Auslesen der Summary Keywords in einem .exe File

  • Hallo

    Wie kann ich in einem exe Files die Keywörter unter Properties > Summary auslesen (siehe Bild)?
    Ich versuche damit festzustellen ob die erwartet Version eines Files tatsächlich vorhanden ist.

    Versuche mit FileGetVersion sind nicht erfolgreich verlaufen.
    Hat wer einen guten Tipp?

    Besten Dank und Gruss

  • Hi,

    Spoiler anzeigen

    ; Function Name: GetExtProperty($sPath,$iProp)
    ; Description: Returns an extended property of a given file.
    ; Parameter(s): $sPath - The path to the file you are attempting to retrieve an extended property from.
    ; $iProp - The numerical value for the property you want returned. If $iProp is is set
    ; to -1 then all properties will be returned in a 1 dimensional array in their corresponding order.
    ; The properties are as follows:
    ; Name = 0
    ; Size = 1
    ; Type = 2
    ; DateModified = 3
    ; DateCreated = 4
    ; DateAccessed = 5
    ; Attributes = 6
    ; Status = 7
    ; Owner = 8
    ; Author = 9
    ; Title = 10
    ; Subject = 11
    ; Category = 12
    ; Pages = 13
    ; Comments = 14
    ; Copyright = 15
    ; Artist = 16
    ; AlbumTitle = 17
    ; Year = 18
    ; TrackNumber = 19
    ; Genre = 20
    ; Duration = 21
    ; BitRate = 22
    ; Protected = 23
    ; CameraModel = 24
    ; DatePictureTaken = 25
    ; Dimensions = 26
    ; Width = 27
    ; Height = 28
    ; Company = 30
    ; Description = 31
    ; FileVersion = 32
    ; ProductName = 33
    ; ProductVersion = 34
    ; Requirement(s): File specified in $spath must exist.
    ; Return Value(s): On Success - The extended file property, or if $iProp = -1 then an array with all properties
    ; On Failure - 0, @Error - 1 (If file does not exist)
    ; Author(s): Simucal ([email=''][/email])
    ; Note(s):
    Func _GetExtProperty($sPath, $iProp)
    Local $iExist, $sFile, $sDir, $oShellApp, $oDir, $oFile, $aProperty, $sProperty
    $iExist = FileExists($sPath)
    If $iExist = 0 Then
    Return 0
    $sFile = StringTrimLeft($sPath, StringInStr($sPath, "\", 0, -1))
    $sDir = StringTrimRight($sPath, (StringLen($sPath) - StringInStr($sPath, "\", 0, -1)))
    $oShellApp = ObjCreate ("shell.application")
    $oDir = $oShellApp.NameSpace ($sDir)
    $oFile = $oDir.Parsename ($sFile)
    If $iProp = -1 Then
    Local $aProperty[35]
    For $i = 0 To 34
    $aProperty[$i] = $oDir.GetDetailsOf ($oFile, $i)
    Return $aProperty
    $sProperty = $oDir.GetDetailsOf ($oFile, $iProp)
    If $sProperty = "" Then
    Return 0
    Return $sProperty
    EndFunc ;==>_GetExtProperty
