ICQ Away sender

  • hii, ich wollte mal fragen, ob ihr ne ahnung habt, wie ich folgendes verwirkliche:
    einen ICQ away sender... der soll folgendes können:
    wenn z.b. jemand hallo schreibt, dann soll er hallo zurückschreiben...
    am besten, wenn man das in einer .ini speichert.

    habt ihr da anregungen für mich?

    l.g. Jonathan

  • Ich habe unseren ehrenwerten Kollegen McPoldy in der ICQ List.
    Er hat einen solchen Awaysender.
    Ich denke er hat ihn selbst geschrieben!
    Wenn man ihm schreibt, wenn er nicht da ist, so wird automatisch eine Meldung geschickt, das er momentan nicht da sei.

    Frag ihn mal! :)

  • Ich habe unseren ehrenwerten Kollegen McPoldy in der ICQ List.
    Er hat einen solchen Awaysender.
    Ich denke er hat ihn selbst geschrieben!
    Wenn man ihm schreibt, wenn er nicht da ist, so wird automatisch eine Meldung geschickt, das er momentan nicht da sei.

    Frag ihn mal! :)

    Eventuell ist das auch nicht der Originalclient sondern z.B: Miranda, Pdgin oder Trillian. Da müsste es so eine Funktion schon geben ;)

  • ok, ich frag ihn mal, habt ihr denn irfendeine Idee, wie ich da ansetzten kann? wie ich kontrollieren kann, ob und wenn ja von wem eine nachricht eingegangen ist? oder wie ich dann den inhalt der nachricht herrausbekomme?
    so Controls ansprechen funkt nit (jedenfalls bei 6.5 nit bei 7 hab ich es nochnicht ausprobiert... )

    l.g. Ich

  • ControlSends kannste hier vergessen .__.
    Habe ich auch schon getestet funzt nicht. Wenn du 1 icQ fenster offen hast,
    öffnet sich dann nicht sofort das nächste? :/
    kann man das evtl. mit einbeziehen?...

  • Hier die FUnktion:


    Func:Icq Away Sender
    About:Schickt an einen angegeben User eine Naricht wen der Benutzer "Away" ist.(Nur für Icq 6(.5))
    In den Optionen unter"Narichten und Dateien" Die einstellung"Gespräch in eigenem Fenster anzeigen" aktivieren.
    P.S. Nur unter Icq 6.5 und icq 6 getestet unter ICQ 7 müsste es eigent. genau so funktionieren
    func _AwaySend($User,$Message)
    While 1
    If WinExists($1) Then


    Wen ihr es iregndwo benutzt pls credits

  • Da hät ich hier die _TocLib UDF von Falcone88:

    Spoiler anzeigen

    #cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    AutoIt Version: (beta)
    Script Version:
    Author: Daniel "Falcone88" Leong

    Script Function:
    My own UDF for the TOC (Talk To Oscar) Protocol

    Documentation for the protocol itself may be found in the following:

    The following, though a bit dated, was still very helpful:

    If something isn't in the TOC2 docs, it is the same asin TOC1. Note, of course,
    that the most recent things (IE: as shown in TOC2) must be used.

    List of functions:
    _TocParseConfig <- doesn't do anything yet




    #ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    #include <Array.au3>

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; @error codes
    Global Const $TOC_TCP_FAIL = 1 ; could not init TCP
    Global Const $TOC_CONNECT_FAIL = 2 ; could not connect to toc server
    Global Const $TOC_SEND_FAIL = 3 ; could not send over TCP for some reason
    Global Const $TOC_ERROR = 4 ; TOC server sent an error code
    Global Const $TOC_NO_HANDLERS = 5 ; no functions to handle inputs defined
    Global Const $TOC_CMD_TOOLONG = 6 ; attempted to send a string to TOC longer than max

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; TOC errors
    * General Errors *
    901 - $1 not currently available
    902 - Warning of $1 not currently available
    903 - A message has been dropped, you are exceeding
    the server speed limit

    ;* Admin Errors *
    911 - Error validating input
    912 - Invalid account
    913 - Error encountered while processing request
    914 - Service unavailable

    * Chat Errors *
    950 - Chat in $1 is unavailable.

    * IM & Info Errors *
    960 - You are sending message too fast to $1
    961 - You missed an im from $1 because it was too big.
    962 - You missed an im from $1 because it was sent too fast.

    * Dir Errors *
    970 - Failure
    971 - Too many matches
    972 - Need more qualifiers
    973 - Dir service temporarily unavailable
    974 - Email lookup restricted
    975 - Keyword Ignored
    976 - No Keywords
    977 - Language not supported
    -Update: 977 can also mean no directory information available
    978 - Country not supported
    979 - Failure unknown $1

    * Auth errors *
    980 - Incorrect nickname or password.
    981 - The service is temporarily unavailable.
    982 - Your warning level is currently too high to sign on.
    983 - You have been connecting and
    disconnecting too frequently. Wait 10 minutes and try again.
    If you continue to try, you will need to wait even longer.
    989 - An unknown signon error has occurred $1

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; TOC Server -> Client commands
    Global Const $TOC_CMD_SIGNON = "SIGN_ON"
    Global Const $TOC_CMD_IMRECV = "IM_IN_ENC2"
    Global Const $TOC_CMD_CONFIG = "CONFIG2"
    Global Const $TOC_CMD_CHATRECV = "CHAT_IN_ENC"
    Global Const $TOC_CMD_ERROR = "ERROR"
    Global Const $TOC_CMD_ANY = "~ANY~" ; catches anything not registered otherwise

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; FLAP constant crap
    $TOC_ROAST_STRING = "Tic/Toc"
    $TOC_LANGUAGE = "english"
    $TOC_VERSION = "TIC:TOCLib for Autoit by Dan Leong"
    $TOC_MAX_CHAR_RECV = 8192
    $TOC_DATA_TYPE = 2

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; global vars
    Global $currSequence = 0
    Global $tocTcpSocket
    Global $tocVersion = ""
    Global $handleRecvCmd[1]
    Global $handleRecvFunc[1] ; func called on recieved new message
    Global $recvCmdBuffer[1] ; in case we recieve messages too fast, we'll throw extra ones into a buffer

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Description: Login to the TOC Server
    ; Parameter(s): $sUser - Username for AIM
    ; $sPass - Password for AIM
    ; $fFinalize - Whether or not to finalize connection (see notes)
    ; $sTocServer - TOC Servername. The default should be fine, but
    ; localhost may be used for testing...
    ; $iTocPort - TOC port to connect to. Again, default should be fine
    ; $sAuthServer - Authentication server. (Allows you to login to AIM)
    ; $iAuthPort - Port of the Auth Server
    ; Requirement(s): None
    ; Return Value(s): On Success - true
    ; On Failure - false and Set
    ; @ERROR to: $TOC_CONNECT_FAIL - Could not connect to TOC server
    ; $TOC_SEND_FAIL - Could not send data to the server
    ; $TOC_ERROR - Recieved an ERROR message from the TOC server
    ; The error number will be set in @extended
    ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong
    ; Note(s): If you want to send configurations to the TOC server (say, you're making an AIM client),
    ; you will want to set this to false, send your config, then use _TocFinalizeLogin(). Note
    ; that this must be sent within 30 seconds of _TocLogin()'s return, or the server will drop
    ; the connection.
    ; The comments on the format of the packets were taken from one of the websites at the top
    ; of this file.
    Func _TocLogin( $sUser, $sPass, $fFinalize=true, $sTocServer="toc.oscar.aol.com", $iTocPort=9898, $sAuthServer="login.oscar.aol.com", $iAuthPort=5190)
    If not TCPStartUp() Then
    return false

