Creates a system-defined modeless dialog box that lets the user specify a string to search for and a replacement string
#include <WinAPIDlg.au3>
_WinAPI_ReplaceTextDlg ( $hOwner [, $sFindWhat = '' [, $sReplaceWith = '' [, $iFlags = 0 [, $pReplaceProc = 0 [, $lParam = 0]]]]] )
$hOwner | A handle to the window that owns the dialog box. The window procedure of the specified window receives FINDMSGSTRING messages from the dialog box. This parameter can be any valid window handle, but it must not be 0. |
$sFindWhat | [optional] The search string that is displayed when you initialize the dialog box. |
$sReplaceWith | [optional] The replacement string that is displayed when you initialize the dialog box. |
$iFlags | [optional] A set of bit flags that used to initialize the dialog box. The dialog box sets these flags when it sends the FINDMSGSTRING registered message to indicate the user's input. This parameter can be one or more of the following values: $FR_DIALOGTERM $FR_DOWN $FR_ENABLEHOOK $FR_ENABLETEMPLATE $FR_ENABLETEMPLATEHANDLE $FR_FINDNEXT $FR_HIDEUPDOWN $FR_HIDEMATCHCASE $FR_HIDEWHOLEWORD $FR_MATCHCASE $FR_NOMATCHCASE $FR_NOUPDOWN $FR_NOWHOLEWORD $FR_REPLACE $FR_REPLACEALL $FR_SHOWHELP $FR_WHOLEWORD |
$pReplaceProc | [optional] Pointer to an hook procedure that can process messages intended for the dialog box. This parameter is ignored unless the $FR_ENABLEHOOK flag is not set. (See MSDN for more information) |
$lParam | [optional] Application-defined data that the system passes to the hook procedure. |
Success: | The window handle to the dialog box. |
Failure: | Sets the @error flag to non-zero, @extended flag may contain the dialog box error code. |
The _WinAPI_ReplaceTextDlg() does not perform a text replacement operation. Instead, the dialog box sends FINDMSGSTRING registered messages to the window procedure of the owner window of the dialog box.
Before calling _WinAPI_ReplaceTextDlg(), you must call the _WinAPI_RegisterWindowMessage() function to get the identifier for the FINDMSGSTRING message.
The dialog box procedure uses this identifier to send messages when the user clicks the "Find Next", "Replace", or "Replace All" buttons, or when the dialog box is closing.
The "lParam" parameter of the FINDMSGSTRING message contains a pointer to a $tagFINDREPLACE structure.
The "Flags" member of this structure indicates the event that caused the message.
Other members of the structure indicate the user's input.
The _WinAPI_ReplaceTextDlg() uses an internal buffer to hold the string that the user typed in the "Find What" and "Replace With" edit controls.
You can increase the size of this buffer by using the _WinAPI_SetFRBuffer() function.
In addition to free the memory allocated for the internal buffer, you must call the _WinAPI_FlushFRBuffer() in response to the FINDMSGSTRING message with $FR_DIALOGTERM flag set.
_WinAPI_FlushFRBuffer, _WinAPI_RegisterWindowMessage, _WinAPI_SetFRBuffer
Suche nach ReplaceText in der MSDN Bibliothek.
#include <APIDlgConstants.au3>
#include <FontConstants.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <GuiRichEdit.au3>
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
#include <SendMessage.au3>
#include <WinAPIDlg.au3>
#include <WinAPIGdi.au3>
#include <WinAPIMisc.au3>
#include <WinAPISysWin.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
Local Const $sTxt = 'AutoIt v3 is a freeware BASIC-like scripting language designed for automating the Windows GUI and general scripting. It uses a combination of simulated keystrokes, mouse movement and window/control manipulation in order to automate tasks in a way not possible or reliable with other languages (e.g. VBScript and SendKeys). AutoIt is also very small, self-contained and will run on all versions of Windows out-of-the-box with no annoying "runtimes" required!' & @CRLF & @CRLF & _
'AutoIt was initially designed for PC "roll out" situations to reliably automate and configure thousands of PCs. Over time it has become a powerful language that supports complex expressions, user functions, loops and everything else that veteran scripters would expect.'
