursive)
    Case $aiNumDims[0] == 2
    ReDim $avRetArr[$aiDimSizes[0]][$aiDimSizes[1]]
    For $iCounter1 = 0 To $aiDimSizes[0] - 1
    For $iCounter2 = 0 To $aiDimSizes[1] - 1
    $avRetArr[$iCounter1][$iCounter2] = _UnpackStrToVar($sVarStr) ; In case element holds another array (Recursive)
    Case $aiNumDims[0] == 3
    ReDim $avRetArr[$aiDimSizes[0]][$aiDimSizes[1]][$aiDimSizes[2]]
    For $iCounter1 = 0 To $aiDimSizes[0] - 1
    For $iCounter2 = 0 To $aiDimSizes[1] - 1
    For $iCounter3 = 0 To $aiDimSizes[2] - 1
    $avRetArr[$iCounter1][$iCounter2][$iCounter3] = _UnpackStrToVar($sVarStr) ; In case element holds another array (Recursive)
    Case $aiNumDims[0] == 4
    ReDim $avRetArr[$aiDimSizes[0]][$aiDimSizes[1]][$aiDimSizes[2]][$aiDimSizes[3]]
    For $iCounter1 = 0 To $aiDimSizes[0] - 1
    For $iCounter2 = 0 To $aiDimSizes[1] - 1
    For $iCounter3 = 0 To $aiDimSizes[2] - 1
    For $iCounter4 = 0 To $aiDimSizes[3] - 1
    $avRetArr[$iCounter1][$iCounter2][$iCounter3][$iCounter4] = _UnpackStrToVar($sVarStr) ; In case element holds another array (Recursive)
    Return $avRetArr
    EndFunc ;==>_UnpackStrToVar

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Function Name: _PackVarToStr()
    ; Description: Packs a variable into a string form for sending to another
    ; script. Maintains array integrity up to 4 dimensions.
    ; Also supports nested arrays inside array elements.
    ; Parameter(s): $vPackVar = Variable to be packed into a string.
    ; NOTE: Variables of type Object or DllStructs are not yet
    ; supported.
    ; Return Value(s): Returns packed string to be unpacked by _UnpackStrToVar()
    ; Author(s): Ben Brightwell
    Func _PackVarToStr(ByRef $vPackVar)
    Local $iNumDims = UBound($vPackVar, 0) ; Number of dimensions of $vPackVar
    Local $sVarStr = "$[" & $iNumDims & "]$" ; Return string of packed variable
    Local $iCounter1 = "" ; Nested Counter
    Local $iCounter2 = "" ; Nested Counter
    Local $iCounter3 = "" ; Nested Counter
    Local $iCounter4 = "" ; Nested Counter
    For $i = 1 To $iNumDims
    $sVarStr &= "$[" & UBound($vPackVar, $i) & "]$"
    Case $iNumDims == 0
    If $vPackVar == "" Then
    $sVarStr &= "<nil>"
    $sVarStr &= $vPackVar
    Case $iNumDims == 1
    For $iCounter1 = 0 To UBound($vPackVar, 1) - 1
    If $vPackVar[$iCounter1] == "" And UBound($vPackVar[$iCounter1], 0) == 0 Then
    $sVarStr &= "$[0]$<nil>"
    $sVarStr &= _PackVarToStr($vPackVar[$iCounter1])
    Case $iNumDims == 2
    For $iCounter1 = 0 To UBound($vPackVar, 1) - 1
    For $iCounter2 = 0 To UBound($vPackVar, 2) - 1
    If $vPackVar[$iCounter1][$iCounter2] == "" And UBound($vPackVar[$iCounter1][$iCounter2], 0) == 0 Then
    $sVarStr &= "$[0]$<nil>"
    $sVarStr &= _PackVarToStr($vPackVar[$iCounter1][$iCounter2])
    Case $iNumDims == 3
    For $iCounter1 = 0 To UBound($vPackVar, 1) - 1
    For $iCounter2 = 0 To UBound($vPackVar, 2) - 1
    For $iCounter3 = 0 To UBound($vPackVar, 3) - 1
    If $vPackVar[$iCounter1][$iCounter2][$iCounter3] == "" And UBound($vPackVar[$iCounter1][$iCounter2][$iCounter3], 0) == 0 Then
    $sVarStr &= "$[0]$<nil>"
    $sVarStr &= _PackVarToStr($vPackVar[$iCounter1][$iCounter2][$iCounter3])
    Case $iNumDims == 4
    For $iCounter1 = 0 To UBound($vPackVar, 1) - 1
    For $iCounter2 = 0 To UBound($vPackVar, 2) - 1
    For $iCounter3 = 0 To UBound($vPackVar, 3) - 1
    For $iCounter4 = 0 To UBound($vPackVar, 4) - 1
    If $vPackVar[$iCounter1][$iCounter2][$iCounter3][$iCounter4] == "" And UBound($vPackVar[$iCounter1][$iCounter2][$iCounter3][$iCounter4], 0) == 0 Then
    $sVarStr &= "$[0]$<nil>"
    $sVarStr &= _PackVarToStr($vPackVar[$iCounter1][$iCounter2][$iCounter3][$iCounter4])
    Return $sVarStr
    EndFunc ;==>_PackVarToStr

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Function Name: _RandomFileName()
    ; Description: Generates a random file name in the working directory so that
    ; the a filename is not repeated for up to 10000 coroutine
    ; scripts per main script.
    ; Parameter(s): none
    ; Return Value(s): FileGetShortName-converted string representing the full path
    ; to the temporary file, including the .au3 extension
    ; Author(s): Ben Brightwell
    Func _RandomFileName()
    $name = FileGetShortName($sWorkingDir) & "\" & StringTrimRight(@ScriptName, 4) & Random(0, 10000, 1) & ".au3"
    $found = 0
    For $i = 1 To $avCoThreads[0][0]
    If $name == $avCoThreads[$i][0] Then
    $found = 1
    While $found == 1
    $found = 0
    $name = FileGetShortName(@TempDir) & "\" & StringTrimRight(@ScriptName, 4) & Random(0, 10000, 1) & ".au3"
    For $i = 1 To $avCoThreads[0][0]
    If $name == $avCoThreads[$i][0] Then
    $found = 1
    Return $name
    EndFunc ;==>_RandomFileName


    Damit soll das gehen. Denke mal mit der Funktion CoCreate und Costart, kann mir jemand sagen, wie ich das benutze?

  • Ich habe es mal an die neuen Anforderungen (langes Warten) angepasst:

    Spoiler anzeigen

    #include <GUIConstants.au3>

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    $start = GUICtrlCreateButton("Start",20,20,40)
    $label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("",20,60,300,25)
    GUISetState (@SW_SHOW)
    $gestartet = 0

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    While 1
    $msg = GUIGetMsg()

    Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE

    Case $msg = $start Or $gestartet > 0
    If $gestartet = 0 Then $gestartet = TimerInit()


    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Func _warte()
    If TimerDiff($gestartet) >= 10000 Then
    $gestartet = 0
    GUICtrlSetData($label,"gelaufen: " & Round(TimerDiff($gestartet)/1000,2) & " Sekunden")


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    "On-Bort, weier, verscheiden, schädliges, Butten steyling, näckstet, Parr, Porblem, scripe, Kompletenz, harken, manuel zu extramieren, geckukt, würglich, excell, acces oder Compilevorgeng"

  • Hm, kann mir denn jemand sagen, wie das Script co routine funzt? Und wie ich das auf eins meiner Scripte anwende...
    (2 Posts hier drüber)