möchte einen script Recorder für die maus Bewegung selbst machen für ein spiel damit ich mich 360 grad drehe für Video schnit wenn ich mich 360 grad drehe dann jemand töte das ich das Video bearbeite
wollte fragen ob es so etwas gibt dann würd ich mir einen script selber schreiben und was ich herunterladen muss ich habe schon macros probiert wie pulovers macro und macro Recorder nur im spiel wird es nicht durchgeführt auf dem destop macht er die Bewegungen im spiel aber nicht
please i need your help to add usb manufacturer or brand name in this picture added to combobox
when i inset 2 usb either (removable and removable) or (removable and fixed) to show real usb manufacturer
look please at those pictures:
One of them is : Generic mass storage usb device and second one is jetflash transend 8GB usb device
what i need is a function to add to combobox easily the Manufacturer or model of usb so when i click on combobox it will show
real or related brand model
Thank you in advance
please i need your help to add usb manufacturer or brand name in this picture added to combobox
when i inset 2 usb either (removable and removable) or (removable and fixed) to show real usb manufacturer
look please at those pictures:
One of them is: Generic mass storage usb device and second one is jetflash transend 8GB usb device
what i need is a function to add to combobox easily the Manufacturer or model of usb so when i click on combobox it will show
real or related brand model
please apply it to combobox here :
Thanks in advance
Dear Musashi
Thanks so much for your kindness and for your attention
i'm new here and i'm very happy to be among all good poeople here
i already wrote a topic in Help & Support Section Thanks again for you
i already wrote a topic in Help & Support Section
I saw you do that in the meantime .
Next request:
Could you please post the source code you have already created (if any). This would make it easier for other users to help you. Use the code tag </> from the header of the message area.
Dear Musashi
Thanks again and again for informing me about the correct way to get help
i already get the excellent code code from Dear: Oscar
and the code is written here:
so, i need only to show USB Model to combobox as i tried but it show only one Brand for both USb
You can use the WMI for that! Specifically the caption is the attribute you're looking for.
Local $objWMI = ObjGet('winmgmts:root\cimv2')
Local $objClass = $objWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_DiskDrive")
Local $sCaptions = ''
For $objItem In $objClass
$sCaptions &= 'DeviceID = ' & $objItem.DeviceID & @CRLF
$sCaptions &= 'Caption = ' & $objItem.Caption & @CRLF
$sCaptions &= @CRLF
MsgBox(0, '', $sCaptions)
Alles anzeigen
There are also other attributes to only query the specific device you're looking for. This was just a more generic query.
Dear alpine
thanks a lot for your help
the code is working but the same problem as it shows only in combobox one model for all drives
so my request is to apply the code to combobox to show on selection the correct model of drive
look to the excellent code here and apply on it :
the code is working but the same problem as it shows only in combobox one model for all drives
so my request is to apply the code to combobox to show on selection the correct model of drive
You haven't provided any script for us to work on it. I only showed you the way to retrieve the information about the plugged in hard drives.
If you want any help regarding the comboboxes you'd have to give us a script or make a blank one where you have isolated the problem so we don't need to bother going through the whole script if it is too complicated.
Try checking the WMI query for any further information to distinguish better between the devices. Maybe they all just have the same branding?
You can query the information by running wbemtest.exe on your local machine. Click 'connect' and then 'connect' on the new window and then hit 'query' on the first window.
Type in the query I put in the script there and run it, you'll see all the available information for each device.
Sorry for that, it's an excellent code from Oscar and here is :
#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalCopyright=Gorathan (admin@technik-hobby.de)
#EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
#include <APIFilesConstants.au3>
#include <APIProcConstants.au3>
#include <Array.au3>
#include <AutoItConstants.au3>
#include <ComboConstants.au3>
#include <Date.au3>
#include <EditConstants.au3>
#include <File.au3>
#include <FileConstants.au3>
#include <GDIPlus.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <GuiEdit.au3>
#include <Misc.au3>
#include <ProgressConstants.au3>
#include <SendMessage.au3>
#include <StaticConstants.au3>
#include <StringConstants.au3>
#include <Timers.au3>
#include <WinAPIConv.au3>
#include <WinAPIFiles.au3>
#include <WinAPIHObj.au3>
#include <WinAPIInternals.au3>
#include <WinAPIMem.au3>
#include <WinAPIProc.au3>
#include <WinAPISys.au3>
#include <WinAPISysInternals.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#include 'includes\MailSlot.au3'
#Region *** Optionen ***
Opt('GUIOnEventMode', 1)
Opt('MustDeclareVars', 1)
Opt('GUICloseOnESC', 0)
#EndRegion *** Optionen ***
#Region *** Konstanten deklarieren ***
Global Const $DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL = 0x8000 ; A device or piece of media has been inserted and is now available.
Global Const $DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE = 0x8004 ; A device or piece of media has been removed.
Global Const $tagDEV_BROADCAST_HDR = 'dword dbch_size; dword dbch_devicetype; dword dbch_reserved'
Global Const $tagDEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME = 'dword dbcv_size; dword dbcv_devicetype; dword dbcv_reserved; dword dbcv_unitmask; dword dbcv_flags'
Global Const $DBT_DEVTYP_VOLUME = 0x00000002
Global Const $sAppTitle = 'FlashTest'
Global Const $sAppVersion = ''
Global Const $sAppDate = '29.12.2018'
Global Const $sAppAuthor = 'Gorathan / Oscar'
Global Const $sAppAuthorEMail = 'mailto:admin@technik-hobby.de'
Global Const $sAppURL = 'https://forum.technik-hobby.de'
Global Const $sLicence = 'Das Programm steht unter der "CC BY-NC-ND 4.0" Lizenz\n- freie Weitergabe mit Namensnennung\n- nicht kommerziell\n- keine Bearbeitung'
Global Const $sAppIcon = @Compiled ? @AutoItExe : @ScriptDir & '\prog.ico'
Global Const $iAppDPI = RegRead('HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics', 'AppliedDPI')
Global Const $sMailSlotServer = '\\.\mailslot\FlashTestServer'
Global Const $sMailSlotSlave = '\\.\mailslot\FlashTestSlave'
#EndRegion *** Konstanten deklarieren ***
#Region globale Variablen
Global $hMailSlot = _MailSlotCreate($sMailSlotServer)
If @error Then Exit MsgBox(48 + 262144, 'MailSlotServer', 'Failed to create new account!' & @CRLF & 'Probably one using that "address" already exists.')