; Create GUI
Local $hForm = GUICreate('Test ' & StringReplace(@ScriptName, '.au3', '()'), 800, 600)
; Create main menu
Local $idMenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu('&File')
Local $idExitItem = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('E&xit...', $idMenu)
$idMenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu('&Edit')
Local $idFindItem = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('&Find...', $idMenu)
Local $idReplaceItem = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('R&eplace...', $idMenu)
; Create Rich Edit control with always visible text selection, and set "Courier New" font to the control
Local $hRichEdit = _GUICtrlRichEdit_Create($hForm, $sTxt, 0, 0, 800, 600, BitOR($ES_AUTOVSCROLL, $ES_NOHIDESEL, $ES_MULTILINE, $WS_VSCROLL), 0)
_SendMessage($hRichEdit, $WM_SETFONT, $hFont, 1)
_SendMessage($hRichEdit, $EM_SETSEL)
; Register FINDMSGSTRING message to receive the messages from the dialog box
GUIRegisterMsg(_WinAPI_RegisterWindowMessage('commdlg_FindReplace'), 'WM_FINDMSGSTRING')
; Show GUI
Global $g_hDlg
Local $iMsg, $sText
While 1
$iMsg = GUIGetMsg()
Switch $iMsg
Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, $idExitItem
Case $idFindItem, $idReplaceItem
$sText = _GUICtrlRichEdit_GetSelText($hRichEdit)
If @error Then
$sText = ''
; Disable "Find..." and "Replace..." menu items, otherwise, the script maay crash
GUICtrlSetState($idFindItem, $GUI_DISABLE)
GUICtrlSetState($idReplaceItem, $GUI_DISABLE)
Switch $iMsg
Case $idFindItem
$g_hDlg = _WinAPI_FindTextDlg($hForm, $sText, $FR_DOWN, 0, $hRichEdit)
Case $idReplaceItem
$g_hDlg = _WinAPI_ReplaceTextDlg($hForm, $sText, '', 0, 0, $hRichEdit)
Case $idReplaceItem
Func _IsMatchSelection($hWnd, $sText, $iBehavior)
Local $aPos = _GUICtrlRichEdit_GetSel($hWnd)
If @error Then Return 0
$aPos = _GUICtrlRichEdit_FindTextInRange($hWnd, $sText, $aPos[0], $aPos[1], BitAND($iBehavior, $FR_MATCHCASE) = $FR_MATCHCASE, BitAND($iBehavior, $FR_WHOLEWORD) = $FR_WHOLEWORD, BitAND($iBehavior, BitOR($FR_MATCHALEFHAMZA, $FR_MATCHDIAC, $FR_MATCHKASHIDA)))
If @error Or ($aPos[0] = -1) Or ($aPos[1] = -1) Then
Return 0
Return 1
EndFunc ;==>_IsMatchSelection
Func WM_FINDMSGSTRING($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam)
#forceref $hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam
Local $tFINDREPLACE = DllStructCreate($tagFINDREPLACE, $lParam)
Local $sReplace = _WinAPI_GetString(DllStructGetData($tFINDREPLACE, 'ReplaceWith'))
Local $sFind = _WinAPI_GetString(DllStructGetData($tFINDREPLACE, 'FindWhat'))
Local $hRichEdit = Ptr(DllStructGetData($tFINDREPLACE, 'lParam'))
Local $iFlags = DllStructGetData($tFINDREPLACE, 'Flags')
Local $aPos, $iCur = -1
; The user clicked the "Replace" button in a Replace dialog box
Case BitAND($iFlags, $FR_REPLACE)
If _IsMatchSelection($hRichEdit, $sFind, $iFlags) Then
_GUICtrlRichEdit_ReplaceText($hRichEdit, $sReplace)
; The user clicked the "Find Next" button in a Find or Replace dialog box
Case BitAND($iFlags, $FR_FINDNEXT)
$aPos = _GUICtrlRichEdit_GetSel($hRichEdit)
If @error Then Return
If BitAND($iFlags, $FR_DOWN) Then
$aPos = _GUICtrlRichEdit_FindTextInRange($hRichEdit, $sFind, $aPos[1], -1, BitAND($iFlags, $FR_MATCHCASE) = $FR_MATCHCASE, BitAND($iFlags, $FR_WHOLEWORD) = $FR_WHOLEWORD)
$aPos = _GUICtrlRichEdit_FindTextInRange($hRichEdit, $sFind, $aPos[0], 0, BitAND($iFlags, $FR_MATCHCASE) = $FR_MATCHCASE, BitAND($iFlags, $FR_WHOLEWORD) = $FR_WHOLEWORD, BitAND($iFlags, $FR_DOWN))
If @error Or ($aPos[0] = -1) Or ($aPos[1] = -1) Then
Local $iError = @error
MsgBox(($MB_ICONINFORMATION + $MB_SYSTEMMODAL), WinGetTitle($g_hDlg), 'Cannot find "' & $sFind & '" (' & $iError & ')', 0, $g_hDlg)
; Here and below used the EM_SETSEL message directly because _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetSel() sets a focus to the Rich Edit control
_SendMessage($hRichEdit, $EM_SETSEL, $aPos[0], $aPos[1])
; _GUICtrlRichEdit_ScrollToCaret($hRichEdit)
; The user clicked the "Replace All" button in a Replace dialog box
Case BitAND($iFlags, $FR_REPLACEALL)
Dim $aPos[2] = [0, -1]
While 1
$aPos = _GUICtrlRichEdit_FindTextInRange($hRichEdit, $sFind, $aPos[0], -1, BitAND($iFlags, $FR_MATCHCASE) = $FR_MATCHCASE, BitAND($iFlags, $FR_WHOLEWORD) = $FR_WHOLEWORD)
If ($aPos[0] = -1) Or ($aPos[1] = -1) Then
If $iCur = -1 Then
MsgBox(($MB_ICONINFORMATION + $MB_SYSTEMMODAL), WinGetTitle($g_hDlg), 'Cannot find "' & $sFind & '"', 0, $g_hDlg)
If $iCur = -1 Then
_SendMessage($hRichEdit, $EM_SETSEL, $aPos[0], $aPos[1])
If _GUICtrlRichEdit_ReplaceText($hRichEdit, $sReplace) Then
$iCur = $aPos[0] + StringLen($sReplace)
_SendMessage($hRichEdit, $EM_SETSEL, $iCur, $iCur)
; _GUICtrlRichEdit_ScrollToCaret($hRichEdit)
; The dialog box is closing
Case BitAND($iFlags, $FR_DIALOGTERM)
; Destroy internal buffer, and free allocated memory
; Enable "Find..." and "Replace..." menu items
GUICtrlSetState($idReplaceItem, $GUI_ENABLE)
GUICtrlSetState($idFindItem, $GUI_ENABLE)