    $tocTcpSocket = TCPConnect( TCPNameToIP($sTocServer), $iTocPort )

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    if $tocTcpSocket == -1 Then
    return false

    ; initialize FLAP
    $bytes = _TocSendRaw($TOC_FLAP_ON)
    if $bytes == 0 Then
    return false
    _DebugPrint( "Sent FLAPON" )

    ; wait for TOC version
    $tocVersion = _TocWaitFlap()
    _DebugPrint( "Recieved TOC Version" )

    ; send "signon" packet
    First, the version numbers, then a word of 0x0001. This indicates that a user name will follow.
    The next word represents the length of the screen name. Following the length is the normalized
    representation of the screen name - all spaces are removed and the entire name is converted to lowercase.
    $bytes = _TocSendFlap($tocVersion & BinaryString( "0x0001" ) & ( _BinaryNumber(StringLen($sUser)) ) & _TocNormalizeName($sUser), $TOC_SIGNON_TYPE )
    if $bytes == 0 Then
    return false
    _DebugPrint( "Sent SIGNON" )

    ; login
    toc2_login <address> <port> <screenname> <roasted pw> <language> <version*> 160 US "" "" 3 0 30303 -kentucky -utf8 76144224***

    * The version string MUST start with "TIC:" otherwise, no dice. For example, "TIC:AIMM" is ok, but "AIMM2" would be rejected.
    ** I have no idea what the parameters after the version are. Put them in verbatim and logging in works.
    *** See _TocMakeSigninCode()
    $loginStr = 'toc2_login '&$sAuthServer&' '&$iAuthPort&' "'&$sUser&'" '&_TocRoastPass($sPass)&' "'
    $loginStr &= $TOC_LANGUAGE&'" "'&$TOC_VERSION&'" 160 '&$TOC_COUNTRY&' "" "" 3 0 30303 -kentucky -utf8 '
    $loginStr &= _TocMakeSigninCode($sUser, ($sPass))

    $bytes = _TocSendFlap($loginStr)
    if $bytes == 0 Then
    return false
    _DebugPrint( "Sent LOGIN" )

    $response = _TocWaitFlap(2)
    _DebugPrint( _ArrayToString($response, " ") )
    if $response[1] = $TOC_CMD_ERROR Then
    SetError($TOC_ERROR, StringLeft($response[2], 3), false)

    ElseIf $response[1] = $TOC_CMD_SIGNON Then
    _DebugPrint("Logged on successfully")

    If $fFinalize Then _TocFinalizeLogin()

    return true
    _DebugPrint("Weird.. I see ("&$response[1]&")")
    return false

    return false ; just in case
    EndFunc ;==>_TocLogin

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Description: Finalize login to AIM server
    ; Parameter(s): None
    ; Requirement(s): A successful call to _TocLogin()
    ; Return Value(s): Number of bytes sent via TCP
    ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong
    ; Note(s): See _TocLogin()
    Func _TocFinalizeLogin()
    return _TocSendFlap("toc_init_done")
    EndFunc ;==>_TocFinalizeLogin()

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Description: Send an IM to specified user via AIM
    ; Parameter(s): $sUser - Target user's AIM screenname
    ; $sMsg - The message to send
    ; $fAuto - Whether or not to specify the message as an auto response
    ; Requirement(s): A successful call to _TocLogin()
    ; Return Value(s): Number of bytes sent via TCP
    ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong
    ; Note(s): None.
    Func _TocSendIM($sUser, $sMsg, $fAuto=false)
    Local $packet = 'toc2_send_im '&_TocNormalizeName($sUser)&' "'

    $packet &= _TocNormalizeString($sMsg)&'"'

    if $fAuto Then $packet &= ' auto'
    return _TocSendFlap($packet)
    EndFunc ;==>_TocSendIM

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Description: Set your away message
    ; Parameter(s): $sMsg - The away message to set
    ; Requirement(s): A successful call to _TocLogin()
    ; Return Value(s): Number of bytes sent via TCP
    ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong
    ; Note(s): If you call without any arguments, it will set status to
    ; available.
    Func _TocSetAway($sMsg = "")
    return _TocSendFlap('toc_set_away "' & _TocNormalizeString($sMsg) & '"')
    EndFunc ;==>_TocSetAway

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Description: Parse in IM_IN packet from TOC2 into something useful
    ; Parameter(s): $sPacket - The packet data from IM_IN (Just the data part, not FLAP)
    ; Requirement(s): Array.au3
    ; Return Value(s): On Success - An array as follows:
    ; $ret[0] = username from
    ; $ret[1] = auto or not (String "T"/"F")
    ; $ret[2] = buddy status
    ; $ret[3] = message
    ; On Failure - "" and Set @ERROR to 1
    ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong
    ; Note(s): $sPacket SHOULD look like this: (I think)
    ; <user>:<auto>:<???>:<???>:<buddy status>:<???>:<???>:en:<message>
    ; Note the omission of IM_IN_ENC2... That's because it's omitted in
    ; the way _TocDoLoop() calls registered functions ;)
    ; Alternatively, it can be an array as returned by _TocGetFlap(2)
    Func _TocParseIm( $sPacket )
    Local $ret[4], $iMod = 0
    if not IsArray($sPacket) Then
    $sPacket = StringSplit($sPacket, ":")
    $iMod = 1

    If not IsArray($sPacket) or UBound($sPacket) < 9+$iMod Then
    return ""

    $ret[0] = $sPacket[1 + $iMod]
    $ret[1] = $sPacket[2 + $iMod]
    $ret[2] = $sPacket[5 + $iMod]
    $ret[3] = _ArrayToString ( $sPacket, ":", 9 + $iMod )

    return $ret
    EndFunc ;==>_TocParseIm

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Description: Parse a CONFIG2 packet from TOC2 into something useful
    ; Parameter(s): $sPacket - The packet data from CONFIG2 (Just the data part, not FLAP)
    ; Requirement(s): Array.au3
    ; Return Value(s): On Success -
    ; On Failure -
    ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong
    ; Note(s): Obviously, this does nothing at the moment. Looking at samples,
    ; It so far seems pointless to include this, as there's no really
    ; good way that I can see implementing this as a helpful function
    ; without using some strange 3d array
    Func _TocParseConfig( $sPacket )

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    EndFunc ;==>_TocParseConfig

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Description: Cleanup the TCP connections and such
    ; Parameter(s): None
    ; Requirement(s): None
    ; Return Value(s): None
    ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong
    ; Note(s): None
    Func _TocCleanup()
    TCPCloseSocket( $tocTcpSocket )
    EndFunc ;==> _TocCleanup

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; _TocDoLoop() related functions

