- Offizieller Beitrag
Der Blockkommentar (intern: box comment) in SciTE kann leider nicht getoggled werden.
Ich habe jetzt ein Skript erstellt, dass Abhilfe schafft. Es funktioniert mit jedem Dateityp, für den die entsprechenden Einträge in den Properties erstellt wurden.
# 23 Toggle Block Comment **** freie Nummer suchen
command.name.23.*=Toggle Block Comment
command.23.*=dofile $(Lua.User.Scripts.Path)/blockcomment.lua **** hier der Speicherpfad, wenn in Windowsnotation: doppelte Backslash!!
command.shortcut.23.*=Ctrl+Shift+Q **** einen freien Hotkey eintragen oder den originalen (Ctrl+Shift+Q) dafür nutzen
Ich schreibe neue EDITs jetzt mal an vorderer Position, muss man nicht erst alles alte durchwühlen.
EDIT v0.10
Habe noch einen Fehler entfernt: Wenn die letzte markierte Zeile mit Text gleichzeitig die letzte Zeile im Editor ist, wurde comment.end hinter diese Zeile statt in eine neu gesetzt. Dadurch wurde beim Toggle die kpl. Zeile statt nur das comment.end gelöscht.
EDIT v0.9
Nun habe ich mich nochmals rangesetzt und einiges wieder geändert. Die Funktionsweise ist nun m.M. nach klarer.
Entfernen Kommentarblock
Keine Markierung erforderlich!
Es muss ein Kommentarblock nahe der Cursorposition existieren (Cursor innerhalb der .start Zeile oder darüber).
Das Skript erkennt automatisch "comment.box.start" und das zugehörige "comment.box.end" (auch bei Verschachtelung) und arbeitet bis zu dieser Zeile.
Setzen Kommentarblock
- Text muss markiert sein (minimal ein Zeichen)
- Beginnt und/oder endet die Markierung innerhalb einer Zeile, wird die Markierung auf die gesamte Zeile erweitert.
- Endet die Markierung in einer Zeile mit Text, aber am Beginn der Zeile, wird diese Zeile ignoriert (nicht in den Kommentarblock übernommen)!
- Führende und folgende Leerzeilen innerhalb der Markierung werden ignoriert (sie bleiben außerhalb des Kommentarblocks)!
Alles anzeigen
Man kann also recht zügig und ohne genau auf die Position der Markierung zu achten seinen Bereich auswählen.
Im Skriptkopf findet ihr ein Bsp., wie das aussieht:
-- TIME_STAMP 2021-04-14 17:56:37 v 0.10
--[[ Toggle Block Comments ©BugFix ( autoit[at]bug-fix.info )
For toggeling its required to detect, what the user want to do.
Rules for detection:
- NEW:
There must exist an comment block near the cursor position (cursor inside the .start line or above).
The script detects automatically the "comment.box.start" and the corresponding "comment.box.end" (also if nested) and works until this line.
- Some text must selected (at minimum one character)
- Starts and/or ends the selection inside of a line, the selection will expanded to full line.
- Ends the selection in a line with text, but at line start position so will this line ignored!
- Leading and trailing empty lines in selection will ignored!
It is recommended to write all block comment settings into SciTEUser.properties.
The setting "comment.box.end.au3" from "au3.properties" is wrong and must be corrected.
#~ If you want characters or tab in each line of comment block (middle lines), define it here.
#~ If TAB should used as box.middle, set it so: comment.box.middle.au3=@Tab
#~ "@Tab" is replaced by a tabulator by the script.
additional [optional] property:
#~ message for comment block set or unset - output/none (1/0), default=0 (none output)
#~ e.g.: "++ COMMENT BLOCK - UNSET [line 103-106]"
#~ SET : current line numbers of commented text including the lines with .start .end
#~ UNSET: current line number(s) of text that was commented
Example with AutoIt comment:
"SelectionStart" = [S] "SelectionEnd" = [E]
selection: or or
1 [S]line with some text[E] 1 [S] 1 lin[S]e with some text[E]
2 line with some text[E]
or or or
1 [S] 1 [S]line with some text 1 [S]
2 line with some text 2 [E] 2 line with so[E]me text
3 [E]
or or
1 [S] 1 [S]
... empty lines 2 line with some text
5 ... empty lines
6 line with some text 6
7 [E] 7 [E]
result for all:
1 #cs
2 line with some text
3 #ce
--[[ History
v 0.10
- fixed: If last selected line is also last line in editor, the comment.end was set in this line and so was this line deleted if has toggled.
