
  • Hallo.

    Hat schon mal eine/r ein AutoIt Brennscript geschrieben?
    Benötige eine Brennmöglichkeit die ich auch in ein GUI packen könnte, das aber auch ohne GUI arbeitet. Also so und so.

    LG, Crazy-A.

    Lieben Gruß,


    Geheime Information: ;)

  • Hallo.

    Das schaue ich mir doch beides mal an.


    LG, Crazy-A.

    Lieben Gruß,


    Geheime Information: ;)

  • @RD04

    Was meinst Du damit folgendem Satz: "Aber Vorsicht hier kann man mehr als nur einen Rohling und Freund verlieren !!"?

    LG, Crazy-A.

    Lieben Gruß,


    Geheime Information: ;)

  • .. ich weis , dass der ein oder andere mich jetzt hier wieder als Leichenschänder beschimpfen wird...
    IST mir aber egal .... ;)

    bin auch grad am Thema CD-Brennen mit AutoIT und natürlich hier über diesen Thread gestolpert ..

    und wollte lediglich mitteilen, dass es hierzu eine UDF gibt namen's IMAPI2__11_36_.au3

    Spoiler anzeigen


    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    #include <winapi.au3>

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    #CS List of Functions
    _IMAPI2_AddFileToFS (15/8-08)
    _IMAPI2_AddFolderToFS (16/6-08)
    _IMAPI2_BurnFSToDrive (16/6-08)
    _IMAPI2_BurnImageToDrive (15/8-08)
    _IMAPI2_CreateFSForDrive (16/6-08)
    _IMAPI2_CreateFSForMedia (14/8-08)
    _IMAPI2_CreateDirectoryInFS (06/6-09)
    _IMAPI2_DriveClose (16/6-08)
    _IMAPI2_DriveEject (16/6-08)
    _IMAPI2_DriveEraseDisc (16/6-08)
    _IMAPI2_DriveGetLetter (16/6-08)
    _IMAPI2_DriveGetMedia (16/6-08)
    _IMAPI2_DriveGetObj (16/6-08)
    _IMAPI2_DriveGetProductId (20/6-09)
    _IMAPI2_DriveGetSpeeds (08/7-08)
    _IMAPI2_DriveGetSupportedMedia (14/8-08)
    _IMAPI2_DriveMediaIsBlank (14/8-08)
    _IMAPI2_DrivesGetID (16/6-08)
    _IMAPI2_DriveGetVendorId (20/6-09)
    _IMAPI2_FSCountDirectories (15/8-08)
    _IMAPI2_FSCountFiles (15/8-08)
    _IMAPI2_FSItemExists (15/8-08)
    _IMAPI2_RemoveFolderFromFS (08/7-08)
    _IMAPI2_RemoveFileFromFS (06/6-09)
    _IMAPI2_DriveMediaFreeSpace (15/8-08)
    _IMAPI2_DriveMediaTotalSpace (15/8-08)
    _IMAPI2_WaveIsValid (10/9-08)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Global $IMAPI2_Error = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "_IMAPI2_COM_Error")
    Global $IMAPI2_ErrorCode
    Global $IMAPI2_UserCallback

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    #Region IMAPI2 Constants
    Global Const $IMAPI_MEDIA_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0x00
    Global Const $IMAPI_MEDIA_TYPE_CDROM = 0x01
    Global Const $IMAPI_MEDIA_TYPE_CDR = 0x02
    Global Const $IMAPI_MEDIA_TYPE_CDRW = 0x03
    Global Const $IMAPI_MEDIA_TYPE_DVDROM = 0x04
    Global Const $IMAPI_MEDIA_TYPE_DVDRAM = 0x05
    Global Const $IMAPI_MEDIA_TYPE_DVDPLUSR = 0x06
    Global Const $IMAPI_MEDIA_TYPE_DVDPLUSRW = 0x07
    Global Const $IMAPI_MEDIA_TYPE_DVDDASHR = 0x09
    Global Const $IMAPI_MEDIA_TYPE_DISK = 0x0C
    Global Const $IMAPI_MEDIA_TYPE_HDDVDROM = 0x0E
    Global Const $IMAPI_MEDIA_TYPE_HDDVDR = 0x0F
    Global Const $IMAPI_MEDIA_TYPE_HDDVDRAM = 0x10
    Global Const $IMAPI_MEDIA_TYPE_BDROM = 0x11
    Global Const $IMAPI_MEDIA_TYPE_BDR = 0x12
    Global Const $IMAPI_MEDIA_TYPE_BDRE = 0x13
    Global Const $IMAPI_MEDIA_TYPE_MAX = 0x13

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Global Const $IMAPI_SECTOR_SIZE = 2048
    Global Const $IMAPI_SECTORS_PER_SECOND_AT_1X_CD = 75
    Global Const $IMAPI_SECTORS_PER_SECOND_AT_1X_DVD = 680
    #EndRegion IMAPI2 Constants