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Description: Register a function to be called upon receiving a given command
    ; Parameter(s): $sCmd - The TOC command to trigger the function
    ; $sFuncName - Name of the user's function to be called upon recieve
    ; Requirement(s): Array.au3
    ; Return Value(s): Always returns true...
    ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong
    ; Note(s): The function to be called should expect a single argument,
    ; which will be the exact string arguments provided in the FLAP packet.
    Func _TocRegisterFunc($sCmd, $sFuncName)
    $key = _ArraySearch($handleRecvCmd, $sCmd)

    if $key == -1 Then
    _ArrayAdd($handleRecvCmd, $sCmd)
    _ArrayAdd($handleRecvFunc, $sFuncName)
    $handleRecvCmd[0] += 1
    $handleRecvFunc[0] += 1
    $handleRecvFunc[ $key ] = $sFuncName

    return true
    EndFunc ;==>_TocRegisterFunc

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Description: Check if a particular cmd has a function registered with it
    ; Parameter(s): $sCmd - The TOC command to trigger the function
    ; $fReturnIndex - whether to return the index of the cmd (if found)
    ; instead of a boolean
    ; Requirement(s): Array.au3
    ; Return Value(s): On Success - if $fReturnIndex=false, returns TRUE
    ; if $fReturnIndex=true, returns the index of the func
    ; On Failure - FALSE
    ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong
    ; Note(s): $fReturnIndex=true is probably not necessary for the casual
    ; user. I use it as a utility for other functions, though
    Func _TocIsRegistered($sCmd, $fReturnIndex=false)
    $key = _ArraySearch($handleRecvCmd, $sCmd)

    if $key == -1 Then
    return false
    if $fReturnIndex Then
    return $key
    return True
    EndFunc ;==>_TocIsRegistered

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Description: Initialize the AdLib loop that checks for server input and calls
    ; the appropriate registered functions.
    ; Parameter(s): $iDelay - Time in ms between function calls (See definition of AdlibEnable)
    ; Requirement(s): At least one call to _TocRegisterFunc
    ; Return Value(s): On Success - true
    ; On Failure - false and Set @ERROR to $TOC_NO_HANDLERS (No functions registered)
    ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong
    ; Note(s): none
    Func _TocInitLoop($iDelay=250)
    if $handleRecvCmd[0] < 1 Then
    SetError( $TOC_NO_HANDLERS )
    return false

    AdlibEnable("_TocDoLoop", $iDelay)
    return true
    EndFunc ;==>_TocInitLoop

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Description: Stop the AdLib loop. That's about it ;)
    ; Parameter(s): none
    ; Requirement(s): A previous call to _TocInitLoop()... if you want it to do something
    ; Return Value(s): none
    ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong
    ; Note(s): none
    Func _TocStopLoop()
    EndFunc ;==>_TocStopLoop

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Description: The function called in each loop to parse packets.
    ; Parameter(s): $iDelay - Time in ms between function calls (See definition of AdlibEnable)
    ; Requirement(s): Array.au3
    ; Return Value(s): none
    ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong
    ; Note(s): When it finds a handled command, it sends the whole
    ; argument string to that function. The command itself is,
    ; of course, omitted, as you should know what command it's handling.
    Func _TocDoLoop()
    Local $packet, $cmdIndex

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    $packet = _TocGetFlap(2)
    if $packet == -1 Then Return ; nothing

    ;~ _DebugPrint( "Recieved: " & _ArrayToString($packet, ":") &@LF& "Looking for: "& $packet[1] )
    $cmdIndex = _ArraySearch($handleRecvCmd, $packet[1])
    if $cmdIndex == -1 Then
    $cmdIndex = _TocIsRegistered($TOC_CMD_ANY, true)

    if $cmdIndex == -1 Then return ; unhandled cmd, ignore

    Call( $handleRecvFunc[$cmdIndex], _ArrayToString($packet,":",2) )

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Util Funcs

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Description: "Roast" a password. Basically it's a really simple encryption
    ; that TOC requires
    ; Parameter(s): $sOldPass - The unencrypted password
    ; Requirement(s): none
    ; Return Value(s): The "roasted" password
    ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong
    ; Note(s): none
    Func _TocRoastPass($sOldPass)
    Local $roasted = "0x", $xor_i = 1

    for $i=1 to StringLen($sOldPass)
    $roasted &= hex( BitXOR( Asc(StringMid($TOC_ROAST_STRING, $xor_i, 1)), Asc(StringMid($sOldPass, $i, 1)) ), 2 )

    $xor_i += 1
    if ( $xor_i > StringLen($TOC_ROAST_STRING) ) Then $xor_i=1

    return $roasted
    EndFunc ;==>_TocRoastPass

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Description: "Normalize" a name
    ; Parameter(s): $sString - The string to "normalize"
    ; Requirement(s): none
    ; Return Value(s): The "normalized" name
    ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong
    ; Note(s): As you can see, this just removes spaces and puts it in lower
    ; case. This is mostly used for usernames when communicating
    ; with TOC
    Func _TocNormalizeName($sString)
    return StringReplace(StringLower($sString), " ", "")
    EndFunc ;==>_TocNormalizeName

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Description: "Normalize" a string.
    ; Parameter(s): $sString - The string to "normalize"
    ; Requirement(s): none
    ; Return Value(s): The "normalized" string
    ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong
    ; Note(s): This changes some characters to something more acceptable to
    ; TOC. This is another function that received help from
    ; BlueTOC
    Func _TocNormalizeString($sString)
    $sString = StringReplace( $sString, "\", "\\" )
    $sString = StringReplace( $sString, "$", "\$" )
    $sString = StringReplace( $sString, '"', '\"' )
    $sString = StringReplace( $sString, "(", "\(" )
    $sString = StringReplace( $sString, ")", "\)" )
    $sString = StringReplace( $sString, "[", "\[" )
    $sString = StringReplace( $sString, "]", "\]" )
    $sString = StringReplace( $sString, "{", "\{" )
    $sString = StringReplace( $sString, "}", "\}" )

    return $sString
    EndFunc ;==>_TocNormalizeString

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Description: Create the wierd authentication code needed to login with TOC2
    ; Parameter(s): $sUser - the username being used to log in
    ; $sPass - the password
    ; Requirement(s): none
    ; Return Value(s): The code
    ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong (Conversion to AutoIt)
    ; Note(s): Borrowed from BlueTOC, the PHP library for TOC2. Original
    ; comments are left intact :)
    Func _TocMakeSigninCode($sUser, $sPass)
    Local $un, $pn, $a, $b, $c

    ; We get the ascii value of the first character of
    ; the username and password and then we subtract
    ; 96 from each value
    $un = asc( StringLeft($sUser, 1) ) - 96
    $pn = asc( StringLeft($sPass, 1) ) - 96

    ; Then we do some math
    $a = $un * 7696 + 738816;
    $b = $un * 746512;
    $c = $pn * $a;

    ; And then we have some weird signon code we need
    return $c - $a + $b + 71665152;
    EndFunc ;==>_TocMakeSigninCode