Global $g_sFlashDrive, $g_sDisplay, $g_sWriteData, $g_sReadData, $g_bStop = False, $g_bStart = False, $g_bRun = False, $g_iBytesDiff, $g_bReadWrite = True
Global $g_iSlavePID = 0
#EndRegion globale Variablen
#Region *** Hauptfenster erstellen ***
Global $hMainGui = GUICreate(StringFormat('%s - v%3.3s - © 2018 by Gorathan (admin@technik-hobby.de)', $sAppTitle, $sAppVersion), 1020, 560)
GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, '_CloseMainGui')
GUISetFont(11 / $iAppDPI * 96, 400, 0, 'Verdana')
GUICtrlCreateGroup('Test-Laufwerk auswählen', 5, 10, 260, 70)
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10 / $iAppDPI * 96)
Global $idFlashDrive = GUICtrlCreateCombo('', 25, 35, 220, 20, $CBS_DROPDOWNLIST)
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14 / $iAppDPI * 96, 400, 0, 'Courier New')
GUICtrlSetData(-1, _ReadFlashDrives())
GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, '_SwitchDrive')
GUICtrlCreateGroup('', -99, -99, 1, 1)
GUICtrlCreateGroup('Test-Speicherplatz', 5, 90, 260, 90)
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10 / $iAppDPI * 96)
Global $idTestSpaceAll = GUICtrlCreateRadio('gesamter freier Speicher', 25, 115, 200, 20)
GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_CHECKED)
Global $idTestSpaceSel = GUICtrlCreateRadio('nur', 25, 145, 45, 20)
GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, '_SelectSpace')
Global $idTestSpaceInp = GUICtrlCreateInput('', 80, 143, 80, 22, BitOR($ES_NUMBER, $ES_RIGHT))
Global $idTestSpaceLabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel('GB', 165, 145, 50, 20)
GUICtrlCreateGroup('', -99, -99, 1, 1)
_CtrlSetState($idTestSpaceAll, $idTestSpaceLabel, $GUI_DISABLE)
GUICtrlCreateGroup('Laufwerksinformationen', 280, 10, 460, 180)
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10 / $iAppDPI * 96)
GUICtrlCreateLabel('Bezeichnung:', 300, 35, 120, 20)
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 11 / $iAppDPI * 96, 400, 2, 'Verdana')
Global $idDriveLabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel('', 420, 35, 280, 20)
GUICtrlCreateLabel('Typ:', 300, 65, 120, 20)
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 11 / $iAppDPI * 96, 400, 2, 'Verdana')
Global $idDriveTyp = GUICtrlCreateLabel('', 420, 65, 280, 20)
GUICtrlCreateLabel('Anschluß:', 300, 95, 120, 20)
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 11 / $iAppDPI * 96, 400, 2, 'Verdana')
Global $idBusTyp = GUICtrlCreateLabel('', 420, 95, 280, 20)
GUICtrlCreateLabel('Dateisystem:', 300, 125, 120, 20)
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 11 / $iAppDPI * 96, 400, 2, 'Verdana')
Global $idFileSystem = GUICtrlCreateLabel('', 420, 125, 280, 20)
GUICtrlCreateLabel('Speicherplatz:', 300, 155, 120, 20)
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 11 / $iAppDPI * 96, 400, 2, 'Verdana')
Global $idDriveSpace = GUICtrlCreateLabel('', 420, 155, 280, 20)
GUICtrlCreateGroup('', -99, -99, 1, 1)
Global $idProgressGroup = GUICtrlCreateGroup('Fortschritt', 5, 190, 260, 50)
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10 / $iAppDPI * 96)
Global $idProgress = GUICtrlCreateLabel('', 15, 212, 90, 20, $SS_RIGHT)
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 11 / $iAppDPI * 96, 400, 0, 'Verdana')
Global $idProgressAll = GUICtrlCreateLabel('', 110, 212, 120, 20)
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 11 / $iAppDPI * 96, 400, 0, 'Verdana')
GUICtrlCreateGroup('', -99, -99, 1, 1)
Global $idTestStartRW = GUICtrlCreateButton('Schreib-/Lesetest', 300, 200, 200, 26)
GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE)
GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, '_StartTest')
Global $idTestStartR = GUICtrlCreateButton('Nur Lesetest', 300, 227, 200, 26)
GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE)
GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, '_StartTest')
Global $idTestCancel = GUICtrlCreateButton('abbrechen', 520, 200, 200, 53)
GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE)
GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, '_StopTest')
Global $idTestProgress = GUICtrlCreateGroup('Testverlauf (schreiben)', 5, 250, 735, 245)
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10)
Global $idStartTime = GUICtrlCreateLabel('Start:', 140, 270, 140, 20)
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 11 / $iAppDPI * 96, 400, 0, 'Verdana')
Global $idEndTime = GUICtrlCreateLabel('Ende:', 437, 270, 140, 20, $SS_RIGHT)
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 11 / $iAppDPI * 96, 400, 0, 'Verdana')
Global $idTestDisplay = GUICtrlCreatePic('', 100, 290, 512, 160)
Global $aidTestLabel[7]
For $i = 0 To UBound($aidTestLabel) - 1
$aidTestLabel[$i] = GUICtrlCreateLabel('0 MB/s', 15, 440 - $i * 26, 70, 16, $SS_RIGHT)
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9 / $iAppDPI * 96, 400, 0, 'Verdana')
Global $aidTestTime[11]
For $i = 0 To 8
$aidTestTime[$i] = GUICtrlCreateLabel($i * 2, 85 + $i * 64, 460, 32, 16, $SS_CENTER)
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9 / $iAppDPI * 96, 400, 0, 'Verdana')
For $i = 0 To 512 Step 8
GUICtrlCreateLabel('', 100 + $i, 450, 1, 5 + (Mod($i, 16) ? 0 : 5), $SS_BLACKFRAME)
GUICtrlCreateLabel('Speicherplatz (in GigaByte)', 280, 474, 200, 16)
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9 / $iAppDPI * 96, 400, 0, 'Verdana')
Global $idSpeedMax = GUICtrlCreateLabel('< 0.0 MB/s', 625, 296, 100, 20)
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9 / $iAppDPI * 96, 400, 0, 'Verdana')
Global $idSpeedAvg = GUICtrlCreateLabel('Ø 0.0 MB/s', 625, 360, 100, 20)
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9 / $iAppDPI * 96, 400, 0, 'Verdana')
Global $idSpeedMin = GUICtrlCreateLabel('> 0.0 MB/s', 625, 426, 100, 20)