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; #FUNCTION# ;===============================================================================
    ; Name...........: _IMAPI2_DrivesGetID
    ; Description ...: Returns the unique id for all the drives on the system
    ; Syntax.........: _IMAPI2_GetDrivesID()
    ; Parameters ....:
    ; Return values .: Success - An array with all the unique ids for the drives on the system (element 0 is count)
    ; : Failure -
    ; Author ........: Andreas Karlsson (monoceres)
    ; Modified.......:
    ; Remarks .......:
    ; Related .......: _IMAPI2_StartDrive
    ; Link ..........;
    ; Example .......; No
    ; ;==========================================================================================
    Func _IMAPI2_DrivesGetID()
    Local $oDiscmaster, $iCount
    $oDiscmaster = ObjCreate("IMAPI2.MsftDiscMaster2")
    If Not IsObj($oDiscmaster) Then Return -1
    $iCount = $oDiscmaster.Count()
    Local $sArray[$iCount + 1]
    $sArray[0] = $iCount
    For $i = 1 To $iCount
    $sArray[$i] = $oDiscmaster.Item($i - 1)
    $oDiscmaster = ""
    Return $sArray
    EndFunc ;==>_IMAPI2_DrivesGetID

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; #FUNCTION# ;===============================================================================
    ; Name...........: _IMAPI2_WaveIsValid
    ; Description ...: Checks if a wave file is valid for writing as audio track on cd-r
    ; Syntax.........: MAPI2_WaveIsValid($sFileName)
    ; Parameters ....:
    ; Return values .: Success - Returns true if the file is a valid 16-bit 44,1 kHz stereo track
    ; : Failure - False
    ; Author ........: Andreas Karlsson (monoceres)
    ; Modified.......:
    ; Remarks .......:
    ; Related .......:
    ; Link ..........;
    ; Example .......; No
    ; ;==========================================================================================
    Func _IMAPI2_WaveIsValid($sFileName)
    Local $NULL
    Local $hFileHandle
    Local $WAVE_HEADER = DllStructCreate("char ChunkID[4];int ChunkSize;char Format[4];char Subchunk1ID[4];" & _
    "int Subchunk1Size;short AudioFormat;short NumChannels;int SampleRate;" & _
    "int ByteRate;short BlockAlign;short BitsPerSample;char Subchunk2ID[4];" & _
    "int Subchunk2Size")
    $hFileHandle = _WinAPI_CreateFile($sFileName, 2, 2, 2)
    _WinAPI_ReadFile($hFileHandle, DllStructGetPtr($WAVE_HEADER, "ChunkID"), 4, $NULL)
    _WinAPI_ReadFile($hFileHandle, DllStructGetPtr($WAVE_HEADER, "ChunkSize"), 4, $NULL)
    _WinAPI_ReadFile($hFileHandle, DllStructGetPtr($WAVE_HEADER, "Format"), 4, $NULL)
    _WinAPI_ReadFile($hFileHandle, DllStructGetPtr($WAVE_HEADER, "Subchunk1ID"), 4, $NULL)
    _WinAPI_ReadFile($hFileHandle, DllStructGetPtr($WAVE_HEADER, "Subchunk1Size"), 4, $NULL)
    _WinAPI_ReadFile($hFileHandle, DllStructGetPtr($WAVE_HEADER, "AudioFormat"), 2, $NULL)
    _WinAPI_ReadFile($hFileHandle, DllStructGetPtr($WAVE_HEADER, "NumChannels"), 2, $NULL)
    _WinAPI_ReadFile($hFileHandle, DllStructGetPtr($WAVE_HEADER, "SampleRate"), 4, $NULL)
    _WinAPI_ReadFile($hFileHandle, DllStructGetPtr($WAVE_HEADER, "ByteRate"), 4, $NULL)
    _WinAPI_ReadFile($hFileHandle, DllStructGetPtr($WAVE_HEADER, "BlockAlign"), 2, $NULL)
    _WinAPI_ReadFile($hFileHandle, DllStructGetPtr($WAVE_HEADER, "BitsPerSample"), 2, $NULL)
    _WinAPI_ReadFile($hFileHandle, DllStructGetPtr($WAVE_HEADER, "Subchunk2ID"), 4, $NULL)
    _WinAPI_ReadFile($hFileHandle, DllStructGetPtr($WAVE_HEADER, "Subchunk2Size"), 4, $NULL) ; 44 offset
    If DllStructGetData($WAVE_HEADER, "AudioFormat") = 1 And DllStructGetData($WAVE_HEADER, "SampleRate") = 44100 And _
    DllStructGetData($WAVE_HEADER, "BitsPerSample") = 16 And DllStructGetData($WAVE_HEADER, "NumChannels") = 2 Then
    Return True
    Return False
    EndFunc ;==>_IMAPI2_WaveIsValid