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Description: Take a TOC command and prepend a FLAP header to it :)
    ; Parameter(s): $iType - The type of packet. Can be:
    ; $TOC_SIGNON_TYPE - used for the signon packet... rarely used
    ; $TOC_DATA_TYPE - used for nearly everything. Default :)
    ; $sData - the command string
    ; Requirement(s): none
    ; Return Value(s): The created packet
    ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong
    ; Note(s): This took me FOREVER to figure out. The most annoying
    ; part of this whole library, easily
    Func _TocMakeFlapPacket($iType, $sData)
    $currSequence += 1
    if $iType == $TOC_DATA_TYPE Then $sData &= chr(0)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    $btype = _BinaryNumber( $iType, 1 )
    $bseq = _BinaryNumber( ($currSequence) )
    $blen = _BinaryNumber( StringLen($sData) )

    $header = "*" & $btype & $bseq & $blen

    return $header & $sData
    EndFunc ;==>_TocMakeFlapPacket

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Description: Decode a raw FLAP packet
    ; Parameter(s): $bPacket - The packet
    ; Requirement(s): none
    ; Return Value(s): Success - An array formated as follows:
    ; $ret[0] = "*"
    ; $ret[1] = type
    ; $ret[2] = sequence number
    ; $ret[3] = length of the packet
    ; $ret[4] = the packet itself
    ; $ret[5] = any excess stuff after reading $ret[3] characters
    ; Failure - The original packet, and sets @ERROR = 1
    ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong
    ; Note(s): This removes any Chr(0) found in the strings. The fifth index
    ; is included because sometimes packets are sent quickly and
    ; become mixed up. This helps to ensure that all packets
    ; are recieved properly.
    Func _TocDecodeFlap( $bPacket )
    If BinaryLen($bPacket) < 1 or Binary( BinaryMid( $bPacket, 1, 1 ) ) <> Binary("*") Then
    SetError(1) ; not a proper flap packet, returns full packet
    return $bPacket

    Local $ret[6]

    $ret[0] = "*"
    $ret[1] = _BinaryNumberDecode( BinaryMid($bPacket, 2, 1) )
    $ret[2] = _BinaryNumberDecode( BinaryMid($bPacket, 3, 2) )
    $ret[3] = _BinaryNumberDecode( BinaryMid($bPacket, 5, 2) )
    $ret[4] = StringMid( BinaryToString($bPacket), 7, $ret[3] )
    $ret[5] = StringMid( BinaryToString($bPacket), 6 + $ret[3] )

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ;~ FileWriteLine(@ScriptDir&"\parsed.txt", "--------")
    ;~ FileWriteLine(@ScriptDir&"\parsed.txt", " PacketRaw: " & $bPacket)
    ;~ FileWriteLine(@ScriptDir&"\parsed.txt", "PacketRead: " & $ret[4])
    ;~ FileWriteLine(@ScriptDir&"\parsed.txt", "Proposed Length: " & $ret[3])

    return $ret
    EndFunc ;==>_TocDecodeFlap

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Description: Send a packet to TOC with a FLAP header.
    ; Parameter(s): $sData - The data string to send
    ; $iType - type of packet (See _TocMakeFlapPacket)
    ; $fTruncate - See _TocSendRaw()
    ; Requirement(s): none
    ; Return Value(s): Number of bytes sent via TCP
    ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong
    ; Note(s): $iType is second so it can be optional and default to $TOC_DATA_TYPE,
    ; as that is the most common type
    Func _TocSendFlap( $sData, $iType = 2, $fTruncate=false )
    _DebugPrint("SENT: " & $sData)
    return _TocSendRaw( _TocMakeFlapPacket($iType, $sData) )
    EndFunc ;==>_TocSendFlap

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Description: Send a raw packet to TOC server
    ; Parameter(s): $bData - The data string to send
    ; $fTruncate - Silently clip $bData if it's too long or not
    ; Requirement(s): Previous successful call to _TocLogin()
    ; Return Value(s): Success - Number of bytes sent via TCP
    ; Failure - 0, and set @ERROR = $TOC_CMD_TOOLONG
    ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong
    ; Note(s): Failure condition only ever occurs if $fTruncate = false. If
    ; $fTruncate = true, this will not issue any errors even if
    ; the string is longer than allowed ($TOC_MAX_CHAR_LENGTH). It
    ; will simply truncate the string to the allowed length
    Func _TocSendRaw( $bData, $fTruncate=false )
    if not $fTruncate and StringLen($bData) > $TOC_MAX_CHAR_LENGTH Then
    return 0

    return TCPSend($tocTcpSocket, StringLeft($bData, $TOC_MAX_CHAR_LENGTH))
    EndFunc ;==>_TocSendRaw

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Description: Wait until a packet is recieved from the TOC server
    ; Parameter(s): $iRetType - Return format; See _TocGetFlap
    ; Requirement(s): Previous successful call to _TocLogin()
    ; Return Value(s): See _TocGetFlap
    ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong
    ; Note(s): none
    Func _TocWaitFlap($iRetType=1)
    Local $packet = ""
    $packet = _TocGetFlap($iRetType)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Until $packet <> -1

    return $packet
    EndFunc ;==>_TocWaitFlap

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Description: Instantaneous (non-blocking) check for a flap packet
    ; Parameter(s): $iRetType - Format for the return value
    ; Requirement(s): Previous successful call to _TocLogin()
    ; Return Value(s): Success - Returns the packet, depending on $iRetType:
    ; 0 - Full packet, raw (including FLAP header)
    ; 1 - The data part (everything BUT header), raw
    ; 2 - The data part (everything BUT header), split into
    ; an array using ":" as the delimeter
    ; Failure - (No new packet) returns -1
    ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong
    ; Note(s): This function looks about 25 lines longer than it needs to be,
    ; but that's because it takes into account packets sent in
    ; really close proximity that consequently might be interpretted as a single packet.
    ; Extra packets are added to $recvCmdBuffer and are inserted before the next recieved
    ; packet in order recieved. (Obviously, there could be a backup if a packet wasn't split up,
    ; which this method accounts for. However, this is not a problem, as the new packet will
    ; be found and added to the end of the buffer.
    Func _TocGetFlap($iRetType=0, $fCalledFromLoop=false)
    Local $packet = "", $decoded, $extraString, $newPacket

    $packet = TCPRecv($tocTcpSocket, $TOC_MAX_CHAR_RECV)

    if $recvCmdBuffer[0] > 0 Then
    ;~ _ArrayAdd( $recvCmdBuffer, )
    $packet = $recvCmdBuffer[1] & $packet
    _ArrayDelete( $recvCmdBuffer, 1 )
    $recvCmdBuffer[0] -= 1

    $decoded = _TocDecodeFlap($packet)

    ; first, see if we got the whole packet
    If IsArray($decoded) Then
    If $decoded[3] <> StringLen($decoded[4]) Then
    ; if not, enqueue it
    _ArrayAdd( $recvCmdBuffer, $packet )
    $recvCmdBuffer[0] += 1

    ;~ _DebugPrint( "Doin' a loop to get the whole packet :)" )
    ; call ourself again to get the rest of the packet
    return _TocGetFlap($iRetType)
    ; not a flap packet, ignore for now
    return -1

