GDI+ Show Histogram v0.97 beta build 2013-02-05

  • Hier ein kleines Tool zum Anzeigen eines Histogrammes von Bildern.

    Spoiler anzeigen

    #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=CompanyName|UEZ Software Development
    #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=ProductName|GDI+ Show Histogram
    #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalCopyright=UEZ Software Development
    #Obfuscator_Parameters=/om /sv /sf /cs=0 /cn=0
    #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=del /f /q "%scriptdir%\%scriptfile%_Obfuscated.au3"
    #AutoIt3Wrapper_UPX_Parameters=--best --lzma

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    #include <Constants.au3>
    #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
    #include <GDIPlus.au3>
    #include <WindowsConstants.au3>

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1)
    Opt("MouseCoordMode", 2)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0x40010, "Error", "GDI+ Show Histogram can run on operating systems Vista or newer only!")

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Global Const $hFullScreen = WinGetHandle("[TITLE:Program Manager;CLASS:Progman]")
    Global Const $aFullScreen = WinGetPos($hFullScreen)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Global Enum $HistogramFormatARGB, $HistogramFormatPARGB, $HistogramFormatRGB, $HistogramFormatGray, _ ;…9(v=vs.85).aspx
    $HistogramFormatB, $HistogramFormatG, $HistogramFormatR, $HistogramFormatA

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Global Enum $DitherTypeNone = 0, $DitherTypeSolid, $DitherTypeOrdered4x4, $DitherTypeOrdered8x8, $DitherTypeOrdered16x16, $DitherTypeOrdered91x91, _
    $DitherTypeSpiral4x4, $DitherTypeSpiral8x8, $DitherTypeDualSpiral4x4, $DitherTypeDualSpiral8x8, $DitherTypeErrorDiffusion
    Global Enum $PaletteTypeCustom = 0, $PaletteTypeOptimal, $PaletteTypeFixedBW, $PaletteTypeFixedHalftone8, $PaletteTypeFixedHalftone27, $PaletteTypeFixedHalftone64, _
    $PaletteTypeFixedHalftone125, $PaletteTypeFixedHalftone216, $PaletteTypeFixedHalftone252, $PaletteTypeFixedHalftone256

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Global Const $ImageFlagsNone = 0
    Global Const $ImageFlagsScalable = 0x0001
    Global Const $ImageFlagsHasAlpha = 0x0002
    Global Const $ImageFlagsHasTranslucent = 0x0004
    Global Const $ImageFlagsPartiallyScalable = 0x0008
    Global Const $ImageFlagsColorSpaceRGB = 0x0010
    Global Const $ImageFlagsColorSpaceCMYK = 0x0020
    Global Const $ImageFlagsColorSpaceGRAY = 0x0040
    Global Const $ImageFlagsColorSpaceYCBCR = 0x0080
    Global Const $ImageFlagsColorSpaceYCCK = 0x0100
    Global Const $ImageFlagsHasRealDPI = 0x1000
    Global Const $ImageFlagsHasRealPixelSize = 0x2000
    Global Const $ImageFlagsReadOnly = 0x00010000
    Global Const $ImageFlagsCaching = 0x00020000

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Global $tStructChannel0 = DllStructCreate("uint channel0[256]")
    Global $pStructChannel0 = DllStructGetPtr($tStructChannel0)
    Global $tStructChannel1 = DllStructCreate("uint channel1[256]")
    Global $pStructChannel1 = DllStructGetPtr($tStructChannel1)
    Global $tStructChannel2 = DllStructCreate("uint channel2[256]")
    Global $pStructChannel2 = DllStructGetPtr($tStructChannel2)
    Global $tStructChannel3 = DllStructCreate("uint channel3[256]")
    Global $pStructChannel3 = DllStructGetPtr($tStructChannel3)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Global $s, $sFile, $hImage, $bImgLoaded = False, $aLuminosity[257], $aCRGB[257]
    Global Const $STM_SETIMAGE = 0x0172, $iLineJoinBevel = 1, $frY = 0.299, $fgY = 0.587, $fbY = 0.114

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Global Const $hGUI = GUICreate("GDI+ Show Histogram v0.97 beta by UEZ build 2013-02-05", 468, 310, -1, -1, Default, Default)
    Global Const $sLabel_Titel_Txt = "GDI+ Show Histogram"
    Global Const $iPosX_Label = 20, $iPosY_Label = 12
    Global Const $iLabel_Titel_Shadow = GUICtrlCreateLabel($sLabel_Titel_Txt, $iPosX_Label, $iPosY_Label, 429, 57)
    GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 30, 400, 0, "Comic Sans MS", 4)
    GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xC0C0D8)
    Global Const $iLabel_Titel = GUICtrlCreateLabel($sLabel_Titel_Txt, $iPosX_Label - 4, $iPosY_Label - 4, 429, 57)
    GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 30, 400, 0, "Comic Sans MS", 4)
    GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x0000C0)
    GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, -2)
    Global Const $iPic_Histogram = GUICtrlCreatePic("", 20, 90, 255, 127, -1, $WS_EX_STATICEDGE)
    GUICtrlSetCursor(-1, 14)
    Global Const $iPic_ColorGradient = GUICtrlCreatePic("", 20, 220, 255, 24, -1, $WS_EX_STATICEDGE)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Global Const $iGroup = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Channel", 290, 84, 160, 164)
    Global Const $iRadio_L = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Luminosit&y (gray)", 300, 100, 110, 20)
    GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $frY & "*R, " & $fgY & "*G, " & $fbY & "*B")
    GUICtrlSetState($iRadio_L, $GUI_CHECKED)
    Global Const $iRadio_C = GUICtrlCreateRadio("&cRGB", 300, 130, 60, 20)
    GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Combined average of RGB values")
    Global Const $iRadio_R = GUICtrlCreateRadio("&Red", 300, 160, 60, 20)
    Global Const $iRadio_G = GUICtrlCreateRadio("&Green", 300, 190, 60, 20)
    Global Const $iRadio_B = GUICtrlCreateRadio("&Blue", 300, 220, 60, 20)
    GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1)
    Global Const $iButton_Save = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Save", 209, 265, 70, 30)
    GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Click button to save all histogram images")
    GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE)
    Global Const $iButton_Load = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Load", 290, 265, 70, 30)
    GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Click button to load an image")
    Global Const $iButton_Exit = GUICtrlCreateButton("E&xit", 390, 265, 60, 30)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Global $sLabelCredit_Txt = "coded by UEZ'13"
    Global $aLabelCredit_Pos[StringLen($sLabelCredit_Txt)][4], $u, $iFS = 6.5, $iY = 280
    For $u = 0 To UBound($aLabelCredit_Pos) - 1
    $aLabelCredit_Pos[$u][0] = StringMid($sLabelCredit_Txt, $u + 1, 1)
    $aLabelCredit_Pos[$u][1] = 20 + $u * ($iFS - 0.25)
    $aLabelCredit_Pos[$u][2] = $iY
    $aLabelCredit_Pos[$u][3] = GUICtrlCreateLabel($aLabelCredit_Pos[$u][0], $aLabelCredit_Pos[$u][1], $aLabelCredit_Pos[$u][2], $iFS, $iFS * 1.8)
    GUICtrlSetFont(-1, $iFS, 400, 0, "Comic Sans MS", 2)
    GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x006000)
    Global $aLabelCredit_AnimPos[300]
    For $u = 0 To UBound($aLabelCredit_AnimPos) - 1
    $aLabelCredit_AnimPos[$u] = $iY
    Global Const $fLimes = 2.2, $fStep = 0.1
    Global $iPT = 0, $z = Int((UBound($aLabelCredit_AnimPos) - ($fLimes * $fStep * 100)) / 2)
    For $u = 0 To $fLimes Step $fStep
    $aLabelCredit_AnimPos[$z] = $iY + Sin($iPT * 4) * 10
    $z += 1
    $iPT += 0.075