v 0.9
- removed: comment.box.ignore.empty.before/after - was not very usefull
- added: detection (and excluding) of leading and/or trailing empty lines in selection
v 0.8
- fixed: Problem with selection starts/ends in the middle of a line or ends at the first position of the line with text
v 0.7
- added: Automatic detection for comment blocks, NO SELECTION REQUIRED to unset a comment block
- added: properties
comment.box.ignore.empty.before: if first selected line is empty -- don't include in comment block
comment.box.ignore.empty.after: if last selected line is empty -- don't include in comment block
comment.box.output: if "1" -- write result of proceeding to console, default is "0"
- changed: minimum required selection to start block comment: 1 character
v 0.6
- fixed: if selection for uncommenting is wrong, leading/trailing empty line will removed
v 0.5
- fixed: the trailing line break from comment.end while uncommenting will not removed
v 0.4
- added: detection for uncommenting if selection is wrong (starts/ends in empty line)
v 0.3
- project new designed (object syntax)
v 0.2
- fixed: missed adding of middle marker in first line
local BlockComment = {
-- variables
ext, -- file extension
boxStart, -- property: comment.box.start
boxMiddle, -- property: comment.box.middle
boxEnd, -- property: comment.box.end
bMiddle, -- bool: boxMiddle is defined
lenEOL, -- length of line break character(s) from file in editor
eol, -- the end of line character(s) in this file
msg = {}, -- store line numbers (start, end) for proceeding message
selS = {}, -- selection start
selE = {}, -- selection end
-- selection table fields:
-- .pos, -- selection position
-- .line, -- selection line number
newText, -- the text that replaces the selection
-- initialize variables
Init = function(self)
self.ext = props["FileExt"]
self.boxStart = props["comment.box.start."..self.ext]
self.boxMiddle = props["comment.box.middle."..self.ext]
self.bMiddle = not (self.boxMiddle == "")
self.boxEnd = props["comment.box.end."..self.ext]
if self.boxMiddle == "@Tab" then self.boxMiddle = "\t" end
self.selS = self:SelLineData(editor.SelectionStart)
self.selE = self:SelLineData(editor.SelectionEnd)
self.lenEOL = self:GetEOL()
self.eol = "\n"
if self.lenEOL == 2 then self.eol = "\r\n" end
self.newText = ""
-- stores #pos and #line from selection position
SelLineData = function(self, _selPos) -- _selPos: editor.SelectionStart or editor.SelectionEnd
local t = {}
t.pos = _selPos
t.line = editor:LineFromPosition(t.pos)
return t
-- returns position from start and end (behind last visible char) of a line
LineStartEndPos = function(self, _line)
local startP = editor:PositionFromLine(_line)
local endP = editor.LineEndPosition[_line]
return startP, endP
-- returns the length of EOL (default) or with "_getMode=true": LF/CRLF
-- asking the property "eol.mode.type" is not safe, maybe not set and the global value may differ from the file in the editor
GetEOL = function(self, _getMode)
-- It is possible that another program makes entries (e.g.: version number) at the beginning of the file..