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; now process
    if StringLen($packet) > 0 Then
    ; check for extra commands
    if $decoded[5] <> "" Then
    $extraString = $decoded[5]
    Do ; loop through, enqueing all COMPLETE packets as separate entries
    $newPacket = _TocDecodeFlap( $extraString )
    if IsArray($newPacket) Then
    if $newPacket[0] == "*" Then ; make sure it's actually flap
    _ArrayAdd( $recvCmdBuffer, StringLeft( $extraString, 6 + $newPacket[3] ) )
    $recvCmdBuffer[0] += 1

    $extraString = $newPacket[5]
    $extraString = ""
    Until $extraString == ""

    ;~ FileWriteLine(@ScriptDir&".\buffer.txt", "-------")
    ;~ FileWriteLine(@ScriptDir&".\buffer.txt", "Current packet: "&$packet)
    ;~ FileWriteLine(@ScriptDir&".\buffer.txt", "Excess: " & $decoded[5])
    ;~ FileWriteLine(@ScriptDir&".\buffer.txt", "Buffer: ")
    ;~ for $i=1 to $recvCmdBuffer[0]
    ;~ FileWriteLine(@ScriptDir&".\buffer.txt", $recvCmdBuffer[$i] & @CRLF&"<>"&@CRLF )
    ;~ Next
    ;~ FileWriteLine(@ScriptDir&".\buffer.txt", "-------")

    _DebugPrint("Received: " & $decoded[4])
    Switch $iRetType
    case 0
    return $packet
    case 1
    return $decoded[4]
    case 2
    return StringSplit($decoded[4], ":")
    return -1
    EndFunc ;==>_TocGetFlap

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Description: Convert a number to the necessary binary format, padding the
    ; beginning with Chr(0) until it's the appropriate $iLength
    ; Parameter(s): $iNum - The number to be converted
    ; $iLength - The desired length
    ; Requirement(s): none
    ; Return Value(s): The converted number
    ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong
    ; Note(s): It took me forever to figure out how I was supposed to do this!
    ; For $iLength:
    ; byte = 1
    ; word = 2
    ; dword = 4
    ; qword = 8
    Func _BinaryNumber($iNum, $iLength=2)
    Local $b, $numStarted=false, $out="", $prepend=""

    $b = Binary($iNum)
    for $i=BinaryLen($b) to 1 Step -1
    if Chr( BinaryMid($b, $i, 1) ) <> Chr(0) or $numStarted Then
    if not $numStarted then $numStarted = true
    $out &= Chr( BinaryMid($b, $i, 1) )

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    if BinaryLen($out) < $iLength Then
    for $i=1 to $iLength-BinaryLen($out)
    $prepend &= Chr(0)

    return $prepend&$out

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    EndFunc ;==>_BinaryNumber

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Func BinaryString ($sData)
    Local $b = Binary($sData)
    Local $out = ""

    for $i=1 to BinaryLen($b)
    $out &= Chr( BinaryMid($b, $i, 1) )

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    return $out

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Description: Convert a number from the necessary binary format to a
    ; usable number
    ; Parameter(s): $iNum - The number to be converted

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Requirement(s): none
    ; Return Value(s): The converted number
    ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong
    ; Note(s): It took me forever to figure out how I was supposed to do this.
    ; I finally made this magical. Hopefully it still works
    ; properly....
    Func _BinaryNumberDecode($iNum)

    ; A shortcut!
    if StringInStr(String($iNum), "0x") Then
    $iNum = StringMid(String($iNum),3)
    return dec($iNum)

    $iOffset = 1
    While StringMid(String($iNum),$iOffset,2) == "00"
    $sTrim = StringMid($iNum, $iOffset)
    $iLength = StringLen( $sTrim )
    $iVal = 0

    for $i=1 to $iLength
    $iVal += Number( String( Asc( StringMid($sTrim,$i,1) ) ) ) * (16^ (2*($iLength-$i)))

    return $iVal
    EndFunc ;==>_BinaryNumberDecode

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; This is not my method, but was very helpful, and I don't want to delete all of the calls
    ; to it... just in case. So there :P
    Func _DebugPrint($s_text)
    $s_text = StringReplace($s_text,@LF,@LF & "-->")
    ConsoleWrite("!===========================================================" & @LF & _
    "+===========================================================" & @LF & _
    "-->" & $s_text & @LF & _
    "+===========================================================" & @LF)
    EndFunc ;==>_DebugPrint


    So wie 2 recht ausführliche Erklärungen zum Oscar Protokoll:

    Spoiler anzeigen

    TOC2.0 documentation and misc TOC notes
    Jeffrey Rosen - jeff@emuscene.com
    Updated by George Vulov - georgevulov@hotmail.com

    First of all, lets start with some old TOC1.0 stuff:

    toc_get_status <screenname>

    This useful command wasn't ever really documented. It returns either an UPDATE_BUDDY message or an ERROR
    message depending on whether or not the guy appears to be online.

    Misc TOC notes:

    If you connect with an empty buddy list, other people can't see you online. You can work around this by
    simply sending "toc_add_buddy a" if the user's buddy list is empty. This has been corrected in TOC2.0.

    In TOC1.0 there is a toc_add_deny command, but no toc_remove_deny. In order to remove people from your
    block list, you need to send a "toc_add_permit" command and then send your entire deny list without the
    screenname you want to unblock. Reverse the deny and permit commands if you want to add someone to your
    permit list. Again, TOC2.0 fixes this.

    Now for TOC2.0:

    **************** CLIENT -> SERVER: ****************

    Connect to aimexpress.oscar.aol.com, not toc.oscar.aol.com, otherwise retrieving profiles
    will not work without much refreshing.

    The sign on process is essentially the same as in TOC1.0 except AOL added some questionable parameters to it:

    toc2_login <address> <port> <screenname> <roasted pw> <language> <version*> 160 US "" "" 3 0 30303 -kentucky -utf8 76144224***

    * The version string MUST start with "TIC:" otherwise, no dice. For example, "TIC:AIMM" is ok, but "AIMM2" would be rejected.

    ** I have no idea what the parameters after the version are. Put them in verbatim and logging in works.

    *** This is a simple code created with the first letter of the screen name and password. Here is some generic code:
    sn = ascii value of the first letter of the screen name
    pw = ascii value of the first character of the password
    return 7696 * sn * pw
    For example, if the screenname was "test" and the password was "x5435" the result would be 107128320.

    The permit/deny stuff has been seriously revamped. There's not much else you could ask for:

    toc2_set_pdmode <value>

    1 - Allow all (default)
    2 - Block all
    3 - Allow "permit group" only
    4 - Block "deny group" only
    5 - Allow buddy list only

    Pretty self explanatory. You can manage your permit/deny groups using the commands below:

    toc2_add_permit <screenname>
    toc2_remove_permit <screenname>

    toc2_add_deny <screenname>
    toc2_remove_deny <screenname>

    <screenname> should be normalized and you can add multiple people at a time by separating the
    screennames with a space. Unlike in TOC1.0, these don't cause funky behaviors. That is, you
    can access these whenever you feel like and thanks to the new pdmode function, you no longer
    will have to resort to cheap hacks to get these to work correctly.
    (Read: no more wildly flickering on other people's buddy lists!)

    Note: In TOC2.0 these are all automatically added to your config. More on that later.