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Global $ihGui_PreviewSize = 200, $iBGColor = 0xF0F0F0
    Global $hGui_Preview = GUICreate("", $ihGui_PreviewSize, $ihGui_PreviewSize + 58, -1, -1, $WS_POPUP + $WS_BORDER, $WS_EX_TOPMOST, $hGUI)
    Global $iPic_Preview = GUICtrlCreatePic("", 0, 0, $ihGui_PreviewSize, $ihGui_PreviewSize)
    Global $idLabel_Info = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 0, $ihGui_PreviewSize, $ihGui_PreviewSize * 2, 58)
    GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 8.5, 400, 0, "Arial", 5)
    GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $iBGColor)
    GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x333333)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Global $hHBmp_L = _GDIPlus_CreateColorGradient("L", 256, 24)
    Global $hHBmp_C = _GDIPlus_CreateColorGradient("C", 256, 24)
    Global $hHBmp_R = _GDIPlus_CreateColorGradient("R", 256, 24)
    Global $hHBmp_G = _GDIPlus_CreateColorGradient("G", 256, 24)
    Global $hHBmp_B = _GDIPlus_CreateColorGradient("B", 256, 24)
    Global $aRes = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "uint", "GdipCreateBitmapFromScan0", "int", 256, "int", 127, "int", 0, "int", 0x0026200A, "ptr", 0, "int*", 0)
    Global Const $hHBmp_HL = $aRes[6]
    Global Const $hCtxt_HL = _GDIPlus_ImageGetGraphicsContext($hHBmp_HL)
    Global Const $hHBmp_HC = _GDIPlus_BitmapCloneArea($hHBmp_HL, 0, 0, 256, 127, 0x0026200A)
    Global Const $hCtxt_HC = _GDIPlus_ImageGetGraphicsContext($hHBmp_HC)
    Global Const $hHBmp_HR = _GDIPlus_BitmapCloneArea($hHBmp_HL, 0, 0, 256, 127, 0x0026200A)
    Global Const $hCtxt_HR = _GDIPlus_ImageGetGraphicsContext($hHBmp_HR)
    Global Const $hHBmp_HG = _GDIPlus_BitmapCloneArea($hHBmp_HL, 0, 0, 256, 127, 0x0026200A)
    Global Const $hCtxt_HG = _GDIPlus_ImageGetGraphicsContext($hHBmp_HG)
    Global Const $hHBmp_HB = _GDIPlus_BitmapCloneArea($hHBmp_HL, 0, 0, 256, 127, 0x0026200A)
    Global Const $hCtxt_HB = _GDIPlus_ImageGetGraphicsContext($hHBmp_HB)
    _GDIPlus_GraphicsClear($hCtxt_HL, 0xFFFFFFFF)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    _hBmpToPicControl($iPic_ColorGradient, $hHBmp_L)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Global $hB_H = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap($hHBmp_HL)
    _hBmpToPicControl($iPic_Histogram, $hB_H, 1)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $hGui_Preview)
    GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hGUI)
    ControlFocus($hGUI, "", $iButton_Load)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Global $hPen_H = _GDIPlus_PenCreate()

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    $s = "L"
    Global $iDummyL = GUICtrlCreateDummy(), $iDummyC = GUICtrlCreateDummy(), $iDummyR = GUICtrlCreateDummy(), $iDummyG = GUICtrlCreateDummy(), $iDummyB = GUICtrlCreateDummy()
    Global $iHistogramFormat, $hHBmp_Preview, $aPosCtrl, $aPosWin, $aMouseInfo, $aPos_hWnd, $imp, $iVal, $iMpos_oldx, $iMpos_oldy, $sType, $iPaletteType, $iPixelFormat, $fAverage_L, $fAverage_cRGB, $o = 0
    Global $bShow = False, $bHide = False, $bIsAlpha = False, $bIsGray = False
    Global Const $iEntries = 1024
    Global Const $tagCOLORPALETTE = "uint Flags;" & _ ; Palette flags
    "uint Count;" & _ ; Number of color entries
    "uint ARGB[" & $iEntries & "];" ; Palette color