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Func _IMAPI2_BurnAudioCD($oRecorder, $aWaveFiles)
    Local $hFileHandle
    Local $NULL
    Local $hDummyStruct = DllStructCreate("byte[44]")
    Local $hWaveData
    Local $oTrackAtOnce = ObjCreate("IMAPI2.MsftDiscFormat2TrackAtOnce")
    $oTrackAtOnce.ClientName = @AutoItVersion
    $oTrackAtOnce.recorder = $oRecorder
    For $i = 0 To UBound($aWaveFiles) - 1
    If _IMAPI2_WaveIsValid($aWaveFiles[$i]) Then
    $hFileHandle = _WinAPI_CreateFile($aWaveFiles[$i], 2, 2, 2)
    _WinAPI_ReadFile($hFileHandle, DllStructGetPtr($hDummyStruct), 44, $NULL)
    $hWaveData = DllStructCreate("ushort[" & (FileGetSize($aWaveFiles[$i]) - 44) / 2 & "]")
    _WinAPI_ReadFile($hFileHandle, DllStructGetPtr($hWaveData), DllStructGetSize($hWaveData), $NULL)
    $hFileHandle = $hFileHandle = _WinAPI_CreateFile(@TempDir & "\", 2, 4, 4)
    _WinAPI_WriteFile($hFileHandle, DllStructGetPtr($hWaveData), DllStructGetSize($hWaveData), $NULL)
    EndFunc ;==>_IMAPI2_BurnAudioCD

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
    ; Name...........: _IMAPI2_DriveGetObj
    ; Description ...: Get the object of a drive using the unique id for the drive
    ; Syntax.........: _IMAPI2_DriveGetObj($sUniqueId)
    ; Parameters ....: $sUniqueId - Unique id for the drive to get object
    ; Return values .: Success - Object to the drive
    ; Author ........: Andreas Karlsson (monoceres)
    ; Modified.......:
    ; Remarks .......:
    ; Related .......: _IMAPI2_GetDrivesID
    ; Link ..........;
    ; Example .......; No
    ; ===============================================================================================================================
    Func _IMAPI2_DriveGetObj($sUniqueId)
    Local $oRecorder = ObjCreate("IMAPI2.MsftDiscRecorder2")
    Return $oRecorder
    EndFunc ;==>_IMAPI2_DriveGetObj

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; #FUNCTION# ;===============================================================================
    ; Name...........: _IMAPI2_DriveGetMedia
    ; Description ...: Returns the type of media inserted in a drive
    ; Syntax.........: _IMAPI2_DriveGetMedia(ByRef $oRecorder)
    ; Parameters ....: $oRecorder - Object of the drive
    ; Return values .: Success - A code corresponding to one of the constants at the top of this UDF
    ; .; Failure - -1 (Drive may not be ready!)
    ; Author ........: Andreas Karlsson (monoceres)
    ; Modified.......:
    ; Remarks .......:
    ; Related .......: _IMAPI2_StartDrive
    ; Link ..........;
    ; Example .......; No
    ; ;==========================================================================================
    Func _IMAPI2_DriveGetMedia(ByRef $oRecorder)
    $IMAPI2_ErrorCode = 0
    Local $oMediaObj = ObjCreate("IMAPI2.MsftDiscFormat2Data")
    Local $iCode
    $oMediaObj.recorder = $oRecorder
    $oMediaObj.ClientName = @AutoItVersion
    $iCode = Hex($oMediaObj.CurrentPhysicalMediaType())
    $oMediaObj = ""
    If $IMAPI2_ErrorCode <> 0 Then Return -1
    Return $iCode
    EndFunc ;==>_IMAPI2_DriveGetMedia

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Func _IMAPI2_DriveGetSpeeds(ByRef $oRecorder)
    Local $oSpeedObj = ObjCreate("IMAPI2.MsftDiscFormat2Data")
    Local $iArray
    $oSpeedObj.recorder = $oRecorder
    $oSpeedObj.ClientName = @AutoItVersion
    $iArray = $oSpeedObj.SupportedWriteSpeeds()
    $oSpeedObj = ""
    Return $iArray
    EndFunc ;==>_IMAPI2_DriveGetSpeeds