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9 / $iAppDPI * 96, 400, 0, 'Verdana')
GUICtrlCreateGroup('', -99, -99, 1, 1)
GUICtrlCreateGroup('Testbericht', 750, 10, 265, 485)
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10 / $iAppDPI * 96)
Global $idConsole = GUICtrlCreateEdit('', 760, 30, 245, 455, BitOR($ES_READONLY, $ES_WANTRETURN, $WS_VSCROLL, $ES_AUTOVSCROLL))
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9 / $iAppDPI * 96, 400, 0, 'Verdana')
GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF)
GUICtrlCreateGroup('', -99, -99, 1, 1)
GUICtrlCreateGroup('CPU-Auslastung', 5, 500, 735, 55)
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10 / $iAppDPI * 96)
Global $idCPUCycle = GUICtrlCreateProgress(15, 520, 710, 25)
DllCall('UxTheme.dll', 'int', 'SetWindowTheme', 'hwnd', GUICtrlGetHandle(-1), 'wstr', '', 'wstr', '') ; old Style
GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x66DD88)
GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xF8F8F8)
Global $idCPUCycleLabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel('', 15, 522, 710, 20, $SS_CENTER)
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12 / $iAppDPI * 96, 400, 0, 'Verdana')
GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000)
GUICtrlCreateGroup('', -99, -99, 1, 1)
GUICtrlCreateGroup('RAM-Belegung', 750, 500, 265, 55)
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10 / $iAppDPI * 96)
Global $idRAMfree = GUICtrlCreateProgress(760, 520, 240, 25)
DllCall('UxTheme.dll', 'int', 'SetWindowTheme', 'hwnd', GUICtrlGetHandle(-1), 'wstr', '', 'wstr', '') ; old Style
GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x99BBFF)
GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xF8F8F8)
Global $idRAMfreeLabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel('', 760, 523, 240, 20, $SS_CENTER)
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12 / $iAppDPI * 96, 400, 0, 'Verdana')
GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000)
GUICtrlCreateGroup('', -99, -99, 1, 1)
#EndRegion *** Hauptfenster erstellen ***
HotKeySet('{ESC}', '_StopTest')
_Timer_SetTimer($hMainGui, 500, '_CPUCycleTime')
_DrawPath($idTestDisplay, '')
GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hMainGui)
While Sleep(50)
If $g_bStart Then _RunTest()
Func _OnExit()
EndFunc ;==>_OnExit
Func _CloseMainGui()
If ProcessExists($g_iSlavePID) Then ProcessClose($g_iSlavePID)
EndFunc ;==>_CloseMainGui
Func _CPUCycleTime($hWnd, $iMsg, $iIDTimer, $iTime)
#forceref $hWnd, $iMsg, $iIDTimer, $iTime
Local Static $iOldTime = 0, $aOldData[13]
Local $iPercent = _GetCPUUsage()
If Not @error And $iPercent > 0 And $iPercent <= 100 Then
GUICtrlSetData($idCPUCycle, $iPercent)
GUICtrlSetData($idCPUCycleLabel, $iPercent & '%')
Local $aData = _WinAPI_GetPerformanceInfo()
If Not @error And $aOldData[4] <> $aData[4] And $iTime - $iOldTime > 1000 Then
$iOldTime = $iTime
$aOldData = $aData
GUICtrlSetData($idRAMfree, Int(100 / $aData[3] * ($aData[3] - $aData[4])))
GUICtrlSetData($idRAMfreeLabel, _WinAPI_StrFormatByteSize($aData[3] - $aData[4]) & ' / ' & _WinAPI_StrFormatByteSize($aData[3]))
Func _GetCPUUsage()
Local Static $aOld[3], $iTicksOld, $aSystemInfo
Local $aRet, $iTime1, $iTime2, $iPercent, $iTicks
$iTicks = _WinAPI_GetTickCount64()
$aRet = _WinAPI_GetSystemTimes()
If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0)
If $aOld[0] = 0 Then ; beim ersten Aufruf die Static-Variablen fuellen
$aSystemInfo = _WinAPI_GetSystemInfo() ; $aSystemInfo[5] = Number of physical processors
If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0)
$iTicksOld = $iTicks
$aOld = $aRet
Return 0
$iTime1 = $aRet[1] - $aRet[0] + $aRet[2] ; [0] = idle-time, [1] = kernel-time, [2] = user-time
$iTime2 = $aOld[1] - $aOld[0] + $aOld[2] ; [0] = idle-time, [1] = kernel-time, [2] = user-time
$iPercent = Int(($iTime1 - $iTime2) / (($iTicks - $iTicksOld) * 100) / $aSystemInfo[5])
$iTicksOld = $iTicks
$aOld = $aRet
Return $iPercent
Func _SelectSpace()
GUICtrlSetState($idTestSpaceInp, $GUI_FOCUS)
EndFunc ;==>_SelectSpace
Func _CtrlSetState($iStart, $iEnd, $iState)
For $iCtrl = $iStart To $iEnd
GUICtrlSetState($iCtrl, $iState)
EndFunc ;==>_CtrlSetState
Func _StopTest()
GUICtrlSetState($idTestCancel, $GUI_DISABLE)
$g_bStop = True
_MailSlotWrite($sMailSlotSlave, 'CA', 1)
EndFunc ;==>_StopTest
Func _StartTest()
$g_bReadWrite = (@GUI_CtrlId == $idTestStartRW)
$g_bStart = True
EndFunc ;==>_StartTest
Func _ConsoleWrite($sMsg)
_GUICtrlEdit_AppendText($idConsole, $sMsg)
EndFunc ;==>_ConsoleWrite
Func _SaveTestData()
Local $hFile, $sFilename
$sFilename = StringFormat('%s\\results\\%04i_%02i_%02i__%02i_%02i_%02i.ftr', @ScriptDir, @YEAR, @MON, @MDAY, @HOUR, @MIN, @SEC)
$hFile = FileOpen($sFilename, BitOR($FO_UTF8, $FO_CREATEPATH, $FO_OVERWRITE))
If $hFile = -1 Then Return
FileWrite($hFile, GUICtrlRead($idConsole))
FileWriteLine($hFile, 'Daten vom Schreibtest:')
FileWriteLine($hFile, $g_sWriteData)
FileWriteLine($hFile, 'Daten vom Lesetest:')
FileWriteLine($hFile, $g_sReadData)
EndFunc ;==>_SaveTestData
Func _CheckIfSlaveExist()
If ProcessExists($g_iSlavePID) Then Return True
$g_iSlavePID = Run(StringFormat('%s\FlashTest-Slave%s.exe', @ScriptDir, (@AutoItX64 ? '64' : '')))
If Not ProcessExists($g_iSlavePID) Then Exit MsgBox(16, $sAppTitle, 'Fehler! FlashTest-Slave konnte nicht gestartet werden!', 0, $hMainGui)
Func _RunTest()
Local $aSpace, $iTestCount, $sTestFile, $sTestDir, $iMillis, $hFile, $nBytes, $iBytesDiff, $iDiff, $aRet, $iError, $iTimer, $iTimer1, $iTimer2
Local $tBuffer, $pBuffer, $iBufferSize, $iSize, $sReadData
$sTestDir = $g_sFlashDrive & '\FlashTest\'
If Not FileExists($sTestDir) Then ; wenn Verzeichnis nicht vorhanden, dann erstellen
If Not DirCreate($sTestDir) Then ; wenn das erstellen nicht geklappt hat, dann...