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    $iPaletteType = $PaletteTypeFixedHalftone8
    $iPixelFormat = $GDIP_PXF08INDEXED
    Global $tPalette = DllStructCreate($tagCOLORPALETTE)
    DllStructSetData($tPalette, "Flags", $iPaletteType)
    DllStructSetData($tPalette, "Count", $iEntries)
    Global $pPalette = DllStructGetPtr($tPalette)
    DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipInitializePalette", "struct*", $pPalette, "long", $iPaletteType, "int", 0, "bool", True, "handle", 0)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    AdlibRegister("AnimateLabel", 60)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    While 1
    Switch GUIGetMsg()
    Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, $iButton_Exit
    If $hHBmp_Preview Then _WinAPI_DeleteObject($hHBmp_Preview)
    $tStructChannel0 = 0
    $tStructChannel1 = 0
    $tStructChannel2 = 0
    $tStructChannel3 = 0
    Case $iRadio_L, $iDummyL
    If $s <> "L" Then
    _hBmpToPicControl($iPic_ColorGradient, $hHBmp_L)
    If $bImgLoaded Then
    $hB_H = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap($hHBmp_HL)
    _hBmpToPicControl($iPic_Histogram, $hB_H, 1)
    $s = "L"
    Case $iRadio_C, $iDummyC
    If $s <> "C" Then
    _hBmpToPicControl($iPic_ColorGradient, $hHBmp_C)
    If $bImgLoaded Then
    $hB_H = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap($hHBmp_HC)
    _hBmpToPicControl($iPic_Histogram, $hB_H, 1)
    $s = "C"
    Case $iRadio_R, $iDummyR
    If $s <> "R" Then
    _hBmpToPicControl($iPic_ColorGradient, $hHBmp_R)
    If $bImgLoaded Then
    $hB_H = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap($hHBmp_HR)
    _hBmpToPicControl($iPic_Histogram, $hB_H, 1)
    $s = "R"
    Case $iRadio_G, $iDummyG
    If $s <> "G" Then
    _hBmpToPicControl($iPic_ColorGradient, $hHBmp_G)
    If $bImgLoaded Then
    $hB_H = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap($hHBmp_HG)
    _hBmpToPicControl($iPic_Histogram, $hB_H, 1)
    $s = "G"
    Case $iRadio_B, $iDummyB
    If $s <> "B" Then
    _hBmpToPicControl($iPic_ColorGradient, $hHBmp_B)
    If $bImgLoaded Then
    $hB_H = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap($hHBmp_HB)
    _hBmpToPicControl($iPic_Histogram, $hB_H, 1)
    $s = "B"
    Case $iButton_Load
    $sFile = FileOpenDialog("Select an image", "", "Images (*.jpg;*.png;*.bmp;*.gif)", 3)
    If @error Then ContinueCase
    If $bImgLoaded Then _GDIPlus_ImageDispose($hImage)
    $hImage = _GDIPlus_ImageLoadFromFile($sFile)
    If @error Then
    MsgBox(0x40010, "Error", "Unable to load image", 30)
    GUICtrlSetState($iButton_Save, $GUI_ENABLE)
    $aRes = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipGetImageFlags", "handle", $hImage, "uint*", 0)
    If BitAND($aRes[2], $ImageFlagsHasAlpha) Then
    $bIsAlpha = True
    $bIsAlpha = False
    If BitAND($aRes[2], $ImageFlagsColorSpaceGRAY) Then
    $bIsGray = True
    $bIsGray = False
    $hHBmp_Preview = _GetImage($sFile, $ihGui_PreviewSize, $iBGColor)
    _hBmpToPicControl($iPic_Preview, $hHBmp_Preview, 1)
    If Not $bIsAlpha Then
    $pStructChannel3 = 0
    $iHistogramFormat = $HistogramFormatRGB
    $pStructChannel3 = DllStructGetPtr($tStructChannel3)
    $iHistogramFormat = $HistogramFormatARGB
    _GDIPlus_BitmapGetHistogram($hImage, $iHistogramFormat, _GDIPlus_BitmapGetHistogramSize($iHistogramFormat), $pStructChannel0, $pStructChannel1, $pStructChannel2, $pStructChannel3)
    $bImgLoaded = True
    If BitAND(GUICtrlRead($iRadio_L), $GUI_CHECKED) Then
    $s = ""
    ElseIf BitAND(GUICtrlRead($iRadio_C), $GUI_CHECKED) Then
    $s = ""
    ElseIf BitAND(GUICtrlRead($iRadio_R), $GUI_CHECKED) Then
    $s = ""
    ElseIf BitAND(GUICtrlRead($iRadio_G), $GUI_CHECKED) Then
    $s = ""
    $s = ""
    Case $iButton_Save
    If $sFile = "" Then ContinueLoop
    $sType = "png"
    DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipBitmapConvertFormat", "handle", $hHBmp_HL, "long", $iPixelFormat, "long", $DitherTypeSolid, "long", $iPaletteType, "struct*", $pPalette, "float", 0.0)
    DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipBitmapConvertFormat", "handle", $hHBmp_HC, "long", $iPixelFormat, "long", $DitherTypeSolid, "long", $iPaletteType, "struct*", $pPalette, "float", 0.0)
    DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipBitmapConvertFormat", "handle", $hHBmp_HR, "long", $iPixelFormat, "long", $DitherTypeSolid, "long", $iPaletteType, "struct*", $pPalette, "float", 0.0)
    DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipBitmapConvertFormat", "handle", $hHBmp_HG, "long", $iPixelFormat, "long", $DitherTypeSolid, "long", $iPaletteType, "struct*", $pPalette, "float", 0.0)
    DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipBitmapConvertFormat", "handle", $hHBmp_HB, "long", $iPixelFormat, "long", $DitherTypeSolid, "long", $iPaletteType, "struct*", $pPalette, "float", 0.0)
    $o += _GDIPlus_ImageSaveToFile($hHBmp_HL, StringRegExpReplace($sFile, "(.*)\..*", "$1") & "_Luminosity." & $sType)
    $o += _GDIPlus_ImageSaveToFile($hHBmp_HC, StringRegExpReplace($sFile, "(.*)\..*", "$1") & "_cRGB." & $sType)
    $o += _GDIPlus_ImageSaveToFile($hHBmp_HR, StringRegExpReplace($sFile, "(.*)\..*", "$1") & "_Red." & $sType)
    $o += _GDIPlus_ImageSaveToFile($hHBmp_HG, StringRegExpReplace($sFile, "(.*)\..*", "$1") & "_Green." & $sType)
    $o += _GDIPlus_ImageSaveToFile($hHBmp_HB, StringRegExpReplace($sFile, "(.*)\..*", "$1") & "_Blue." & $sType)
    If $o = 5 Then
    MsgBox(64 + 262144, "Information", "Images properly saved to " & StringRegExpReplace($sFile, "(.*)\\.*", "$1"), 30, $hGUI)
    MsgBox(16 + 262144, "Error", "One or more images could not saved to " & StringRegExpReplace($sFile, "(.*)\\.*", "$1") & ".", 30, $hGUI)
    If WinActive($hGUI) Then
    $aMouseInfo = GUIGetCursorInfo($hGUI)
    Switch $aMouseInfo[4]
    Case $iPic_Histogram
    If $bImgLoaded Then
    $aPos_hWnd = WinGetPos($hGUI)
    $imp = Max(1, Min(256, -19 + $aMouseInfo[0]))
    Switch $s
    Case "L"
    $iVal = $aLuminosity[$imp]
    Case "C"
    $iVal = $aCRGB[$imp]
    Case "R"
    $iVal = DllStructGetData($tStructChannel0, "channel0", $imp)
    Case "G"
    $iVal = DllStructGetData($tStructChannel1, "channel1", $imp)
    Case "B"
    $iVal = DllStructGetData($tStructChannel2, "channel2", $imp)
    If $iMpos_oldx <> $aMouseInfo[0] Or $iMpos_oldy <> $aMouseInfo[1] Then
    ToolTip("Index: " & $imp & ", Value: " & Round($iVal, 0) & ", Average: " & Round($fAverage_L, 2), $aPos_hWnd[0] + $aMouseInfo[0] - 60, $aMouseInfo[1] + $aPos_hWnd[1] - 20)
    $iMpos_oldx = $aMouseInfo[0]
    $iMpos_oldy = $aMouseInfo[1]
    $bShow = True
    $bHide = False

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Case Else
    If Not $bHide Then
    GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $hGui_Preview)
    $bHide = True
    $bShow = False

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Func AnimateLabel()
    Local Static $v = Int((UBound($aLabelCredit_AnimPos) - ($fLimes * $fStep * 100)) / 2)
    Local $u
    For $u = 0 To UBound($aLabelCredit_Pos) - 1
    GUICtrlSetPos($aLabelCredit_Pos[$u][3], $aLabelCredit_Pos[$u][1], $aLabelCredit_AnimPos[$v - $u])
    If $v - $u < 0 Then $v = UBound($aLabelCredit_AnimPos) - 1
    $v -= 1
    EndFunc ;==>AnimateLabel

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Func Min($a, $b)
    If $a < $b Then Return $a
    Return $b
    EndFunc ;==>Min

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Func Max($a, $b)
    If $a > $b Then Return $a
    Return $b
    EndFunc ;==>Max

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Func ShowPreview($iCtrl)
    $aPosWin = WinGetPos($hGUI)
    $aPosCtrl = ControlGetPos($hGUI, "", $iCtrl)
    Local $iNewX, $iNewX1 = $aPosWin[0] - $ihGui_PreviewSize + 10, $iNewX2 = $aPosWin[0] + $aPosWin[2] - 10
    $iNewX = $iNewX1
    If $iNewX1 < $aFullScreen[0] Then
    $iNewX = $iNewX2
    WinMove($hGui_Preview, "", $iNewX, $aPosWin[1] + 50)
    GUISetState(@SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE, $hGui_Preview)
    EndFunc ;==>ShowPreview

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Func _GetImage($sFile, $iWH, $iBkClr = 0xFFFFFF)
    Local $hBmp1, $hBitmap, $hGraphic, $hImage, $iW, $iH, $aGS, $hBmp2, $aFTS
    $aFTS = FileGetTime($sFile)
    If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
    $hBmp1 = _WinAPI_CreateBitmap($iWH, $iWH, 1, 32)
    $hBitmap = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromHBITMAP($hBmp1)
    $hGraphic = _GDIPlus_ImageGetGraphicsContext($hBitmap)
    _GDIPlus_GraphicsClear($hGraphic, BitOR(0xFF000000, $iBkClr))
    $hImage = _GDIPlus_ImageLoadFromFile($sFile)
    $iW = _GDIPlus_ImageGetWidth($hImage)
    $iH = _GDIPlus_ImageGetHeight($hImage)
    GUICtrlSetData($idLabel_Info, StringRegExpReplace($sFile, ".*\\(.*)", "$1") & @LF & Round(FileGetSize($sFile) / 1024, 0) & " kb (" & $iW & " x " & $iH & ")" & @LF & $aFTS[0] & "/" & $aFTS[1] & "/" & $aFTS[2] & " " & $aFTS[3] & ":" & $aFTS[4] & ":" & $aFTS[5] & @LF & "Alpha: " & $bIsAlpha & ", Gray: " & $bIsGray)
    $aGS = _GetScale($iW, $iH, $iWH)
    _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImageRect($hGraphic, $hImage, $aGS[0], $aGS[1], $aGS[2], $aGS[3])
    $hBmp2 = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap($hBitmap)
    Return $hBmp2
    EndFunc ;==>_GetImage