    Buddy list commands have also been seriously revamped:

    toc2_new_group <group>
    toc2_del_group <group>

    This is an entirely new command that allows you to add groups. These should be quoted and you can't
    add more than one per command. This can be worked around using the new_buddies command though.

    toc2_new_buddies <config format*>

    In TOC2.0, you must add buddies in "config format". See example:


    If you sent that with the toc2_new_buddies command, you would add the two buddies (buddytest and buddytest2)
    with aliases alias1 and alias2 into the group "test". Note that if the group doesn't already exist, it will be created.

    Alternatively, if the usernames didn't have aliases, they would be added as follows:

    * <lf> stands for linefeed, '\n'. Don't literally send "<LF>" :)

    toc2_remove_buddy <screenname> <group>

    Pretty self explanatory. You can remove multiple names in the same group using the syntax <screenname> <screenname> <group>.

    toc2_send_im <user> <message> <auto>

    This seems to be the same as in TOC1.0.

    toc2_client_event <user> <typing status>

    This is used to send a typing notification.
    0 for no activity, 1 for typing paused, 2 for currently typing.

    **************** SERVER -> CLIENT: ****************


    The only difference between CONFIG2 and CONFIG is that instead of "b buddy1", for example, it would be "b:buddy1".
    Also, the last item is always "done:<lf>".

    TOC2 has also added support for server-stored aliases. A user's server-stored alias, if they have one, is right
    after the username, separated by a colon.

    A word about configs: in TOC2.0, everything is automatically saved to your config and your config is automatically
    loaded when you sign on. That is, you don't have to read the config and manually add all the buddies. If they show
    up in the config, they've already been added.


    This shows up after you add a buddy. The action can be either "added", which means that the buddy
    was added correctly, or "auth" which is used in ICQ to siginify that that user has requested
    authorization to you to their buddy list.

    IM_IN_ENC2:<user>:<auto>:<???>:<???>:<buddy status>:<???>:<???>:en:<message>

    This command received instead of IM_IN. It is similar to TOC 1.0 except there are a few new parameters.
    One of them is language and another is the buddy status, but the rest are unknown.

    CHAT_IN_ENC:<chatroom id>:<user>:<whisper T/F>:<???>:en:<message>

    This command received instead of CHAT_IN. It is similar to TOC 1.0 except there are a two new parameters.
    One of them is language; the other is unknown but is usually "A"

    UPDATE_BUDDY2:<screenname>:<online>:<warning>:<signon Time>:<idletime>:<userclass>:<???>

    Same as TOC1.0 except there's a mystery parameter.

    We receive this when somebody's server-stored alias is updated.

    INSERTED2:g:<group name>
    A new group has been added to the buddy list.

    A new screenname has been added.

    Somebody has been added to the deny list.

    Somebody has been added to the permit list.

    These will be sent whenever the buddy list is modified from a different location, which happens
    when one is logged in in two different places. It's a good idea to handle these, otherwise
    the buddy list displayed could become out of synch with what's on the server.

    DELETED2:g:<group name>
    A group has been deleted from the buddy list.

    A user has been deleted from the buddy list.

    A user had been removed from the deny list.

    A user has been removed from the permit list.

    These commands are similar to the INSERTED2 commands, in that they provide dynamic
    updates whenever the buddy list is modified from a different location.

    CLIENT_EVENT2:<username>:<typing status>

    These are typing notifications. 0 means stopped, 1 means text entered, and 2 means typing.


    This packet describes a particular user's capabilities, such
    as file transfer, buddy icons, ect.


    The structure of this message is not yet understood. It most likely provides buddy icon
    information about a user, such as whether they have a buddy icon or not and
    the hashcode necessary to request if from the server.

    Spoiler anzeigen

    Original Copyright Message:

    # Copyright (c) 1998-9 America Online, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


    # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or

    # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License

    # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2

    # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


    # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

    # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


    # GNU General Public License for more details.


    # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

    # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software

    # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

    Updated by Justin Mazzola Paluska <jmp@mit.edu> using notes from a

    file named "toc2.txt" containing the following header:

    TOC2.0 documentation and misc TOC notes

    Jeffrey Rosen - jeff@emuscene.com


    Version: TOC2.0

    This document describes the protocol between TOC and TOC clients.

    The protocol is built on TCP. Framing is done by SFLAP,

    described at the bottom of this document. Inside each

    SFLAP frame is a TOC command.

    The TOC protocol is ASCII based, and special attention

    must be placed argument separation. The separator and

    the rules of separation are different for messages inbound

    to TOC and outbound to the client. The rules of separation

    are described in sections below.

    The TOC server is built mainly to service the TIC and TiK clients. Since

    the TIC client is a Java applet, and downloadable, TOC will NOT support

    multiple TOC protocol versions at the same time. Therefore, TiK

    users will be forced to upgrade if the protocol version changes.

    TOC sends down the protocol version it expects the client

    to speak and understand. Note, the protocol version is a string.

    Important Notes


    * TOC will drop the connection if a command exceeds the maximum

    length, which is currently 2048 bytes. So the client needs to

    spend special attention to im, chat, and config message lengths.

    There is an 8k length maximum from TOC to the client.

    * No commands should be sent to TOC (besides toc_signon) before

    a SIGN_ON is received. If you do send a command before SIGN_ON

    the command will be ignored, and in some case the connection

    will be dropped.

    * After TOC sends the PAUSE message to a client, all messages sent

    to TOC will be ignored, and in some cases the connection will

    be dropped. Another SIGN_ON message will be sent to the client

    when it is online again. The buddy list and permit/deny items must

    be sent again, followed by the toc_init_done. In most cases the

    SIGN_ON message will be sent between 1-2 seconds after the

    PAUSE message. Therefore a client could choose to ignore the

    PAUSE message and hope nothing bad happens.

    Client -> TOC


    The commands and the arguments are usually separated by whitespaces. Arguments

    with whitespace characters should be enclosed in quotes. Dollar signs,

    curly brackets, square brackets, parentheses, quotes, and backslashes

    must all be backslashed whether in quotes or not. It is usually

    a good idea just to use quotes no matter what. All user names from clients

    to TOC should be normalized (spaces removed and lowercased), and therefore

    are the one exception to the always use quotes rule.

    When sending commands to the server you will not get a response

    back confirming that the command format was correct or not! However

    in some cases if the command format was incorrect the connection

    will be dropped.


    toc2_signon <authorizer host> <authorizer port> <User Name> <Password>

    <language> <version> <???> <code>

    The password needs to be roasted with the Roasting String if

    coming over a FLAP connection, CP connections don't use

    roasted passwords. The language specified will be used

    when generating web pages, such as the get info pages.

    Currently the only supported language is "english".

    If the language sent isn't found, the default "english"

    language will be used. The version string will be used

    for the client identity, and must be less then 50


    Passwords are roasted when sent to the host. This is done so they

    aren't sent in "clear text" over the wire, although they are still

    trivial to decode. Roasting is performed by first xoring each byte

    in the password with the equivalent modulo byte in the roasting

    string. The result is then converted to ascii hex, and prepended

    with "0x". So for example the password "password" roasts to


    The unknown field <???> is usually 160, though other numbers seem

    to work.