_ConsoleWrite(StringFormat('Fehler: "Konnte Verzeichnis nicht erstellen!"\r\n'))
GUICtrlSetState($idTestStartRW, $GUI_DISABLE)
GUICtrlSetState($idTestStartR, $GUI_DISABLE)
GUICtrlSetData($idConsole, '')
_ConsoleWrite(StringFormat('%s v%3.3s (%s)\r\n', $sAppTitle, $sAppVersion, (@AutoItX64 ? '64 Bit' : '32 Bit')))
_ConsoleWrite(StringFormat('Datum: %s\r\n', _NowCalc()))
_ConsoleWrite(StringFormat('Starte Test mit Laufwerk "%s"\r\n', $g_sFlashDrive))
_ConsoleWrite(StringFormat('Anschluss: %s\r\n', GUICtrlRead($idBusTyp)))
_ConsoleWrite(StringFormat('Dateisystem: %s\r\n', GUICtrlRead($idFileSystem)))
_ConsoleWrite(StringFormat('Speicher: %s\r\n', GUICtrlRead($idDriveSpace)))
_DrawPath($idTestDisplay, '')
$g_bStart = False
$g_sWriteData = ''
$g_sReadData = ''
$g_iBytesDiff = 0
GUICtrlSetState($idTestCancel, $GUI_ENABLE)
GUICtrlSetData($idStartTime, 'Start: ' & _NowTime(5))
GUICtrlSetData($idEndTime, 'Ende:')
GUICtrlSetData($idProgress, _WinAPI_StrFormatByteSize(0))
If $g_bReadWrite Then
GUICtrlSetData($idProgressGroup, 'Fortschritt (schreiben)')
GUICtrlSetData($idTestProgress, 'Testverlauf (schreiben)')
$aSpace = _WinAPI_GetDiskFreeSpaceEx($g_sFlashDrive)
If BitAND(GUICtrlRead($idTestSpaceSel), $GUI_CHECKED) Then
$iTestCount = GUICtrlRead($idTestSpaceInp)
If $iTestCount > Int($aSpace[2] / 1073741824) Then $iTestCount = Int($aSpace[2] / 1073741824)
$iTestCount = Int($aSpace[2] / 1073741824) ; Anzahl der vollen 1-GB-Dateien
Local $aFiles = _FileListToArray($sTestDir, '*.ft' & (@AutoItX64 ? '64' : '32'), $FLTA_FILES)
If @error Then Return
$iTestCount = $aFiles[0]
GUICtrlSetData($idProgressAll, ' von ' & _WinAPI_StrFormatByteSize($iTestCount * 1073741824))
_ConsoleWrite(StringFormat('Zum Test ausgewählt: %s\r\n', _WinAPI_StrFormatByteSize($iTestCount * 1073741824)))
$g_bRun = True
#Region Testdaten schreiben
If $g_bReadWrite Then
$iTimer = _WinAPI_GetTickCount64()
$iTimer1 = $iTimer
For $iCount = 1 To $iTestCount ; Anzahl der 1 GB grossen Testdateien
$sTestFile = StringFormat('%s%06i.ft%s', $sTestDir, $iCount, (@AutoItX64 ? '64' : '32'))
; $sTestFile an Slave schicken, Slave schreibt die Datei und schickt die einzelnen Daten zurueck
_MailSlotWrite($sMailSlotSlave, 'W1' & $sTestFile, 1)
$iTimer2 = _WinAPI_GetTickCount64()
While Sleep(10)
$iSize = _MailSlotCheckForNextMessage($hMailSlot)
If $iSize Then
$sReadData = _MailSlotRead($hMailSlot, $iSize, 1)
Switch StringLeft($sReadData, 2)
Case 'CA'
ExitLoop 2
Case 'EN'
Case 'E1'
_ConsoleWrite(StringFormat('Fehler: "Konnte Datei "%s" nicht öffnen!"\r\n', $sTestFile))
Case 'E2'
_ConsoleWrite(StringFormat('Fehler: Ein Teil (%s) der Datei konnte nicht geschrieben werden!\r\n', StringMid($sReadData, 3)))
Case 'RE'
$nBytes = Number(StringMid($sReadData, 3))
$g_iBytesDiff += $nBytes
$iMillis = _WinAPI_GetTickCount64()
$iDiff = $iMillis - $iTimer2
$g_sWriteData &= ($nBytes / 1048576) / ($iDiff / 1000) & '|'
If $iMillis - $iTimer1 > 500 Then
$iTimer1 = $iMillis
GUICtrlSetData($idProgress, _WinAPI_StrFormatByteSize($g_iBytesDiff))
GUICtrlSetData($idSpeedAvg, StringFormat('Ø %.1f MB/s', ($g_iBytesDiff / 1048576) / (($iMillis - $iTimer) / 1000)))
_DrawPath($idTestDisplay, $g_sWriteData, 0xFF6622)
$iTimer2 = $iMillis
If $g_bStop Then
_ConsoleWrite(StringFormat('Schreibtest abgebrochen.\r\n'))
GUICtrlSetData($idEndTime, 'Ende: ' & _NowTime(5))
$g_bStop = False
$g_bRun = False
$tBuffer = 0
MsgBox(0, $sAppTitle, 'Schreibtest abgebrochen!', 0, $hMainGui)
GUICtrlSetState($idTestStartRW, $GUI_ENABLE)
GUICtrlSetState($idTestStartR, FileExists($g_sFlashDrive & '\FlashTest\000001.ft' & (@AutoItX64 ? '64' : '32')) ? $GUI_ENABLE : $GUI_DISABLE)
Local $iTestSize = $iTestCount * 1073741824, $iTestMillis = _WinAPI_GetTickCount64() - $iTimer
_ConsoleWrite(StringFormat('Zeit: %s\r\nSchreibrate: %s\r\n', _Ticks2Time($iTestMillis), GUICtrlRead($idSpeedAvg)))
GUICtrlSetData($idProgress, _WinAPI_StrFormatByteSize($iTestSize))
;~ MsgBox(0, $sAppTitle, 'Schreibtest beendet!' & @CRLF & 'Mit Lesetest beginnen...', 3, $hMainGui)
#EndRegion Testdaten schreiben
#Region Testdaten lesen
_DrawPath($idTestDisplay, '')
GUICtrlSetData($idProgressGroup, 'Fortschritt (lesen)')
GUICtrlSetData($idTestProgress, 'Testverlauf (lesen)')
GUICtrlSetData($idProgress, _WinAPI_StrFormatByteSize(0))
$g_iBytesDiff = 0
$iTimer = _WinAPI_GetTickCount64()
$iTimer1 = $iTimer
For $iCount = 1 To $iTestCount ; Anzahl der 1 GB grossen Testdateien
$sTestFile = StringFormat('%s%06i.ft%s', $sTestDir, $iCount, (@AutoItX64 ? '64' : '32'))
; $sTestFile an Slave schicken, Slave liest die Datei und schickt die einzelnen Daten zurueck
_MailSlotWrite($sMailSlotSlave, 'R1' & $sTestFile, 1)
$iTimer2 = _WinAPI_GetTickCount64()