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Func _GetScale($iW, $iH, $iWH)
    Local $aRet[4]
    If $iW <= $iWH And $iH <= $iWH Then
    $aRet[2] = $iW
    $aRet[3] = $iH
    $aRet[0] = ($iWH - $aRet[2]) / 2
    $aRet[1] = ($iWH - $aRet[3]) / 2
    ElseIf $iW > $iH Then
    $aRet[2] = $iWH
    $aRet[3] = $iH / ($iW / $iWH)
    $aRet[0] = 0
    $aRet[1] = ($iWH - $aRet[3]) / 2
    ElseIf $iW < $iH Then
    $aRet[2] = $iW / ($iH / $iWH)
    $aRet[3] = $iWH
    $aRet[0] = ($iWH - $aRet[2]) / 2
    $aRet[1] = 0
    ElseIf $iW = $iH Then
    $aRet[2] = $iWH
    $aRet[3] = $iWH
    $aRet[0] = 0
    $aRet[1] = 0
    Return $aRet
    EndFunc ;==>_GetScale

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Func _hBmpToPicControl($iCID, ByRef $hBmp, $iFlag = 0)
    Local $hOldBmp
    $hOldBmp = GUICtrlSendMsg($iCID, $STM_SETIMAGE, $IMAGE_BITMAP, $hBmp)
    If $hOldBmp Then _WinAPI_DeleteObject($hOldBmp)
    If $iFlag Then _WinAPI_DeleteObject($hBmp)
    EndFunc ;==>_hBmpToPicControl

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Func _GDIPlus_CreateHistogram($sRounding = "Ceiling")
    Local $iMaxL, $iMaxC, $iMaxR, $iMaxG, $iMaxB, $a, $r, $g, $b, $yR, $yG, $yB
    For $i = 1 + $bIsAlpha To 256
    If $bIsAlpha Then
    ;~ ConsoleWrite("Alpha: " & DllStructGetData($tStructChannel0, "channel0", $i) & @CRLF)
    $r = DllStructGetData($tStructChannel1, "channel1", $i)
    $yR = $r * $frY
    If DllStructGetData($tStructChannel1 , "channel1", $i) > $iMaxR Then $iMaxR = $r

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    $g = DllStructGetData($tStructChannel2, "channel2", $i)
    $yG = $g * $fgY
    If DllStructGetData($tStructChannel2 , "channel2", $i) > $iMaxG Then $iMaxG = $g

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    $b = DllStructGetData($tStructChannel3, "channel3", $i)
    $yB = $b * $fbY
    If DllStructGetData($tStructChannel3 , "channel3", $i) > $iMaxB Then $iMaxB = $b

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    $fAverage_cRGB += $r + $g + $b
    $fAverage_L += $yR + $yG + $yB
    $r = DllStructGetData($tStructChannel0, "channel0", $i)
    $yR = $r * $frY
    If DllStructGetData($tStructChannel0 , "channel0", $i) > $iMaxR Then $iMaxR = $r

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    $g = DllStructGetData($tStructChannel1, "channel1", $i)
    $yG = $g * $fgY
    If DllStructGetData($tStructChannel1 , "channel1", $i) > $iMaxG Then $iMaxG = $g

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    $b = DllStructGetData($tStructChannel2, "channel2", $i)
    $yB = $b * $fbY
    If DllStructGetData($tStructChannel2 , "channel2", $i) > $iMaxB Then $iMaxB = $b

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    $fAverage_cRGB += $r + $g + $b
    $fAverage_L += $yR + $yG + $yB

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    $aLuminosity[$i] = $yR + $yG + $yB
    If $aLuminosity[$i] > $iMaxL Then $iMaxL = $aLuminosity[$i]

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    $aCRGB[$i] = ($r + $g + $b) / 3
    If $aCRGB[$i] > $iMaxC Then $iMaxC = $aCRGB[$i]
    $fAverage_cRGB /= 256 * 3
    $fAverage_L /= 256

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    _GDIPlus_GraphicsClear($hCtxt_HL, 0xFFFFFFFF)
    _GDIPlus_GraphicsClear($hCtxt_HC, 0xFFFFFFFF)
    _GDIPlus_GraphicsClear($hCtxt_HR, 0xFFFFFFFF)
    _GDIPlus_GraphicsClear($hCtxt_HG, 0xFFFFFFFF)
    _GDIPlus_GraphicsClear($hCtxt_HB, 0xFFFFFFFF)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Local $iDL = 1, $iDC = 1, $iDR = 1, $iDG = 1, $iDB = 1
    Local $sRoundings = "Round,Ceiling,Floor,"
    If Not StringInStr($sRoundings, $sRounding) Then $sRounding = "Ceiling"
    If $iMaxL > 128 Then
    ;~ $iDL = Ceiling($iMaxL / 128)
    $iDL = Execute($sRounding & "(" & $iMaxL / 128 & ")")
    $iDL = 1 / (128 / $iMaxL)
    If $iMaxC > 128 Then
    ;~ $iDC = Ceiling($iMaxC / 128)
    $iDC = Execute($sRounding & "(" & $iMaxC / 128 & ")")
    $iDC = 1 / (128 / $iMaxC)
    If $iMaxR > 128 Then
    ;~ $iDR = Ceiling($iMaxR / 128)
    $iDR = Execute($sRounding & "(" & $iMaxR / 128 & ")")
    $iDR = 1 / (128 / $iMaxR)
    If $iMaxG > 128 Then
    ;~ $iDG = Ceiling($iMaxG / 128)
    $iDG = Execute($sRounding & "(" & $iMaxG / 128 & ")")
    $iDG = 1 / (128 / $iMaxG)
    If $iMaxB > 128 Then
    ;~ $iDB = Ceiling($iMaxB / 128)
    $iDB = Execute($sRounding & "(" & $iMaxB / 128 & ")")
    $iDB = 1 / (128 / $iMaxB)
    For $i = 1 To 256
    _GDIPlus_PenSetColor($hPen_H, 0xFF000000)
    _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawLine($hCtxt_HL, $i - 1, 127, $i - 1, 127 - (Int($aLuminosity[$i] / $iDL)), $hPen_H)
    _GDIPlus_PenSetColor($hPen_H, 0xFF000000)
    _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawLine($hCtxt_HC, $i - 1, 127, $i - 1, 127 - (Int($aCRGB[$i] / $iDC)), $hPen_H)
    _GDIPlus_PenSetColor($hPen_H, 0xFFB00000)
    If $bIsAlpha Then
    _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawLine($hCtxt_HR, $i - 1, 127, $i - 1, 127 - (Int(DllStructGetData($tStructChannel1, "channel1", $i) / $iDR)), $hPen_H)
    _GDIPlus_PenSetColor($hPen_H, 0xFF00B000)
    _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawLine($hCtxt_HG, $i - 1, 127, $i - 1, 127 - (Int(DllStructGetData($tStructChannel2, "channel2", $i) / $iDG)), $hPen_H)
    _GDIPlus_PenSetColor($hPen_H, 0xFF0000B0)
    _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawLine($hCtxt_HB, $i - 1, 127, $i - 1, 127 - (Int(DllStructGetData($tStructChannel3, "channel3", $i) / $iDB)), $hPen_H)
    _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawLine($hCtxt_HR, $i - 1, 127, $i - 1, 127 - (Int(DllStructGetData($tStructChannel0, "channel0", $i) / $iDR)), $hPen_H)
    _GDIPlus_PenSetColor($hPen_H, 0xFF00B000)
    _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawLine($hCtxt_HG, $i - 1, 127, $i - 1, 127 - (Int(DllStructGetData($tStructChannel1, "channel1", $i) / $iDG)), $hPen_H)
    _GDIPlus_PenSetColor($hPen_H, 0xFF0000B0)
    _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawLine($hCtxt_HB, $i - 1, 127, $i - 1, 127 - (Int(DllStructGetData($tStructChannel2, "channel2", $i) / $iDB)), $hPen_H)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_CreateHistogram