    The code is created with the first letter of the screen name and

    password. Here is some generic code based on some code Nuix


    sn = ascii value of the first letter of the screen name - 96

    pw = ascii value of the first character of the password - 96

    a = sn * 7696 + 738816

    b = sn * 746512

    c = pw * a

    return c - a + b + 71665152

    For example, if the screenname was "test" and the password was

    "x5435" the result would be 107128320.


    Tells TOC that we are ready to go online. TOC clients should first

    send TOC the buddy list and any permit/deny lists. However toc_init_done

    must be called within 30 seconds after toc_signon, or the connection

    will be dropped. Remember, it can't be called until after the SIGN_ON

    message is received. Calling this before or multiple times after a

    SIGN_ON will cause the connection to be dropped.

    toc2_send_im <Destination User> <Message> [auto]

    Send a message to a remote user. Remember to quote and encode the

    message. If the optional string "auto" is the last argument, then the

    auto response flag will be turned on for the im.

    toc2_new_group <group>

    This is an entirely new command that allows you to add groups.

    These should be quoted and you can't add more than one per command.

    This can be worked around using the new_buddies command though.

    toc2_del_group <group>

    Remove a buddy group. <group> must be quoted.

    toc2_new_buddies <config format*>

    In TOC2.0, you must add buddies in "config format". See example:





    If you sent that with the toc2_new_buddies command, you would add

    the three buddies (buddytest, buddytest2, and buddytest3) into the

    group "test". Note that if the group doesn't already exist, it

    will be created.

    <lf> stands for linefeed (ASCII:10). Don't literally send "<LF>"

    toc2_remove_buddy <screenname> <group>

    Remove screenname from group. You can remove multiple names in the

    same group using the syntax <screenname> <screenname> <group>.

    toc_set_config <Config Info>

    Set the config information for this user. The config information

    is line oriented with the first character being the item type,

    followed by a colon, with the rest of the line being the item

    value. Only letters, numbers, and spaces should be used. Remember

    you will have to enclose the entire config in quotes.

    Item Types:

    g - Buddy Group (All Buddies until the next g or the end of config

    are in this group.)

    b - A Buddy

    p - Person on permit list

    d - Person on deny list

    m - Permit/Deny Mode. Possible values are

    1 - Permit All

    2 - Deny All

    3 - Permit Some

    4 - Deny Some

    toc_evil <User> <norm|anon>

    Evil/Warn someone else. The 2nd argument is either the string

    "norm" for a normal warning, or "anon" for an anonymous

    warning. You can only evil people who have recently sent you

    ims. The higher someones evil level, the slower they can

    send message.

    toc2_set_pdmode <value>

    Set your "permit/deny" visibility.


    1 - Allow all (default)

    2 - Block all

    3 - Allow "permit group" only

    4 - Block "deny group" only

    5 - Allow buddy list only

    toc2_add_permit [ <User 1> [<User 2> [...]]]

    ADD the following people to your permit mode.

    toc2_remove_permit [ <User 1> [<User 2> [...]]]

    REMOVE the following people to your permit mode.

    toc2_add_deny [ <User 1> [<User 2> [...]]]

    ADD the following people to your deny mode.

    toc2_remove_deny [ <User 1> [<User 2> [...]]]

    REMOVE the following people to your deny mode.

    toc_chat_join <Exchange> <Chat Room Name>

    Join a chat room in the given exchange. Exchange is

    an integer that represents a group of chat rooms.

    Different exchanges have different properties. For

    example some exchanges might have room replication (ie

    a room never fills up, there are just multiple

    instances.) and some exchanges might have navigational

    information, and some exchanges might have ... Currently

    exchange should always be 4, however this may

    change in the future. You will either

    receive an ERROR if the room couldn't be joined

    or a CHAT_JOIN message. The Chat Room Name

    is case insensitive and consecutive spaces

    are removed.

    toc_chat_send <Chat Room ID> <Message>

    Send a message in a chat room using the chat room

    id from CHAT_JOIN. Since reflection is always on in

    TOC, you do not need to add the message to your chat UI,

    since you will get a CHAT_IN with the message.

    Remember to quote and encode the message.

    toc_chat_whisper <Chat Room ID> <dst_user> <Message>

    Send a message in a chat room using the chat room

    id from CHAT_JOIN. This message is directed at

    only one person. (Currently you DO need to add this to

    your UI.) Remember to quote and encode the message.

    Chat whispering is different from IMs since it is linked

    to a chat room, and should usually be displayed in the chat

    room UI.

    toc_chat_evil <Chat Room ID> <User> <norm|anon>

    Evil/Warn someone else inside a chat room. The 3rd argument is either

    the string "norm" for a normal warning, or "anon" for an anonymous

    warning. Currently chat evil is not turned on in the chat complex.

    toc_chat_invite <Chat Room ID> <Invite Msg> <buddy1> [<buddy2> [<buddy3> [...]]]

    Once you are inside a chat room you can invite other people into

    that room. Remember to quote and encode the invite message.

    toc_chat_leave <Chat Room ID>

    Leave the chat room.

    toc_chat_accept <Chat Room ID>

    Accept a CHAT_INVITE message from TOC. The server will send a

    CHAT_JOIN in response.

    toc_get_info <username>

    Gets a user's info a GOTO_URL or ERROR message will be sent back to the


    toc_set_info <info information>

    Set the LOCATE user information. This is basic HTML.

    Remember to encode the info.

    toc_set_away [<away message>]

    if the away message is present, then the unavailable

    status flag is set for the user. If the away message

    is not present, then the unavailable status flag is

    unset. The away message is basic HTML, remember to

    encode the information.

    toc_get_dir <username>

    Gets a user's dir info a GOTO_URL or ERROR message will be sent back to the


    toc_set_dir <info information>

    Set the DIR user information. This is a colon separated fields as in:

    "first name":"middle name":"last name":"maiden name":"city":"state":"country":"email":"allow web searches"

    Should return a DIR_STATUS msg. Having anything in the "allow web searches"

    field allows people to use web-searches to find your directory info.

    Otherwise, they'd have to use the client.

    toc_dir_search <info information>

    Perform a search of the Oscar Directory, using colon separated fields as in:

    "first name":"middle name":"last name":"maiden name":"city":"state":"country":"email"

    Returns either a GOTO_URL or ERROR msg.

    toc_set_idle <idle secs>

    Set idle information. If <idle secs> is 0 then the user isn't idle at all.

    If <idle secs> is greater then 0 then the user has already been idle

    for <idle secs> number of seconds. The server will automatically

    keep incrementing this number, so do not repeatedly call with new

    idle times.

    toc_set_caps [ <Capability 1> [<Capability 2> [...]]]

    Set my capabilities. All capabilities that we support need to

    be sent at the same time. Capabilities are represented by


    toc_rvous_propose - Not Implemented Yet

    toc_rvous_accept <nick> <cookie> <service> <tlvlist>

    Accept a rendezvous proposal from the user <nick>.

    <cookie> is the cookie from the RVOUS_PROPOSE

    message. <service> is the UUID the proposal was

    for. <tlvlist> contains a list of tlv tags followed by

    base64 encoded values.

    toc_rvous_cancel <nick> <cookie> <service> <tlvlist>

    Cancel a rendezvous proposal from the user <nick>.