While Sleep(10)
$iSize = _MailSlotCheckForNextMessage($hMailSlot)
If $iSize Then
$sReadData = _MailSlotRead($hMailSlot, $iSize, 1)
Switch StringLeft($sReadData, 2)
Case 'CA'
ExitLoop 2
Case 'EN'
Case 'E1'
_ConsoleWrite(StringFormat('Fehler: "Konnte Datei "%s" nicht öffnen!"\r\n', $sTestFile))
Case 'E2'
_ConsoleWrite(StringFormat('Fehler: Ein Teil (%s) der Datei konnte nicht gelesen werden!\r\n', StringMid($sReadData, 3)))
Case 'E3'
_ConsoleWrite(StringFormat('Fehler: "Fehlerhaftes DWORD an Adresse: %s"\r\n', StringMid($sReadData, 3)))
$iError += 1
Case 'RE'
$nBytes = Number(StringMid($sReadData, 3))
$g_iBytesDiff += $nBytes
$iMillis = _WinAPI_GetTickCount64()
$iDiff = $iMillis - $iTimer2
$g_sReadData &= ($nBytes / 1048576) / ($iDiff / 1000) & '|'
If $iMillis - $iTimer1 > 500 Then
$iTimer1 = $iMillis
GUICtrlSetData($idProgress, _WinAPI_StrFormatByteSize($g_iBytesDiff))
GUICtrlSetData($idSpeedAvg, StringFormat('Ø %.1f MB/s', ($g_iBytesDiff / 1048576) / (($iMillis - $iTimer) / 1000)))
_DrawPath($idTestDisplay, $g_sReadData, 0x2266FF)
$iTimer2 = $iMillis
If $iError Then
_ConsoleWrite(StringFormat('Achtung! Das deutet auf einen defekten Datenträger hin!\r\n'))
$iError = 0
#EndRegion Testdaten lesen
GUICtrlSetData($idEndTime, 'Ende: ' & _NowTime(5))
If $g_bStop Then
_ConsoleWrite(StringFormat('Lesetest abgebrochen.\r\n'))
$g_bStop = False
$g_bRun = False
$tBuffer = 0
MsgBox(0, $sAppTitle, 'Lesetest abgebrochen!', 0, $hMainGui)
GUICtrlSetState($idTestStartRW, $GUI_ENABLE)
GUICtrlSetState($idTestStartR, FileExists($g_sFlashDrive & '\FlashTest\000001.ft' & (@AutoItX64 ? '64' : '32')) ? $GUI_ENABLE : $GUI_DISABLE)
Local $iTestSize = $iTestCount * 1073741824, $iTestMillis = _WinAPI_GetTickCount64() - $iTimer
_ConsoleWrite(StringFormat('Zeit: %s\r\nLeserate: %s\r\n', _Ticks2Time($iTestMillis), GUICtrlRead($idSpeedAvg)))
_ConsoleWrite(StringFormat('Datum: %s\r\n', _NowCalc()))
_ConsoleWrite(StringFormat('Test beendet.\r\n'))
GUICtrlSetData($idProgress, _WinAPI_StrFormatByteSize($iTestSize))
GUICtrlSetState($idTestStartRW, $GUI_ENABLE)
GUICtrlSetState($idTestStartR, FileExists($g_sFlashDrive & '\FlashTest\000001.ft' & (@AutoItX64 ? '64' : '32')) ? $GUI_ENABLE : $GUI_DISABLE)
GUICtrlSetState($idTestCancel, $GUI_DISABLE)
$g_bStop = False
$g_bRun = False
$tBuffer = 0
EndFunc ;==>_RunTest
Func _Ticks2Time($iTicks) ; diese Funktion, wandelt die Millisekunden (Ticks) in "hh:mm:ss.ms" um
Local $iH, $iM, $iS, $aTime
$iH = Int($iTicks / 3600000) ; Integerwert (Ganzzahl) der Division durch 3600000 entspricht den Stunden
$iTicks = Mod($iTicks, 3600000) ; Modulo (Restwert) der Division durch 3600000 sind die restlichen Millisekunden
$iM = Int($iTicks / 60000) ; Integerwert (Ganzzahl) der Division durch 60000 entspricht den Minuten
$iTicks = Mod($iTicks, 60000) ; Modulo (Restwert) der Division durch 60000 sind die restlichen Millisekunden
$iS = Int($iTicks / 1000) ; Integerwert (Ganzzahl) der Division durch 1000 entspricht den Sekunden
$iTicks = Mod($iTicks, 1000) ; Modulo (Restwert) der Division durch 1000 sind die restlichen Millisekunden
Return StringFormat('%02i:%02i:%02i.%03i', $iH, $iM, $iS, $iTicks)
EndFunc ;==>_Ticks2Time
Func _DrawPath($iCtrl, $sData, $iColor = 0x4488EE)
Local Static $iYValOld = 0, $iMaxOld, $iMinOld, $iTimeOld = 8
If $sData = '' Then
For $i = 0 To UBound($aidTestTime) - 1
GUICtrlSetData($aidTestTime[$i], $i * 4)
$iTimeOld = 8
Local $aData, $iCount, $iMax, $iMin, $iStart = Ceiling(($iTimeOld - 8) * 64), $aPos, $iY, $iYVal, $hBitmap, $hGraphic, $hPen, $hPenGrey, $hBMP, $hPrevImage
$aPos = ControlGetPos($hMainGui, '', $iCtrl)
$hBitmap = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromScan0($aPos[2], $aPos[3])
$hGraphic = _GDIPlus_ImageGetGraphicsContext($hBitmap)
_GDIPlus_GraphicsClear($hGraphic, 0xFFFFFFFF)
$hPen = _GDIPlus_PenCreate(0xFF000000 + $iColor, 2)
$hPenGrey = _GDIPlus_PenCreate(0xFFAAAAAA, 1)
$aData = StringSplit(StringTrimRight($sData, 1), '|', $STR_NOCOUNT)
$iCount = UBound($aData)
If Ceiling($iCount / 64) > $iTimeOld Then
$iTimeOld = Ceiling($iCount / 64)
For $i = 0 To UBound($aidTestTime) - 1
GUICtrlSetData($aidTestTime[$i], ($iTimeOld - 8 + $i) * 4)
$iCount -= 64
$iCount -= $iStart
$iMax = _ArrayMax($aData, 1)
If $iMax <> $iMaxOld Then
$iMaxOld = $iMax
GUICtrlSetData($idSpeedMax, StringFormat('< %.1f MB/s', $iMax))
$iMin = _ArrayMin($aData, 1)
If $iMin <> $iMinOld Then
$iMinOld = $iMin
GUICtrlSetData($idSpeedMin, StringFormat('> %.1f MB/s', $iMin))
$iY = $aPos[3]
$iYVal = $iY / $iMax
If $iYVal <> $iYValOld Then
$iYValOld = $iYVal
For $i = 0 To UBound($aidTestLabel) - 1
GUICtrlSetData($aidTestLabel[$i], Ceiling($iMax / 6 * $i) & ' MB/s')