-- ..with a different EOL mode, therefore the second last line (last line with line break) of the file is checked.
local l = editor.LineCount -2
local lenEOL
if l < 0 then -- the eol.mode from properties will used instead (but not sure, if exists)
local mode = props["eol.mode."..self.ext] -- mode for file type (if declared)
if mode == "" then mode = props["eol.mode"] end -- otherwise the global mode
if mode == "LF" then lenEOL = 1 else lenEOL = 2 end
local textEnd = editor.LineEndPosition[l] -- pos after last visible character
local posLineStart = editor:PositionFromLine(l) -- first pos in line
local textLen = textEnd - posLineStart -- pure text length
local len = editor:LineLength(l) -- length of line including the line break characters
lenEOL = len - textLen -- length of line line break characters
if _getMode then
if lenEOL == 1 then return "LF" else return "CRLF" end
return lenEOL
-- detects if is/not selection
IsSelection = function(self)
return (self.selS.pos ~= self.selE.pos)
-- mask magic characters
MaskMagic = function(self, _s)
if _s == nil then return "" end
return _s:gsub('([%(%)%.%%%+%-%*%?%[%^%$])', '%%%1')
-- checks if line is empty (has only a line break)
LineIsEmpty = function(self, _line) -- _line: number or text from "editor:GetLine"
if type(_line) == "string" then return (_line:len() == self.lenEOL) end
if _line == nil then return true end
local len = editor:LineLength(_line)
return (len <= self.lenEOL)
-- checks if line starts with/has box.start
-- detects it also, if nested and middle marker(s) before the start marker
LineHasStart = function(self, _line)
if self:LineIsEmpty(_line) then return false end
if type(_line) == "number" then _line = editor:GetLine(_line) end
local pattern
if self.boxMiddle == '' then pattern = self:MaskMagic(self.boxStart)
else pattern = self:MaskMagic(self.boxMiddle)..'*'..self:MaskMagic(self.boxStart) end
local n = _line:find(pattern)
return (n ~= nil)
-- checks if line starts with/has box.end
-- detects it also if nested, and middle marker(s) before the end marker
LineHasEnd = function(self, _line)
if self:LineIsEmpty(_line) then return false end
if type(_line) == "number" then _line = editor:GetLine(_line) end
local pattern
if self.boxMiddle == '' then pattern = self:MaskMagic(self.boxEnd)
else pattern = self:MaskMagic(self.boxMiddle)..'*'..self:MaskMagic(self.boxEnd) end
local n = _line:find(pattern)
return (n ~= nil)
-- remove middle marker/add line
UncommentMiddleLine = function(self, _bMiddle, _text)
if _bMiddle then self.newText = self.newText.._text:gsub("^("..self:MaskMagic(self.boxMiddle)..")", "")
else self.newText = self.newText.._text end
-- checks if passed line is last line in editor AND selection ends not at line start position
IsLastLine = function(self, _line)
return (editor.LineCount == (_line + 1)) and (editor:PositionFromLine(_line) ~= self.selE.pos)
-- the ternary operator
ternary = function(self, _condition, _ifTrue, _ifFalse)
if _condition == true then return _ifTrue
else return _ifFalse end
-- creates the text to toggle and replace the selection with it
Toggle = function(self)
local firstVisibleLine = editor.FirstVisibleLine
local countNesting, bStart, nStart, text, nLine, replS, replE = 0, false, -1
local lineStart, lineEnd, bLastLine
local sStart, sEnd = self:MaskMagic(self.boxStart), self:MaskMagic(self.boxEnd)
local sMiddle = self:MaskMagic(self.boxMiddle)
local bUsedMiddle = false -- (for uncommenting) check if first line after comment.start, starts with comment.box.middle marker
local insertMiddle = ""
if self.bMiddle then insertMiddle = self.boxMiddle end
-- error check
if self.boxStart == "" or self.boxEnd == "" then
return print("! ERROR - The comment.box properties for *."..self.ext.." files are missing or incomplete.") end
-- check for set comment block
if (not self:IsSelection()) then -- none selection - means: Unset CommentBlock
-- start unset
self.msg.action = 'COMMENT BLOCK - UNSET'
nLine = self.selS.line
while nLine < editor.LineCount do
text = editor:GetLine(nLine) -- line with eol
if (not bStart) and self:LineHasStart(text) then -- first line with comment.box.start
bStart = true
self.msg.starts = nLine
nStart = nLine
replS = editor:PositionFromLine(nLine) -- save the start position for replacing
if nLine == nStart +1 then -- first line after comment.box.start
if self.bMiddle then -- check if comment.box.middle is used, if defined
local n = text:find(sMiddle)
if n == 1 then bUsedMiddle = true end -- true, if starts with it
if self:LineIsEmpty(text) then -- do nothing with empty lines, add them only if start was detected before
if bStart then self.newText = self.newText..text end -- text is only a line break