    <cookie> is the cookie from the RVOUS_PROPOSE

    message. <service> is the UUID the proposal was

    for. <tlvlist> contains a list of tlv tags followed by

    base64 encoded values.

    toc_format_nickname <new_format>

    Reformat a user's nickname. An ADMIN_NICK_STATUS or ERROR message will

    be sent back to the client.

    toc_change_passwd <existing_passwd new_passwd>

    Change a user's password. An ADMIN_PASSWD_STATUS or ERROR message will

    be sent back to the client.

    TOC -> Client


    All user names from TOC to client are NOT normalized, and are

    sent as they should be displayed. String are NOT encoded, instead

    we use colons as separators. So that you can have colons inside

    of messages, everything after the colon before :<Message> should

    be considered part of the message (ie don't just "split" on colons,

    instead split with a max number of results.)

    SIGN_ON:<Client Version Supported>

    This is sent after a successful toc_signon command is sent to TOC.

    If the command was unsuccessful either the FLAP connection will

    be dropped or you will receive a ERROR message.


    A user's config. Config can be empty in which case the host was not able to

    retrieve it, or a config didn't exist for the user. See toc_set_config

    above for the format.


    A user's config. Config can be empty in which case the host was not able to

    retrieve it, or a config didn't exist for the user. See toc_set_config

    above for the format.


    Tells you your correct nickname (ie how it should be capitalized and


    IM_IN2:<Source User>:<Auto Response T/F?>:<???><Message>

    Receive an IM from some one. Everything after the fourth colon is

    the incoming message, including other colons.


    This shows up after you add a buddy confirming that it was added

    correctly or something. Maybe if you're at your buddy list maximum

    it returns an error? If the buddy was added successfully, action is


    UPDATE_BUDDY2:<Buddy User>:<Online? T/F>:<Evil Amount>:<Signon Time>:<IdleTime>:<UC>:<???>

    This one command handles arrival/depart/updates. Evil Amount is

    a percentage, Signon Time is UNIX epoc, idle time is in minutes, UC (User Class)

    is a two/three character string.


    ' ' - Ignore

    'A' - On AOL


    ' ' - Ignore

    'A' - Oscar Admin

    'U' - Oscar Unconfirmed

    'O' - Oscar Normal


    '\0' - Ignore

    ' ' - Ignore

    'U' - The user has set their unavailable flag.

    The function of the last parameter is unknown.

    ERROR:<Error Code>:Var args

    * General Errors *

    901 - $1 not currently available

    902 - Warning of $1 not currently available

    903 - A message has been dropped, you are exceeding

    the server speed limit

    * Admin Errors *

    911 - Error validating input

    912 - Invalid account

    913 - Error encountered while processing request

    914 - Service unavailable

    * Chat Errors *

    950 - Chat in $1 is unavailable.

    * IM & Info Errors *

    960 - You are sending message too fast to $1

    961 - You missed an im from $1 because it was too big.

    962 - You missed an im from $1 because it was sent too fast.

    * Dir Errors *

    970 - Failure

    971 - Too many matches

    972 - Need more qualifiers

    973 - Dir service temporarily unavailable

    974 - Email lookup restricted

    975 - Keyword Ignored

    976 - No Keywords

    977 - Language not supported

    978 - Country not supported

    979 - Failure unknown $1

    * Auth errors *

    980 - Incorrect nickname or password.

    981 - The service is temporarily unavailable.

    982 - Your warning level is currently too high to sign on.

    983 - You have been connecting and

    disconnecting too frequently. Wait 10 minutes and try again.

    If you continue to try, you will need to wait even longer.

    989 - An unknown signon error has occurred $1

    EVILED:<new evil>:<name of eviler, blank if anonymous>

    The user was just eviled.

    CHAT_JOIN:<Chat Room Id>:<Chat Room Name>

    We were able to join this chat room. The Chat Room Id is

    internal to TOC.

    CHAT_IN:<Chat Room Id>:<Source User>:<Whisper? T/F>:<Message>

    A chat message was sent in a chat room.

    CHAT_UPDATE_BUDDY:<Chat Room Id>:<Inside? T/F>:<User 1>:<User 2>...

    This one command handles arrival/departs from a chat room. The

    very first message of this type for each chat room contains the

    users already in the room.

    CHAT_INVITE:<Chat Room Name>:<Chat Room Id>:<Invite Sender>:<Message>

    We are being invited to a chat room.

    CHAT_LEFT:<Chat Room Id>

    Tells tic connection to chat room has been dropped

    GOTO_URL:<Window Name>:<Url>

    Goto a URL. Window Name is the suggested internal name of the window

    to use. (Java supports this.)

    DIR_STATUS:<Return Code>:<Optional args>

    <Return Code> is always 0 for success status.

    ADMIN_NICK_STATUS:<Return Code>:<Optional args>

    <Return Code> is always 0 for success status.

    ADMIN_PASSWD_STATUS:<Return Code>:<Optional args>

    <Return Code> is always 0 for success status.


    Tells TIC to pause so we can do migration


    [:tlv tag1:tlv value1[:tlv tag2:tlv value2[:...]]]

    Another user has proposed that we rendezvous with them to

    perform the service specified by <uuid>. They want us

    to connect to them, we have their rendezvous ip, their

    proposer_ip, and their verified_ip. The tlv values are

    base64 encoded.

    Typical Signon Process


    Except for the section marked optional this is an sequential

    process. Each line MUST occur before the following line.

    * Client connects to TOC

    * Client sends "FLAPON\r\n\r\n"

    * TOC sends Client FLAP SIGNON

    * Client sends TOC FLAP SIGNON

    * Client sends TOC "toc_signon" message

    * if login fails TOC drops client's connection

    else TOC sends client SIGN_ON reply

    * if Client doesn't support version it drops the connection


    * TOC sends Client CONFIG


    * Client sends TOC toc_init_done message

    SFLAP Documentation


    SFLAP is pretty much a FLAP connection except the DATA frame payload is a null

    terminated string when traveling from client to host, it is NOT null

    terminated when traveling from host to client. The FLAP Header is binary

    data, and is in network byte order. The data portion is at offset 6, after the

    header. The sequence number is sequential in each direction. So

    packets from the server to client have one sequence number, while

    the packets from the client to server have an independent

    increasing number.

    FLAP Header (6 bytes)


    Offset Size Type

    0 1 ASTERISK (literal ASCII '*')

    1 1 Frame Type

    2 2 Sequence Number

    4 2 Data Length

    Valid Frame Type Values


    1 SIGNON

    2 DATA

    3 ERROR (Not used by TOC)

    4 SIGNOFF (Not used by TOC)




    Sequence Number contains the initial sequence number used in each direction.

    Data Length contains the payload length, with the payload described

    below. The payload area is NOT null terminated.

    Host To Client:

    4 byte FLAP version (1)

    Client To Host:

    4 byte FLAP version (1)

    2 byte TLV Tag (1)

    2 byte Normalized User Name Length

    N byte Normalized User Name (NOT null terminated)



    Sequence Number contains the next sequence number.

    Data Length is the length of the payload, including the null termination

    from client to host.

    Fragen dazu kannst du gerne Stellen. Wenn ich ihn finde, lad ich noch nen kleinen ICQ Clint rauf.