For $iX = 0 To $iCount - 1
_GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawLine($hGraphic, $iX, $iY, $iX, $iY - Int($iYVal * $aData[$iStart + $iX]), $hPen)
For $i = 1 To UBound($aidTestLabel) - 2
_GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawLine($hGraphic, 0, $i * 26, $aPos[2], $i * 26, $hPenGrey)
$hBMP = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateDIBFromBitmap($hBitmap)
$hPrevImage = _SendMessage(GUICtrlGetHandle($iCtrl), $STM_SETIMAGE, $IMAGE_BITMAP, $hBMP)
If $hPrevImage Then _WinAPI_DeleteObject($hPrevImage)
EndFunc ;==>_DrawPath
Func _SwitchDrive()
Local $sDrive, $aDriveNr, $sLabel, $sTyp, $aSpace, $sTotal, $sFree, $iBus
$sDrive = StringLeft(GUICtrlRead($idFlashDrive), 2)
If $sDrive = '' Then Return
_CtrlSetState($idTestSpaceAll, $idTestSpaceLabel, $GUI_ENABLE)
$g_sFlashDrive = $sDrive
$aDriveNr = _WinAPI_GetDriveNumber($sDrive)
$sLabel = DriveGetLabel($g_sFlashDrive)
GUICtrlSetData($idDriveLabel, StringFormat('"%s"', $sLabel = '' ? '<keine>' : $sLabel))
Switch DriveGetType($g_sFlashDrive)
Case 'Fixed'
$sTyp = 'Lokaler Datenträger'
Case 'Removable'
$sTyp = 'Wechseldatenträger'
GUICtrlSetData($idDriveTyp, StringFormat('%s', $sTyp))
GUICtrlSetData($idFileSystem, StringFormat('%s', DriveGetFileSystem($g_sFlashDrive)))
$aSpace = _WinAPI_GetDiskFreeSpaceEx($g_sFlashDrive)
$sTotal = _WinAPI_StrFormatByteSize($aSpace[1])
$sFree = _WinAPI_StrFormatByteSize($aSpace[2])
GUICtrlSetData($idDriveSpace, StringFormat('%s von %s frei', $sFree, $sTotal))
$iBus = _WinAPI_GetDriveBusType($g_sFlashDrive)
GUICtrlSetData($idBusTyp, $aBusType[$iBus])
GUICtrlSetState($idTestStartRW, $GUI_ENABLE)
GUICtrlSetState($idTestStartR, FileExists($g_sFlashDrive & '\FlashTest\000001.ft' & (@AutoItX64 ? '64' : '32')) ? $GUI_ENABLE : $GUI_DISABLE)
EndFunc ;==>_SwitchDrive
Func _ReadFlashDrives()
Local $aDrives = DriveGetDrive($DT_ALL), $sDrives, $aSpace, $sTotal
For $i = 1 To $aDrives[0]
Switch DriveGetType($aDrives[$i])
Case 'Fixed', 'Removable'
If DriveStatus($aDrives[$i]) = 'READY' Then
$aSpace = _WinAPI_GetDiskFreeSpaceEx($aDrives[$i])
$sTotal = _WinAPI_StrFormatByteSize($aSpace[1])
$sDrives &= StringFormat('%s %12s|', StringUpper($aDrives[$i]), $sTotal)
Return StringTrimRight($sDrives, 1)
EndFunc ;==>_ReadFlashDrives
Func _WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam)
#forceref $hWnd, $Msg, $lParam
Local Const $HTCAPTION = 0x2, $HTSYSMENU = 0x3, $HTTOPRIGHT = 0x14
Switch $wParam
Case $HTCAPTION, $HTSYSMENU ; waehrend des Tests das verschieben des Fensters abfangen
If $g_bRun Then
ToolTip('Während das Programm ein Laufwerk testet,' & @CRLF & 'kann das Fenster nicht verschoben werden!', Default, Default, 'Achtung!', $TIP_WARNINGICON, $TIP_BALLOON)
AdlibRegister('_CloseToolTip', 3000)
Return 0
Case $HTTOPRIGHT ; waehrend des Tests einen Klick auf das Schliessen-Symbol als Teststop werten
If $g_bRun Then
Return 0
Func _CloseToolTip()
Func _WM_COMMAND($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam)
#forceref $hWnd, $Msg, $lParam
Local $iIDFrom, $iCode
$iIDFrom = _WinAPI_LoWord($wParam)
$iCode = _WinAPI_HiWord($wParam)
Switch $iIDFrom
Case $idTestSpaceInp
Switch $iCode
GUICtrlSetState($idTestSpaceSel, $GUI_CHECKED)
EndFunc ;==>_WM_COMMAND
Func _WM_DEVICECHANGE($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam)
#forceref $hWnd, $Msg, $lParam
Switch $wParam
$tDEV_BROADCAST_HDR = DllStructCreate($tagDEV_BROADCAST_HDR, $lParam)
Switch DllStructGetData($tDEV_BROADCAST_HDR, 'dbch_devicetype')
$iBitmask = DllStructGetData($tDEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME, 'dbcv_unitmask')
$sDrive = _BitMaskToDriveLetter($iBitmask)
GUICtrlSetData($idFlashDrive, '')
GUICtrlSetData($idFlashDrive, _ReadFlashDrives())
$tDEV_BROADCAST_HDR = DllStructCreate($tagDEV_BROADCAST_HDR, $lParam)
Switch DllStructGetData($tDEV_BROADCAST_HDR, 'dbch_devicetype')
$iBitmask = DllStructGetData($tDEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME, 'dbcv_unitmask')
$sDrive = _BitMaskToDriveLetter($iBitmask)
GUICtrlSetData($idFlashDrive, '')
GUICtrlSetData($idFlashDrive, _ReadFlashDrives())
If DriveStatus($g_sFlashDrive) <> 'READY' Then
$g_sFlashDrive = ''
GUICtrlSetState($idTestStartRW, $GUI_DISABLE)
_CtrlSetState($idTestSpaceAll, $idTestSpaceLabel, $GUI_DISABLE)
GUICtrlSetData($idDriveLabel, '')
GUICtrlSetData($idDriveTyp, '')
GUICtrlSetData($idFileSystem, '')
GUICtrlSetData($idDriveSpace, '')
GUICtrlSetData($idBusTyp, '')
Func _BitMaskToDriveLetter($iBitmask)
For $i = 0 To 25
If BitAND($iBitmask, 2 ^ $i) Then Return Chr(97 + $i) & ':'
EndFunc ;==>_BitMaskToDriveLetter
Alles anzeigen
This code requires a non-standard UDF to run. So you might wanna post that too.