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Func _GDIPlus_CreateColorGradient($sColorChannel, $iW, $iH, $bHBitmap = True)
    Local $aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "uint", "GdipCreateBitmapFromScan0", "int", $iW, "int", $iH, "int", 0, "int", 0x0026200A, "ptr", 0, "int*", 0)
    Local $hCtxt = _GDIPlus_ImageGetGraphicsContext($aResult[6])
    ;~ _GDIPlus_GraphicsSetSmoothingMode($hCtxt, 2)
    Local $hPen = _GDIPlus_PenCreate()
    DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "uint", "GdipSetPenLineJoin", "handle", $hPen, "int", $iLineJoinBevel)
    Local $i, $c
    For $i = 0 To $iW
    $c = Hex($i, 2)
    Switch $sColorChannel
    Case "L"
    _GDIPlus_PenSetColor($hPen, "0xFF" & $c & $c & $c)
    Case "C"
    _GDIPlus_PenSetColor($hPen, "0xFF" & $c & $c & $c)
    Case "R"
    _GDIPlus_PenSetColor($hPen, "0xFF" & $c & "0000")
    Case "G"
    _GDIPlus_PenSetColor($hPen, "0xFF00" & $c & "00")
    Case "B"
    _GDIPlus_PenSetColor($hPen, "0xFF0000" & $c)
    _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawLine($hCtxt, $i, 0, $i, $iH, $hPen)
    If $bHBitmap Then
    Local $hHBmp = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap($aResult[6])
    Return $hHBmp
    Return $aResult[6]
    EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_CreateColorGradient

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Func _GDIPlus_BitmapGetHistogram($hBitmap, $iFormat, $iGetHistogramSize, $pStructChannel0, $pStructChannel1, $pStructChannel2, $pStructChannel3 = 0)
    Local $aRes = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "bool", "GdipBitmapGetHistogram", "handle", $hBitmap, "uint", $iFormat, "uint", $iGetHistogramSize, "struct*", $pStructChannel0, "struct*", $pStructChannel1, "struct*", $pStructChannel2, "struct*", $pStructChannel3)
    If @error Then Return SetError(1, @error, 0)
    Return 1
    EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_BitmapGetHistogram

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Func _GDIPlus_BitmapGetHistogramSize($iFormat)
    Local $aRes = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipBitmapGetHistogramSize", "uint", $iFormat, "dword*", 0)
    If @error Then Return SetError(1, @error, 0)
    Return $aRes[2]
    EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_BitmapGetHistogramSize

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Func _GDIPlus11_Startup() ;code by Authenticity - modified by UEZ
    Local $pInput, $tInput, $pToken, $tToken, $aResult, $os

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    $giGDIPRef += 1
    If $giGDIPRef > 1 Then Return True

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Switch @OSVersion
    Case "WIN_VISTA", "WIN_2008"
    $ghGDIPDll = DllOpen(@WindowsDir & "\winsxs\\gdiplus.dll")
    Case "WIN_2008R2", "WIN_7", "WIN_8"
    $ghGDIPDll = DllOpen(@SystemDir & "\gdiplus.dll")
    Case Else
    Return SetError(1)
    ;~ _WinAPI_Check("_GDIPlus_Startup (GDIPlus.dll not found)", @error, False)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    $tInput = DllStructCreate($tagGDIPSTARTUPINPUT)
    $pInput = DllStructGetPtr($tInput)
    $tToken = DllStructCreate("int Data")
    $pToken = DllStructGetPtr($tToken)
    DllStructSetData($tInput, "Version", 1)
    $aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdiplusStartup", "ptr", $pToken, "ptr", $pInput, "ptr", 0)
    If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, False)
    $giGDIPToken = DllStructGetData($tToken, "Data")
    Return $aResult[0] = 0
    EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus11_Startup


    Keine Ahnung für was man sowas gebrauchen kann...

    Läuft ab Vista und aufwärts, da GDI+ v1.1 benötigt wird.


  • Hi,


    Keine Ahnung für was man sowas gebrauchen kann...

    Das erinnert mich an unsere Diskussion abends im Irish Pub zum Thema Grafik und "brotlose Kunst" :thumbup:

    Klasse Script!

    Übrigens ist ein Histogramm nur eine Darstellung der Häufigkeitsverteilung bestimmter Werte in einem Bereich, bei Bildern bietet es sich an, die Häufigkeit der Farben (in den einzelnen Farbkanälen) darzustellen.
    Anhand des Histogramms kann man dann Rückschlüsse ziehen auf die Farb/Helligkeitsverteilung im Bild, und diese dann gezielt über die einzelnen Farbkanäle beeinflussen.

    Bau auch die Schieberegler von 0-255 für die einzelnen Kanäle ein, und du hast die von 90% aller Bildbearbeiter zuerst verwendete Methode zum Bearbeiten der Farbwerte ;)

  • War von mir falsch ausgedrückt! Meinte eher wie ich die Werte interpretieren soll. Wann ist ein Bild ein gut aufgenommenes Bild? Etc.

    Apropos Schieberegler. Wer Lust und Zeit hat kann ja hierzu eine GUI mit Schiebereglern bauen.

    Spoiler anzeigen

    #include <Array.au3>
    #include <GDIplus.au3>

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Global Const $GDIP_BLUREFFECT = "{633C80A4-1843-482b-9EF2-BE2834C5FDD4}"
    Global Const $GDIP_BRIGHTNESSCONTRASTEFFECT = "{D3A1DBE1-8EC4-4c17-9F4C-EA97AD1C343D}"
    Global Const $GDIP_COLORBALANCEEFFECT = "{537E597D-251E-48da-9664-29CA496B70F8}"
    Global Const $GDIP_COLORCURVEEFFECT = "{DD6A0022-58E4-4a67-9D9B-D48EB881A53D}"
    Global Const $GDIP_COLORLUTEFFECT = "{A7CE72A9-0F7F-40d7-B3CC-D0C02D5C3212}"
    Global Const $GDIP_COLORMATRIXEFFECT = "{718F2615-7933-40e3-A511-5F68FE14DD74}"
    Global Const $GDIP_HUESATURATIONLIGHTNESSEFFECT = "{8B2DD6C3-EB07-4d87-A5F0-7108E26A9C5F}"
    Global Const $GDIP_LEVELSEFFECT = "{99C354EC-2A31-4f3a-8C34-17A803B33A25}"
    Global Const $GDIP_REDEYECORRECTIONEFFECT = "{74D29D05-69A4-4266-9549-3CC52836B632}"
    Global Const $GDIP_TINTEFFECT = "{1077AF00-2848-4441-9489-44AD4C2D7A2C}"
    Global Const $GDIP_SHARPENEFFECT = "{63CBF3EE-C526-402c-8F71-62C540BF5142}"

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0x40010, "Error", "GDI+ Effect Collection can run on operating systems Vista or newer only!")

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Global $file = FileOpenDialog("Select Image", "", "Images (*.jpg;*.png;*.bmp;*.gif)")
    If @error Then Exit _GDIPlus_Shutdown()

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Global $hBitmap = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromFile($file)
    Global $iW = _GDIPlus_ImageGetWidth($hBitmap)
    Global $iH = _GDIPlus_ImageGetHeight($hBitmap)
    Global $hGUI = GUICreate("GDI+ v1.1 Effect Collection by UEZ 2013", $iW, $iH)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Global $hGraphics = _GDIPlus_GraphicsCreateFromHWND($hGUI)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Global $hEffect