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; #FUNCTION# ;===============================================================================
    ; Name...........: _IMAPI2_DriveGetSupportedMedia
    ; Description ...: Returns an array of supported media, refer to the constants at the top of the UDF for information
    ; Syntax.........: _IMAPI2_DriveGetSupportedMedia(ByRef $oRecorder)
    ; Parameters ....: $oRecorder - Object of the drive
    ; Return values .: Success - An array of media constants
    ; Author ........: Andreas Karlsson (monoceres)
    ; Modified.......:
    ; Remarks .......:
    ; Related .......: _IMAPI2_StartDrive
    ; Link ..........;
    ; Example .......; No
    ; ;==========================================================================================
    Func _IMAPI2_DriveGetSupportedMedia(ByRef $oRecorder)
    Local $oMediaObj = ObjCreate("IMAPI2.MsftDiscFormat2Data")
    $oMediaObj.recorder = $oRecorder
    Local $iArray = $oMediaObj.SupportedMediaTypes()
    For $i = 0 To UBound($iArray) - 1
    $iArray[$i] = Hex($iArray[$i], 2)
    $oMediaObj = ""
    Return $iArray
    EndFunc ;==>_IMAPI2_DriveGetSupportedMedia

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; #FUNCTION# ;===============================================================================
    ; Name...........: _IMAPI2_DriveMediaIsBlank
    ; Description ...: Used to check if the inserted media is blank
    ; Syntax.........: _IMAPI2_DriveMediaIsBlank(ByRef $oRecorder)
    ; Parameters ....: $oRecorder - Object of the drive
    ; Return values .: Success - True if media is blank, false otherwise.
    ; Author ........: Andreas Karlsson (monoceres)
    ; Modified.......:
    ; Remarks .......:
    ; Related .......: _IMAPI2_StartDrive
    ; Link ..........;
    ; Example .......; No
    ; ;==========================================================================================
    Func _IMAPI2_DriveMediaIsBlank(ByRef $oRecorder)
    Local $oMediaObj = ObjCreate("IMAPI2.MsftDiscFormat2Data")
    $oMediaObj.recorder = $oRecorder
    Local $iResult = $oMediaObj.MediaPhysicallyBlank()
    $oMediaObj = ""
    Return $iResult
    EndFunc ;==>_IMAPI2_DriveMediaIsBlank

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; #FUNCTION# ;===============================================================================
    ; Name...........: _IMAPI2_DriveMediaFreeSpace
    ; Description ...: Gets the number of free bytes on the currently inserted media in drive
    ; Syntax.........: _IMAPI2_DriveMediaFreeSpace(ByRef $oRecorder)
    ; Parameters ....: $oRecorder - Object of the drive
    ; Return values .: Success - Number of free bytes on the inserted media
    ; Author ........: Andreas Karlsson (monoceres)
    ; Modified.......:
    ; Remarks .......:
    ; Related .......: _IMAPI2_StartDrive
    ; Link ..........;
    ; Example .......; No
    ; ;==========================================================================================
    Func _IMAPI2_DriveMediaFreeSpace(ByRef $oRecorder)
    Local $oMediaObj = ObjCreate("IMAPI2.MsftDiscFormat2Data")
    Local $iFreeSpace
    $oMediaObj.recorder = $oRecorder
    $iFreeSpace = $oMediaObj.FreeSectorsOnMedia() * $IMAPI_SECTOR_SIZE
    Return $iFreeSpace
    EndFunc ;==>_IMAPI2_DriveMediaFreeSpace

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; #FUNCTION# ;===============================================================================
    ; Name...........: _IMAPI2_DriveMediaTotalSpace
    ; Description ...: Gets the total size of media in drive, in bytes
    ; Syntax.........: __IMAPI2_DriveMediaTotalSpace(ByRef $oRecorder)
    ; Parameters ....: $oRecorder - Object of the drive
    ; Return values .: Success - Number of bytes on the currently inserted media
    ; Author ........: Andreas Karlsson (monoceres)
    ; Modified.......:
    ; Remarks .......:
    ; Related .......: _IMAPI2_StartDrive
    ; Link ..........;
    ; Example .......; No
    ; ;==========================================================================================
    Func _IMAPI2_DriveMediaTotalSpace(ByRef $oRecorder)
    Local $oMediaObj = ObjCreate("IMAPI2.MsftDiscFormat2Data")
    Local $iFreeSpace
    $oMediaObj.recorder = $oRecorder
    $iFreeSpace = $oMediaObj.TotalSectorsOnMedia() * $IMAPI_SECTOR_SIZE
    Return $iFreeSpace
    EndFunc ;==>_IMAPI2_DriveMediaTotalSpace

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
    ; Name...........: _IMAPI2_DriveGetLetter
    ; Description ...: Gets the letter of a drive using the object for the drive
    ; Syntax.........: _IMAPI2_DriveGetLetter(ByRef $oRecorder)
    ; Parameters ....: $oRecorder - Object of the drive
    ; Return values .: Success - Letter
    ; Author ........: Andreas Karlsson (monoceres)
    ; Modified.......:
    ; Remarks .......:
    ; Related .......: _IMAPI2_DriveGetObj
    ; Link ..........;
    ; Example .......; No
    ; ===============================================================================================================================
    Func _IMAPI2_DriveGetLetter(ByRef $oRecorder)
    Local $sTemp = $oRecorder.VolumePathNames
    Return StringLeft($sTemp[0], 1)
    EndFunc ;==>_IMAPI2_DriveGetLetter