It needs another code Named : MailSlot.au3
the code here :
; MailSlot.au3
;.......script written by trancexx (trancexx at yahoo dot com)
Available functions:
; #FUNCTION# ;===============================================================================
; Name...........: _MailSlotCheckForNextMessage
; Description ...: Checks for presence of a new message.
; Syntax.........: _MailSlotCheckForNextMessage ($hMailSlot)
; Parameters ....: $hMailSlot - Mailslot handle
; Return values .: Success - Returns 0 if there is no message or the size of a new message in bytes if there is one
; - Sets @error to 0
; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error:
; |1 - GetMailslotInfo function or call to it failed.
; Author ........: trancexx
; Modified.......:
; Link ..........; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa365435(VS.85).aspx
Func _MailSlotCheckForNextMessage($hMailSlot)
Local $aCall = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "GetMailslotInfo", _
"ptr", $hMailSlot, _
"dword*", 0, _
"dword*", 0, _
"dword*", 0, _
"dword*", 0)
If @error Or Not $aCall[0] Then
Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
If $aCall[3] = -1 Or Not $aCall[4] Then
Return 0
Return $aCall[3]
EndFunc ;==>_MailSlotCheckForNextMessage
; #FUNCTION# ;===============================================================================
; Name...........: _MailSlotClose
; Description ...: Closes mailslot.
; Syntax.........: _MailSlotClose ($hMailSlot)
; Parameters ....: $hMailSlot - Mailslot handle
; Return values .: Success - Returns 1
; - Sets @error to 0
; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error:
; |1 - CloseHandle function or call to it failed.
; Author ........: trancexx
; Modified.......:
; Link ..........; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms724211(VS.85).aspx
Func _MailSlotClose($hMailSlot)
Local $aCall = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "CloseHandle", "ptr", $hMailSlot)
If @error Or Not $aCall[0] Then
Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
Return 1
EndFunc ;==>_MailSlotClose
; #FUNCTION# ;===============================================================================
; Name...........: _MailSlotCreate
; Description ...: Creates a mailslot with the specified name.
; Syntax.........: _MailSlotCreate ($sMailSlotName [,$iSize [, $iTimeOut [, $pSecurityAttributes])
; Parameters ....: $sMailSlotName - The name of the mailslot
; $iSize - The maximum size of a single message that can be written to the mailslot, in bytes. 0 means any size.
; $iTimeOut - The time a read operation can wait for a message to be written to the mailslot before a time-out occurs, in milliseconds.
; Can be 0 - returns immediately if no message is present
; -1 (minus one) - waits forever for a message
; $pSecurityAttributes - A pointer to a SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure. 0 means the handle cannot be inherited.
; Return values .: Success - Returns a handle that a mailslot server can use to perform operations on the mailslot
; - Sets @error to 0
; Failure - Returns -1 and sets @error:
; |1 - CreateMailslotW function or call to it failed.
; Author ........: trancexx
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......: Mailslot name must have the following form and must be unique: \\.\mailslot\[path]name
; The name may include multiple levels of pseudo directories separated by backslashes.
; For example \\.\mailslot\abc\def\ghi is valid name too.
; Link ..........; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa365147(VS.85).aspx
Func _MailSlotCreate($sMailSlotName, $iSize = 0, $iTimeOut = 0, $pSecurityAttributes = 0)
Local $aCall = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "ptr", "CreateMailslotW", _
"wstr", $sMailSlotName, _
"dword", $iSize, _
"dword", $iTimeOut, _
"ptr", $pSecurityAttributes)
If @error Or $aCall[0] = -1 Then
Return SetError(1, 0, -1)
Return $aCall[0]
EndFunc ;==>_MailSlotCreate
; #FUNCTION# ;===============================================================================
; Name...........: _MailSlotGetMessageCount
; Description ...: Retrieves the number of messages in the mailslot.
; Syntax.........: _MailSlotGetMessageCount ($hMailSlot)
; Parameters ....: $hMailSlot - Mailslot handle
; Return values .: Success - Returns the number of the messages in the mailslot waiting to be read.
; - Sets @error to 0
; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error:
; |1 - GetMailslotInfo function or call to it failed.
; Author ........: trancexx
; Modified.......:
; Link ..........; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa365435(VS.85).aspx
Func _MailSlotGetMessageCount($hMailSlot)
Local $aCall = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "GetMailslotInfo", _
"ptr", $hMailSlot, _
"dword*", 0, _
"dword*", 0, _
"dword*", 0, _
"dword*", 0)
If @error Or Not $aCall[0] Then
Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
If $aCall[3] = -1 Then
Return 0
Return $aCall[4]
EndFunc ;==>_MailSlotGetMessageCount
; #FUNCTION# ;===============================================================================
; Name...........: _MailSlotGetTimeout
; Description ...: Gets the time-out value used by the specified mailslot for a read operation.
; Syntax.........: _MailSlotGetTimeout ($hMailSlot)
; Parameters ....: $hMailSlot - Mailslot handle
; Return values .: Success - Returns integer value representing the time a read operation can wait for a message to be written to the mailslot before a time-out occurs, in milliseconds.