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Global $tRECTF = DllStructCreate($tagGDIPRECTF)
    DllStructSetData($tRECTF, "X", 0)
    DllStructSetData($tRECTF, "Y", 0)
    DllStructSetData($tRECTF, "Width", $iW)
    DllStructSetData($tRECTF, "Height", $iH)
    Global $pRECTF = DllStructGetPtr($tRECTF)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ;Color LUT
    Global Const $tagCOLORLUTPARAMS = "byte ColorChannelLUTB[256];byte ColorChannelLUTG[256];byte ColorChannelLUTR[256];byte ColorChannelLUTA[256]"
    Global $tColorLUT = DllStructCreate($tagCOLORLUTPARAMS)
    For $i = 192 To 256
    DllStructSetData($tColorLUT, "ColorChannelLUTR", 0xA0, $i)
    DllStructSetData($tColorLUT, "ColorChannelLUTG", 0xB0, $i)
    DllStructSetData($tColorLUT, "ColorChannelLUTB", 0xC0, $i)
    $hEffect = _GDIPlus_ColorLUT($tColorLUT)
    ConsoleWrite("Color LUT" & @CRLF)
    _GDIPlus_DrawImageFX($hGraphics, $hBitmap, $pRECTF, $hEffect)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ;~ ;Blur
    Global Const $tagBLURPARAMS = "float radius;bool expandEdge" ;0-255; False/True
    Global $tBlur = DllStructCreate($tagBLURPARAMS)
    $hEffect = _GDIPlus_Blur($tBlur, 10)
    ConsoleWrite("Blur" & @CRLF)
    _GDIPlus_DrawImageFX($hGraphics, $hBitmap, $pRECTF, $hEffect)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ;Brightness Contrast
    Global Const $tagBRIGHTNESSCONTRASTPARAMS = "int brightnessLevel;int contrastLevel" ;-255-255; -100-100
    Global $tBrightnessContrast = DllStructCreate($tagBRIGHTNESSCONTRASTPARAMS)
    $hEffect = _GDIPlus_BrightnessContrast($tBrightnessContrast, -60, 90)
    ConsoleWrite("Brightness Contrast" & @CRLF)
    _GDIPlus_DrawImageFX($hGraphics, $hBitmap, $pRECTF, $hEffect)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ;Color Balance
    Global Const $tagCOLORBALANCEPARAMS = "int cyanRed;int magentaGreen;int yellowBlue" ;-100-100; -100-100; -100-100
    Global $tColorBalance = DllStructCreate($tagCOLORBALANCEPARAMS)
    $hEffect = _GDIPlus_ColorBalance($tColorBalance, 60, -50, 20)
    ConsoleWrite("Color Balance" & @CRLF)
    _GDIPlus_DrawImageFX($hGraphics, $hBitmap, $pRECTF, $hEffect)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ;Color Curve
    Global Enum $iAdjustExposure = 0, $iAdjustDensity, $iAdjustContrast, $iAdjustHighlight, $iAdjustShadow, _ ;…8(v=vs.85).aspx
    $iAdjustMidtone, $iAdjustWhiteSaturation, $iAdjustBlackSaturation
    Global Enum $iCurveChannelAll = 0, $iCurveChannelRed, $iCurveChannelGreen, $iCurveChannelBlue ;…0(v=vs.85).aspx
    Global Const $tagCOLORCURVEEFFECTPARAMS = "int type;int channel;int value"
    Global $tColorCurve = DllStructCreate($tagCOLORCURVEEFFECTPARAMS)
    $hEffect = _GDIPlus_ColorCurve($tColorCurve, $iAdjustHighlight, $iCurveChannelAll, 90)
    ConsoleWrite("Color Curve" & @CRLF)
    _GDIPlus_DrawImageFX($hGraphics, $hBitmap, $pRECTF, $hEffect)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ;Color Matrix
    Global Const $tagGDIPCOLORMATRIXPARAMS = "float m[25];"
    Global $tColorMatrix = DllStructCreate($tagGDIPCOLORMATRIXPARAMS)
    Global $fRed = 0.66, $fGreen = 0.5, $fBlue = 0.5, $fAlpha = 1
    $hEffect = _GDIPlus_ColorMatrix($tColorMatrix, $fRed, $fGreen, $fBlue, $fAlpha)
    ConsoleWrite("Color Matrix" & @CRLF)
    _GDIPlus_DrawImageFX($hGraphics, $hBitmap, $pRECTF, $hEffect)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ;Hue Saturation Lightness
    Global Const $tagHUESATURATIONLIGHTNESSPARAMS = "int hueLevel;int saturationLevel;int lightnessLevel" ;-180-180; -100-100; -100-100
    Global $tHueSaturationLightness = DllStructCreate($tagHUESATURATIONLIGHTNESSPARAMS)
    $hEffect = _GDIPlus_HueSaturationLightness($tHueSaturationLightness, 90, -50, 20)
    ConsoleWrite("Hue Saturation Lightness" & @CRLF)
    _GDIPlus_DrawImageFX($hGraphics, $hBitmap, $pRECTF, $hEffect)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Global Const $tagLEVELSPARAMS = "int highlight;int midtone;int shadow" ;0-100; -100-100; 0-100
    Global $tLevels = DllStructCreate($tagLEVELSPARAMS)
    $hEffect = _GDIPlus_Levels($tLevels, 60, -50, 20)
    ConsoleWrite("Levels" & @CRLF)
    _GDIPlus_DrawImageFX($hGraphics, $hBitmap, $pRECTF, $hEffect)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Global Const $tagSHARPENPARAMS = "float radius;float amount" ;0-255; 0-100
    Global $tSharpen = DllStructCreate($tagSHARPENPARAMS)
    $hEffect = _GDIPlus_Sharpen($tSharpen, 60, 90)
    ConsoleWrite("Sharpen" & @CRLF)
    _GDIPlus_DrawImageFX($hGraphics, $hBitmap, $pRECTF, $hEffect)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Global Const $tagTINTPARAMS = "int hue;int amount" ;-180-180; -100-100
    Global $tTint = DllStructCreate($tagTINTPARAMS)
    $hEffect = _GDIPlus_Tint($tTint, 60, 40)
    ConsoleWrite("Tint" & @CRLF)
    _GDIPlus_DrawImageFX($hGraphics, $hBitmap, $pRECTF, $hEffect)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ;~ ;Red Eye v1
    ;~ Global $tRECT1 = DllStructCreate("long left;long top;long right;long buttom")
    ;~ DllStructSetData($tRECT1, "left", 55)
    ;~ DllStructSetData($tRECT1, "top", 69)
    ;~ DllStructSetData($tRECT1, "right", 68)
    ;~ DllStructSetData($tRECT1, "buttom", 81)
    ;~ Global $pRECT1 = DllStructGetPtr($tRECT1)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ;~ Global $tRECT2 = DllStructCreate("long left;long top;long right;long buttom")
    ;~ DllStructSetData($tRECT2, "left", 159)
    ;~ DllStructSetData($tRECT2, "top", 68)
    ;~ DllStructSetData($tRECT2, "right", 172)
    ;~ DllStructSetData($tRECT2, "buttom", 81)
    ;~ Global $pRECT2 = DllStructGetPtr($tRECT2)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ;~ Global Const $tagREDEYECORRECTIONPARAMS = "uint numberOfAreas;int areas[1]"
    ;~ Global $tRedEye = DllStructCreate($tagREDEYECORRECTIONPARAMS)
    ;~ Global Const $pRedEye = DllStructGetPtr($tRedEye)
    ;~ DllStructSetData($tRedEye, "numberOfAreas", 1)
    ;~ DllStructSetData($tRedEye, "areas", $tRECT1, 1)
    ;~ $hEffect = _GDIPlus_EffectCreate($GDIP_REDEYECORRECTIONEFFECT)
    ;~ ConsoleWrite(_GDIPlus_EffectsSetParameters($hEffect, $pRedEye) & " / " & @error & @LF)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ;~ ;Red Eye v2
    ;~ Global $aByteRECT = _ByteArray_Create("struct;long Left;long Top;long Right;long Bottom;endstruct", 2)
    ;~ _WinAPI_SetRect($aByteRECT[1], 55, 69, 68, 81)
    ;~ _WinAPI_SetRect($aByteRECT[2], 159, 68, 172, 81)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ;~ Global Const $tagREDEYECORRECTIONPARAMS = "uint numberOfAreas;ptr areas"
    ;~ Global $tRedEye = DllStructCreate($tagREDEYECORRECTIONPARAMS)
    ;~ Global Const $pRedEye = DllStructGetPtr($tRedEye)
    ;~ DllStructSetData($tRedEye, "numberOfAreas", 2) ; Anzahl der übergebenen RECT
    ;~ DllStructSetData($tRedEye, "areas", DllStructGetPtr($aByteRECT))
    ;~ $hEffect = _GDIPlus_EffectCreate($GDIP_REDEYECORRECTIONEFFECT)
    ;~ ConsoleWrite(_GDIPlus_EffectsSetParameters($hEffect, $pRedEye) & @LF)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ;~ ConsoleWrite("Red Eye" & @CRLF)
    ;~ _GDIPlus_DrawImageFX($hGraphics, $hBitmap, $pRECTF, $hEffect)
    ;~ _GDIPlus_EffectDispose($hEffect)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ;~ $hBitmap_Effect = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateApplyEffect($hBitmap, $hEffect)
    ;~ _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImage($hGraphics, $hBitmap_Effect, 0, 0)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    $tBlur = 0
    $tTint = 0
    $tColorCurve = 0
    $tSharpen = 0
    $tColorMatrix = 0
    $tBrightnessContrast = 0
    $tLevels = 0
    $tColorBalance = 0
    $tColorColorChannelLUT = 0
    $tRedEye = 0
    $tRECTF1 = 0
    $tRECTF2 = 0
    $tRECTF = 0

