Hallo zusammen,
ich bräuchte mal wieder eure Hilfe und zwar bin ich auf das Thema "AutoIt3Wrapper" gestoßen.
Leider bekomme ich ein paar "Errors/Warnings" und die compilierte *.exe funktioniert auch nicht mehr korrekt.
Aber zuerst welche Parameter ich nutze:
#Au3Stripper_Parameters=/so /pe /rm
Folgenden Output erhalte ich beim Compilieren:
>Running Au3Stripper (17.224.935.0) from:D:\Stuff\Programmieren\AutoIT\AutoIt-v3.3.14.5\SciTE4AutoIt3_Portable-24-2-2017\Au3Stripper cmdline:
-### StripOnly/StripFunc Error: Found ObjEvent() statement using unsolvable Func, which will/could lead to removal of Funcs that are used by this Function.
>### current Func: _1ah
d:\stuff\programmieren\autoit\autoit-v3.3.14.5\include\ie.au3(2572,1): Warning for line:$__g_oIEErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", $__g_sIEUserErrorHandler)
-### StripOnly/StripFunc Error: Found Call() statement using unsolvable Func, which will/could lead to removal of Funcs that are used by this Function.
>### current Func: _1az
d:\stuff\programmieren\autoit\codes\autofan\includes\authread-master\authread_edited_by_borstihd.au3(15,1): Warning for line:Call($CmdLine[2])
-### StripOnly/StripFunc Error: Found Call() statement using unsolvable Func, which will/could lead to removal of Funcs that are used by this Function.
>### current Func: _1bx
d:\stuff\programmieren\autoit\codes\autofan\includes\oneventfunc\oneventfunc.au3(342,1): Warning for line:Call($CtrlLib[$index][1][1], $Arrayset)
-### StripOnly/StripFunc Error: Found Call() statement using unsolvable Func, which will/could lead to removal of Funcs that are used by this Function.
>### current Func: _1cq
d:\stuff\programmieren\autoit\codes\autofan\includes\autofan\threadhandling.au3(235,1): Warning for line:Call($sMainThreadFunction, "Timeout", $i)
-### StripOnly/StripFunc Error: Found Call() statement using unsolvable Func, which will/could lead to removal of Funcs that are used by this Function.
>### current Func: _1cr
d:\stuff\programmieren\autoit\codes\autofan\includes\autofan\threadhandling.au3(304,1): Warning for line:Call($sMainThreadFunction, True, $iRow, $aSubThreadMsg)
-### StripOnly/StripFunc Error: Found Call() statement using unsolvable Func, which will/could lead to removal of Funcs that are used by this Function.
>### current Func: _1ft
d:\stuff\programmieren\autoit\codes\autofan\includes\autofan\autologin.au3(224,1): Warning for line:Call($sFunction, $aArgs)
-#### Au3Stripper Found 6 Error(s)!!!! This means your script could have problems running properly. ####
- 4.44 Iteration 1 Strip and Rename Functions result: Output 11921 lines and stripped 20655 lines
- 11.97 Iteration 2 Strip Variables result: Output 6543 lines and stripped 5378 lines
- 13.03 Iteration 3 Strip Variables result: Output 6275 lines and stripped 268 lines
- 13.97 Iteration 4 Strip Variables result: Output 6269 lines and stripped 6 lines
- 14.91 Iteration 5 Strip and Rename Variables result: Output 6269 lines and stripped 0 lines
Alles anzeigen
Im ersten Schritt würde ich euch bitten mir die Fehlermeldung zu erklären.
Was genau meinen die mit "Found Call() statement using unsolvable Func", bzw wieso sollte die Funktion "unsolvable" sein?
Hier als Beispiel die Stelle aus der 2ten Fehlermeldung:
Func _AuThread_Startup()
; was this process called for a thread?
If $CmdLine[0] = 2 And $CmdLine[1] = "--au-thread" Then
Call($CmdLine[2]) ;<<<<<<< Diese Zeile wurde markiert !!!
; it's the main thread
IniWrite($__AuThread_sTmpFile, "main", "pid", @AutoItPID)
Alles anzeigen
Vielen Dank schon mal im Vorraus
Viele Grüße