; - Sets @error to 0
; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error:
; |1 - GetMailslotInfo function or call to it failed.
; Author ........: trancexx
; Modified.......:
; Link ..........; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa365435(VS.85).aspx
Func _MailSlotGetTimeout($hMailSlot)
Local $aCall = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "GetMailslotInfo", _
"ptr", $hMailSlot, _
"dword*", 0, _
"dword*", 0, _
"dword*", 0, _
"int*", 0)
If @error Or Not $aCall[0] Then
Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
Return $aCall[5]
EndFunc ;==>_MailSlotGetTimeout
; #FUNCTION# ;===============================================================================
; Name...........: _MailSlotSetTimeout
; Description ...: Sets the time-out value used by the specified mailslot for a read operation.
; Syntax.........: _MailSlotSetTimeout ($hMailSlot, $iTimeout)
; Parameters ....: $hMailSlot - Mailslot handle
; $iTimeout - The time a read operation can wait for a message to be written to the mailslot before a time-out occurs, in milliseconds.
; -1 (minus one) means for function to wait forever for a message.
; 0 (zero) mans to return immediately if no message is present
; Return values .: Success - Returns 1.
; - Sets @error to 0
; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error:
; |1 - SetMailslotInfo function or call to it failed.
; Author ........: trancexx
; Modified.......:
; Link ..........; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa365786(VS.85).aspx
Func _MailSlotSetTimeout($hMailSlot, $iTimeOut)
Local $aCall = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "SetMailslotInfo", _
"ptr", $hMailSlot, _
"dword", $iTimeOut)
If @error Or Not $aCall[0] Then
Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
Return 1
EndFunc ;==>_MailSlotSetTimeout
; #FUNCTION# ;===============================================================================
; Name...........: _MailSlotRead
; Description ...: Reads messages from the specified mailslot.
; Syntax.........: _MailSlotRead ($hMailSlot , $iSize [, $iMode])
; Parameters ....: $hMailSlot - Mailslot handle
; $iSize - The number of bytes to read.
; $iMode - Reading mode.
; Can be: 0 - read binary
; 1 - read ANSI
; 2 - read UTF8
; Return values .: Success - Returns read data
; - Sets @extended to number of read bytes
; - Sets @error to 0
; Special: Sets @error to -1 if specified buffer to read to is too small.
; Failure - Returns empty string and sets @error:
; |1 - DllCall() to ReadFile failed.
; |2 - GetLastError function or call to it failed.
; |3 - ReadFile function failed. @extended will be set to the return value of the GetLastError function.
; Author ........: trancexx
; Modified.......:
; Link ..........; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa365467(VS.85).aspx
; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms679360(VS.85).aspx
Func _MailSlotRead($hMailSlot, $iSize, $iMode = 0)
Local $tDataBuffer = DllStructCreate("byte[" & $iSize & "]")
Local $aCall = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "ReadFile", _
"ptr", $hMailSlot, _
"ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tDataBuffer), _
"dword", $iSize, _
"dword*", 0, _
"ptr", 0)
If @error Then
Return SetError(1, 0, "")
If Not $aCall[0] Then
Local $aLastErrorCall = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "GetLastError")
If @error Then
Return SetError(2, 0, "")
If $aLastErrorCall[0] = 122 Then ; ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER
Return SetError(-1, 0, "")
Return SetError(3, $aLastErrorCall[0], "")
Local $vOut
Switch $iMode
Case 1
$vOut = BinaryToString(DllStructGetData($tDataBuffer, 1))
Case 2
$vOut = BinaryToString(DllStructGetData($tDataBuffer, 1), 4)
Case Else
$vOut = DllStructGetData($tDataBuffer, 1)
Return SetError(0, $aCall[4], $vOut)
EndFunc ;==>_MailSlotRead
; #FUNCTION# ;===============================================================================
; Name...........: _MailSlotWrite
; Description ...: Writes message to the specified mailslot.
; Syntax.........: _MailSlotWrite ($sMailSlotName , $vData [, $iMode])
; Parameters ....: $hMailSlot - Mailslot name
; $vData - Data to write.
; $iMode - Writing mode.
; Can be: 0 - write binary
; 1 - write ANSI
; 2 - write UTF8
; Return values .: Success - Returns the number of written bytes
; - Sets @error to 0
; Failure - Returns empty string and sets @error:
; |1 - CreateFileW function or call to it failed.
; |2 - WriteFile function or call to it failed.
; |3 - Opened mail slot handle could not be closed.
; |4 - WriteFile function or call to it failed and additionally opened mail slot handle could not be closed.
; Author ........: trancexx
; Modified.......:
; Link ..........; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa363858(VS.85).aspx
; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa365747(VS.85).aspx
; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms724211(VS.85).aspx
Func _MailSlotWrite($sMailSlotName, $vData, $iMode = 0)
Local $aCall = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "ptr", "CreateFileW", _
"wstr", $sMailSlotName, _
"dword", 0x40000000, _ ; GENERIC_WRITE
"dword", 1, _ ; FILE_SHARE_READ
"ptr", 0, _
"dword", 3, _ ; OPEN_EXISTING
"dword", 0, _ ; SECURITY_ANONYMOUS
"ptr", 0)
If @error Or $aCall[0] = -1 Then
Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
Local $hMailSlotHandle = $aCall[0]
Local $bData
Switch $iMode
Case 1
$bData = StringToBinary($vData, 1)
Case 2
$bData = StringToBinary($vData, 4)
Case Else
$bData = $vData
Local $iBufferSize = BinaryLen($bData)
Local $tDataBuffer = DllStructCreate("byte[" & $iBufferSize & "]")
DllStructSetData($tDataBuffer, 1, $bData)
$aCall = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "WriteFile", _
"ptr", $hMailSlotHandle, _
"ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tDataBuffer), _
"dword", $iBufferSize, _
"dword*", 0, _
"ptr", 0)
If @error Or Not $aCall[0] Then
$aCall = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "CloseHandle", "ptr", $hMailSlotHandle)
If @error Or Not $aCall[0] Then
Return SetError(4, 0, 0)
Return SetError(2, 0, 0)
Local $iOut = $aCall[4]
$aCall = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "CloseHandle", "ptr", $hMailSlotHandle)
If @error Or Not $aCall[0] Then
Return SetError(3, 0, $iOut)
Return $iOut
EndFunc ;==>_MailSlotWrite
Alles anzeigen
So if I understand this correctly you want to have the caption of the USB drive next to the drive letter in the combobox?
So if I understand this correctly you want to have the caption of the USB drive next to the drive letter in the combobox?
Yes my Dear . this is what i need
Thanks in advance