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
    ; Name...........: _IMAPI2_DriveEject
    ; Description ...: Ejects the tray of a drive
    ; Syntax.........: _IMAPI2_DriveEject(ByRef $oRecorder)
    ; Parameters ....: $oRecorder - Object of the drive
    ; Return values .: None
    ; Author ........: Andreas Karlsson (monoceres)
    ; Modified.......:
    ; Remarks .......:
    ; Related .......: _IMAPI2_DriveGetObj
    ; Link ..........;
    ; Example .......; No
    ; ===============================================================================================================================
    Func _IMAPI2_DriveEject(ByRef $oRecorder)
    EndFunc ;==>_IMAPI2_DriveEject

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
    ; Name...........: _IMAPI2_DriveClose
    ; Description ...: Close the tray of a drive
    ; Syntax.........: _IMAPI2_DriveCLose(ByRef $oRecorder)
    ; Parameters ....: $oRecorder - Object of the drive
    ; Return values .: None
    ; Author ........: Andreas Karlsson (monoceres)
    ; Modified.......:
    ; Remarks .......:
    ; Related .......: _IMAPI2_DriveGetObj
    ; Link ..........;
    ; Example .......; No
    ; ===============================================================================================================================
    Func _IMAPI2_DriveClose(ByRef $oRecorder)
    EndFunc ;==>_IMAPI2_DriveClose

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
    ; Name...........: _IMAPI2_CreateDirectoryInFS
    ; Description ...: Creates a directory in the specified file system
    ; Syntax.........: _IMAPI2_CreateDirectoryInFS(ByRef $oFileSystem, $sDirName)
    ; Parameters ....: $oFileSystem - The file system
    ; $sDirName - Relative path in fs to the dir
    ; Return values .: Success - None
    ; Author ........: Andreas Karlsson (monoceres)
    ; Modified.......:
    ; Remarks .......:
    ; Related .......: _IMAPI2_CreateFSForDrive
    ; Link ..........;
    ; Example .......; No
    ; ===============================================================================================================================
    Func _IMAPI2_CreateDirectoryInFS($oFileSystem,$sDirName)
    Local $oRootDir=$oFileSystem.Root

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
    ; Name...........: _IMAPI2_CreateFSForDrive
    ; Description ...: Creates a filesystem which can hold files that later can be burnt to a drive
    ; Syntax.........: _IMAPI2_CreateFSForDrive(ByRef $oRecorder, $sDiscname)
    ; Parameters ....: $oRecorder - Object of the drive
    ; $sDiscname - The name of the future disc
    ; Return values .: Success - A filesystem object
    ; Author ........: Andreas Karlsson (monoceres)
    ; Modified.......:
    ; Remarks .......:
    ; Related .......: _IMAPI2_DriveGetObj
    ; Link ..........;
    ; Example .......; No
    ; ===============================================================================================================================
    Func _IMAPI2_CreateFSForDrive(ByRef $oRecorder, $sDiscname)
    Local $oFileSystem = ObjCreate("IMAPI2FS.MsftFileSystemImage")
    $oFileSystem.VolumeName = $sDiscname
    Return $oFileSystem
    EndFunc ;==>_IMAPI2_CreateFSForDrive

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
    ; Name...........: _IMAPI2_CreateFSForMedia
    ; Description ...: Creates a filesystem which can hold files that later can be burnt to a drive
    ; Syntax.........: _IMAPI2_CreateFSForDrive(ByRef $oRecorder, $sDiscname)
    ; Parameters ....: $iMediaType - One of the constants defined at the top of the UDF
    ; $sDiscname - The name of the future disc
    ; Return values .: Success - A filesystem object
    ; Author ........: Andreas Karlsson (monoceres)
    ; Modified.......:
    ; Remarks .......:
    ; Related .......: _IMAPI2_DriveGetObj
    ; Link ..........;
    ; Example .......; No
    ; ===============================================================================================================================
    Func _IMAPI2_CreateFSForMedia($iMediaType, $sDiscname)
    Local $oFileSystem = ObjCreate("IMAPI2FS.MsftFileSystemImage")
    $oFileSystem.VolumeName = $sDiscname
    Return $oFileSystem
    EndFunc ;==>_IMAPI2_CreateFSForMedia

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
    ; Name...........: _IMAPI2_FSCountFiles
    ; Description ...: Counts the number of files in a filesystem
    ; Syntax.........: _IMAPI2_FSCountFiles(ByRef $oFileSystem)
    ; Parameters ....: $oFileSystem - The FS to count files in
    ; Return values .: Success - Number of files
    ; Author ........: Andreas Karlsson (monoceres)
    ; Modified.......:
    ; Remarks .......:
    ; Related .......: _IMAPI2_CreateFSForMedia, _IMAPI2_CreateFSForDrive
    ; Link ..........;
    ; Example .......; No
    ; ===============================================================================================================================
    Func _IMAPI2_FSCountFiles($oFileSystem)
    Return $oFileSystem.FileCount()
    EndFunc ;==>_IMAPI2_FSCountFiles