if self:LineHasEnd(text) then -- the box.end or a nested box.end
countNesting = countNesting -1 -- decrease nesting counter
if countNesting == 0 then -- it's the corresponding end position
self.newText = self.newText:sub(1, -(self.lenEOL +1)) -- ignore text from this line and delete line break from stored line before
replE = editor.LineEndPosition[nLine] -- save the end position (w.o. line break) for replacing
self.msg.ends = nLine -2
break -- leave the loop
else -- will be treated as middle line (it's a nested comment.box.end)
self:UncommentMiddleLine(bUsedMiddle, text)
elseif self:LineHasStart(text) then
countNesting = countNesting +1 -- increase nesting counter
-- countNesting == 1 it's the real start of block comment --> ignore this line
if countNesting > 1 then self:UncommentMiddleLine(bUsedMiddle, text) end -- treat it like a middle line
else -- all other cases are middle lines but if not start was detected - ignore this line
if bStart then self:UncommentMiddleLine(bUsedMiddle, text) end
nLine = nLine +1
if (not bStart) then
return print("! ERROR - None comment block starts near the cursor.") -- text near Cursor isn't comment block start marker
-- set comment block
self.msg.action = 'COMMENT BLOCK - SET'
if self.selS.line == self.selE.line then -- selection is in one line
text = editor:GetLine(self.selS.line)
lineStart = editor:PositionFromLine(self.selS.line)
lineEnd = editor.LineEndPosition[self.selS.line] + self.lenEOL
editor:SetSel(lineStart, lineEnd) -- select all text in line
bLastLine = self:IsLastLine(self.selE.line)
if bLastLine then self.boxEnd = self.eol..self.boxEnd end
self.newText = self.boxStart..self.eol..insertMiddle..text..self.boxEnd..self:ternary(bLastLine, '', self.eol)
self.msg.starts = self.selS.line
self.msg.ends = self.selS.line +2
-- as 1.: find the last line with text in selection, possibly blank lines are selected at the end
local iLineLastText = -1
for i = self.selE.line, self.selS.line, -1 do
if (not self:LineIsEmpty(i)) then
iLineLastText = i
-- none text selected
if iLineLastText == -1 then return print("! ERROR - Only empty lines selected.") end
if iLineLastText ~= self.selE.line then
self.selE.line = iLineLastText
self.selE.pos = editor.LineEndPosition[self.selE.line]
bLastLine = self:IsLastLine(self.selE.line)
if bLastLine then self.boxEnd = self.eol..self.boxEnd end
for i = self.selS.line, self.selE.line do
text = editor:GetLine(i)
if i == self.selS.line then -- selection start line
if (not self:LineIsEmpty(text)) then
lineStart = editor:PositionFromLine(self.selS.line)
if lineStart ~= self.selS.pos then
self.selS.pos = lineStart
editor:SetSel(self.selS.pos, self.selE.pos)
self.newText = self.boxStart..self.eol..insertMiddle..text
self.msg.starts = i
-- start line is empty - do nothing
elseif i == self.selE.line then -- selection end line
if self.newText == "" then -- the last line is the 1st line with text in selection
self.newText = self.boxStart..self.eol
self.selS.pos = editor:PositionFromLine(i)
self.msg.starts = i
lineStart = editor:PositionFromLine(i)
lineEnd = editor.LineEndPosition[i]
if lineStart == self.selE.pos then -- selection ends at line start position
self.newText = self.newText..self.boxEnd..self.eol -- ignore this line
self.msg.ends = i +2
if lineEnd == self.selE.pos then -- selection ends behind last visible char
self.newText = self.newText..insertMiddle..text..self.boxEnd -- without EOL
self.msg.ends = i +2
if lineEnd > self.selE.pos then -- selection ends inside the line, line will used
self.selE.pos = lineEnd + self.lenEOL -- set selE.pos to line end for correct replacing
self.newText = self.newText..insertMiddle..text..self.boxEnd..self:ternary(bLastLine, '', self.eol)
self.msg.ends = i +2
else -- middle lines
if (not self:LineIsEmpty(i)) and self.newText == "" then -- may be only empty lines in selection before
self.newText = self.boxStart..self.eol
self.selS.pos = editor:PositionFromLine(i)
self.msg.starts = i
if self.newText ~= "" then self.newText = self.newText..insertMiddle..text end
editor:SetSel(self.selS.pos, self.selE.pos)
-- replace the selection with the new toggled text
if bStart then editor:SetSel(replS, replE) end -- for uncommenting exists none selection - do it here
editor:ReplaceSel(self.newText) -- replace the next
editor:SetSel(self.selS.pos,self.selS.pos) -- set the cursor to start position
editor.FirstVisibleLine = firstVisibleLine -- make the first visible line visible again
if props["comment.box.output"] == "1" then
print(string.format('++ %s [line %d-%d]', self.msg.action, self.msg.starts +1, self.msg.ends +1))
Alles anzeigen
Viel Spaß damit.