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    MsgBox(0, "", "Done")

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Until GUIGetMsg() = -3

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ;~ _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose($hBitmap_Effect)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]


    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]


    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ;Red Eye
    Global $aByteRECT = _ByteArray_Create("struct;long Left;long Top;long Right;long Bottom;endstruct", 2)
    _WinAPI_SetRect($aByteRECT[1], 55, 69, 68, 81)
    _WinAPI_SetRect($aByteRECT[2], 159, 68, 172, 81)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Global Const $tagREDEYECORRECTIONPARAMS = "uint numberOfAreas;ptr areas"
    Global $tRedEye = DllStructCreate($tagREDEYECORRECTIONPARAMS)
    Global Const $pRedEye = DllStructGetPtr($tRedEye)
    DllStructSetData($tRedEye, "numberOfAreas", 2) ; Anzahl der übergebenen RECT
    DllStructSetData($tRedEye, "areas", DllStructGetPtr($aByteRECT))
    $hEffect = _GDIPlus_EffectCreate($GDIP_REDEYECORRECTIONEFFECT)
    ConsoleWrite(_GDIPlus_EffectsSetParameters($hEffect, $pRedEye) & @LF)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ConsoleWrite("Red Eye" & @CRLF)
    _GDIPlus_DrawImageFX($hGraphics, $hBitmap, $pRECTF, $hEffect)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Function Name: _ByteArrayCreate($sSTRUCT, $iELEMENTS=2)
    ; Description: Erstellt eine Bytearray-Struktur
    ; $aBYTE[0] enthält die Variable, die an einen Dll-Aufruf zu übergeben wäre
    ; Parameter(s): $sSTRUCT String der Struktur
    ; $iELEMENTS Anzahl der Elemente des Bytearray
    ; Return Value(s): das erstellte Bytearray
    ; Author(s): BugFix ([email=''][/email])
    Func _ByteArray_Create($sSTRUCT, $iELEMENTS = 2)
    Local $SIZE = DllStructGetSize(DllStructCreate($sSTRUCT, 1))
    Local $aBYTE[$iELEMENTS + 1]
    $aBYTE[0] = DllStructCreate('byte[' & $SIZE * $iELEMENTS & "]")
    Local $Ptr = DllStructGetPtr($aBYTE[0])
    For $i = 0 To $iELEMENTS - 1
    $aBYTE[$i + 1] = DllStructCreate($sSTRUCT, $Ptr + $i * $SIZE)
    Return $aBYTE
    EndFunc ;==>_ByteArray_Create

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    ; Function Name: _WinAPI_SetRect(ByRef $tRECT, $X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2)
    ; Description: Befüllt eine RECT-Struktur in einem Aufruf mit Werten
    ; Parameter(s): $tRECT RECT-Struktur
    ; $X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2 Werte des Rectangle
    ; Return Value(s): Erfolg > 0
    ; Fehler 0 set @error
    ; Author(s): BugFix ([email=''][/email])
    Func _WinAPI_SetRect(ByRef $tRECT, $X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2)
    Local $ret = DllCall("user32", 'long', 'SetRect', 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($tRECT), 'long', $X1, 'long', $Y1, 'long', $X2, 'long', $Y2)
    If @error > 0 Then Return SetError(1, @error, 0)
    Return $ret[0]
    EndFunc ;==>_WinAPI_SetRect

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Func _GDIPlus_Blur($tBlur, $fRadius, $bExpandEdge = False)
    If Not IsDllStruct($tBlur) Then Return SetError(1, @error, 0)
    DllStructSetData($tBlur, "radius", $fRadius)
    DllStructSetData($tBlur, "expandEdge", $bExpandEdge)
    Local $hEffect = _GDIPlus_EffectCreate($GDIP_BLUREFFECT)
    If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0)
    _GDIPlus_EffectsSetParameters($hEffect, DllStructGetPtr($tBlur))
    If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, 0)
    Return $hEffect

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Func _GDIPlus_BrightnessContrast($tBrightnessContrast, $iBrightnessLevel, $iContrastLevel)
    If Not IsDllStruct($tBlur) Then Return SetError(1, @error, 0)
    DllStructSetData($tBrightnessContrast, "brightnessLevel", $iBrightnessLevel)
    DllStructSetData($tBrightnessContrast, "contrastLevel", $iContrastLevel)
    Local $hEffect = _GDIPlus_EffectCreate($GDIP_BRIGHTNESSCONTRASTEFFECT)
    If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0)
    _GDIPlus_EffectsSetParameters($hEffect, DllStructGetPtr($tBrightnessContrast))
    If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, 0)
    Return $hEffect

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Func _GDIPlus_ColorBalance($tColorBalance, $iCyanRed, $iMagentaGreen, $iYellowBlue)
    If Not IsDllStruct($tBlur) Then Return SetError(1, @error, 0)
    DllStructSetData($tColorBalance, "cyanRed", $iCyanRed)
    DllStructSetData($tColorBalance, "magentaGreen", $iMagentaGreen)
    DllStructSetData($tColorBalance, "yellowBlue", $iYellowBlue)
    Local $hEffect = _GDIPlus_EffectCreate($GDIP_COLORBALANCEEFFECT)
    If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0)
    _GDIPlus_EffectsSetParameters($hEffect, DllStructGetPtr($tColorBalance))
    If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, 0)
    Return $hEffect

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Func _GDIPlus_ColorCurve($tColorCurve, $iType, $iChannel, $iValue)
    If Not IsDllStruct($tBlur) Then Return SetError(1, @error, 0)
    DllStructSetData($tColorCurve, "type", $iType)
    DllStructSetData($tColorCurve, "channel", $iChannel)
    DllStructSetData($tColorCurve, "value", $iValue)
    Local $hEffect = _GDIPlus_EffectCreate($GDIP_COLORCURVEEFFECT)
    If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0)
    _GDIPlus_EffectsSetParameters($hEffect, DllStructGetPtr($tColorCurve))
    If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, 0)
    Return $hEffect

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Func _GDIPlus_ColorLUT($tColorLUT)
    If Not IsDllStruct($tColorLUT) Then Return SetError(1, @error, 0)
    Local $hEffect = _GDIPlus_EffectCreate($GDIP_COLORLUTEFFECT)
    If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0)
    _GDIPlus_EffectsSetParameters($hEffect, DllStructGetPtr($tColorLUT))
    If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, 0)
    Return $hEffect