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
    ; Name...........: _IMAPI2_FSCountDirectories
    ; Description ...: Counts the number of directories in a filesystem
    ; Syntax.........: _IMAPI2_FSCountDirectories(ByRef $oFileSystem)
    ; Parameters ....: $oFileSystem - The FS to count directories in
    ; Return values .: Success - Number of directories
    ; Author ........: Andreas Karlsson (monoceres)
    ; Modified.......:
    ; Remarks .......:
    ; Related .......: _IMAPI2_CreateFSForMedia, _IMAPI2_CreateFSForDrive
    ; Link ..........;
    ; Example .......; No
    ; ===============================================================================================================================
    Func _IMAPI2_FSCountDirectories(ByRef $oFileSystem)
    Return $oFileSystem.DirectoryCount()
    EndFunc ;==>_IMAPI2_FSCountDirectories

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
    ; Name...........: _IMAPI2_FSItemExists
    ; Description ...: Checks to see if a an item in a filsystem oject exists
    ; Syntax.........: _IMAPI2_FSItemExists(ByRef $oFileSystem)
    ; Parameters ....: $oFileSystem - The FS to count files in
    ; .; $sItemName - THe name of the item
    ; Return values .: Success - 1 if the item is a directory, 2 if the item is a file, 0 if item not found
    ; Author ........: Andreas Karlsson (monoceres)
    ; Modified.......:
    ; Remarks .......:
    ; Related .......: _IMAPI2_CreateFSForMedia, _IMAPI2_CreateFSForDrive
    ; Link ..........;
    ; Example .......; No
    ; ===============================================================================================================================
    Func _IMAPI2_FSItemExists(ByRef $oFileSystem, $sItemName)
    Return $oFileSystem.Exists($sItemName)
    EndFunc ;==>_IMAPI2_FSItemExists

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
    ; Name...........: _IMAPI2_AddFolderToFS
    ; Description ...: Adds a folder to an existing filesystem object
    ; Syntax.........: _IMAPI2_AddFolderToFS(ByRef $oFileSystem, $sPath)
    ; Parameters ....: $oFileSystem - A filesystem object returned by _IMAPI2_CreateFSForDrive
    ; $sPath - Folder to add to the filsystem object
    ; Return values .: None
    ; Author ........: Andreas Karlsson (monoceres)
    ; Modified.......:
    ; Remarks .......: You cannot use relative paths
    ; Related .......: _IMAPI2_CreateFSForDrive
    ; Link ..........;
    ; Example .......; No
    ; ===============================================================================================================================
    Func _IMAPI2_AddFolderToFS(ByRef $oFileSystem, $sPath)
    Local $oRootDir
    $oRootDir = $oFileSystem.Root
    $oRootDir.AddTree($sPath, False)
    EndFunc ;==>_IMAPI2_AddFolderToFS

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
    ; Name...........: _IMAPI2_AddFileToFS
    ; Description ...: Adds a file to an existing filesystem object
    ; Syntax.........: _IMAPI2_AddFolderToFS(ByRef $oFileSystem, $sFileName, $sDestinationDir)
    ; Parameters ....: $oFileSystem - A filesystem object returned by _IMAPI2_CreateFSForDrive
    ; $sFileName - File to add to the filsystem object
    ; $sDestinationDir - Foler in the fs where the file is added
    ; Return values .: None
    ; Author ........: Andreas Karlsson (monoceres)
    ; Modified.......:
    ; Remarks .......: You cannot use relative paths
    ; .: Due to how the IStream interface works the entire file is buffered into memory, therefore big files is not recomended to add with this function
    ; Related .......: _IMAPI2_CreateFSForDrive
    ; Link ..........;
    ; Example .......; No
    ; ===============================================================================================================================
    Func _IMAPI2_AddFileToFS(ByRef $oFileSystem, $sFileName, $sDestinationDir)
    Local $oRootDir, $oStream
    $oRootDir = $oFileSystem.Root
    $oStream = ObjCreate("ADODB.Stream")
    $oStream.Type = 1
    $oRootDir.AddFile($sDestinationDir, $oStream)
    EndFunc ;==>_IMAPI2_AddFileToFS