---------------------------------- alte Versionen -------------------------------
EDIT v0.4
Ich habe die Funktion nochmal gründlich überarbeitet und aufgehübscht. Jetzt wird eine leere Zeile vor/nach einer Blockmarkierung ignoriert und sauber umgeswitcht.
Damit die Funktion automatisch das tut, was der User will, muss erkannt werden, ob bereits eine Blockmarkierung vorliegt oder nicht, bzw. ob der markierte Bereich mit einer Blockmarkierung beginnt (verschachtelte Blöcke sind ja möglich). Es gelten folgende Erkennungsregeln: s. v0.7
Markierung startet in einer Leerzeile (nur Zeilenumbruch) und die Folgezeile beginnt mit comment.box.start ==> Blockkommentar aufheben
anderenfalls ==> Blockkommentar setzenMarkierung startet in einer Zeile mit Text, die Zeile beginnt mit comment.box.start ==> Blockkommentar aufheben
anderenfalls ==> Blockkommentar setzenMarkierung endet in einer Leerzeile und die vorletzte Zeile der Markierung beginnt mit comment.box.end ==> beide Zeilen sind Teil des Kommentarblockes und werden gelöschtMarkierung endet in einer Zeile, die mit comment.box.end beginnt ==> Zeile wird gelöschtEs müssen mindestens zwei Zeilen markiert werden
EDIT v0.5
Jetzt ist auch der überschüssige Zeilenumbruch nach dem Zurücksetzen der Blockmarkierung eliminiert.
EDIT v0.6
Wenn zum Entkommentieren falsch markiert wird (leere Zeile vor/nach Kommentarblock in der Markierung) wurden diese Zeilen bisher mit gelöscht. --> gefixed.
EDIT v0.7
- NEU!! Zum Aufheben eines Kommentarblocks ist keinerlei Markierung notwendig! Einfach den Cursor in eine beliebige Zeile oberhalb des Kommentarblocks (oder dessen Startzeile) setzen und Hotkey ausführen. Vom ersten gefundenen Kommentar.Start bis zum korrespondierenden Kommentar.End wird der Blockkommentar aufgehoben.
- Um einen Kommentarblock zu setzen muß mindestens 1 Zeichen markiert werden.
- Optionale Properties:
comment.box.ignore.empty.before / comment.box.ignore.empty.after -- Zum Setzen des Kommentarblocks wird geregelt ob eine erste/letzte Leerzeile innerhalb der Markierung mit für den KOmmentar verwendet werden soll oder nicht (Standard: nicht)
comment.box.output -- mit "1" erfolgt eine Konsolenausgabe zur ausgeführten Aktion, z.B. "++ COMMENT BLOCK - UNSET [line 103-106]"
EDIT v0.8
- Start-/Endmarkierung mitten in der jeweiligen Zeile (Zeile gehört zum Block)
- Endmarkierung in nicht leerer Zeile am Anfang (Zeile gehört nicht zum Block)