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Func _GDIPlus_ColorMatrix($tColorMatrix, $fRed, $fGreen, $fBlue, $fAlpha)
    If Not IsDllStruct($tBlur) Then Return SetError(1, @error, 0)
    DllStructSetData($tColorMatrix, "m", $fRed, 1)
    DllStructSetData($tColorMatrix, "m", $fGreen, 7)
    DllStructSetData($tColorMatrix, "m", $fBlue, 13)
    DllStructSetData($tColorMatrix, "m", $fAlpha, 19)
    DllStructSetData($tColorMatrix, "m", 1, 25) ;the element in the fifth row and fifth column of a 5×5 homogeneous matrix must be 1, and all of the other elements in the fifth column must be 0
    Local $hEffect = _GDIPlus_EffectCreate($GDIP_COLORMATRIXEFFECT)
    If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0)
    _GDIPlus_EffectsSetParameters($hEffect, DllStructGetPtr($tColorMatrix))
    If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, 0)
    Return $hEffect

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Func _GDIPlus_HueSaturationLightness($tHueSaturationLightness, $iHueLevel, $iSaturationLevel, $iLightnessLevel)
    If Not IsDllStruct($tBlur) Then Return SetError(1, @error, 0)
    DllStructSetData($tHueSaturationLightness, "hueLevel", $iHueLevel)
    DllStructSetData($tHueSaturationLightness, "saturationLevel", $iSaturationLevel)
    DllStructSetData($tHueSaturationLightness, "lightnessLevel", $iLightnessLevel)
    If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0)
    _GDIPlus_EffectsSetParameters($hEffect, DllStructGetPtr($tHueSaturationLightness))
    If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, 0)
    Return $hEffect

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Func _GDIPlus_Levels($tLevels, $iHighlight, $iMidtone, $iShadow)
    If Not IsDllStruct($tBlur) Then Return SetError(1, @error, 0)
    DllStructSetData($tLevels, "highlight", 60)
    DllStructSetData($tLevels, "midtone", -50)
    DllStructSetData($tLevels, "shadow", 20)
    Local $hEffect = _GDIPlus_EffectCreate($GDIP_LEVELSEFFECT)
    If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0)
    _GDIPlus_EffectsSetParameters($hEffect, DllStructGetPtr($tLevels))
    If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, 0)
    Return $hEffect

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Func _GDIPlus_Sharpen($tSharpen, $fRadius, $fAmount)
    If Not IsDllStruct($tBlur) Then Return SetError(1, @error, 0)
    DllStructSetData($tSharpen, "radius", $fRadius)
    DllStructSetData($tSharpen, "amount", $fAmount)
    Local $hEffect = _GDIPlus_EffectCreate($GDIP_SHARPENEFFECT)
    If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0)
    _GDIPlus_EffectsSetParameters($hEffect, DllStructGetPtr($tSharpen))
    If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, 0)
    Return $hEffect

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Func _GDIPlus_Tint($tTint, $iHue, $iAmount)
    If Not IsDllStruct($tBlur) Then Return SetError(1, @error, 0)
    DllStructSetData($tTint, "hue", $iHue)
    DllStructSetData($tTint, "amount", $iAmount)
    Local $hEffect = _GDIPlus_EffectCreate($GDIP_TINTEFFECT)
    If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0)
    _GDIPlus_EffectsSetParameters($hEffect, DllStructGetPtr($tTint))
    If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, 0)
    Return $hEffect

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Func _GDIPlus_EffectCreate($sEffectGUID, $pEffect = 0)
    Local $iI, $tGUID, $pGUID, $tElem, $aElem[4], $aResult
    $tGUID = _WinAPI_GUIDFromString($sEffectGUID)
    $pGUID = DllStructGetPtr($tGUID)
    $tElem = DllStructCreate("uint[4]", $pGUID)
    For $iI = 1 To 4
    $aElem[$iI - 1] = DllStructGetData($tElem, 1, $iI)
    $aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "uint", "GdipCreateEffect", "uint", $aElem[0], "uint", $aElem[1], "uint", $aElem[2], "uint", $aElem[3], "uint*", $pEffect)
    If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0)
    Return SetError($aResult[0], 0, $aResult[5])
    EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_EffectCreate

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Func _GDIPlus_EffectsSetParameters($hEffectObject, $pEffectParameters)
    Local $aSize = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "uint", "GdipGetEffectParameterSize", "handle", $hEffectObject, "uint*", 0)
    Local $iSize = $aSize[2]
    Local $aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "uint", "GdipSetEffectParameters", "handle", $hEffectObject, "ptr", $pEffectParameters, "uint", $iSize)
    If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0)
    Return SetError($aResult[0], 0, $aResult[3])
    EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_EffectsSetParameters

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Func _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateApplyEffect($hBitmap, $hEffect, $pROI = 0, $pOutRect = 0, $hBmpOutput = 0)
    Local $aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "uint", "GdipBitmapCreateApplyEffect", _
    "ptr*", $hBitmap, _
    "int", 1, _
    "handle", $hEffect, _
    "ptr", $pROI, _
    "ptr", $pOutRect, _
    "int*", $hBmpOutput, _
    "int", 0, "ptr*", 0, "int*", 0)
    If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0)
    Return SetError($aResult[0], 0, $aResult[6])
    EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_BitmapCreateApplyEffect

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Func _GDIPlus_EffectDispose($hEffect)
    Local $aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "uint", "GdipDeleteEffect", "handle", $hEffect)
    If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0)
    Return SetError($aResult[0], 0, $aResult[0] = 0)
    EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_EffectDispose

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Func _GDIPlus_BitmapApplyEffect($hBitmap, $hEffect, $pROI = 0)
    Local $aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "uint", "GdipBitmapApplyEffect", "handle", $hBitmap, "handle", $hEffect, "ptr", $pROI, "int", 0, "ptr*", 0, "int*", 0)
    If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0)
    Return SetError($aResult[0], 0, $aResult[0] = 0)
    EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_BitmapApplyEffect

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Func _GDIPlus_DrawImageFX($hGraphics, $hBitmap, $pRECTF, $hEffect, $hMatrix = 0, $ImgAttributes = 0, $iUnit = 2)
    $aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "uint", "GdipDrawImageFX", "handle", $hGraphics, _
    "handle", $hBitmap, _
    "ptr", $pRECTF, _
    "handle", $hMatrix, _
    "handle", $hEffect, _
    "ptr", $ImgAttributes, _
    "uint", $iUnit)
    If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0)
    Return SetError($aResult[0], 0, $aResult[0] = 0)
    EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_DrawImageFX

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Func _GDIPlus11_Startup() ;code by Authenticity - modified by UEZ
    Local $pInput, $tInput, $pToken, $tToken, $aResult, $os

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    $giGDIPRef += 1
    If $giGDIPRef > 1 Then Return True

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    Switch @OSVersion
    Case "WIN_VISTA", "WIN_2008"
    $ghGDIPDll = DllOpen(@WindowsDir & "\winsxs\\gdiplus.dll")
    Case "WIN_2008R2", "WIN_7", "WIN_8"
    $ghGDIPDll = DllOpen(@SystemDir & "\gdiplus.dll")
    Case Else
    Return SetError(1)
    ;~ _WinAPI_Check("_GDIPlus_Startup (GDIPlus.dll not found)", @error, False)

    [/autoit] [autoit][/autoit] [autoit]

    $tInput = DllStructCreate($tagGDIPSTARTUPINPUT)
    $pInput = DllStructGetPtr($tInput)
    $tToken = DllStructCreate("int Data")
    $pToken = DllStructGetPtr($tToken)
    DllStructSetData($tInput, "Version", 1)
    $aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdiplusStartup", "ptr", $pToken, "ptr", $pInput, "ptr", 0)
    If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, False)
    $giGDIPToken = DllStructGetData($tToken, "Data")
    Return $aResult[0] = 0
    EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus11_Startup


    Weiß jemand, wie man Red Eye initialisieren kann, so dass auch dieser Effekt anwendbar ist (auskommentierter Bereich)? MSDN Link dazu: RedEyeCorrectionParams Structure


    Auch am Arsch geht ein Weg vorbei...


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