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
    ; Name...........: _IMAPI2_RemoveFolderFromFS
    ; Description ...: Removes a folder from an existing filesystem object
    ; Syntax.........: _IMAPI2_RemoveFolderFromFS(ByRef $oFileSystem, $sPath)
    ; Parameters ....: $oFileSystem - A filesystem object returned by _IMAPI2_CreateFSForDrive
    ; $sPath - Folder to remove to the filsystem object
    ; Return values .: None
    ; Author ........: Andreas Karlsson (monoceres)
    ; Modified.......:
    ; Remarks .......:
    ; Related .......: _IMAPI2_CreateFSForDrive
    ; Link ..........;
    ; Example .......; No
    ; ===============================================================================================================================
    Func _IMAPI2_RemoveFolderFromFS(ByRef $oFileSystem, $sPath)
    Local $oRootDir
    $oRootDir = $oFileSystem.Root
    $oRootDir.RemoveTree($sPath, False)
    EndFunc ;==>_IMAPI2_RemoveFolderFromFS

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
    ; Name...........: _IMAPI2_RemoveFileFromFS
    ; Description ...: Removes a file from an existing filesystem object
    ; Syntax.........: _IMAPI2_RemoveFileFromFS(ByRef $oFileSystem, $sPath)
    ; Parameters ....: $oFileSystem - A filesystem object returned by _IMAPI2_CreateFSForDrive
    ; $sPath - File to remove to the filsystem object
    ; Return values .: None
    ; Author ........: Andreas Karlsson (monoceres)
    ; Modified.......:
    ; Remarks .......:
    ; Related .......: _IMAPI2_CreateFSForDrive
    ; Link ..........;
    ; Example .......; No
    ; ===============================================================================================================================
    Func _IMAPI2_RemoveFileFromFS(ByRef $oFileSystem, $sPath)
    Local $oRootDir
    $oRootDir = $oFileSystem.Root
    $oRootDir.Remove($sPath, False)
    EndFunc ;==>_IMAPI2_RemoveFolderFromFS

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
    ; Name...........: _IMAPI2_BurnFSToDrive
    ; Description ...: Burns the contents of a filesystem object into a empty disc
    ; Syntax.........: _IMAPI2_BurnFSToDrive(ByRef $oFileSystem, ByRef $oRecorder[, $sFunction])
    ; Parameters ....: $oFileSystem - A filesystem object returned by _IMAPI2_CreateFSForDrive
    ; $oRecorder - A object to a drive
    ; $oFunction - Function that will be called during the burning to get the progress of the burning
    ; Return values .: Success - 0
    ; Failure - Error code in Hex format, check for values
    ; Author ........: Andreas Karlsson (monoceres)
    ; Modified.......:
    ; Remarks .......: The callback function must take an array as parameter, this is the structure of the array:
    ; $array[0]: The current action of the drive
    ; $array[1]: Remaining time
    ; $array[2]: Elapsed time
    ; $array[3]: Total estimated time
    ; Related .......: _IMAPI2_CreateFSForDrive, $IMAPI2_DriveGetObj
    ; Link ..........;
    ; Example .......; No
    ; ===============================================================================================================================
    Func _IMAPI2_BurnFSToDrive(ByRef $oFileSystem, ByRef $oRecorder, $sFunction = "")

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Local $oResult, $vStream, $iTemp
    Local $oWriter = ObjCreate("IMAPI2.MsftDiscFormat2Data")
    $oWriter.recorder = $oRecorder
    $oWriter.ClientName = @AutoItVersion
    $oResult = $oFileSystem.CreateResultImage()
    $vStream = $oResult.ImageStream
    $IMAPI2_UserCallback = $sFunction
    ObjEvent($oWriter, "_IMAPI2_")
    If $IMAPI2_ErrorCode Then
    $iTemp = $IMAPI2_ErrorCode
    $IMAPI2_ErrorCode = 0
    Return $iTemp
    $oWriter = ""
    EndFunc ;==>_IMAPI2_BurnFSToDrive

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
    ; Name...........: _IMAPI2_BurnImageToDrive
    ; Description ...: Burns a image file to media in specified drive
    ; Syntax.........: _BurnImageToDrive(ByRef $oRecorder, $sImage[, $sFunction=""])
    ; Parameters ....: $oRecorder - Drive that is going to burn the image
    ; $sImage - Path to the image file
    ; $oFunction - Function that will be called during the burning to get the progress of the burning
    ; Return values .: Success - 0
    ; Failure - Error code in Hex format, check for values
    ; Author ........: Andreas Karlsson (monoceres)
    ; Modified.......:
    ; Remarks .......: The callback function must take an array as parameter, this is the structure of the array:
    ; $array[0]: The current action of the drive
    ; $array[1]: Remaining time
    ; $array[2]: Elapsed time
    ; $array[3]: Total estimated time
    ; Due to how the IStream interface works the entire image is loaded into memory
    ; Related .......: _IMAPI2_CreateFSForDrive, $IMAPI2_DriveGetObj
    ; Link ..........;
    ; Example .......; No
    ; ===============================================================================================================================
    Func _IMAPI2_BurnImageToDrive(ByRef $oRecorder, $sImage, $sFunction = "")
    Local $oStream, $iTemp
    Local $oWriter = ObjCreate("IMAPI2.MsftDiscFormat2Data")
    $oWriter.recorder = $oRecorder
    $oWriter.ClientName = @AutoItVersion
    $oStream = ObjCreate("ADODB.Stream")
    $oStream.Type = 1
    $IMAPI2_UserCallback = $sFunction
    ObjEvent($oWriter, "_IMAPI2_")
    If $IMAPI2_ErrorCode Then
    $iTemp = $IMAPI2_ErrorCode
    $IMAPI2_ErrorCode = 0
    Return $iTemp
    $oWriter = ""
    EndFunc ;==>_IMAPI2_BurnImageToDrive

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
    ; Name...........: _IMAPI2_DriveEraseDisc
    ; Description ...: Erase a cd-rw or dvd-rw in the drive
    ; Syntax.........: _IMAPI2_AddFolderToFS(ByRef $oRecorder)
    ; Parameters ....: $oRecorder - The recorder in which the disc lies that will be erased
    ; Return values .: None
    ; Author ........: Andreas Karlsson (monoceres)
    ; Modified.......:
    ; Remarks .......: No progress update...yet
    ; Related .......: _IMAPI2_CreateFSForDrive
    ; Link ..........;
    ; Example .......; No
    ; ===============================================================================================================================
    Func _IMAPI2_DriveEraseDisc(ByRef $oRecorder)
    Local $oEraseObj = ObjCreate("IMAPI2.MsftDiscFormat2Erase")
    $oEraseObj.ClientName = @AutoItVersion
    $oEraseObj.recorder = $oRecorder
    $oEraseObj = ""
    EndFunc ;==>_IMAPI2_DriveEraseDisc

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; #FUNCTION# =====================================================================
    ; Name...........: _IMAPI2_DriveGetVendorId
    ; Description ...: Gets the VendorId of a drive using the object for the drive
    ; Syntax.........: _IMAPI2_DriveGetVendorId(ByRef $oRecorder)
    ; Parameters ....: $oRecorder - Object of the drive
    ; Return values .: Success - VendorId
    ; Author ........: FrouFrou
    ; Modified.......:
    ; Remarks .......: derived from Imapi2 UDFs by Andreas Karlsson (monoceres)
    ; Related .......: _IMAPI2_DriveGetObj
    ; Link ..........;
    ; Example .......; No
    ; ===============================================================================
    Func _IMAPI2_DriveGetVendorId(ByRef $oRecorder)
    Local $sTemp = $oRecorder.VendorId
    Return ($sTemp)
    EndFunc ;==>_IMAPI2_DriveGetVendorId

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; #FUNCTION# =====================================================================
    ; Name...........: _IMAPI2_DriveProductId
    ; Description ...: Gets the ProductId of a drive using the object for the drive
    ; Syntax.........: _IMAPI2_DriveProductId(ByRef $oRecorder)
    ; Parameters ....: $oRecorder - Object of the drive
    ; Return values .: Success - ProductId
    ; Author ........: FrouFrou
    ; Modified.......:
    ; Remarks .......: derived from Imapi2 UDFs by Andreas Karlsson (monoceres)
    ; Related .......: _IMAPI2_DriveGetObj
    ; Link ..........;
    ; Example .......; No
    ; ================================================================================
    Func _IMAPI2_DriveGetProductId(ByRef $oRecorder)
    Local $sTemp = $oRecorder.ProductId
    Return ($sTemp)
    EndFunc ;==>_IMAPI2_DriveGetProductId

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Helper func, no peeking :P
    Func _IMAPI2_Update($oObjThatFired, $oProgress)
    Local $vArray[4]
    $vArray[0] = $oProgress.CurrentAction
    $vArray[1] = $oProgress.RemainingTime
    $vArray[2] = $oProgress.ElapsedTime
    $vArray[3] = $oProgress.TotalTime
    If $IMAPI2_UserCallback Then
    Call($IMAPI2_UserCallback, $vArray)
    $oObjThatFired = ""
    EndFunc ;==>_IMAPI2_Update

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Worlds greatest error handling....NOT
    Func _IMAPI2_COM_Error()
    $IMAPI2_ErrorCode = 0
    If IsObj($IMAPI2_Error) Then
    $IMAPI2_ErrorCode = Hex($IMAPI2_Error.number)
    EndFunc ;==>_IMAPI2_COM_Error

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit]

    wie's genau funktioniert, werde ich jetzt noch testen,...

    bei Erfolg natürlich hier Posten ..

    €dit :
    LINK !!…vd-burning-udf/

  • Danke für den Link, jedoch habe ich es mit NeroCMD.exe gelöst.

    Lieben Gruß,


    Geheime Information: ;)